केन्द्रीय विधालय KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA ____________________________ ____________________________ TENDER INVITATION FORM Ref. No. …………………. Dated………………………. To M/s…………………………….. …………………………….. ………………………………. Subject: Quotation for the supply of…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1. Sealed quotation for the supply of the articles shown in the attached statement are invited by the undersigned up to…………………… P.M. ………………………………..(date). Quotations should be sent under strong sealed cover marked as quotation for the supply of ………………………… and not by name. The quotations will be opened in the office of the undersigned at …………………………… P.M. on ………………………………..(date) 2. The quotations shall be submitted accordingly to the terms & conditions specified in paragraph 3 to 15 unless specified otherwise in the quotations it shall constructed that the terms & conditions stipulated hereunder have been agreed to. 3. The rate should be F.O.R. and should include excise duty, sales tax, freight charges, any other taxes rates of imposition whatever liable in respect of the supplies. The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc which has been expressly stipulated in the quotation in the event of acceptance of the quotation. 4. There should not be any overwriting or corrections in the quotation. If a figure is to be amended, it should be neatly scored out the revised figure written above and the same attested with full signature and date. In the absence of signature the quotation is liable to be rejected. 5. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to accept the quotation in whole or in part i.e. with respect to all articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of anyone more than one articles specifies in the attached statement as he may decide. 6. On acceptance of the quotation it will became a contract and shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the quotation. 7. The person, persons whose quotation is accepted hereinafter, called the contractor, shall deposit an earnest money of 10% alongwith the quotation which shall be refunded in the event of rejection of the quotation. The earnest money will be forfeited in the event of failure to company with the contract. In the event of the quotation, the earnest money will be adjusted towards. Security deposit which shall be payable at the rate mentioned belowSecurity Deposit at 10% If the contractor is not agreeable to pay Security Deposit, the reasons thereof should be specified and the undersigned will reserve the right to accept or reject the request. 8. If the contractor fails to supply the articles within the time stipulated in the letter of acceptance by the undersigned, the undersigned shall be at liberty to purchase the articles from the market or get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the difference of price, if any shall he deducted from the earnest money/security deposit & in case any amount in excess of the security deposit is paid by the undersigned, the contractor shall be liable to pay this amount. 9. The quantity of articles indicated in the attached statement may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the undersigned without assigning any reason. In case and order for any articles is placed for quantity 100 or more one sample shall be retained by the school and no cost will be paid for the same. 10. Prior to acceptance of the quotation, the undersigned reserves the right to call for sample or demonstration and the contractor shall be liable to supply the sample or gave the demonstration free of cost. 11. In the event of acceptance of the quotation and placing of the order for purchase the articles ordered for would be subjected to an inspection by the undersigned or his representative and are liable to the rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approved samples or do not confirm to the specification prescribed. 12. The rates quoted by the contractor shall hold good up to …………………………………..No amendment in the rate except increase in the rate of Sales Tax during the period of the contract, will be accepted. 13. The contractor shall be required to fix a tin label on the furniture supplied by him, giving his name and year of the manufacture. 14. The amount of security deposit shall be retained by the Vidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguard against any defect appearing in the articles supplied within this period. 15. Quotation which do not comply with the above conditions are liable to be rejected. 16. The contractor has to submit income tax clearance certificate before supply of articles or else Income Tax (TDS) as applicable will be deducted from the payment of the bill. PRINCIPAL All the above conditions are acceptance by me/us. Signature of the Tenderer With seal of the firm StationDate: Witness-I NameAddressOccupation- Witness-II NameAddressOccupation- dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:To Regd. / Speed – Post. M/S ……………………………………………………, ………………………………………………………….., ……………………………………………………………,5 Subject :- Payment for the bill regarding ……………………………………….. . Sir / Madam, Please find enclosed herewith CH No. / DD No. ……………………………….. dt. ……………………… on the subject mentioned above for Rs. ………………………….. ( Rs. ……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………..Only.) as given below :1. Total amount of the bill …………………………… Rs. …………………………………. 2. T.D.S. deducted if any …………………………….. Rs. …………………………………. 3. Bank charges ………………………………………… Rs. …………………………………. Net Payment : - Rs. __________________ Please send the acknowledge & stamped receipt for the same. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, ( PRINCIPAL) Enclosure :- As mentioned above. (H.Rahi) STATEMENT OF FIXATION OF PAY UNDER CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICE ( REVISED PAY ) RULES, 2008 1. Name of the Govt. Servant 2. Designation of the post in which pay is to be fixed as on January 1,2006 : …………………………………………………………………….. :……………………………………………………………………… 3. Status ( Substantive / Officiating ) :…………………………………………………………………….. 4. Pre –revised scale(S) of pay applicable for the post ( In case more than one scale of pay is applicable for the post & these have been merged in pursuance of the recommendation of the sixth CPC in a single revised scale, the scale of pay in which the employee was actually drawing his pay should be specified) : ……………………………………………………………………… 5. Existing emoluments as on January , 2006 A) Basic Pay ( including Stagnation Increment, If any ……………………………………………………… B) Dearness Pay : C) Dearness Allowance applicable at AICPA average 536 ( 1982 = 100 ) ………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………….. D) Total existing emoluments ( a to c ) …………………………………………………………………………. 6. Revised pay band & grade …………………………………………………………………………. pay corresponding to the pre-revised scale shown at SI No 4 above ( In case of HAG + and above the appropriate scale may be mentioned ) 7. Pay in the revised pay band / Scale in which pay : ………………………………………………………. is to be fixed as per the fitment table attached at Annx - 1 . 8. Grade pay to be applied in terms of Rule 4 of : …………………………………………………………… CCS (RP) Rules . 2008 9. Stepped up pay with reference jto the revised pay of junior , If applicable ( Notes 7 & 10 below rule 7 (1) of CCS(RP) Rule 08) Name and pay of the junior also to be indicated distinctly. …………………………………………………………… 10. Revised pay with reference to the substantive pay in cases where the pay fixed in the officiating post is lower than the pay fixed in the substantive post , If applicable : ………………………………………………………………. 11. Personal Pay , If any : : ………………………………………………………………. 12. Revised emoluments after fixation : : ……………………………………………………………….. Continue to page – 2 Page – 2 A ) Pay in the revised pay band / Pay Scale : ……………………………………………………………………………. B) Grade Pay : …………………………………………………………………………………………………. C) Special Pay , If admissible D) Personal Pay , If admissible : ……………………………………………………………………………. : : ……………………………………………………………………………… E) Non Practising Allowance , If admissible : …………………………………………………………………………….. 