UCD Search Committee Process - University of Colorado Denver


UCD Search Committee


UC Denver Human Resources

UCD Search Process Training

Did you know?

Board of Regents Law:

It is the charge of the Office of

Human Resources to monitor and review all Faculty, Professional

Exempt, and PRA searches for compliance with the institution’s

Affirmative Action Program.

UCD Search Process Training

Did you know?

HSC searches for the period of August ‘03 – January

‘04 were audited by the Office of Federal Contracts

Compliance Program (OFCCP).

Several areas of deficiencies were identified:

1. Positions not properly posted

2. New hires that did not follow proper posting requirements

3. Not enough recruitment and outreach to veterans

UCD Search Process Training

Did you know?

Failure to comply with federal regulations and guidelines jeopardizes the federal funding (grant funds) received by UC Denver.

UCD Search Process Training

When a search is required

 A search or search waiver is required for all positions.

 ‘Academic progression’ (Instructor to Asst to

Assoc to Professor) does NOT require a search or waiver

 All other promotions DO require search, or request waiver

 Post Docs (1438) are considered training positions and do NOT require searches.

UCD Search Process Training

Steps in the Search/Waiver Process

Search Process Steps

 Create Position

 Search Plan/Posting the Position

Applicant Data/Tracking/Reports


Search Summary - Closing out the search

Final Hiring Steps

Search Waiver Process

UCD Search Process Training

1. Create Position

Department/Unit creates or changes position in PeopleSoft-HRMS, if necessary

(enters REC row)

UCD Search Process Training

1. Create Position – Faculty including


Follow internal process for job description/title approval.

UCD Search Process Training

1. Create Position-Exempt Professional

Department/School or College sends e-mail to

HR.Exempt-Request@ucdenver.edu for approval:

Position description/position number

▪ Organizational chart

▪ Proposed salary range

Coming Soon – Position Management Module!

HR Consultant assigned to serve as a member of the search committee. Be sure to add that person to the committee in Jobs at CU.

UCD Search Process Training

1. Create Position - Exempt Professional

Sample E-Mail




 The attached job description has been reviewed and has been preliminarily exempted from the state personnel system because the position:

 a) Officers and their executive assistants

 b) performs professional work in an academic or academic support work unit

 c) performs professional work and is a principle subordinate to the head of an administrative/academic department or division

 d) is the head of an administrative/academic department

 e) is 100% grant funded

 f) Heads of and professional staff involved in research and grants projects

 The salary range is $.....to $..... This position IS/IS NOT eligible for overtime compensation. Incorporate the salary ranges and the position number into the job description. Please forward the signed copy to me (Box

A005/130) within a week along with an organizational chart. The final, hard copy approval will be returned to you, once Kevin signs it.

 ??? will serve as the search committee member from Human Resources. The HR representative will contact the appointing authority and search chair to provide guidance on committee composition, providing the charge to the committee, and other resources on the search process . Search committee training is available on-line and instructions to access the training are available at http://www.ucdenver.edu/about/departments/HR/FormsTemplatesProcesses/Documents/Word/SearchCommittee



It is recommended that the supervisor and/or hiring authority deliver a charge the committee early in the process, but they are not allowed to actually serve on the committee.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Faculty approval

 Hiring plan submitted to Provost or Dean’s office

 Once hire approved, Dean’s Office reviews job ad

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan/Charge

 Hiring Authority meets with search committee and provides charge. Once committee is charged, job ad is entered into Jobs at CU.

 Guideline for Charge: http://www.ucdenver.edu/about/departments/HR/F ormsTemplatesProcesses/Documents/ChargetoS earchCommittee.pdf

 Supervisor or anyone in the supervisory chain cannot serve on the search committee.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Exempt Professional

 Once ad reviewed by search committee, job ad submitted for approval in Jobs at CU

 Search Committee members must take search committee training. Available on-line in

Blackboard. Recruiting Diverse Faculty –

Search Committee Training

 HR Consultant assigned to the search will review ad

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads

Postings/Ads must include ( see Job Ad Template handout ):

Position title (official and working title)

Full or part-time status

Background Check – note in ad if credit check will be required

Minimum and Preferred Qualifications

Education and Training

Specific skills


University Affirmative Action statement:

“The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.”

Background check statement:

“The University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center requires background investigations for employment.” or

UCD is dedicated to ensuring a safe and secure environment for our faculty, staff, students and visitors. To achieve that goal, we conduct background investigations for all prospective employees


UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads

 If international applicants are expected, seek job posting review from the Office of

International Affairs

 If utilizing letter of recommendation function in Jobs at CU include number of letters you will require and include e-mail language to be forwarded once status is changed to request reference option

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

 Postings/ads must include one of these statements:

Review of applications will begin [month day, year], and continue until position is filled


Application deadline is [month, day, year].

