Introduction and Thesis

Warm up
Do you think your phone
negatively affects your
life? Why or why not?
Write 3-4 sentences.
Personality Essay
Where do I start?!
What do we know about intros?
1. Attention getter
(1 sentence)
2. Introduction to
(2-3 sentences)
(1 sentence)
What is a thesis?
• A thesis is a clear, focused statement that
tells your reader what your paper will argue,
prove, or demonstrate.
It should…
 Be contestable (make a claim that a reasonable person
might disagree with).
 Be focused (let the reader know what you’re
What does it do for the writer?
 Serves as a planning tool
 Helps determine the real focus
 Serves as the foundation of your argument… All
topic sentences that present evidence in
support of the argument are built upon the
 Anticipates questions about the topic and
provides the unifying thread between pieces of
Thesis Ingredients
 Subject (limited, specific, contextual)
 Topic (Keirsey Personality results)
 Position (an opinion, assertion, or arguable point)
 This is what you will prove throughout your essay
 How can you PROVE that you’re an extrovert
 Blueprint of reasons (roadmap)
 Help the reader know how the paper is organized
Horror Movies
Why is this NOT a thesis?
•Not a complete sentence
•No opinion to argue against
•What about horror movies?
violence in horror movies
What is it still lacking?
 Not a sentence
 No arguable position
 No roadmap… where is this writer going with
horror movies?
Horror movies have desensitized
American viewers to violence.
 It has an OPINION (that can be argued against).
 It is a complete sentence.
 The reader can tell what the paper is about.
So what’s missing?
 It’s not specific enough…
 How has violence desensitized American
Because modern cinematic techniques
have allowed filmmakers to get more
graphic, horror flicks have desensitized
young American viewers to violence.
 It is a complete sentence.
 It has an arguable opinion.
 We know where the writer will lead us in the paper
 It is specific and focused (the writer tells us why
horror films are desensitizing American viewers to
But… I’m writing about myself?!
“There are two types of people – those who come into a room
and say, ‘Well, here I am!’ and those who come into a room
and say, ‘Ah, there you are.’” – Frederick Collins. Although
this quote states it bluntly, our society basically has two main
personality categories. Everyone knows of those people who
love to be the life of the party and those who prefer to
observe and reflect to themselves. The only question is which
category each individual fits into, and how each one can
successfully interact with others. However, not all
disagreements can be prevented, and it must be accepted
that some people just do not get along with each other, but
understanding each personality and its tendencies can aid
in smoother social relationships. Hansel is an ENFJ type
according to do the Keirsey Personality Test; the second
type of person described in the quote accurately illustrates
his characteristics of extravert and feeling types, especially
when it comes to relationships and work ethic.
One More Example
 “Good morning, y’all!” she chirps as she runs down the
hallway to class to avoid the tardy bell, yet smiling as
usual. Kim typically greets anyone and everyone at
school this way, carrying stacks of packets to her
classroom, and this display is the perfect example to show
her true personality traits. The Keirsey Personality Test
categorizes an individual’s traits into eight different
personality types. Depending on one’s preferences in
work and social settings, a person ends up with a fourletter combination that explains why he or she behaves
this way. After taking the test, Kim discovered herself to
be an ENFJ type, which she demonstrates daily and most
strongly as an extravert and judging type in her
idiosyncrasies and behaviors.