13.Date of next increment and pay after grant of increment : ………………………………………………. Date of Increment ………………………………………. Pay after Increment : 1. Pay in the pay band / Scale : …………………………………… 2. Grade Pay Any other relevant information : Date : …………………………. : ……………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………… _________________________________________ ( Signature & Designation of Head of Office ) ( Prepared & Typed by : H.Rahi) THE SECOND SCHEDULE ( FORM OF OPTIION , SEE RULE ………….. ) ( I ) I ………………………………………………………………................. hereby elect the revised pay structure With effect from 1st January , 2006 . ( ii ) I …………………………………………………………………………… hereby elect to ciontinue on the existing Scale of pay of my substantive / officiating post mentioned below until : The date of my next increment . The date of my subsequent increment raising my pay to Rs. ………………………………. . I vacate or eease to draw pay in the existing scale. The date of my promotion to …………………………………………………………………………. Existing Scale …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………………. Name : ……………………………………………………….. Designation: ………………………………………………. Date : ………………….. Station : ………………………….. Office in which employed………………………………. UNDERTAKING I hereby undertake that any excess payment that may be found to have been made as a result of Incorrect fixation of pay or any excess payment detected in the light of discrepancy noticed subsequently will be refunded by me to the government either adjustment against future payments due to me or otherwise. Signature …………………………………………………. Name : ……………………………………………………….. Designation: ………………………………………………. Date : ………………….. Station : ………………………….. ( Prepared & Typed by : H. Rahi ) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- DETAIL OF BIDDERS Department for which bid has been made:Sr.NO. Name of Bidder 1st Bid _________________________________ 2nd Bid 3rd Bid Members present on time of Bid :1_______________________________ 2. ________________________________ 3_______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5________________________________ 6. _______________________________ PRINCIPAL CHAIRMAN Remarks dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- Minute- Sheet In pursuance of the Article 186 & 187 of the Account Code for the Kendriya Vidyalaya , the condemnation board , committee of Vidyalaya management committee. Kendriya Vidyalaya , 3-BRD , Chandigarh consisting of the following members met in the Vidyalaya on 17 – 7 -2012 . Sr.No. Name Designation of VMC Designation of VEC 1. Gp. Cap. D. Vermaini Nominee Chairman , VMC Chairman of VEC 2. Wg. Comm. A. Kapoor Parent Member Member 3. Fg. Offr. P. Gupta Educationist Member Member 4. JWO Bhogendra Jha Parent Member Member 5. Sh. Yogesh Kalra Teacher Member Member 6. Ms. Sham Chawla Principal Of KV Member Secretary The members of the condemnation board hereby verify each and every article declare that unserviceable and irreparable and also resolve to recommend the condemnation of unserviceable article of the under mentioned section / department of the Vidyalaya. Sr.No. Section / Department 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Furniture SUPW Audio - Visual. Yoga . deptt. Science ( Phy) Year Total amount Of S.F. Total amount Remarks, of any VVN 20917-00 10275 -00 1404 -00 1000 – 00 --------- If 2001,02,03. 9119 -00 1992,96,2000,2001,02, ---------1990 , 91 ----------1998 ----------1987,88,89,90,94,97,98, 19592-00 2000,01,02, 6. Science ( Chem.) 1987,89,94,96,2000,03,05,07 25069 - 00 ----------7. Lib. ( Gifted Books) 1997,2000,02, ----1217 – 00 8. Lib. ( VVN ) 1997,2000,01,02,03,04,05,06, 18260 - 00 20319 – 00 07, G.Total :72040 -00 55132 – 00 It is hereby continued that unserviceable articles of the respective sections have lived their lives and are irreparable. The members of board hereby unanimously resolve and empower the Principal , Kendriya Vidyalaya , Sector:31, Chandigarh to take up the matter with the appropriate authority to write them off, auction them and take them out of the stock of the respective section (s) department (s) and thus reduce their cost from the balance sheet of the Vidyalaya for the financial year observing the relevant rules of KVS. 1…………………………………………………………. 2………………………………………………. 3. …………………………………………… 4……………………………………………………….. 5…………………………………………….. 6…………………………………………….. dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- To The Deputy Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (CR), SCO : 72-73 , Sector : 31 , Chandigarh. Sir, Subject :- Regarding Pre – Audit of TA / DA bill in r/o Mr. / Mrs………………………………………. , Principal. Please find enclose herewith TA / DA bill in r/o Mr./ Mrs. …………………………………… , Principal for pre – audit at your end please. Detail is given under :1. From ………………………………………. To ………………………………… for Rs. …………………………………… 2. From ………………………………………. To ………………………………… for Rs. …………………………………… Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Sham Chawla ) Principal ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- SANCTION - ORDER Sanction is hereby accorded to Smt. Parveen Arora , PRT , who retired on superannuation w.e.f. 31-8-2012 , for leave encashment of 12 days earned leave & 28 days Half pay leave. An amount of Rs. 15504 – 00 for earned leave & Rs. 18087 – 00 for half pay leave. This is based on her leave account in the service – book . To Smt. Parveen Arora , Ex –PRT, K.V. – 3BRD , Chandigarh. ( Sham Chawla ) Principal ( Prepared by : H.Rahi ) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- SANCTION - ORDER Sanction is hereby accorded to Smt. /Sh …………………………. , who retired on superannuation w.e.f. …………….. , for leave encashment of …….. days earned leave & ……. days Half pay leave. An amount of Rs. ………….. for earned leave & Rs. ………… for half pay leave. This is based on her / his leave account in the service – book . To Smt. Parveen Arora , Ex –PRT, K.V. – 3BRD , Chandigarh. ( Sham Chawla ) Principal ( Prepared by : H.Rahi ) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:- To The Security Officer, Air force station , 3-BRD , Chandigarh. Sir / Madam , Subject :- Regarding permission to enter the main gate / AFS Premises on temporary basis. Your goodself is requested to allow Sh. / Smt……………………………….. to enter the main gate / AFS Premises alone / alongwith (below mentioned………………… …………….for ………..days ,as he / She has to …………..…………………………… His / Her address is ………………………………………………………………………….. List of Members :1. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. …………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. …………………………………………………………………………………………… ( Sham Chawla ) Principal ( Counter signed by the security officer ) (Prepared by : H. Rahi) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F-………./KV3BRD/AFS/CHD/13-14/…………… Date:-……………. PERMISSION :RULE 18 (2) IN RESPECT OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTY ( DISPOSE OF OR ADDITIONS & ALTERATION TO A HOSE) ( G.I. Dept. of Per. & Trg. O.M. No. 11013 /11/ 85-Estt.(A) dt. 23-6-1986 ) 1. Name & Designation : ……………………………………………………………… 2. Scale of pay & present pay : ……………………………………………………………… 3. Purpose of application ___ , Sanction for transaction / Prior intimation of transaction . ……………………………………………………………….. 4. Whether property is being acquired or disposed of : ………………………………………………………………. 5. Probable date of acquisition / disposal of property : ………………………………………………………………. 6. Mode of acquisition / disposal ………………………………………………………………. 7. (a) Full details about location , viz. Municipal No. Street / Village / Taluk / District & State in which : Situated. : ……………………………………………………………… : ………………………………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………………. : ………………………………………………………………… (b) Description of the property , in the case of Cultivable land, dry or irrigated land (c) Whether freehold or leasehold (d) Whether the applicant’s interest in the Property is in full or part ( In case of partial interest , the extent of such interest must be indicated ) (e) In case the transaction is not exclusively in the name of the govt. servant, particulars of ownership & share of each member . 