TransFormed Careers Job Role Profile

Role Profile
Role Title: Editor Cargo Systems
Reporting To: Fergus Gregory MD
Division/Group: IBI
Function: Editorial
Published by Informa, Cargo Systems is a leading online publication concerned with the port and cargo
industries, specialising in cargo handling, port development, intermodalism, security, the environment, finance
and technology.
With a well respected 36-year-old brand, Cargo Systems keeps decision-makers in port and terminal operations
and surrounding sectors abreast of global trends affecting their businesses, and influences choices and company
policy relating to port investment, terminal planning, equipment acquisitions and intermodal shipping.
Editorial content includes the latest facts, figures and reviews of new equipment and technology, so that
professionals can stay ahead of developments effortlessly. The in-depth regional reviews keep readers updated
with the changing international scene and the safety and security news ensures compliance with local and
international trading laws.
In 2010 Cargo Systems took the exciting step of moving the core-product online only at
this has allowed us to expand our geographical reach further than ever and engage users with text, audio and
video content. We are now able to connect with our audience more than ever before, powering featured
content, opinion and comment through user interaction.
The Editor of Cargo Systems is at the heart of this interaction and will have an active role in leading the future
development of the product as our audience becomes more demanding of our services.
Purpose of role:
- Cargo Systems comprises a mixture of News, commentary/analysis and Featured content in a variety of
formats both online and in print, the editor will ensure a good mix of each is produced in order to drive
traffic. The core ‘value’ proposition for Cargo Systems is to provide unique commentary and featured
content, which may include interviews, opinion pieces and analysis, or high quality checked case studies and
commentary produced by the market itself.
The editor will be required to research and write, news and feature articles for the Cargo Systems website
and print supplements as well as and uploading to and managing the content on our website.
The editor will take responsibility for commissioning articles from freelance contributors and industry
experts, as well as editing articles, proof reading page layouts and publishing to web or print showing sound
editorial judgement
The editor should have a proven background in B2B publishing with exemplary interpersonal skills,
commercial awareness and excellent writing and editing abilities.
You will take active responsibility for developing new contributor contacts and will be proactive in exploring
new business ideas for the brand.
The Editor will provide advice and assistance to Cargo Systems’ commercial and marketing staff, and will
represent Cargo Systems at conferences, trade shows and elsewhere in the marketplace. You will be able to
operate effectively working alone and as part of editorial wider team.
The successful candidate must have the skills to interact effectively at all levels – from senior executives to
the labour force – in the industry sectors covered.
The Editor will be prepared to undertake international travel to events and road trips to conduct editorial
interviews and research where necessary
In-depth knowledge of orthe ability to quickly develop an in-depth knowledge of port operations, cargo
shipping and the global supply chain is essential, including trade types such as containerisation, ro-ro, bulk,
breakbulk, project cargo etc.
The successful candidate will also be required to develop a good understanding of engineering and
technology related to port operations and cargo handling, including civil engineering, cargo handling
equipment and related IT systems along with the ability to skilfully explore international trade dynamics and
the interrelation with topics such as security, the environment, finance and technology etc.
Key Accountabilities for the role
Writing and managing content for ensuring content is of a high quality with a focus on
attracting users
Produce CS Top 100 Ports supplement on an annual basis
Be seen as a trusted partner by the industry, developing senior level contact and trust amongst both readers and
Being an ambassador for Cargo Systems in the market and to inspire readers, contributors and advertisers
Working with the sales team to drive revenues, attending client meetings where relevant
Working with the marketing/PR teams to help promote IFW/LLL
As part of the senior management team in Informa Cargo develop and implement new web content delivery
strategies to i) drive sustainable and increased usage of services to key target audience and ii) generate more revenue
via advertising/subscriptions
Acting as an ambassador for the titles by being active in online discussion forums, social media such as linked in and
twitter and speaking and networking at relevant Informa and external events
Using website metrics and customer feedback to ensure you consistently produce content which will best engage our
audience and meet their information/intelligence needs
Budgeting and cost management – particularly in relation to contributor spend and travel expenses
Report writing for management purposes
Research/Gathering Market Knowledge
 Examination of newswires, company websites and
other relevant forms of media for information and
press releases
 Checking and keeping updated with written reports
Writing - Going through the editorial process of compiling the facts
from research and presenting them in an accessible way
 Division of tasks by news and features
 Summarising data
 Managing the legal aspects and restrictions
from outside sources
Conversations and interviews with key industry
players and relevant contacts
Incorporation of relevant calls and messages
Maintaining an awareness of the work of
competitors/reading competitive literature in the
Researching of other relevant market areas and
building strategy
Attending events and industry conferences
Background reading for specific articles or pieces of
Gathering of intelligence from associations and other
Talking to colleagues and team meetings across all
market facing functions (editorial sales and marketing)
Identifying and building on correct themes for
Going on external meetings with sales and editorial
 Producing the content
 Creating a consistent brand and a look for the product
 Integration and organization of the key forms of data
 Sourcing of images – people, graphics etc
 Adding relevant coding for the web
Compiling articles/short stories
Producing web features
Financial analysis
Monitoring consistency
Translating information into a database formula
Fact checking
Proof reading
Copy editing
Picture research
Consistency and sense checking
Checking legalities and constraints
Checking emphasis and re weighting stories where
Classifying/arranging and compiling article placement
 Making contacts
 Checking suitability
 Providing a brief
 Budgeting and cost management
 Setting a schedule and deadline management
 Chasing copy
 Drawing up contracts
 Market research
Admin - borne out of delivering all Editorial accountabilities and therefore covers the spectrum of the Editorial remit
Personal Development: A minimum of 5% of time to be devoted to personal development or learning and progression in the role. A
personal development plan should be identified as part of the appraisal process and a proportion of time set aside on an ongoing basis
to fulfil the plan
Management Accountabilities
Managing Strategy - obtaining information and
identifying key issues and relationships relevant to
achieving a long-range goal or vision; committing
to a course of action to accomplish a long-range
goal or vision after developing alternatives based
on logical assumptions, facts, available resources,
constraints and organisational values.
