第 6 届全国模式识别学术会议 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition Nov. 17-19, 2014 Changsha, China Program Guide Message from Chairs Welcome to the 2014 Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition (CCPR 2014) in Changsha! The CCPR 2014 is the sixth in the series, following the CCPR 2007 (Beijing), CCPR 2008 (Beijing), CCPR 2009 (Nanjing), CCPR 2010 (Chongqing) and CCPR 2012 (Beijing). From 2012, the CCPR is held every other year, to be alternated with the Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), which was started in 2011. In recent years, pattern recognition has increasingly become an enabling technology for many important and often mission-critical applications such as intelligent machines, data mining, business intelligence, Internet content search, public security monitoring, etc. The aim of the CCPR is to provide a forum for scientific exchanges and exhibitions for pattern recognition researchers in China. The current edition of CCPR was started in 2007 but can be dated back to the former editions in 1980s. In China, pattern recognition research was commenced in the beginning of the 1970s. To cater for this fascinating area, the Chinese Association of Automation (CAA) formed a technical committee on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PRMI) in 1979. This committee became an official member of the IAPR in 1981. In 1980, the First National Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence was organized, and the series of this conference was held seven times until 1989. As done in the previous CCPR, the CCPR 2014 receives regular submissions and as well, invites internationally renowned researchers to give keynote speeches. The Proceedings of the CCPR 2014 is published by Springer in the Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. Until the deadline June 10, we received 215 full submissions. Each submission was reviewed by three reviewers selected from the program committee and other qualified researchers. Based on the reviewers’ reports, 111 papers were accepted for presentation at the conference, which cover diverse fields, e.g., pattern recognition theory and its applications, feature extraction and classification, image and video processing, biometric and action recognition, biomedical image analysis, and document and speech analysis. We are grateful to the keynote speakers, Prof. Bo Zhang (Tsinghua University), Prof. Jon Atli Benediktsson (University of Iceland), Chris H.Q. Ding (University of Texas at Arlington), Prof. Zhihua Zhou (Nanjing University). They will give speeches titled “I and artificial Intelligent”, “Image Classification based on Mathematical Morphology”, “Sparse Coding and Low-rank Matrix Models for Data Representation and Feature Selection”, “From AdaBoost to Large Margin Distribute Learning Machine”. Thanks are due to the authors of all submitted papers, the program committee members and the reviewers, and the staff of the organizing committee. Without their contributions, this conference would not be a success. We are also grateful to Springer for publishing the proceedings, and especially to Ms Celine (Lanlan) Chang of Springer Asia for her efforts and patience in collecting and editing the proceedings. We welcome you to take part in this important academic event and hope you find CCPR 2014 an enjoyable and fruitful conference. Yaonan Wang (General Chair) Cheng-Lin Liu, Shutao Li (Program Chairs) Xiaogang Zhang, Changyan Xiao, Guocai Liu, Hongshan Yu (Organizing Chairs) Organization Sponsors National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition Hunan University Co-Sponsors Technical Committee of Pattern Recognition of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence Hunan Association of Automation Steering Committee Chair Tieniu Tan (Institute of Automation of CAS) Steering Committee Members Cheng-Lin Liu (Institute of Automation of