8. 9. Sale / purchase price of the property ( MarketValue in the case of gift ) In cases of acquisition , source or sources from : ……………………………………………………………….. : …………………………………………………………………. FORM FOR GIVING PRIOR which financed / proposed to be financed ____ (a) Personal Savings …….. : ……………………………………………………………………. (b) Other sources giving details : 10. In the case of disposal of property , was requisite : / sanction / intimation obtained / given for its Acquisition ( A copy of the sanction / acknowledgement should be attached.) 11. (a) Name & address of the party with whom transaction is proposed to be made : …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….. (b)Is the party related to the applicant . If so, state the relationship . : ……………………………………………………………………………. : ……………………………………………………………………………. (c ) Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time, or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future . (c) How was the transaction arranged , ( Whether through any statutory body or a private agency through advertisement or through friends & relatives. Full particulars to be given.) : 12. In case of acquisition by gift , whether sanction is also required under Rule-13 of the CCS ( Conduct) Rules, 1964 : 13. Any other relevant fact which the applicant may like to mention . : ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. DECLARATION I,………………………………………………………., hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be given permission to acquired / dispose of property as described above from / to the party whose name is mentioned in items 11 above. OR I , …………………………………………………….. hereby intimate the proposed acquisition / disposal of property by me As detailed above. I declare that the particulars given above are true. Station : ……………………………………. Signature : …………………………………….. Date : Designation : …………………………………. ……………………………………. ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KV 3 BRD AFS Chandigarh (Session 2012-13) All the Class Teachers are hereby informed that Fees will be collected / taken on 05-4-13 & 10-4-13 from Primary wing. And on 08-4-13 & 10-4-13 from the Secondary wing . Principal Sr. No. 1 Name of the Employee Sr. No. Name of Employee 4 Mrs. Sulochana Sharma 5 Mrs. Poonam Rampal PGTs 6 7 Mrs. Raminder Pal Kaur Mrs. Surjit Kaur 2 3 Mr. N. A. Khan Mr. YogeshKalra Mr. Manjeet Singh 8 9 10 Mrs. Maya Bagga Mrs. Joginder Kaur Miss. Inder Mohini 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mrs. Renuka Chawla Dr.(Mrs.) Ramesh Dhir Mr. K. K. Jha Mr. S. K. Singh Mrs. PoonamPassi Miss Rajni Verma Mr. Satish Chandra Jha Ms. Swarn Kanta , 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Mrs. Anjali Jetely Ms. Vipula Nanda Ms. Kamaljit Hunjan Mrs.Tamana Sharma Mrs.Meenu Sharma Mrs. Surinder Lamba Mrs. Cheter lekha TGTs 1 2 3 4 2 3 1 Mrs. Sham Chawla, Principal Dr.Kulwant Kaur,VPrincipal Mrs. Updesh Kaur, HM Amount Sign. MISC. Mr. L.S. Jamalta, Yoga Tr. 1 2 3 4 Mrs. Mrs. Ranjit Kaur Saini Mrs. Surjeet Kaur Mrs. Usha Gupta 5 6 7 8 Mrs. Rajinder Kaur Mr. Om Parkash Mrs. Seema Avasthi Mrs. Prem Juneja 6 7 8 9 Mrs. Jaspreet Kaur 1 10 11 12 Mr. Hans Raj Sharma Mrs. Sudershan Bangalia Mrs.Jyoti Tripathi 2 3 13 Mr. Mukesh Kumar 1 Mr. Paramjit Singh 14 15 Mr. Saryog Prakash 2 3 Mr. Gurmail Singh Mr. Chander Singh 16 1 2 3 Mrs.Neelam Gautam Mr. Harshvardhan PRTs Mrs. Parveen Dhawan Mrs. Navinder Uppal Mrs. Manorama Zafar 5 Miss Sonia , Music Tr. Mrs. Indu Bala, Librarian Mr. Sushil Kumar, WET Mr. Anil Kumar Sharma, PET Ms. Jasbeer Kaur, Art OFFICE Mr. HarjeetRahi, Astt. Supdt. Mr. Ram Swaroop, UDC Mrs. Asha Sharma, LDC LAB ATTD. Group ‘D’ 1 2 3 Sh. Ram Bahadur Sh. Suresh Sh. Ram Singh Amount Sign. ( Prepared by H.Rahi) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F........... KV -3BRD / CHD / 2013-14 / ...................... DATED :-...................... TOUR PROGRAMME Onward Journey:Head Quarter / Date of Journey starting Place of Visit Mode of Journey Distance Remarks Place of Visit Mode of Journey Distance Remarks Return Journey:Head Quarter / Date of Journey starting Sir, Please grant / sanctioned me an amount of Rs…………………………………………………… ……………………………… Only ) as advance . In my absence Mr./ Mrs………………………….. Designation ………………. Will look after the day to day work of the Vidyalaya. He/She is fully responsible for the discipline of the Vidyalaya. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, ( Sham Chawla ) Principal Approved / Not – Approved ( CHAIRMAN , VMC , KV-3BRD, CHANDIGARH) ( Prepared by: H. Rahi) INCOME TAX DEDUCTION AT SOURCE PERFORMA FOR the Year ending on 31.03.13 (Financial Year 2012-13 & Assessment Year 2013-14) Name of the employee ________________________________________Designation____________________ Name of the office: Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, 3 BRD, Chandigarh PAN No._____________.________ INCOME PARTICULARS A Salary(including pay, D.P, D.A, Spl Pay, Bonus CCA,HRA & Arrears, Reimbursement of Tuition Fee etc B less income exempt u/s 10 House Rent Allowance Transport Allowance Gross Salary(A-B) C Income from other Sourcea. b. c. d. Interest accrued on NSC/Bank/RD A/c etc Family Pension Examination ship Fees by a teacher/employee Income from sub-letting of House Total Income Less Interest on House Loan u/s 24 Gross Total Income Deduction fully exempted from Income i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) U/S 80 D Medical Insurance Premium(Max Rs. 15,000) U/S 80 DD Medically handicapped dependent 80 G Donation to certain Relief Fund, Charitable Institution etc 80 U Physically handicapped assesses Medical Treatment Under Section 80 DDB (Max Rs. 40,000) Person with disability U/S 80 U (Max Rs. 50,000) Total Income Less deduction for saving U/S 80C(Not exceeding Rs. One lac) & infrastructure Bonds US 80-CCF (Max Rs. 20,000) Taxable Income Calculation of Tax Slab Women/men Upto 2,00,000 Nil 2,00,001 to 5,00,000 10% of Income Exceeding Rs 2,00,000 & up to 5,00,000 5,00,001 to 10,00,000 Rs.30,000 plus 20% of the amount by which the total income exceeds Rs.5,00,000 10,00,000 and above Rs.1,30,000 plus 30% of the amount by which the total income exceeds Rs.10,00,000 Tax due on total Income Education cess @3% Total Tax Tax already paid Tax to be deducted CERTIFICATE I ____________________________________________________ Designation ____________of KV AFS, 3BRD Chandigarh is hereby declare that What is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date __________ Note 1 : Exempted HRA Living in own house or without paying any rent-fully Taxable Living in rented house – Exempted up to least the following Signature of Employee a. b. c. d. Actual HRA received Rent paid – 10% of salary ( including DA) 50% of salary in Bombay, Calcutta Madras and Delhi or 40% in other town and cities Least of above is exempted and balance is taxable and added in salary DEDUCTION FOR SAVING U/S 80-C AMOUNT Subscription to Provident Fund (GPF/CPF) Contribution to New Pension Scheme (limited upto 10% of Salary) under Section 80-CCD Amount deposited in PPF National Saving Certificate LIC/ Unit liked Insurance Plan /PLI Tuition Fees Amount repaid as installment of HB loan from Govt, LIC, Bank ,HDFC or Public Co. or installment paid to govt. or Housing Board for purchase of House under self – finance scheme(exclusive of interest) Actual amount repaid or RS. 20000 Whichever is less Amount invested in equity liked notifies unit of mutual funds Jeevan Suraksha Pension Plan of LIC( Max limit 10000 U/S 80 CCC) TOTAL (Entitle for deduction from Gross Income upto the limit of Rs.1,00,000/- Note :- Deduction US 80-C, 80-CCC& 80-CCD shall not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- DETAILS OF INCOME Month Pay Grade Pay DA HRA Tpt Allow. DA on TPT M.S/ NPS March Paid April, 12 April,12 May,12 June,12 July,12 Aug,12 Sep,12 TotaL GPF/CPF/ NPS Income Tax NET TOTAL Oct,12 Nov,12 Dec,12 Jan,13 Feb,13 Total Any other Income Arrears of D A Adhoc Bonus Children Edn. Allowance Any other Arrear Total Income DEDUCTION ALLOWED Transport Allowance NET TOTAL INCOME STANDARD FORM FOR MAKING PAYMENTS OF CLAIMS OTHER THAN ESTABLISHMENT BILLS. Voucher No……………………… Dated …………………….. cs – 41 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the firm / claimant : ……………………………………………………… Bill / cash Memo No. & Date :………………………………………………………. Purpose of Expenditure : ………………………………………………………. Head to which debitable : ………………………………………………………. Are Funds available : ………………………………………………………. Whether it is within Principal’s power or KVS’s sanction obtained ( In the latter ………………………………………………….. case, mentioned KVS’s sanctioin No.