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

Review of applications will begin [month, day, year], and continue until position is filled.

This means the committee may review applications after this date and continue to do so up until hiring decision. Applications received after review date do not have to be reviewed, but if one is reviewed all must be reviewed.

There can be no hire until after this date.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

Application deadline is [month, day, year].

This means that no applications received after this date may be reviewed.

There can be no hire until after this date.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

 Do not advertise anywhere prior to HR Office approval

 Do not say “Open until filled”

 Use only approved ad(s) in all publications and on all websites. You may have more than one version of an ad, but all versions must be pre-approved (attach in Jobs at CU)

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

 For how long must a position be posted?

Rule of thumb: The higher level the position, the longer the posting.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

For how long must a position be posted?


2 – 4 weeks

Faculty (varies based faculty rank/position)

4 – 12 weeks

 Professional Exempt

3 – 8 weeks

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

 Include Benefit statement/salary range information:

Salary range is $ _ to $ _ . OR Salary is commensurate with skills and experience. The University of Colorado offers a full benefits package. Information on University benefits programs, including eligibility, is located at http://www.cu.edu/pbs/

The salary range included in the ad should provide an idea of the value of the job at that time. The budget of the department should be taken into consideration and if the School, College, or department can only afford a certain range that can be included in the ad vs. the full range of the salary.

Sample language: A salary range has been established at ____ and is negotiable commensurate with candidates experience and education. You can add information regarding the benefits available to market the added value of benefits.

UCD Search Process Training

2. Search Plan – Postings/Ads con’t

HR Office places position announcements on required sites:

 Jobs at CU

 Colorado Workforce Center


Silver & Gold Record (small, free ads)

Job ad automatically feed into Inside Higher Ed and

America’s Job Exchange if you select category in Jobs at CU posting.

Dept/Unit places all other ads for a position (e.g., Denver Post, professional journals). These must be indicated in Jobs at CU

(attach short ad).

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicants

 Applicant Definition: A person who submits ALL required information (as stated in job posting) for a

POSTED position.

 Keep applicant data confidential until finalist stage!

 Once person is named as a finalist considered open record

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicants

 Applicant sets up applicant profile in Jobs at

CU. All applicant demographic data

(gender/ethnicity if provided)/search information is documented in Jobs at CU.

 Applicant receives initial acknowledgement email if all required documents are included in

Jobs at CU

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicants – Access to applicants

 Guest User Login is activated in Jobs at CU and shared with the search committee members so they may review applicants in

Jobs at CU at www.jobsatcu.com/hr

 Directions to set up Guest user login available in DRL User’s Guide page 16.

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicants - Status

Person staffing the search updates status of applicants throughout the search process (selected for interview, finalist, not selected/not selected-send e-mail, recommend for hire)

Tip – Jobs at CU provides the functionality to assign multiple applicants the same status in one step. If you want to update multiple statuses you can check the names of the applicants and select the status and all will be updated. Directions are provided in the DRL

User’s Guide on page 23

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicant Reports

Departmental EEO Summary – provides information about the number of applicants for each gender and race; does not identify the applicants

Applicant Status Report – provides applicants’ names, the dates they applied to the posting, current statuses, and all other statuses they have moved through

Applicant List Report – provides the names, contact information, and current statuses of applicants to a posting To determine the diversity of the applicant pool, run report in Jobs at CU. System will provide non-identifying information for those who disclosed.

In active postings click the ‘Get Reports List’ link under the job posting number to view the reports available. Directions for running reports are available in the DRL User’s Guide – page 25

UCD Search Process Training

3. Applicants

 Applicants who request information on EEO and/or ADA issues must be referred to the

EEO/AA Compliance Officer at 303-315-2700.

 Please respond courteously and efficiently to all applicants – you may be their one and only impression of our campus.

UCD Search Process Training

4. Interview/Negotiations

 After conducing screening interviews, search committee selects finalists and forwards to Hiring Authority

 Final interviews conducted by Hiring Authority

 Hiring Authority negotiates with finalists.

Each school has different internal processes for hiring decisions. Some of these processes include Dean and/or

Provost approval.

UCD Search Process Training

5. Search Summary

 To close out the search , Search Summary information is completed by the search committee chair

 Person staffing the search inserts Search Summary information in notes section of job posting in Jobs at

CU and finalist is recommended for hire. Submit to

HR Office for review and approval. Once designated as filled requestor receives approval e-mail

UCD Search Process Training

5. Search Summary Content

 Describe selection process, e.g., criteria used, scoring sheets, number of elimination steps, etc.

Provide clear, specific, and complete information about the process used to identify finalists.