CAS) Yuan-Yan Tang (University of Macau) Hongbin Zha (Peking University) Changshui Zhang (Tsinghua University) Nanning Zheng (Xi’an Jiaotong University) General Chair Yaonan Wang (Hunan University) Program Chairs Cheng-Lin Liu (Institute of Automation of CAS) Shutao Li (Hunan University) Organizing Chairs Changyan Xiao (Hunan University) Xiaogang Zhang (Hunan University) Guocai Liu (Hunan University) Hongshan Yu (Hunan University) Publication Chair Min Liu (Hunan University) Publicity Chair Xiaoyan Liu (Hunan University) Organizing Committee Zhigang Ling (Hunan University) Qiaokang Liang (Hunan University) Huali Li (Hunan University) Zhenjun Zhang (Hunan University) Xiaoqing Lu (Hunan University) Leyuan Fang (Hunan University) Li Zhou (Hunan University) Haiyan Zhang (Hunan University) Technical Program Committee Xiang Bai Hong Chang Shengyong Chen Songcan Chen Hong Cheng Jian Cheng Dao-Qing Dai Junyu Dong Leyuan Fang Jianjiang Feng Jufu Feng Xinbo Gao Xin Geng Xiaofei He Zhaoshui He Baogang Hu Kaizhu Huang Yunde Jia Lianwen Jin Xiaoyuan Jing Jun Li Shutao Li Wu-Jun Li Xuelong Li Cheng-Lin Liu Guocai Liu Min Liu Qingshan Liu Wenju Liu Yuehu Liu Huchuan Lu Jiwen Lu Yue Lu Bin Luo Zhenjiang Miao Yanwei Pang Yu Qiao He Ran Nong Sang Huanfeng Shen Jun Sun Xiaoyang Tan Jinhui Tang Huazhong University of Science and Technology Institute of Computing Technology of CAS Zhejiang University of Technology Nanjing Univ. Aeronautics & Astronautics Univ. Electronic Science & Technology of China Institute of Automation of CAS Sun Yat-Sen University Ocean University of China Hunan University Tsinghua University Peking University Xidian University Southeast University Zhejiang University Zhejiang University Institute of Automation of CAS Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Beijing Institute of Technology South China University of Technology Wuhan University Sun Yat-Sen University Hunan University Nanjing University Xi'an Inst. Optics & Precision Mechanics of CAS Institute of Automation of CAS Hunan University Hunan University Nanjing Univ. Information Science & Technology Institute of Automation of CAS Xi’an Jiaotong University Dalian University of Technology Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore East China Normal University Anhui University Beijing Jiaotong University Tianjin University Shenzhen Inst. Advanced Technology of CAS Institute of Automation of CAS Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan University Fujitsu R and D Center Co., LTD Nanjing Univ. Aeronautics & Astronautics Nanjing University of Science and Technology Dacheng Tao Wenbing Tao Zengfu Wang Hanzi Wang Liang Wang Liwei Wang Shengjin Wang Yaonan Wang Yunhong Wang Yihong Wu Shiming Xiang Changyan Xiao Xin Xu Pingkun Yan Jian Yang Jian Yu Yuan Yuan Hongbin Zha Changshui Zhang Daoqiang Zhang Hongbin Zhang Min-Ling Zhang Jun Zhao Wenming Zheng Ping Zhong Jie Zhou Zhi-Hua Zhou Wangmeng Zuo Hong Kong Polytechnic University Huazhong University of Science and Technology University of Science and Technology of China University of Adelaide Institute of Automation of CAS Peking University Tsinghua University Hunan University Peking University Institute of Automation of CAS Institute of Automation of CAS Hunan University National University of Defense Technology Philips Research North America Nanjing University of Science and Technology Beijing Jiaotong University Xi'an Inst. Optics & Precision Mechanics of CAS Peking University Tsinghua University Nanjing Univ. Aeronautics & Astronautics Beijing University of Technology Southeast University Institute of Automation of CAS Southeast University National University of Defense Technology Tsinghua University Nanjing University Harbin Institute of Technology Referees Bo Bai Mingming Chen Zhihui Chen Qun Dai Hong Deng Fuqing Duan Wei Fan Youji Feng Lihua Guo Sheng-Jun Huang Sen Jia Xiaoheng Jiang Taotao Lai Qiming Li