&date ………………………………………………….. 7. For purchases : Has the purchase Procedure been observed , if so,mention (i) Quotation No.& date ……………………………………………………….. (ii) Purchase order No.& date ……………………………………………………….. 8. Has the bill been checked by the teacher -in –charge with reference to the quotation/ purchase order & his certificate to that effect obtained ! : Yes , He / She had also signed on the bill 9. Have the arithmetical calculations been checked by the Supdt. / H.C. / UDC /LDC & his certificate to that effect obtained! : Yes, checked , Sign……………………….. 10.Has the stock certificate been obtained from the stock Holder ! : Yes. 11.For services : Has the work been done satisfactorily & a certificate to the effect obtained from the official –in – charge! : Yes. ( Signature of Principal ) 12.Passed for Rs…………………(Rupees………………………… ………………………………. only) 13.Pay by cash / Cheque : ………………………………………………. 14. Has the voucher been stamped paid & cancelled.! : Yes. ( Signature of Principal) ( Prepared by : H.Rahi) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph.No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F.1-15 KVBRD/AFS/CHD/13-14 Dated:- OFFICE – ORDER The committee of the following staff members is constituted to collect the quotations from the open market for ……………………………………………………………… They will visit the reputed firms / shops and will submit the quotations latest by ………………… and report to the undersigned . Members of the Committee :1. ………………………………………….. 2. ………………………………………….. 3. ………………………………………….. 4. …………………………………………… 5. …………………………………………… ( PRINCIPAL ) Members of VEC 1. ……………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………….. ( PRINCIPAL ) ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph.No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F.1-15 KVBRD/AFS/CHD/13-14 Dated:- dk;ZeqfDr vkns’k@ RELIEVING ORDER v/;kid dk uke @ Name of the employee inlaKk@ Designation fo|ky; dk uke @ Name of the Vidyalaya dk;ZeqfDr dh frfFk ,oa le; @ Date & Time of Relieving From dsUnzh; fo|ky;@LFkku dk uke tgka fjiksVZ dh tkuh gS @ Name of KV/Venue to Report lkSika x;k dk;ZHkkj ,oa dk;ZeqfDr dk m}s’;@ Duty assigned/purpose of relieving vU; funsZ’k @ Any other instructions D;k ;k=k HkRrk ds ik= gSa @ Whether entitled for TA/DA or not izkpk;Z @PRINCIPAL dq0@Jherh@Jh@Km/Smt/Shri …........................................................ izfrfyfi lwpukFkZ@ Copy for information to ………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………….. (Prepared by: H.Rahi) PARTICULARS/CERTIFICATES TO BE GIVEN BY EMPLOYEES ON LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION BILLS 1. Date of Commencement of Continuous Service :……………………………………………….. 2. Name of Home Town/Place of visit :………………………………………………….. 3. Shortest Route from the Headquarters etc. to the Home Town/Place of visit and normal mode of Conveyance 4. Period of Leave availed : ………………………………………………… :………………………………………………….. 5. Relationship of the Members of the Family and Age (who availed the Concession) :…………………………………………………… 6. Whether prior information of the journey has been given to the School 7. Particulars of Advance taken: Amount Rs. :…………………………………………………….. :……………………………………………………… Date of drawal:……………………….. For self/family/or both:………….. (……………………………………………………..) Signature of employee ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , 3-BRD , AIR FORCE STATION , CHANDIGARH F.No………… KV-3BRD / CHD / 2013- 14 / ____________ DATED : ____________ To ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Sir/Madam In order to supplement the teaching in this Vidyalaya, it has been decided to utilize your services for taking a few periods in certain classes on day to day basis. In case you are willing to offer your services on the terms and conditions mentioned below you are requested to start teaching………………class(name of the class and subject to be taught) and report to the undersigned on…………………………….(date). Terms & Conditions attached to the offer (1) You will be paid @ Rs………………………………for teaching……………………………….classes, Rs……………………………….for teaching…………………….classes and Rs.……………………for teaching …………………………..Classes on…………………………….. (2) Apart from teaching, you will also be responsible for home assignment, evaluation of answer scripts and conduct of examination in the said subject as also such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal. The payment/remuneration indicated above will be inclusive of all the services mentioned herein before. (3) It is abundantly made clear that the assignment is purely of day to day nature and confers no right of appointment or your placement in the cadre of teachers. Your services will be utilized on the day to day basis depending upon the need and payment therefore will be made accordingly. (4) It is further abundantly made clear that the offer made in this letter shall automatically come to an end after the purpose for which the present offer is made is achieved. Yours faithfully (Principal) ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) The Principal, KendriyaVidyalaya, …………………………………………………… SUBJECT :- ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER FOR THE POST OF _______________ Sir/Madam With reference to your letter no……………………dated………………………regarding utilization of my services for taking a few periods in………………………………….Classes, I hereby convey my acceptance on the terms and conditions attached in your letter. I further promise that I shall carry out the offer. I shall not claim any payment over and above that. I am also aware that my services will be utilized by you on day to day basis depending upon the need which may vary on day to day basis. In case I am engaged by you to take a few periods, I shall neither claim regularization in the services nor claim appointment as a teacher in KVS. Yours faithfully, (Name of the candidate) Witnesses (1) ……………………………………. (2) …………………………………… ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) CERTIFICATES TO BE GIVEN BY THE EMPLOYEE 1. I have not submitted any other claim so far Leave Travel Concession in respect of myself or my family or my family members in respect of the block of the year…………………………………and to………………… 2. I have already drawn T.A. for the Leave Travel Concession in respect of a journey performed by me/my wife with……………………………..Children. This claim is in children none of performed by with the party on the earlier occasion. 3. I have not already drawn T.A. for the Leave Travel Concession in respect of a journey performed by me/my wife with …………………………..children/………………………………..children in respect of the block of two years/4years…………………….and …………………………This claim is in respect of the journey performed by me wife/myself with………………………….children/……………………children none of whom availed of the concession relating to that block. 