 Review/assessment of strategy, plans and outcomes in
preparation for forward planning
 Interpreting data in a range of forms
 Business and budget planning formulation, projections
and forecasting
 Presentations and communicating the plans internally
and externally, and horizontally and ensuring buy in
from all
 Building and maintaining business relationships across
the industry i.e. networking with peers, attendance at
events, meetings, lunches, focus groups etc
Managing Resources - maximising potential from the whole range of resou
available in the business to ensure
the company and its people are operating at its peak
 Succession planning
 Ordering of equipment
 Meetings with suppliers
 Building, communicating and managing an ongoing budget
 Passing information along the line and managing all
approval processes ie document preparation, meetings,
presentations etc
 Negotiating, creating and managing contracts i.e. supplier,
employee, freelancers
 Liaising with other departments, managers and contacts,
internal and external
 Testing, checking and maintaining business systems
 Developing formal processes for identifying gaps in current
processes and increasing efficiency
Utilising formal channels for feedback – meetings,
forums etc
Functional Editorial Competencies: Level 3 Key Behaviours
You command a respect with your writing and knowledge of
your markets
You have an awareness of the news and what makes the news
at all times in the markets in which you operate
You have sound scheduling and project management ability
and effectively keep outsourced work on track
You are bold in your approach and can be ruthless when a brief
requires you to be
You have an excellent knowledge of the business in which you
work and develop your own commercial awareness by
attending cross functional meetings, networking and attending
You demonstrate persistence and tenacity in producing original and
high quality writing
You are confident and authoritative which translates into your
writing style
You have an acute awareness of the legal restrictions on your
writing and understand the limitations they impose
You have excellent negotiation skills which enable you to manage
the commissioning process effectively and positively
You are confident in assessing and proposing new product
development ideas
Core Competencies – these are applicable to all roles within Informa and mean that you…
Communication (Level 3)
 Confidently communicate on all levels internally and externally
 Utilise and exploit contacts and relationships across the whole group
 Translate and interpret information and reports, producing detailed documents for senior management
 Facilitate an atmosphere of openness and honesty in all communication
 Justify and explain why decisions are made stating the business case where necessary
 Implement and oversee effective communication between your own and other units
 Read, interpret and produce financial data
 Deliver presentations internally and externally as the 'face' of the business
Creativity (Level 3)
 Build an environment where change is welcomed and rewarded
 Ensure that people are able to experiment with new and better ways of doing things in the group
 Maximise effective use of resources by being creative with how budgets are set and implemented
 Set up formal channels for feedback when change or innovation is undertaken
Customer Focus (Level 3)
 Lead by example and ensure team know what is expected of them in terms of customer focus
 Reward and praise examples of outstanding customer focus for group
 Facilitate formal and informal training to help team members improve customer focus
 Set up formal channels to communicate best practice
 Communicate team successes to the wider company
 Weigh up requests from customers and take responsibility for making difficult decisions and managing communication where
 Ensure input and feedback from customers is directly translated in to visible changes and new ways of working
 Interact personally with customers to ensure the business is meeting demands and is market driven
Drive for Results (Level 2)
 Ensure focus is maintained on delivering business objectives
 Praise colleagues who consistently make a real difference to the achievements of the team through drive and motivation
 Articulate your own development requirements, set objectives and deliver them
Management Competencies – these mean that you…
Managing Resources (Level 2)
 Determine project/assignment requirements by breaking them down into tasks; identifying equipment, materials, and people
needed and coordinating with internal and external partners.
 Leverage diverse resources by drawing upon multiple and diverse sources (individuals, disciplines, bodies of knowledge) for
ideas and inspiration
 Effectively move resources and re allocate in response to changes in demand across different areas of the team/group
 Can effectively manage a budget for your area of responsibility with the authority to handle expenditure and make financial
decisions in line with targets
 Can produce detailed reports that contribute effectively to business strategy
 Build a support network with external partners to assist with recruitment, logistics and other areas of resource management
 Are able to deal with entirely new situations and crisis management clearly, calmly and in the best interests of the business
and the people involved
Managing Strategy (Level 2)
 Develop a long term strategy for your business/business area, and make forecasts that are communicated to employees
 Keep appraised of your position in the industry and use PR effectively to maintain profile of your business
 Take decisions on merits of corporate investment
 Distil vast amounts of information to extract the salient points
 Are able to detail the impact of decisions on business results
 Think expansively by combining ideas in unique ways or make connections between disparate ideas by exploring different
lines of thought, viewing situations from multiple perspectives and brainstorming multiple approaches/solutions
 Evaluate multiple solutions by examining numerous potential solutions and evaluate each before accepting any
 Identify opportunities and take action to build strategic relationships between your area and other areas, teams,
departments, units, or organizations internal and external to the company to help achieve business goals
 Exchange information with potential partner areas to clarify partnership benefits and potential problems
 Place higher priority on organization's goals than on own area's goals by anticipating effects of own area's actions and
decisions on partners and influencing others to support partnership objectives
Knowledge and Experience required for the role (Education and Qualifications):
 Experience of online editorial/publishing
 Experience of writing for Cargo or linked/similar industry (desirable)
 Relevant Editorial training and experience
 Desirable – direct experience in/intimate knowledge of, ports and terminals sector
 Desirable – formal qualifications or certificate
 Desirable - Other professional qualifications and management courses
 Desirable - Proven experience in an editorial management role