MERRICK SCHOOL OF BUSINESS UNIVERSITY OF BALTIMORE INSS 300.WB – MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Spring 2012 Professor: Dr. Anil Aggarwal (If this is your FIRST course in SAKAI, please complete the SAKAI orientation available in SAKAI) (Keep you e-mail current in SAKAI; this is “the” mode of communication between you and me) Email address : a.Required Materials Baltzan and Philips(2011). Information Systems, McGraw Hill Pub. (ISBN:9780073376837) b.Recommended supplement (if needed for EXCEL and/or ACCESS competency) SimNet for Office 2007 Office Suite Registration Card, 1st ed. (ISBN: 9780077218645) (useful in learning EXCEL and ACCESS concepts) c.Other Reference Books Haag, Stephen and Cummings, Meeve, Management Information for the Information Age, Eighth edition (2010), McGraw-Hill Pub., ISBN: 9780073376783. Course Description and Learning Objectives This course provides a fundamental knowledge of information systems and technology (IS&T) issues from the perspective of business professionals. This includes information technology concepts and vocabulary, as well as insights into IS&T applications in business organizations. Topics include searching and extracting information to solve business problems; the role of organizational context in IS&T effectiveness; the economic, social, legal and ethical impacts of IS&T; the system life cycle approach; and key technologies such as the Internet, networking and database management systems. Students will examine the strategic, tactical and operational applications of current information technology and resulting products such as groupware and e-Commerce implementations. The emphasis is on business and to prepare students to use information sources and Information Systems to meet their information needs. Upon completion of the course you will be able to: Understand the differences between data, information and knowledge, and the role of information in businesses. Define MIS and IT and describe their relationship, including the strategic and competitive nature of information in business Define an information problem and identify the type of information needed to solve it Page 1 of 5 Locate, acquire and evaluate information from different sources Select from various information seeking strategies Demonstrate proficiency with information search techniques using a variety of search tools (databases, search engines, etc). Explain why people are the most important organizational resource, define their information and technology literacy challenges, and discuss their ethical responsibilities Define common information system types, such as supply chain management systems and business intelligence systems Understand key technological tools such as databases, spreadsheets, and search engines Describe social and personal implications of technology, including privacy, security and ethical issues associated with information use OTHER RESOURCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Computerworld Computing Surveys InformationWeek InfoWorld Network World PC Week Personal Computing GRADING INFORMATION Grading will follow university policy of A, A-,B+,B,B-,C+,C,C-,D+, D, D-,F (Refer to student handbook) Criterion %Course Grade Six quizzes1 Final exam (cumulative, short-answer, multiple choice etc DSS assignment (Microsoft Excel) Database assignment (Microsoft Access) Internet assignment (Internet Search) Conference participation (see below for explanation) Bio (pre/post) completion (available on the course web site) 24% (4 out of 6 will count) 30% 15% 15% 10% 4% 2% EXTRA CREDIT: (Must inform professor if you intend to do extra credit by April 23rd) 2% Develop a video on a topic approved by the instructor and post it on COURSE LOGISTICS: New lecture modules will be posted every Tuesday (available through Course Content in SAKAI). New CONFERENCE Discussion questions will be posted every Tuesday (available through Conference in SAKAI) Discussion Questions will be available for a week (Tuesday to Tuesday), unless otherwise specified All assignments are due at 10pm on the date specified. Assignments turned in late will have the following deductions: one day late 10% deducted from total points possible 1 2 of the lowest grade or missed quizzes will be dropped. Page 2 of 5 two days late 20% deducted from total points possible one week late 50% deducted from total points possible Solution will be posted a week after the due date. No assignments will be accepted after a week. Final Exam will cover materials from class discussions, assigned readings, and any supplemental material provided by professor. It will consist of short answers, multiple choice and short case studies. You will have THREE days to complete the final exam. You must select a three hour block of time to finish the exam on any of the exam day. You will have THREE days to complete the quiz. (Friday through Monday). Quizzes will consist of multiple choice questions. There will be 6 quizzes. You will be allowed to drop 2 of your quiz grades. Each quiz will count for 6% of your final grade. Academic dishonesty of any type will result in a grade of "F" for the course. You can monitor your progress in grade book. We will follow the sequence in course syllabi, unless I make a change. All announcements, changes or anything else will be communicated via e-mail. I will intervene in discussions as necessary Forum (Conference) Participation The course will involve extensive CONFERENCE discussion, major form of communication in online learning. Part of your grade (4%) is dependent on your cumulative participation( in terms of QUALITY) in FORUM discussion at the end of the semester. Your first posting should be posted by noon on Wednesday of each week (excluding first week). You will be expected to have carefully studied the reading assignment IN ADVANCE, including an understanding of examples, illustrations, and review exercises. Forum discussion questions will include understanding of concepts from the book and additional concepts that I feel are necessary in understanding the concept. Forum participation in online courses is of utmost importance, since there is NO face-to-face interaction. It is NOT necessary that you always have the right answers. It DOES include the following elements: Evidence of having studied the chapter/assignment every week Reponses to the discussion questions posted by the instructor Reponses to questions/answers posted by peers (very important) Response to response posted to your postings (very important) Quality of postings will be measured as: Clear and concise Response to other’s postings DO NOT repeat what others have already said, those postings will not count and will be deleted. Postings like, I agree, I do not agree will not count and will be deleted. E-Mail & Q/A If you have difficulty understanding a topic or a concept, please do not hesitate to seek help. The best thing to do is to ask questions in the CONFERENCE. Think of CONFERENCE as a classroom Blackboard. If you have specific questions about your assignment or any concept (problems that you will ask an instructor during office hours) email me. Tentative Class Schedule Page 3 of 5 Week 01/25 Topics Assignments (post/Due) Dates Introduction to the course Chapter 1: Information Technology in Business (Except pages 19-26) Continue: Chapter 1 01/31 Chapter 2: Strategic Business Initiative Module B hardware (see weekly lectures) Continue: chapter 3 Business and the Internet 02/07 02/14 Quiz 1 (Ch 1 & 2; Module B ) Internet overview: Continue ch 3 chapter 4: Ethics and Information security DSS Assignment posted SIMNET EXCEL exercise Quiz 2 (Ch 3) 02/21 Continue ch 4 02/28 Chapter 11: System development and project Management Chapter 6: Data Bases and data warehouses 03/06 Quiz 3 (Ch 4) MS Access Tutorial. 03/13 Continue: Chapter 6: Data Bases and data warehouses SIMNET ACCESS exercise 03/21 Spring Break time to catch up 03/28 Chapter 5: Enterprise Architecture Chapter 1 : Pages 19-26 04/04 Chapter 7: Network, Telecommunications, and mobile technology Chapter 8: Operations management and Supply Chain DSS Assignment Due (03/14) Database Assignment posted Quiz 4 (Ch 11) Page 4 of 5 Management (SCM) 04/11 Chapter 9: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) & Business Intelligence (BI) Quiz 5 (Ch 5,7, Ch1 Pages 1926) 04/18 Continue Chapter 10 Enterprise Planning and collaboration Computer Security, forensics and Crime: (see weekly lecture) (Computer Crime and Forensics) Database Assignment Due (04/18) Internet Assignment posted 04/25 Ch 12 Globalization, Innovation and 21st Century organizational trends Information Sources and Quality Web Searching including search Engines Alternate information sources and how to evaluate them 05/02 Ch 12 Globalization, Innovation and 21st Century organizational trends Information Sources and Quality Web Searching including search Engines Alternate information sources and how to evaluate them 05/09 Final Exam (comprehensive)—posted 05/14 Final Exam Due Quiz 6 (Ch 8 & Computer Security, forensics and Crime ) Lectures posted in SAKAI Internet Assignment Due (05/02) (Video url due only If doing extra credit) NOTE: All changes will be announced in the class ACADEMIC HONOR CODE & PLAGIARISM As per university policy all students MUST complete the following tutorial on plagiarism at: Please refer to student handbook Page 5 of 5