4. I have already drawn T.A . for the Leave Travel Concession in respect of a Journey performed by me in the years………………and ………………………This claim is in respect of the journey performed by me in the year………………..This is against the concession admissible once every two years in prescribed block for visiting home town as all the members of my family are living away from my place of work. 5. The journey has been performed by me/my wife with……………………… children/ …………………….children to the declared home town/declared place viz…………………….. 6. That my husband/wife is not employed in Government service. 7. That my husband/wife is employed in Government Service ………………………………………. And the concession has not been availed of by him/her separately for himself/herself or for any of the family members for the concerned block of two years/4years. DATED : ______________ ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) Signature of employee CERTIFICATE TO BE GIVEN BY THE CONTROLLING OFFICER Certified……………………………… (i) That Shri/Shrimati/Kumari (name of the Employee)………………………………..has rendered continuous service for one year or more on the date of commencing the outward journey. (ii) That necessary entries as required under para 3 of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M.No.43/1/55-Easts. (A) Part II, dated the 11th October, 1995 have been made in the Service Book of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari…………………………. ( ……………………………………………………………………………..) Signature and designation of the Controlling Officer ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) AGREEMENT FOR ENGAGING OF AGENCY FOR PROVIDING SERVICES FOR MESS / CANTEEN IN KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA. This agreement is made the __________ day of __________________of between the Principal , Kendriya Vidyalaya , ( Name of the Vidyalaya) ________________________ of the one part and ________________________ ( hereinafter called the contractor) of the other part. Whereas the Vidyalaya desires to have certain services as mentioned in this agreement executed on the basis of specification / Schedule / rates and each of which documents has been kept signed in duplicate by on behalf of the parties hereto for identification and shall be treated as part or part of this Agreement. Now , it is hereby agreed by and between the parties as follows :Terms and Conditions :1. That the tenure of the services agreement shall be initially for a period of one year with the effect from ______________ and thereafter it shall continue till either side intends to terminate giving one month’s notice in advance to the other side or paying one month’s dues in lieu of the notice. 2. That the Vidyalaya on its part shall not be liable to pay any charges , dues , compensation under any of the industrial loss or other loss applicable in this behalf to the contractor / personnel which shall be the responsibility of the agency / contractor only who shall be the employer of such personnel. 3. The contractor / agency is bind to pay the rent ( as decided by the two parties / as per quotation ) in advance between Ist to 5th of the every month. 4. The rates for canteen items / mess will be charges as per his / her quotation already given. 5. The contractor will keep the site / items hygienic. 6. No items will be sold that are banned by the Indian govt. or dangerous to the health of the students / staff members. 7. Water & Electricity bills be paid as per the bill / bills of MES , AFS, 3-BRD , Chandigarh./ on the basis of consumption shown by the respective meters. 8. Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this agreement shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Executive Committee of Kendriya Vidyalaya _______ ____________________________ as per the Indian Arbitration Act. The seat of the arbitration shall be at ______________________ and the proceedings shall be governed by the Indian Arbitration Act., 1940 as amended from time to time. Continue to Page-2 Page – 2 9. The premises to be given to the contractor will not be used for any other purpose including residential accommodation by the contractor or his servant. 10. The timing of canteen will be fixed by the Principal and must be followed by the contractor strictly ( normally during the school time.) 11. The contractor will keep the premises neat and clean and will not allow entry to outside customer . The sanitary arrangement & hygienic conditions made by the contractor shall be subject to the supervision or check –up to by the Principal or any other person authorized by him/ her . 12. A room with attached kitchen having water and electricity facilities will be provided by the Vidyalaya. 13. The contractor shall make his own arrangement of preparing the articles for sale , seating arrangement shall also be made by the contractor at his own cost. He will also furnish the room furnish the room with furniture etc. at his own. 14. The contractor will be authorized to sell the things as decided in the contract and directed by the Principal from time to time. 15. The contractor shall deposit Rs. _______________ as security for fulfillment of the contract etc. and will be fore – fitted in case of breach of any conditions. 16. An agreement will be executed before the start of the contract on a stamped paper of Rs.5/-* LIST OF ARTICLES / ITEMS TO BE SOLD :- Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12. Name of items Smosa ( Standard Size) Bread Pakora Single piece Bread Pakora two piece stuffed. Hot Dog Tea per cup Tikki ( Aaloo ) Toffee of standard quality Milk per ltr. Biscuits standard of reputed company ( Bake -man, Parle”G” , Gulucon – D etc.) Any other items with approval of the Principal or approved committee. Food for students / teacher as per menu. Signature of the Ist Party _________________________ Rate to be quoted by the contractor. Signature of the 2 nd Party __________________________ Name in capital Letters: __________________________ Name in capital Letters: __________________________ Witness : 1. ___________________________ 2. _________________________________________ Dated :- ___________________ ( Prepared by : H.Rahi ) Dated :- ___________________ KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , 3-BRD , AIR FORCE STATION , CHANDIGARH F.No………… KV-3BRD / CHD / 2013- 14 / ____________ DATED : ____________ To ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Sir/Madam In compliance to the KVS (HQ) New Delhi letter no. F. 110350 / 13 / 2010-KVSHQ(Acad) dt. 04-112011 , it has been decided to utilize your services of doctor for classes 1st to 12th on day to day basis. In case you are willing to offer your services on the terms and conditions mentioned below you are requested to give your services and report to the undersigned on…………………………….(date). Terms & Conditions attached to the offer :( Duties of Doctor & Nurses ) 1. They Should have Basic Life Support (BLS) course at least once in two years. 2. To deal with emergencies and provide first aid. 3. To keep proper record of Medical aid and emergencies. 4. To keep Medical record of students having disease like diabetes, Asthma, & Epilepsy & cardiac Disease & any other existing disease. 5. To carry out awareness programme in assembly and class room on issues related to health like Obesity, malnutrion , diet , dengue, Malaria, Swine flu, polio , Adolescent related problems, health & hygiene, water born disease etc. 6. To conduct medical check up at least twice a year with necessary follow up. 7. To tie up with nearest hospital preferably Govt. Hospital that can provide swift and quality treatment , whenever needed. 8. To be available on telephone during entire school timings. 9. To keep instruments / equipment in a working condition. 10. To ensure that every child is vaccinated for preventable diseases. Cont. to Page No. _ 2 Page – 2 11. Doctor should be properly qualified ( Mention the qualification……………………………………………(and have registration with Medical Council of India / State Medical Council. ……………………………………… …………………………………………………………………..( Registration No. with India / Name of state & Year ) 12. Doctor ( Minimum MBBS & registered with MCI) will be paid Rs. 1000/- per day for Two hours. 