Zhaoxin Li Zhigang Ling Li Liu Wei Liu Jiale Cao Pan Chen Zhenchao Cui Zhijun Dai Xiaoming Deng Huixian Duan Jianwu Fang Lianru Gao Fei He Weilin Huang Bo Jiang Ye Jiang Minxian Li Ying Li Shan Liang Fan Liu Qi Liu Wei Liu Li Chen Yuxi Chen Qing Da Cheng Deng Yongsheng Dong Bin Fan Yachuang Feng Shuhang Gu Bo Hu Zhong Ji Wei Jiang Mahdi Khodadadzadeh Peiqiang Li Zechao Li He Lin Lei Liu Qingjie Liu Yi Liu Yu Liu Shujing Lu Javier López-Fandiño Liangrui Peng Lishan Qiao Xiangbo Shu Yan Song Nicole Tsu Da-Han Wang Jun Wang Liuan Wang Taiqing Wang Ying Wang Chunpeng Wu Guili Xu Xiang Xu Songbai Yan Wankou Yang Zhanlei Yang Xiaofang Yuan Jing Zhang Xin Zhang Yanming Zhang Liang Zheng Xiang-Dong Zhou Ximei Zhu Pengcheng Zou Luo Longrun Wen Lu Longlong Ma Antonio Plaza Dongwei Ren Benqin Song Dengdi Sun Minghua Wan Faqiang Wang Liang Wang Peng Wang Xg Wang Zhe Wang Shufu Xie Liang Xu Wei Xue Yan Yan Wei Yang Cong Yao Jianlong Zhang Mingming Zhang Xingyi Zhang Hao Zheng Xiangtao Zheng Ying Zhou Zhuotun Zhu Guifu Lu Xiaoqiang Lu Gabriel Martín Herández Javier Plaza Alim Samat Fengyi Song Chunna Tian Bin Wang Jian Wang Limin Wang Song Wang Xiumei Wang Ziteng Wang Yujie Xiong Miao Xu Zhaohui Xue Aiping Yang Xubing Yang Fei Yin Jiaqi Zhang Shaoquan Zhang Xu-Yao Zhang Kai Zheng Guoqiang Zhong Yu Zhou Lina Zhuang Keynote Speakers 1. 张钹 中国科学院院士,清华大学计算机系教授 Title: 我与人工智能 Abstract 1978 年清华大学计算机系成立了“人工智能与智能控制”的研究方向,人工智能的教学 与科研从此开始。1990 年 2 月“智能技术与系统”国家重点实验室正式对外开放运行。我 们为什么从事人工智能研究,又如何从事人工智能研究?30 多年中,我进行哪些研究工作, 取得哪些成果,有什么经验与体会。 在人工智能人才培养上,我是如何培养研究生,有什么经验与体会。 我的人生理想又是什么? Biography 清华大学计算机系教授,中科院院士。1958 年毕业于清华大学自动控制系,同年留校任 教至今。1980,2-1982,2 美国伊利诺斯大学访问学者。2011 年汉堡大学授予自然科学荣誉博 士。曾任校学位委员会副主任,现任微软亚洲研究院技术顾问。 他参与人工智能、人工神经网络、机器学习等理论研究,以及这些理论应用于模式识别、 知识工程与机器人等技术研究。在过去 30 多年中,他提出问题求解的商空间理论,在商空 间数学模型的基础上,提出了多粒度空间之间相互转换、综合与推理的方法。提出问题分层 求解的计算复杂性分析以及降低复杂性的方法。该理论与相应的新算法已经应用于不同领域, 如统计启发式搜索、路径规划的拓扑降维法、基于关系矩阵的时间规划以及多粒度信息融合 等,这些新算法均能显著降低计算复杂性。该理论现已成为粒计算的主要分支之一。在人工 神经网络上,他提出基于规划和基于点集覆盖的学习算法。这些自顶向下的结构学习方法比 传统的自底向上的搜索方法在许多方面具有显著优越性。 2. Jon Atli Benediktsson Prof. Jon Atli Benediktsson, Fellow IEEE, Fellow SPIE Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Iceland Title: Image Classification based on Mathematical Morphology Abstract We discuss the problem of estimating a structured matrix with a large number of elements. A key motivation for this problem occurs in multi-task learning. In this case, the columns of the matrix correspond to the parameters of different regression or classification tasks, and there is structure due to relations between the tasks. We present a general method to learn the tasks' parameters as well as their structure. Our approach is based on solving a convex optimization problem, involving a data term and a penalty term. We highlight different types of penalty terms which are of practical and theoretical importance. They implement structural relations between the tasks and achieve a sparse representations of parameters. We address computational issues as well as the predictive performance of the method. Biography Jon Atli Benediktsson is Pro-Rector of Academic Affairs and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Iceland. He received the Cand. Sci. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, in 1984 and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. His research interests are in pattern recognition, remote sensing, image analysis, biomedical analysis of signals, and signal processing, and he has published extensively in those fields. He is a cofounder of the biomedical startup company Oxymap. Prof. Benediktsson is the 2011-2012 President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and has been on the GRSS Administrative Committee since 2000. He was the Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS) from 2003 to 2008 and has served as an Associate Editor of TGRS since 1999 and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters since 2003.He received the Stevan J. Kristof Award from Purdue University in 1991 as outstanding graduate student in remote sensing. In 1997, he was the recipient of the Icelandic Research Council’s Outstanding Young Researcher Award; in 2000, he was granted the IEEE Third Millennium Medal; in 2004, he was a corecipient of the University of Iceland’ s Technology Innovation Award; in 2006, he received the yearly research award from the Engineering Research Institute of the University of Iceland; and in 2007, he received the Outstanding Service Award from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. He is co-recipient of the 2012 IEEE TGRS Best Paper Award, and a co-recipient of the 2013 IEEE GRSS High Impact Paper Award. In 2013 he received the IEEE/VFI Electrical Engineer of the Year Award. Prof. Benediktsson is a Fellow of SPIE. He is a member of Societas Scientiarum Islandica and Tau Beta Pi. 3. Chris H.Q. Ding (丁宏强) University of Texas at Arlington Title: Sparse Coding and Low-rank Matrix Models for Data Representation and Feature Selection Abstract Sparse coding and low rank models are mostly based on matrix models using L1 norm, L21 norm, trace norm, etc. Sparse coding starts from LASSO using L1 norm for 2-class feature selection, and grow into L21 norm based multi-class feature selection. Group LASSO incorporates class label information. L2p norm based models show further improvements. Dictionary learning obtains data representations better than PCA by learning the basis and codes with L1 regularization. Robust dictionary learning uses L21 norm or L1 norm for data representation. Trace norm is used to enforce low rank in data representation. Many new ideas and variants are proposed. In this talk, we survey these new and growing areas, and their main computational methods: proximal gradient descent, iteratively reweighted (EM-like) method, and augmented Lagrangian method. We note that although convex formulations are mathematically elegant, their solutions are unique, and are heavily emphasized here, non-convex formulations could be simpler and easier to understand (including model parameters), faster to solve, and produce better results for real applications. Biography 丁宏强在美国哥伦比亚大学李政道教授研究小组求学,获得哥伦比亚大学博士学位。长期工 作于美国加州理工学院,美国喷气动力实验室及美国劳伦斯-伯克利国家实验室。2007 年加入德 州大学阿灵顿分校任教授。他的研究领域包括数据挖掘,机器学习,信息检索,高性能计算等。 从 2001 年开始,他和合作者创立了用矩阵模型作为中心理论和计算方法的子领域,研究 PCA 和 K 均值聚类的等价性,非负矩阵分解的聚类特性,提出矩阵 L21 范数的概念。发表 200 余篇 论文,被引用 13400 次。曾在加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学、卡耐基梅隆大学、滑铁卢大 学、阿尔伯塔大学、Google 研究院、IBM 研究院、Microsoft 研究院、香港大学、香港科技大学、 新加坡国立大学、北大、清华做学术报告。多次担任美国,香港,爱尔兰,以色列等国家科学基 金会项目评审人。获得四篇最佳论文奖。第三批国家千人计划,安徽大学特聘教授。 4. 周志华 南京大学 Title: 从 AdaBoost 到大间隔分布学习机 Abstract 本报告先介绍关于 AdaBoost 最近的理论研究结果,然后介绍在该结果启示下产生的机 器学习算法设计新思想,以及随之而来的有效算法。 Biography 周志华,南京大学教授,ACM Distinguished Scientist,IEEE Fellow,IAPR Fellow,中国 计算机学会会士。国家杰出青年基金获得者,长江学者特聘教授。主要从事机器学习、数据 挖掘、模式识别等领域的研究工作,在领域内一流国际期刊和顶级国际会议发表论文逾百篇, 论文被引用万余次,获发明专利 13 项。先后担任十六种 SCI(E)期刊的执行主编、副主编、 编委等。三十余次国际会议主席或领域主席,亚洲机器学习会议发起人。曾获国家自然科学 二等奖、两次教育部自然科学一等奖、IEEE 计算智能杰出青年成就奖、中国青年科技奖、 霍英东一等奖、微软青年教授奖、12 次国际期刊/会议论文、报告或竞赛奖等。 CCPR 2014 大会日程 2014 年 11 月 16-19 日,湖南,长沙 11 月 16 日 时间 日程 负责人 地点 10:00-21:00 注册 肖昌炎 集贤宾馆大堂 11 月 17 日 时间 日程 主持人 地点 8:20-8:50 开幕式 王耀南 逸夫楼报告厅 王耀南 逸夫楼报告厅 8:50-10:40 Keynote Talk 1: 我与人工智能 张钹,清华大学 10:40-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-12:10 Keynote Talk 2: Image Classification based on Mathematical Morphology Jon Atli Benediktsson,University of Iceland 12:20-13:00 午餐 地点:集贤宾馆餐厅大厅 14:00-16:00 Oral Session 1: Pattern Recognition Theory and Its Applications 1 2 3 4 5 6 16:00-16:20 主持人:刘敏 地点:电气院楼报告厅 224 A Nonlinear Classifier Based on Factorization Machines Model Xiao-Long Liu, Yan-Ming Zhang, and Cheng-Lin Liu Training Deep Belief Network with Sparse Hidden Units Zhen Hu, Wenzheng Hu, and Changshui Zhang The Research of Matching Area Selection Criterion for Gravity Gradient