Template available at: http://www.ucdenver.edu/about/departments/HR/FormsTemplatesProcesses/Documents/Word/


UCD Search Process Training

5. Search Summary Content


The search summary should not include names (just number of applicants at each stage).

However, it is okay to include the name of the candidate who is recommended for hire.

Name of Position

Search Summary: The search committee received the charge from Appointing Authority’s

Name on XX/XX/XX . The position was posted at Jobs@CU on XX/XX/XX . We received __ applications within the 3 week posting timeframe. The committee met on XX/XX/XX to select candidates for interviews as well as to create interview questions. The committee used a screening matrix and selected 7 candidates; these candidates met the minimum requirements and preferred qualifications and were invited to interviews on XX/XX/XX . The committee interviewed ____ candidates on XX/XX/XX .

It was determined from the interviews that 3 candidates would be invited back for final interviews with the Appointing Authority on XX/XX/XX .

One of the three candidates dropped out of the pool, ___ remaining candidates went on to the final interview with the Appointing


XXXXX was offered the position by the Appointing Authority and accepted the position. His/her start date is XX/XX/XX.

UCD Search Process Training

5. Search Summary – File


 If all search information is included in Jobs at

CU, destroy all paper copies. If not, materials must be kept for two years from the close of the search. If a search involved a request for permanent residency, the search file must be kept for five years. The Office of International

Affairs will store the file for you for international hires.

UCD Search Process Training

6. Final Hire

 Reference checks are conducted prior to the final hiring decision

(either by the search committee or the hiring authority).

 Hiring department notifies other finalists who are not selected.

 If exempt position, and salary is outside approved range,

Employment Services Director must approve salary.

 When finalist is selected and has verbally accepted position,

Dept/Unit prepares Letter of Offer.

UCD Search Process Training

6. Final Hire

 All prospective employees and current employees seeking promotional opportunities must have a background check. If fiscal responsibility include credit check language in offer letter.

 Submit background check form to HR and include contact information.

 Offer is contingent upon successfully passing the criminal background check and/or credit check.

UCD Search Process Training

6. Final Hire

Prior to the effective date of the appointment, the Chancellor must approve the appointment.

Chancellor approves via Personnel Action

Spreadsheet that is reviewed by HR prior to submission to Chancellor.

UCD Search Process Training

6. Final Hire

Submit electronic spreadsheet of proposed hires to HR for approval by the Chancellor at


along with offer letter

UCD Search Process Training

6. Final Hire

Dept/Unit navigates in PeopleSoft-HR and appoints finalist.

Note: PeopleSoft-HR approval cannot occur until receipt of Chancellor approval via

Personnel Action Spreadsheet.

UCD Search Process Training

Search Waiver Requests

(replaces step 2: Search Plan)

 Search Waiver Reasons

 1. Position is a limited or interim appointment up to 12 months (must terminate or appoint by a search within 12 months).

 2. Qualified candidate is available from previous search. Job descriptions must be similar. Previous searches Job Posting number ____________.

UCD Search Process Training

Search Waiver Requests

 Search Waiver Reasons con’t

 3. Promotion, transfer, or reinstatement of a current or former University of Colorado employee, affiliate employee or state employee.

Explain in Notes/History section.

 4. Spousal Hire. Qualified candidate is spouse of newly hired faculty member or officer. Include letter of offer for newly hired faculty member or officer.

UCD Search Process Training

Search Waiver Requests

 For Faculty, PRA, and Professional Exempt (once creation is approved/salary analysis is complete):

Enter REC row in Jobs at CU (overnight feed)

Prepare brief job posting in Jobs at CU and designate as waiver

Enter waiver reason requested in notes section of Jobs at CU

Submit to HR for review and approval

Initial approval sent via e-mail with quick-link to job posting so candidate can apply in Jobs at CU

Once designated as filled by HR, requestor receives approval e-mail

UCD Search Process Training

Search Waiver Requests

 Do not negotiate or complete Letter of Offer until waiver request has been approved.

UCD Search Process Training


UCD Search Process Training


Human Resources – 1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1050

Main number 303.315.2700


or www.UCDenver.edu/hr

Florie Montoya, Director of Employment Services & Compensation



Department Recruit Liaison’s Guide: https://www.cusys.edu/jobs/downloads/DRL-Training-Guide.pdf

Campus HR User’s Guide: https://www.cusys.edu/jobs/downloads/CampusHR-TrainingGuide.pdf

DRL troubleshooting guide: https://www.cusys.edu/jobs/downloads/DRL-Troubleshooting.pdf

Campus Guest User Guide: https://www.cusys.edu/jobs/downloads/GuestUserTutorial.pdf

UCD Search Process Training