13. The timing of doctor should be so adjusted that he / She is available during recess time as most of the emergencies arise during this period. 14. Nurse ( Diploma holder ) will be paid Rs. 750/- per day and be made available in the Vidyalaya for 07 hours ( one hour before and one hour after school.) 15. The services of Doctors & Nurses will be made available on all working days for the students except during vacations / breaks or when the school is closed on other account like extreme weather conditions , kanwar yatra , session ending exams etc. 16. Appointment of doctors & nurses will be made after following due procedure as for contractual teachers. 17. Treatment to be provided by Doctors & Nurses will be of first aid nature and in case of emergency, parents will be informed the child will be referred to Govt. Hospital preferably. The main role of these medical staff will be of diagnostic / referral in nature. This agreement signed / made on ………………… the day of ………………… 2012 between the Principal , KV – 3BRD , AFS , Chandigarh of the one part and …………………………………………………………….. resident of …………………………………………………………………………. ( Full Address ) of the other part. All the information filled by me on the above is true in the best of my knowledge and belief. …………………………………………………………………. ( Signature of the 2nd. party , with Name ) ……………………………………………………. ( Signature of the first party , with Name ) Witness :1. ……………………………………………………….. Dated : - 2. ……………………………………………………. Dated : - KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA – 3BRD , AIR FORCE STATION , CHANDIGARH MILITARY REVIVER ORDER Please receive from the Principal , KV – 3BRD , Chandigarh for Rs. …………………………. ( Rs. ………………………………………………………………………… only ) on account of water and electricity charges for the period from ………………………… to ……………………………. Kindly credit the same as a Defence Department receipts . Forwarded to CDA Western command Chandigarh with reference to bill no. ……………………………………………………………. Dt. ……………………… . The detail is as under :( Account No. 10124004035 PCDA , WESTERN COMMAND , CHANDIGARH) Sr.No. Name Amount Period Ch.No. / Remarks Cash 1. ( PRINCIPAL ) Copy to :1. The Branch Manager , SBI , 3BRD , AFS , Chandigarh for information please. SBI receipt No…………………………………………. dt. ………………………….. 2. The AAO , BSO , 3-BRD , AFS , Chandigarh for information please. 3. The GE , (AFS ) MC for information please. 4. The officer Incharge , MES , AFS ,3-BRD Chandigarh for information please. ( Prepared by : H. Rahi ) dsUnzh; fo|ky; u-2] 3 ch-vkj-Mh-] ok;q lsuk dsUnz] p.Mhx< - 160003 nwjHkk"k u-%& 2655097 dk;kZy; 2658207 x`g KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph. No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :-www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in FORM OF DECLARATION FOR CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE KV .Employee code………………. Name & Designation ……………………………………. 1. Name of the Student ………………………………………. 2. Father’s Name ………………………………………. 3. Whether the school is recognised by the Deptt. Of Education authorities of the Jurisdiction in which the school is situated, If yes, give the affiliation No. ………………………………………….. 4. Name of the school & Address ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. 5. Class in which the student is studying ………………………………………….. 6. Date from which the student is studying In the present Class …………………………………………… 7. Date of the birth of the student ……………………………………………. 8. Whether the student is getting any amount of scholarship ……………………………………………. 9. Date of admission in the School ……………………………………………. 10. Academic year of the school ( statePeriod i.e. date /month&year ) 11. Whether the student has been granted Free boarding & lodging in addition to Tuition being free. 12. Home Address ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ( Signature of the Principal with seal) Dated : …………………….. Place : ……………………. (Prepared by: H.Rahi) FORM OF DECLARATION FOR CHILDREN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE KV .Employee code………………. Name & Designation ……………………………………. 1. Name of the Student ………………………………………. 2. Father’s Name ………………………………………. 3. Whether the school is recognised by the Deptt. Of Education authorities of the Jurisdiction in which the school is situated, If yes, give the affiliation No. ………………………………………….. 4. Name of the school & Address ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. 5. Class in which the student is studying ………………………………………….. 6. Date from which the student is studying In the present Class …………………………………………… 7. Date of the birth of the student ……………………………………………. 8. Whether the student is getting any amount of scholarship ……………………………………………. 9. Date of admission in the School ……………………………………………. 10. Academic year of the school ( statePeriod i.e. date /month&year ) 11. Whether the student has been granted Free boarding & lodging in addition to Tuition being free. 12. Home Address ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ( Signature of the Principal with seal) Dated : …………………….. Place : ……………………. (Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA – 3BRD , AIR FORCE STATION , CHANDIGARH MILITARY REVIVER ORDER Please receive from the Principal , KV – 3BRD , Chandigarh for Rs. 30,00,000/( Rs. Thiry Lac only ) on account of amount deposit against “ Deposit Work ” of special M&R work of Vidyalaya’s Building. Kindly credit the same as a Defence Department receipts . Forwarded to CDA Western command Chandigarh with reference to bill no. …NIL……. Dt. ……NIL……… . The detail is as under :( Account No. 10124004035 PCDA , WESTERN COMMAND , CHANDIGARH) Sr.No. Name Amount Period Ch.No. / Remarks Cash KV-3BRD , AFS Rs.30,00,000/- NA 1. Chandigarh. ( PRINCIPAL ) Copy to :5. The Branch Manager , SBI , 3BRD , AFS , Chandigarh for information please. SBI receipt No…………………………………………. dt. ………………………….. 6. The AAO , BSO , 3-BRD , AFS , Chandigarh for information please. 7. The GE , (AFS ) MC for information please. 8. The officer Incharge , MES , AFS ,3-BRD Chandigarh for information please. ( Prepared by : H. Rahi ) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NO.2, 3BRD,AFS, CHANDIGARH-160003 Ph.No.:- 2655097 (O), 2658207 (R) Web site address :www.kv23brd.com E-mail :- kv3brd @yahoo.co.in F………….. KVBRD/AFS/CHD/13-14 Dated:- To The Manager , Canara Bank , Sector : 47-C , Chandigarh. Subject :- Payment Regarding TA / DA , Medical – Reimbursement / Pay Arrear / DA Arrear / Bonus. Sir / Madam , Please find enclosed herewith CH No. _________________ Dated ____________ for Rs. ____________ ( Rs. _______________________________________________________________ Only.) Please credit the same amount into the saving account of the staff members / employees in the bank accounts mentioned against their names as under :Sr. No. NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE BANK ACCOUNT NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Thanking you, Yours Sincerely, PRINCIPAL (Prepared By: H.Rahi) AMOUNT KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , 3-BRD , AIR FORCE STATION , CHANDIGARH F.No………… KV-3BRD / CHD / 2013- 14 / ____________ DATED : ____________ To ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Sir/Madam In order to supplement the teaching in this Vidyalaya, it has been decided to utilize your services for taking a few periods in certain classes on day to day basis. In case you are willing to offer your services on the terms and conditions mentioned below you are requested to start teaching………………class with subject ……………………..(name of the class and subject to be taught) and report to the undersigned on…………………………….