QUEEN’S COLLEGE 3640-Q CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN PUBLIC THEOLOGY WINTER SEMESTER 2015 Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: The Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk Queen’s College Room 3000 753-0116 or 864-8005 afaseruk@mun.ca Course Description: 3640-Q Contemporary Issues in Public Theology: Public theology seeks to relate a Christian understanding of the Kingdom of God to social conditions in the societies in which Christians live. This course will examine critically the biblical and theological foundations for liberal societies' historic emphasis on freedom & respect, tolerance and human rights, along with the accelerating effects of globalization. Specific attention will be given to issues in areas of medical ethics, justice systems, equality & inequality, exclusion & inclusion, and various kinds of political interaction both global and local. Evaluation: This course will be held in conjunction with Dr. Ephraim Radner’s time as Scholar-in-Residence at Queen’s College during Holy Week 2015. Below are the major works for Dr. Radner: Major Publications Reclaiming faith: essays on orthodoxy in the Episcopal Church and the Baltimore declaration (1993). Inhabiting unity: theological perspectives on the proposed Lutheran-Episcopal Concordat (1995) The rule of faith : Scripture, canon, and creed in a critical age(1998) Hope among the fragments: the broken church and its engagement of Scripture (2004) The fate of Communion: the agony of Anglicanism and the future of a global church (2006) Leviticus (2007) Spirit and Nature: the Saint Medard Miracles in 18th-century Jansenism (2002) The World in the Shadow of God: an introduction to Christian natural theology (2010) A Brutal Unity: the Spiritual Politics of the Christian Church (2012) Two papers are required each worth 50% of your final grade. For the first paper you will provide a critical review of one of the major publications listed above. In the second paper, you will attend five of Dr. Radner’s reflections/sermons during Holy Week and provide a summary paper of the major theme that he addressed and their relationship to contemporary society. HOLY WEEK 2015-LITURGIES Monday, March 30 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: Ps 51:1–18; Jer 12:1–16; Phil 3:1–14 Officiant: Christine Lynch Reader: Kay Short Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner Noon: Holy Eucharist: Is 42:1–9; Ps 36:5–11; Heb 9:11–15; Jn 12:1–11 Readers: determined by Worship Team Presiding Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner 12:45 p.m. Lunch: Tryphena Vallis Quiet Afternoon 3:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: Ps 69:1–23; Lam 1:1–2, 6–12; Jn 12:9–19 Officiant: Kay Short Reader: Tryphena Vallis Reflections: The Ven. Tom Moulton Tuesday, March 31 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: Ps 6, 12; Jer 15:10–21; Phil 3:15–21 Officiant: Kay Short Reader: Christine Lynch Reflections: The Rev. Dr. David Bell Noon: Holy Eucharist: Is 49:1–7; Ps 71:1–14; 1 Cor 1:18–31; Jn 12:20–36 Readers: determined by Worship Team Presiding Celebrant: The Ven. Tom Moulton Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner 12:45 p.m. Lunch: Kay Short Quiet Afternoon 3:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: Ps 94; Lam 1:17–22; Jn 12:20–26 Officiant: Tryphena Vallis Reader: Christine Lynch Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner Wednesday, April 1 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer: Ps 55; Jer 17:5–10, 14–17; Phil 4:1–13 Officiant: Tryphena Vallis Reader: Kay Short Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner Noon Holy Eucharist: Is 50:4–9a; Ps 70; Heb 12:1–3; Jn 13:21–32 Readers: determined by Worship Team Presiding Celebrant: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner Preacher: The Rev. Dr. David Bell 12:45 p.m. Lunch: Christine Lynch Quiet Afternoon 3:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: Ps 74; Lam 2:1–9; Jn 12:27–36 Officiant: Christine Lynch Reader: Tryphena Vallis Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Church-Sermon by The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner reflecting the Theme of Marks of Mission Is 50:4–9a; Ps 70; Heb 12:1–3; Jn 13:21–32 Thursday, April 2 Maundy Thursday 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer: Ex 12:1–4 (5–10)11–14; Ps 116:1, 10–17; 1 Cor 11:23–26; Jn 13:1–17, 31b–35; Officiant: The Ven. Tom Moulton Reader: The Rev. Dr. David Bell Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner 3:30 p.m. Evening Prayer: Ps 142, 143; Lam 2:10–18; Jn 17:1–11 Liturgy to be led, including reflections, by the Worship Team, each member shall provide a reflection Friday April 3 Good Friday 10:00 a.m. Stations of the Cross Officiant: The Rev. Dr. Alex Faseruk Crucifer: The Rev. Dr. David Bell Readings: Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 22; Heb 10:16–25 or 4:14–16, 5:7–9; Jn 18:1—19:42 (omit Gospel responses) Reflections: The Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner