Development and evaluation of GeoGebra

André Heck
Current situation
 Non-existance of dynamic mathematics software in
university teaching
 No (classical) geometry course in the mathematics
Near future (academic year 2009-2010)
 Educational stream in bachelor that includes a
course in
◦ Classical geometry
◦ Didactics/Pedagogy of secondary mathematics education
Small research project of master students
(“winter project”, part of a “multimedia in education”)
 Develop one or two lessons about a mathematical
subject using ICT
 Teach the lessons at a school
 Do classroom research
Two examples:
Budi Mulyono & Serbay Zambak (2009). Introduction of the
cosine law of a triangle
Georgia Papageorgiou & Rafiq Mehdiyev (2008). A New
approach to introduce the sine and cosine function
Start from the unit circle
and a rotating ray
Focus on the angles (in a
triangle, as turning
Use radian to connect
with a real function
Start from the unit square and
move to regular n-gons
Focus on the path-length
Focus on functions of a real
number. When nconnect
with functions of an angle
Publications in journals for teachers
André Heck (2008). Wiskundige CSI (in Dutch). Euclides, 83
(7) 353-356. (pdf)
André Heck. Mathematical Brooding over an Egg. Loci. August
2008, article id 2842. (html)
Workshops at teachers’ meeting
National Mathematics Days (Feb, 2008). Developing
mathematics from pictures
necklace (catenary, paper size = 21x30 cm)
shape of a hen’s egg (geometrically), egg shape (algebraically)
grutto egg (algebraically with sliders: parabola + ellipse)
crime scene investigation (perspective tiling), student work
perspectivity in paintings
facial beauty analysis
parabolic kissing
Merlion fountain in Singapore (source: A. Oldknow, height of statue
in picture = 8,6m)
All mathematics book series have adopted GeoGebra
in ICT support
not only in geometry, but also in calculus
Teachers decide about the use in the classroom
Computer assessment possible in the
Digital Mathematics Environment
developed at Freudenthal Institute