(date). Terms & Conditions attached to the offer (1) You will be paid consolidated payment on monthly basis i.e. Rs…..................... (Rs………………………………………………………………………………….only ) for the duties performed including invigilation / exam related work . As per KVS (HQ) Letter no. F. 11029 / 39/ 2011/ KVS(HQ) / Acad dt. 21-3-2013. (2) Apart from teaching, you will also be responsible for home assignment, evaluation of answer scripts and conduct of examination in the said subject as also such other duties as may be assigned by the Principal. The payment/remuneration indicated above will be inclusive of all the services mentioned herein before. (3) It is abundantly made clear that the assignment is purely of day to day nature and confers no right of appointment or your placement in the cadre of teachers. Your services will be utilized on the day to day basis depending upon the need and payment therefore will be made accordingly. (4) It is further abundantly made clear that the offer made in this letter shall automatically come to an end after the purpose for which the present offer is made is achieved or joining the regular employee. (5) The teacher appointed for a period of less than a month will be paid on pro rata basis only Refer Annexure – II). (6) The teacher appointed on contractual basis will not be entitled for vacation pay and during Autumn / Winter break payment should be calculated on the pro rata basis. P.T.O. ……… 2 …….. ( (7) The teacher appointed will give one month notice in case he / she leaves the job , failing which he / she will not be entitled for pay / emoluments for that period. Yours Sincerely (Principal) This agreement signed / made on ………………… the day of ………………… 2013 between the Principal , KV – 3BRD , AFS , Chandigarh of the one part and …………………………………………………………….. resident of …………………………………………………………………………. ( Full Address ) of the other part. All the information filled by me on the above is true in the best of my knowledge and belief. …………………………………………………………………. ( Signature of the 2nd. party , with Name ) ……………………………………………………. ( Signature of the first party , with Name ) Witness :1. ……………………………………………………….. 2. ……………………………………………………. Dated : - ………………………………… Dated : - …………………………. ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRYA VIDYALAYA 3BRD AFS CHANDIGARH COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF QUOTATIONS RECEIVED PART I 1.Name of the Department/Section for which purchase is to be made: Out Sourcing Services. 2. Advertisement no. and date/Limited Enquiry No. and date: Tender Published in “The Tribune” 3. Last date for receipt of quotations received: - 10-4-2013. 4. Total Number of enquiries issued: It was Open Tender. 5. Total number of quotations received: - 03. 6. Name of firms from which quotations not received:- N.A. 7. Details of quotations received: - As Under. Quotation No. 1 2 3 Name of the firm M/S.NIPS Services (P) Ltd. Cabin No.3,Basement , Sector:47 , Chandigarh. M/S Prabhat Guarding Force , # 172 , Sector: 21,Punchkula ( Haryana) M./S Secure Guard , 151 , Industrial Area , Phase-II , Chandigarh – 160002. Date of quotation 10.4.2013 09-4-2013 10.4.2013 Quotation Received on Important terms of Quotation Quotation valid up to 09-4-2013 As one year Mentioned In the Tender 10.4.2013 One year As Mentioned In the Tender 10.4.2013 One year As Mentioned In the Tender Earnest Money received Rs. 10000-00 Rs. 10000-00 NIL Committee Members:1…………………….. 4…………………….. 2……………………… 5……………………. 3……………………… 6……………………. Signature of Principal Remarks regarding Rejection of quotation etc. PART II PARTICULAR 1 2 FIRM NO 1 RATES (Rupees) FIRM NO 2 RATES (Rupees) FORM NO 3 RATES (Rupees) For Security Guard. Detail ( As per detail quoted in her / her 9753/- 10612/- 8521/8521/- 9247.60 9247.60 Tender. For House Keeper / Sweeper. For Mali / Gardner 3 Signatures of Members of Purchase Committee 1. …………………………………………. 4……………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………… 5…………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………….. 6…………………………………………….. 7………………………………. Prepared by:…………………………………………. Checked by:…………………………………………… PART III Rates quoted by the firm at Sr no……… above encircled by red pen/ Bold letters are found lowest. Therefore, the work/supply order may be placed with the concerned firm. SR. Edu. Officer PRINCIPAL CHAIRMAN ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRYA VIDYALAYA 3BRD AFS CHANDIGARH COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF QUOTATIONS RECEIVED PART I 1.Name of the Department/Section for which purchase is to be made: Dresses on Rent for Annual Function etc . 2. Advertisement no. and date/ Limited Enquiry No. and date: By Hand quotations from Open Market. 3. Last date for receipt of quotations received: - 02-5-2013 & 03-5-2013. 4. Total Number of enquiries issued: ( Three ) Collected from Open Market. 5. Total number of quotations received: - 03. 6. Name of firms from which quotations not received:- N.A. 7. Details of quotations received: - As Under. Quotation No. Name of the firm 1 M/S Sonam Boutique , # 52 /3, Badal Colony , Zirakpur M/S Gandharav Dresses , # 439 , Dashmesh Colony , M/S Yuvraj Fashioner’s , # 527 , Dashmesh Colony , Zirakpur . 2 3 Date of quotation Quotation Received on 03-5-2013 03-5-2013 Important terms of Quotation Quotation valid up to Earnest Money received 1 year Nil Remarks regarding Rejection of quotation etc. N.A. 03-5-2013 03-5-2013 1 year Nil N.A. 02-5-2013 03-5-2013 1 year Nil N.A. Committee Members:1…………………….. 4…………………….. 2……………………… 5……………………. 3……………………… 6……………………. Signature of Principal PART II PARTICULAR FIRM NO 1 RATES (Rupees) FIRM NO 2 RATES (Rupees) FORM NO 3 RATES (Rupees) 1 Annual Day , Per Dress Rs. 300/Without Jwallary 2 Jwallary Charges Per Set , Extra Rs.225/(Upto 20 Dresses ) Including 225/-(With Or without Jwallary) Rs. 100/- Rs.320/- Detail ( As per detail quoted in her / her Tender. Including 320/-(With Or without Jwallary) 3 Signatures of Members of Purchase Committee 1. …………………………………………. 4……………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………… 5…………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………….. 6…………………………………………….. 7………………………………. Prepared by:…………………………………………. Checked by:…………………………………………… PART III Rates quoted by the firm at Sr no……… above encircled by red pen/ Bold letters are found lowest. Therefore, the work/supply order may be placed with the concerned firm. SR. Edu. Officer PRINCIPAL CHAIRMAN ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) PART II PARTICULAR FIRM NO 1 RATES (Rupees) FIRM NO 2 RATES (Rupees) FORM NO 3 RATES (Rupees) 1 Annual Day , Per Dress Rs. 300/Without Jwallary 2 Jwallary Charges Per Set , Extra Rs.225/(Upto 20 Dresses ) Including 225/-(With Or without Jwallary) Rs. 100/- Rs.320/- Detail ( As per detail quoted in her / her Tender. Including 320/-(With Or without Jwallary) 3 Signatures of Members of Purchase Committee 1. …………………………………………. 4……………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………… 5…………………………………………….. 3. ……………………………………….. 6…………………………………………….. 7………………………………. Prepared by:…………………………………………. Checked by:…………………………………………… PART III Rates quoted by the firm at Sr no……… above encircled by red pen/ Bold letters are found lowest. Therefore, the work/supply order may be placed with the concerned firm. SR. Edu. Officer PRINCIPAL CHAIRMAN ( Prepared by: H.Rahi) KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , 3-BRD , AFS.,CHANDIGARH PROVISIONAL LAST PAY CERTIFICATE ( To be used in cases of transfers of or leave of deputationists ) Last Pay certificate of Sh/Smt.-------------------------------Designation---------------------proceeding on transfer from Kendriya Vidyalaya-------------------------------------- to Kendriya Vidyalaya on ------------------------------ vide letter No---------------------------------------------------dated ------------------. He /She is hereby relieved on ______________ . 2.He / She has been paid up to _______________at the following rates :- Particulars Substantive Pay Officiating Pay Grade Pay Dearness Allowance HRA Transport Allowance Special Pay Rates Deducation Income Tax GPF/CPF subscription GPF/CPF advance Lic. Fee Festival Adv EWS Rates TOTAL TOTAL Net Amount 3.