Aided Navigation Kai Han Li, Ling Xiong, Long Cheng, and Jie Ma Coordination of Electric Vehicles Charging to Maximize Economic Benefits Yongwang Zhang, Haoming Yu, Chun Huang, Wei Zhao, and Min Luo Traffic Sign Recognition Using Perturbation Method Lin-Lin Huang and Fei Yin A Novel Two-Stage Multi-objective Ant Colony Optimization Approach for Epistasis Learning Peng-Jie Jing and Hong-Bin Shen Coffee Break 16:20-17:40 Poster Session 1 1 2 主持人:余洪山 地点:电气院二楼走廊 A Manifold Learning Fusion Algorithm Based on Distance and Angle Preservation Gu Yanchun, Zhang Defeng, Ma Zhengming, and Niu Guo Application of Modified Teaching-Learning Algorithm in Coordination Optimization of TCSC and SVC Xiao Liwu, Zhu Qianlong, Li Canbing, Cao Yijia, Tan Yi,and Li Lijuan 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Multi-task Sparse Gaussian Processes with Improved Multi-task Sparsity Regularization Jiang Zhu and Shiliang Sun Short-Term Load Forecasting of LSSVM Based on Improved PSO Algorithm Qianhui Gong, Wenjun Lu, Wenlong Gong, and Xueting Wang Blob Detection with the Determinant of the Hessian Xiaopeng Xu A Study on Layer Connection Strategies in Stacked Convolutional Deep Belief Networks Lei Guo, Shijie Li, Xin Niu, and Yong Dou Fault Diagnosis for Distribution Networks Based on Fuzzy Information Fusion Fangrong Wu, Minfang Peng, Mingjun Qi, Liang Zhu, Hua Leng, Yi Su, Qiang Zhong, and Hu Tan Kernel-Distance Target Alignment Peiyan Wang and Dongfeng Cai A LLE-Based HMM Applied to the Prediction of Kiln Coal Feeding Trend Liu Yunlong and Zhang Xiaogang Improved Margin Sampling for Active Learning Jin Zhou and Shiliang Sun Research on the Ant Colony Optimization Fuzzy Neural Network Control Algorithm for ABS Wang Chang Ping and Wang Ling Hydraulic Excavators Recognition Based on Inverse” V” Feature of Mechanical Arm Wenming Yang, Dedi Li, Daren Sun, and Qingmin Liao Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection via Color Probability Model and Integral Channel Features Yi Yang and Fuchao Wu Study of Charging Station Short-Term Load Forecast Based on Wavelet Neural Networks for Electric Buses Zhang Lei, Huang Chun, and Yu Haoming The Layout Optimization of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles Based on the Chaos Particle Swarm Algorithm Zhang Zhenghui, Huang Qingxiu, Huang Chun, Yuan Xiuguang, and Dewei Zhang An Improved Feature Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm with Its Application in Short-Term Prediction of Wind Power Xinkun Wang, Diansheng Luo, and Hongying He Charging Load Forecasting for Electric Vehicles Based on Fuzzy Inference Yang Jingwei, Luo Diansheng, Yang Shuang, and Hu Shiyu Security Event Classification Method for Fiber-optic Perimeter Security System Based on Optimized Incremental Support Vector Machine Lu Liu, Wei Sun, Yan Zhou, Yuan Li, Jun Zheng, and Botao Ren Visual Tracking with Weighted Online Feature Selection Tang Yu, Zhigang Ling, Jiancheng Li, and Lu Bai A System of Image Aesthetic Classification and Evaluation Using Cloud Computing Wang Weining, Liu Jiancong, Zhao Weijian, and Li Jiachang Image Feature Extraction via Graph Embedding Regularized Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Haishun Du, Qingpu Hu, Xudong Zhang, and Yandong Hou Sparse Manifold Preserving for Hyperspectral Image Classification Hong Huang, Fulin Luo, Jiamin Liu, and Zezhong Ma Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Local Collaborative Representation Yishu Peng, Yunhui Yan, Wenjie Zhu, and Jiuliang Zhao Simplified Constraints Rank-SVM for Multi-label Classification Wang Jiarong, Feng Jun, Sun Xia, Su-Shing Chen, and Chen Bo Semi-supervised Image Classification Learning Based on Random Feature Subspace Liu Li, Zhang Huaxiang, Hu Xiaojun, and Sun Feifei An Improved Multi-label Classification Ensemble Learning Algorithm Fu Zhongliang, Wang Lili, and Zhang Danpu An Improved Sparse Representation