Lysbilde 1

Trigonometric functions with unit circle:
Here you can study (in slow motion if you want)
the generating of sin, cos and tan
by the help of the unit circle
Different frequencies in sin and cos functions
Here you can quickly study different frequencies in sin and cos functions
Exercises (unlimited) I
Here you can generate an unlimited number of triangles
measure and/or compute by calculator angles, lines, circumferences and areas
and have feedback if your answers are correct or not
Exercises (unlimited) II
Exercises (unlimited) III
Triangel - Properties
Here you can study different properties of triangles
Parametric curves 2D I
Here you can generate different nice curves by trigonometric functions,
measure angles and compute point positions on the curves
Parametric curves 2D II
Parametric curves 2D III
Parametric curves 3D
Here you can generate different nice curves by trigonometric functions,
measure angles and compute point positions on the curves in space
Here you can study how we
can replace different functions
by a sum of sin and cos functions
Fourier and Heat Transfer
Here you can study how we can replace different functions
by a sum of sin and cos functions and make use of this to find out
how heat is transfered through a rod
Here you can study how we can replace different functions
by a sum of sin and cos functions and make use of this to digitize
signals (TV, radio, mobilephone, pictures, movies, …)
Supersonic flight
sin  
vS t vS
vS 
sin 
vS t
Here you can study the connection of the speed of a supersonic flight
and the generated shock waves
Music - Beat
Here you can play on two pianos at the same time, listen to the
music and study what happens when two music tones differ
with a small amount of frequencies.
Cycloide - Path of a point on the rim of a circle
Here you can study the movement of a point at the rim
of a rolling wheel.
The path is called a cycloide and have many interesting properties.
You can also find out the the point of the wheel touching the
ground has zero velocity while the point on the top has a velocity
twice of the velocity of the centre.
So if you drive a car in 80 km/h, a point on the rim change
it’s velocity between 0 and 160 km/h.
x  r (  sin  )
y  r (1  cos  )
Light - Polarization
Here you can study
polarization of light
and how our sunglasses
can remove
reflecting light waves
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Here you can study the movement of the a particle
in a simple harmonic motion.
This study is important to understand electromagnetic waves (also light)
and waves on the sea.
x  A cos(t   )
Here you can study the movement of harmonic waves (sin and cos waves)
Music - Harmonics
Here you can study harmonic tones on a music instrument.
When you play on an instrument, then you generate sin and cos waves
with a bacis frequency and multiple frequencies (harmonis tones) of this
basic frequency.
Here you can study collisions by measuring positions, velocities and angles
using sin and cos functions
Here you can study change of the height of the house
and measure/compute different angles
Measure in SimReal I
Different tool for measuring in SimReal
Measure in SimReal II
Measure result
Special measure tool
On / Off
Measure type
Measuring tool in SimReal