(a) His/her General Provident Fund Account No __________ is maintained by Acountant General________________ to whom redits have to be passed on ( for deputationists) (b) His /Her GPF/CPF Account No_____________ is maintained by KVS Head Office/Regional Office and his rate of subscription for GPF/CPF is Rs.______ p.m. c) His /Her contribution towards KVS employees Welfare Scheme recovered at the rate of Rs. 30/- p.m is for the month upto __________as per entries made in Service Book. 4) He / She made over charge as____________ on____________AN/FN 5) Recoveries are to be made from the pay of the employee as detailed on the reverse. 6. He /She has been paid leave salary as detailed below . Deductions have been made as noted on the reverse. PERIOD Rates AMOUNT FROM TO DETAIL OF SALARY :Month B.P. G.P. DA HRA Transp. Allow. NPS / M. Share Gross I.Tax CPF/ GPF PPAN CPF/ NPS Share EWS Total Deduction March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. PRINCIPAL KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA ,3-BRD, CHANDIGARH CS-37 LAST PAY CERTIFICATE (To be used in cases of transfers or leave of deputationists) Last pay certificate of. Mr /Mrs. ……………………………………………… .(Name) (Designation)…………………………… of the Kendriya Vidyalaya/.3BRD,AFS, Chandigarh .proceeding on transfer to …………………………………………….. on ………………….. Vide KVS(RO) / (HQ) Letter No. …………………………………………………………………………………. Dt………………………… 2. He / She has been paid up to…………………………………....at the following rates:- Particular Rate Substantive Pay ……… : Rs. ………………………/- Officiating Pay Grade Pay : Rs. ……………………../- Dearness Allowance………… : Rs. ……………………./- House Rent Allowance………. : Rs. …………………../- Transport Allowance…………… : Rs. …………………../- Spl. Allow. : Rs. ………………… /- Total :- : Rs. …………………../Deductions Income Tax 3. …………… : ………………………/- GPF/C.P.F. Subscription….. : ………………………/- GPF/C.P.F. Advance……… : …………………….../- Group Ins. Scheme……… : ……………………../- Lic.Fee : ……………………. /- (a) His/ Her General provident Fund Account No............................................is General............................................ to whom credits have to be passed on. (for deputationists) maintained by Accountant (b) His/Her GPF/CPF/ PPAN Account No. ………………………. .is maintained by KVS Head Office/Regional Office and his rate of subscription for GPF/C.P.F. /NPSis Rs………………………../-.p.m. (d) His/ Her contribution towards K.V.S. Employees Welfare Scheme recovered at the rate of Rs.....30/- or 60/-...p.m. is for the month up to………………… .as per entries made in Service Book. 4. He made over charge as ……………………… 5. Recoveries are to be made from the pay of the employee as detailed on the reverse. 6. He / She has been paid leave salary as detailed below. Deductions have been made as noted on the reverse. Period Rate Amount From to at Rs………………………… 7. on ………………. F/N or A/N From to at Rs…………………………. From to at Rs…………………………. He / She is entitled to draw the following:Period Pay from.................................to..............--.............................. etc. 8. He / She is entitled to joining time for...........--.................................days/he is not entitled to joining time, vide letter No............................................ 9. The details of the Income-Tax recovered from him up to the date from the beginning of the current year are noted on the reverse. 10. He / She has availed.._______.days of causal leave and Earnedl Leave ……………. .Balance Earned leave (…………Days). Page ---- 2 ------- 11. His/ Her Service Book is being sent separately. 12. His / Her Provident Fund balance will be transferred by R.O..........--......................to R.O..............--.................... due to a change in jurisdiction. PRINCIPAL Date: …………………………… Kendriya Vidyalaya Details of recoveries Recoveries Nature of Recovery Advance of T.A. on transfer Rs………………………………………………..in lumpsum……………………. Any other Advance Rs…………………………………………………………instalment ……………………. (Details of each recoverable Adv. viz. conveyance, HBA etc. be given separate and distinct) Overpayment of Rs. …………………………………………………………..in instalments…………………… GPF/C.P.F. advance Rs……………………………………………………….in instalments Deductions made from leave salary From……………to…………………………….. on account of ……………………………………..Rs………………… From……………to………………………………on account of……………………………………...Rs………………… From……………to……………………………....on account of……………………………………...Rs…………………. Name of B.Pay G.P DA HRA Transp.All. NPS M.Share . Gross I.Tax NPS own Share NPS M.Sahre EWS Remarks months April 20…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. May 20…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. June 20…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. July 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… August 20………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. September 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. October 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. November 20………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. December 20………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. January 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. February 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. March 20……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. PRINCIPAL Kendriya Vidyalaya (Prepared by : H.Rahi) PROVISIONAL LAST PAY CERTIFICATE ( To be used in cases of transfers of or leave of deputationists ) Last Pay certificate of Mr./ Mrs ……………………………… proceeding on transfer from Kendriya Vidyalaya, 3 BRD, AFS, Chandigarh to Kendriya Vidyalaya ,……………………………………. vide letter No ………………………………………………………………………. Dated ………………..He/She is hereby relieved on ……………………….( FORENOON ) /(AFTERNOON ) 2.He / She has been paid up to ……………...... ( SALARY UPLOADED ON UBI PORTAL) at the following rates. Particulars Substantive Pay Officiating Pay Grade Pay Dearness Allowance HRA Transport Allowance Special Pay Rates - TOTAL 3.(a) (b) c) 4) 5 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Date: Rates GPF/CPF advance Lic. Fee Festival Adv EWS HBA TOTAL Net Amount His / Her General Provident Fund Account No ---------------------------- is maintained by Accountant General----------------- to whom credits have to be passed on ( for deputationists) His /Her GPF/CPF/ PPAN Account No _________________ is maintained by KVS Head Office/Regional Office and her rate of subscription for GPF is Rs _______________ p.m. His/Her contribution towards KVS employees Welfare Scheme recovery at the rate of Rs. 30/- or 60/- p.m is for the month up to ……………….. as per entries made in Service Book He / She has been relieved in absentia /( under charge) on ……………………..(F/N ) ,(A/N) Recoveries are to be made from the pay of the employee as detailed on the reverse. He / She has been paid leave salary as detailed below . Deductions have been made as noted on the reverse. PERIOD FROM 7 Deduction Income Tax GPF/CPF subscription Rates AMOUNT TO He /She is entitled to draw the following period : Pay from ____________ onwards from KVNO. …………………………………………………………. He /She is entitled to joining time as per KVS Rules . The details of the Income Tax recovered from him up to the date from the beginning He /She has availed ……………. days Casual Leave ( Balance ……... ), E.L………. (Balance…….) His / Her service book is being sent separately His /Her Provident Fund will be transferred by Regional Office due to change in jurisdiction . PRINCIPAL Details of recoveries Nature of recovery Rs No of instalments, if any Remarks Advance on TA on Transfer Any other advance ( Details of each recoverable Adv. Viz conveyance, Festival Adv. HBA etc. be given separately and distinct Over payment GPF/CPF Advance Deduction made from Leave Salary From Month Pay in Pay Band Grade Pay To DA HRA On account of TPT allow ance +DA CPF / NPS , M.Share Total Income Tax GPF/ CPF/ NPS contribution GPF/ CPF recover y Lic. Fee/ HBA March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. PRINCIPAL (Preapred by: H.Rahi) EWS