De-noising for Keeping Structural Features Cui Zhi A SVM Method Trained by Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for Image Classification Qifeng Qian, Hao Gao, and Baoyun Wang Sparsity Based Feature Extraction for Kernel Minimum Squared Error Jiang Jiang, Xi Chen, Haitao Gan, and Nong Sang Eye Localization Based on Multi-Channel Correlation Filter Bank Rui Yang, Shiming Ge, Kaixuan Xie, and Shuixian Chen Person Re-identification by Cascade-Iterative Ranking Xiangyu Wang, Feng Chen, and Yu Liu Stereo Camera Based Real-Time Local Path-Planning for Mobile Robots Huanqing Yang, Jianhua Zhang, and S.Y. Chen A Tracking Method with Structural Local Mean and Local Standard Deviation Appearance Model Dawei Yang, Yang Cong, Yandong Tang, and Yulian Li Hough-RANSAC: A Fast and Robust Method for Rejecting Mismatches Hongxia Gao, Jianhe Xie, Yueming Hu, and Ze Yang Partial Static Objects Based Scan Registration on the Campus Chongyang Wei, Shuangyin Shang, Tao Wu, and Hao Fu Quasi-Orthorectified Panorama Generation Based on Affine Model from Terrain UAV Images Yuchong Li Shape Recognition by Combining Contour and Skeleton into a Mid-Level Representation Wei Shen, Xinggang Wang, Cong Yao, and Xiang Bai Visual Texture Perception with Feature Learning Models and Deep Architectures Yuchen Zheng, Guoqiang Zhong, Jun Liu, Xiaoxu Cai, and Junyu Dong Objects Detection Method by Learning Lifted Wavelet Filters Aireti Abulikemu, Aliya Yushan, Turghunjan Abdukirim Turki, and Abdurusul Osman A Fast Straight-Line Growing Algorithm for Sheet-Counting with Stacked-Paper Images ZhenXiao Gang, Yang Shuo, and Changyan Xiao Automatic Labanotation Generation Based on Human Motion Capture Data Hao Guo, Zhenjiang Miao, Feiyue Zhu, Gang Zhang, and Song Li 11 月 18 日 时间 日程 主持人 地点 8:30-9:30 Keynote Talk 3:Sparse Coding and Low-rank Matrix 王亮 逸夫楼报告厅 Models for Data Representation and Feature Selection Chris H.Q. Ding,University of Texas at Arlington 9:30-10:00 Coffee Break 10:00-12:00 Oral Session 2: Feature Extraction and Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 12:10-13:00 主持人:桑农 地点:逸夫楼报告厅 Schatten p-Norm Based Matrix Regression Model for Image Classification Lei Luo, Jian Yang, Jinhui Chen, and Yicheng Gao Hyperspectral Image Classification by Exploiting the Spectral-Spatial Correlations in the Sparse Coefficients Dan Liu, Shutao Li, and Leyuan Fang Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Superpixel and Extreme Learning Machines Wuhui Duan, Shutao Li, and Leyuan Fang Saliency Detection Based on Spread Pattern and Manifold Ranking Yan Huang, Keren Fu, Lixiu Yao, Qiang Wu, and Jie Yang A Structural Constraint Based Dual Camera Model Xinzhao Li, Yuehu Liu, Shaozhuo Zhai, and Zhichao Cui Hough Voting with Distinctive Mid-Level Parts for Object Detection Xiaoqin Kuang, Nong Sang, Feifei Chen, Runmin Wang, and Changxin Gao 午餐 地点:集贤宾馆餐厅大厅 14:00-15:40 Poster Session 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 主持人:方乐缘 地点:电气院二楼走廊 Self-organizing Map-Based Object Tracking with Saliency Map and K-Means Segmentation YuanPing Zhang, YuanYan Tang, Bin Fang, ZhaoWei Shang, and C.Y. Suen Superpixel-Based Global Optimization Method for Stereo Disparity Estimation Haiqiang Jin, Sheng Liu, Shaobo Zhang, and Gaoxuan Ying Two-Stage Saliency Detection Based on Continuous CRF and Sparse Coding Qiyang Zhao, Weibo Li, Fan Wang, and Baolin Yin Continuous Energy Minimization Based Multi-target Tracking Zhe Shi, Songhao Zhu, Wei Sun, and Baoyun Wang All-Focused Light Field Image Rendering Zhang Rumin, Ruan Yu, Liu Dijun, and Zhang Youguang Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on Sparse and Minimum Volume Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Denggang Li, Shutao Li, and Huali Li An Adaptive Harris Corner Detection Algorithm for Image Mosaic Haixia Pan, Yanxiang Zhang, Chunlong Li, and Huafeng Wang A Study of Ancient Ceramics Verification Based on Vision Methods 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Yunqi Tang, Jianwei Ding, and Wei Guo A Two-Stage Blind Image Color Correction Using Color Cast Estimation Dawei Zhu, Li Chen, Jing Tian, and Xiaotong Huang Encoding Optimization Using Nearest Neighbor Descriptor Muhammad Rauf, Yongzhen Huang, and Liang Wang Multi-modal Image Fusion with KNN Matting Xia Zhang, Hui Lin, Xudong Kang, and Shutao Li A Two-Step Adaptive Descreening Method for Scanned Halftone Image Fei Chen, Shutao Li, Le Xu, Bin Sun, and Jun Sun Compressive Sensing Multi-focus Image Fusion Fang Cheng, Bin Yang, and Zhiwei Huang Pan-Sharpening Based on Improvement of Panchromatic Image to Minimize Spectral Distortion Akbi Abdelkrim, Zhaoxiang Zhang, and Qingjie Liu Combining SIFT and Individual Entropy Correlation Coefficient for Image Registration Gan Liu, Shengyong Chen, Xiaolong Zhou, Xiaoyan Wang, Qiu Guan, and Hui Yu Spectral Fidelity Analysis of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Based on Wavelet Transformation Yi Ma, Jie Zhang, and Ni An A Fast Algorithm for Image Defogging Xiaoyan He, Jianxu Mao, Zewen Liu, Jiujiang Zhou, and Yajing Hua A New Image Structural Similarity Metric Based on K-L Transform Cheng Jiang, Fen Xiao, and Xiaobo He A New Restoration Algorithm for Single Image Defogging Fan Guo, Hui Peng, and Jin Tang An Improved Laparoscopic Image Registration Algorithm Based on Sift Jiujiang Zhou, Jianxu Mao, and Xiaoyan He Application of Image Processing Techniques in Infrared Detection of Faulty Insulators Yefan Wu, Jiangang Yao, Tangbing Li, Peng Fu, Wei Liao, and Mi Zhang Robust Appearance Learning for Object Tracking in Challenging Scenes Jianwei Ding, Yunqi Tang, Huawei Tian, and Yongzhen Huang Vehicle Recognition for Surveillance Video Using Sparse Coding Shirong Zeng, Xin Niu, and Yong Dou Video Smoke Detection Basedon the Optical Properties Yingjing Wu and Ying Hu Discovery of the Topical Object in Commercial Video: A Sparse Coding Method Yunhui Liu, Huaping Liu, and Fuchun Sun Study the Moving Objects Extraction and Tracking Used the Moving Blobs Method in Fisheye Image Wu Jianhui, Zhang Guoyun, Yuan Shuai, Guo Longyuan, and Tan Mengxia Facial Feature Extraction Based on Robust PCA and Histogram Xiao Luan and Weisheng Li Multimodal Finger Feature Fusion and Recognition Based on Delaunay Triangular Granulation Jinjin Peng, Yanan Li, Ruimei Li, Guimin Jia, and Jinfeng Yang 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 15:40-16:00 Robust Face Recognition via Facial Disguise Learning Meng Yang and Linlin Shen A Static Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm Based on Krawtchouk Moments Shuping Liu, Yu Liu, Jun Yu, and Zengfu Wang Face Recognition in the Wild by Mining Frequent Feature Itemset Yuzhuo Wang, Hong Cheng, Yali Zheng, and Lu Yang Single-Sample Face Recognition via Fusion Variant Dictionary Ying Tai, Jian Yang, Jianjun Qian, and Yu Chen Supervised Kernel Construction for Unsupervised PCA on Face Recognition Yang Zhao, Wen-Sheng Chen, Binbin Pan, and Bo Chen Influence of Scan Duration on the Reliability of Resting-State fMRI Regional Homogeneity Xiaotang Li, Jiansong Zhou, and Xiaoyan Liu A Global Eigenvalue-Driven Balanced Deconvolution Approach for Network Direct-Coupling Analysis Hai-Ping Sun and Hong-Bin Shen Sequence-Based Prediction of Protein-Protein Binding Residues in Alpha-Helical Membrane Proteins Feng Xiao and Hong-Bin Shen Natural Scene Text Image Compression Using JPEG2000 ROI Coding Yuanping Zhu and Li Song Off-Line Uyghur Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Combined Features Kurban Ubul, Tuergen Yibulayin, and Alimjan Aysa Off-Line Signature Verification Based on Local Structural Pattern Distribution Features Jing Wen, MoHan Chen, and JiaXin Ren A Segmentation Based Change Detection Method for High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Lin Wu, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Yunhong Wang, and Qingjie Liu Automatic Estimation of Muscle Thickness in Ultrasound Images Based on Revoting Hough Transform (RVHT) Jianhao Tan, Xiaolong Li, Wentao Zhang, Yaoqin Xie, and Yongjin Zhou Coffee Break Oral Session 3: Image and Video Processing 1 16:00-17:40 2 3 4 主持人:潘春洪 地点:电气院报告厅 224 Transferring Segmentation from Image to Image via Contextual Sparse Representation Shuangshuang Li, Yonghao He, Shiming Xiang, Lingfeng Wang, and Chunhong Pan Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method for Image Smoothing with Hyper-Laplacian Gradient Prior Li Chen, Hongzhi Zhang, Dongwei Ren, David Zhang, and Wangmeng Zuo Study on Distribution Coefficient in Regulation Services with Energy Storage System Shaojie Tan, Xinran Li, Ming Wang, Yawei Huang, Tingting Xu, and Xingting Cheng Finding the Accurate Natural Contour of Non-rigid Objects in Video Gaoxuan Ying, Sheng Liu, and Yiting Jin 5 An Improved Multipitch Tracking Algorithm with Empirical Mode Decomposition Wei Jiang,Wen-Ju Liu,Ying-Wei Tan,and Shan Liang Voting for the CCPR 2016 17:40-18:10 主持人:刘成林 地点:电气院报告厅 224 18:30-19:30 宴会 地点:集贤宾馆餐厅大厅 11 月 19 日 时间 8:30-9:30 日程 从 AdaBoost 到大间隔分布学习机 主持人 刘成林 地点 逸夫楼报告厅 周志华,南京大学 9:30-9:50 Coffee Break 9:50-10:50 Oral Session 4: Biometric and Action Recognition 1 2 3 10:50-12:10 Oral Session 5: Biomedical Image Analysis 1 2 3 4 12:20-13:00 13:30-15:30 主持人:汪增福 地点:逸夫楼报告厅 A Non-negative Low Rank and Sparse Model for Action Recognition Biyun Sheng, Wankou Yang, Baochang Zhang, and Changyin Sun Extreme Learning Machine Based Hand Posture Recognition in Color-Depth Image Zhen Zhou, Shutao Li, and Bin Sun Real-Time Human Detection Based on Optimized Integrated Channel Features Jifeng Shen, Xin Zuo, Wankou Yang, and Guohai Liu 主持人:涂圣贤 地点:逸夫楼报告厅 Medical Image Clustering Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and Expectation Maximization Algorithm Zheng Tang, Yu-Qing Song, and Zhe Liu Medical Image Fusion by Combining Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform and Sparse Representation Yu Liu, Shuping Liu, and Zengfu Wang Automated Segmentation and Tracking of SAM Cells Min Liu and Peng Xiang Three Dimension image processing and its applications in diagnosis of coronary artery disease and optimization of coronary interventions Shengxian Tu 午餐 地点:集贤宾馆餐厅大厅 Oral Session 6: Document and Speech Analysis 1 2 主持人:孙俊 地点:电气院报告厅 224 Robust Voice Activity Detection Using the Combination of Short-Term and Long-Term Spectral Patterns Ying-Wei Tan and Wen-Ju Liu Speech Emotion Recognition Based on Coiflet Wavelet Packet Cepstral Coefficients 3 4 5 6 15:30-16:00 Yongming Huang, Ao Wu, Guobao Zhang, and Yue Li Text Detection in Natural Scene Images Leveraging Context Information Runmin Wang, Nong Sang, Changxin Gao, Xiaoqin Kuang, and Jun Xiang Adaptive Local Receptive Field Convolutional Neural Networks for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Li Chen, Chunpeng Wu, Wei Fan, Jun Sun, and Satoshi Naoi Character Segmentation for Classical Mongolian Words in Historical Documents Xiangdong Su, Guanglai Gao, Weihua Wang, Feilong Bao, and Hongxi Wei MCDF Based On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition for Total Uyghur Character Forms Askar Hamdulla, Wujiahemaiti Simayi, Mayire Ibrayim, and Dilmurat Tursun Award and Closing 主持人:刘成林 地点:电气院报告厅 224 会议地址: 湖南大学 逸夫楼报告厅,电气院报告厅 224 长沙市岳麓区麓山南路 1 号, 长沙 联系方式: 邮箱: ccpr2014@hnu.edu.cn 电话: +86-731-88822224 传真: +86-731-88822224 交通方式: (1) 从黄花机场,乘坐机场大巴到民航大酒店下车(约 30 分钟),然后转“旅游 1 路”或 者“立珊专线”公交车在岳麓山南站下车(约 30 分钟),最后步行可达湖南大学电 气与信息工程学院和集贤宾馆(约 10 分钟) 。 (乘坐的士请在湖南大学东方红广场下 车,约 30-40 分钟) (2) 从长沙火车站,乘坐“旅游 1 路”或者“立珊专线”公交车在岳麓山南站下车(约 30 分钟) ,然后步行可达湖南大学电气与信息工程学院和集贤宾馆(约 10 分钟) 。 (乘 坐的士请在湖南大学东方红广场下车,约 20-30 分钟) (3) 从长沙高铁站,乘坐“63 路”公交车在湖南大学站下车(约 40 分钟) ,然后步行可 达湖南大学电气与信息工程学院和集贤宾馆(约 15 分钟)。 (乘坐的士请在湖南大学 东方红广场下车,约 20-30 分钟) 1.长沙市地图: 湖南大学 2.湖南大学地图: 湖南大学逸夫楼,湖南大学电气与信息工程学院