PathoLogic Pathway Predictor SRI International Bioinformatics Inference of Metabolic Pathways Annotated Genomic Sequence Pathway/Genome Database Gene Products Pathways Genes/ORFs DNA Sequences Multi-organism Pathway Database (MetaCyc) Pathways Reactions PathoLogic Software Integrates genome and pathway data to identify putative metabolic networks Compounds Gene Products Genes Reactions Genomic Map Compounds PathoLogic Functionality Initialize SRI International Bioinformatics schema for new PGDB Transform existing genome to PGDB form Infer metabolic pathways and store in PGDB Infer operons and store in PGDB Assemble Overview diagram Assist user with manual tasks Assign enzymes to reactions they catalyze Identify false-positive pathway predictions Build protein complexes from monomers Infer transport reactions SRI International Bioinformatics PathoLogic Input/Output Inputs: File listing genetic elements Files containing DNA sequence for each genetic element Files containing annotation for each genetic element MetaCyc database Output: Pathway/genome database for the subject organism Reports that summarize: Evidence contained in the input genome for the presence of reference pathways Reactions missing from inferred pathways PathoLogic Analysis Phases SRI International Bioinformatics Trial parsing of input data files [few days] Initialize schema of new PGDB [3 min] Create DB objects for replicons, genes, proteins [5 min] Assign enzymes to reactions they catalyze ferrochelatase [10 min / 1 week] glutamate 1-semialdehyde 2,1-aminomutase porphobilinogen deaminase A E1 B E2 C D E G F PathoLogic Analysis Phases SRI International Bioinformatics From assigned reactions, infer what pathways are present [5 min / few days] Define metabolic overview diagram Define protein complexes [30 min] [few days] genetic-elements.dat ID TEST-CHROM-1 NAME Chromosome 1 TYPE :CHRSM CIRCULAR? N ANNOT-FILE SEQ-FILE chrom1.fsa // ID TEST-CHROM-2 NAME Chromosome 2 CIRCULAR? N ANNOT-FILE /mydata/chrom2.gbk SEQ-FILE /mydata/chrom2.fna // SRI International Bioinformatics SRI International Bioinformatics File Naming Conventions One pair of sequence and annotation files for each genetic element Sequence files: FASTA format suffix fsa or fna Annotation file: Genbank format: suffix .gbk PathoLogic format: suffix .pf SRI International Bioinformatics Typical Problems Using Genbank Files With PathoLogic Wrong qualifier names used: read PathoLogic documentation! Extraneous Check information in a given qualifier results of trial parse carefully GenBank File Format Accepted feature types: CDS, tRNA, rRNA, misc_RNA Accepted qualifiers: /locus_tag /gene /product /EC_number /product_comment /gene_comment /alt_name /pseudo SRI International Bioinformatics Unique ID [recm] Gene name [req] [req] [recm] [opt] [opt] Synonyms [opt] Gene is a pseudogene [opt] For multifunctional proteins, put each function in a separate /product line PathoLogic File Format SRI International Bioinformatics Each record starts with line containing an ID attribute Tab delimited Each record ends with a line containing // One attribute-value pair is allowed per line Use multiple FUNCTION lines for multifunctional proteins Lines starting with ‘;’ are comment lines Valid attributes are: ID, NAME, SYNONYM STARTBASE, ENDBASE, GENE-COMMENT FUNCTION, PRODUCT-TYPE, EC, FUNCTION-COMMENT DBLINK INTRON PathoLogic File Format SRI International Bioinformatics ID TP0734 NAME deoD STARTBASE 799084 ENDBASE 799785 FUNCTION purine nucleoside phosphorylase DBLINK PID:g3323039 PRODUCT-TYPE P GENE-COMMENT similar to GP:1638807 percent identity: 57.51; identified by sequence similarity; putative // ID TP0735 NAME gltA STARTBASE 799867 ENDBASE 801423 FUNCTION glutamate synthase DBLINK PID:g3323040 PRODUCT-TYPE P SRI International Bioinformatics Before you start: What to do when an error occurs Navigator errors are automatically trapped – debugging information is saved to error.tmp file. All other errors (including most PathoLogic errors) will cause software to drop into the Lisp debugger Unix: error message will show up in the original terminal window from which you started Pathway Tools. Windows: Error message will show up in the Lisp console. The Lisp console usually starts out iconified – its icon is a blue bust of Franz Liszt 2 goals when an error occurs: Try to continue working Obtain enough information for a bug report to send to pathway-tools support team. Most The Lisp Debugger SRI International Bioinformatics Sample error (details and number of restart actions differ for each case) Error: Received signal number 2 (Keyboard interrupt) Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: continue computation 1: Return to command level 2: Pathway Tools version 10.0 top level 3: Exit Pathway Tools version 10.0 [1c] EC(2): To generate debugging information (stack backtrace): :zoom :count :all To continue from error, find a restart that takes you to the top level – in this case, number 2 :cont 2 To exit Pathway Tools: :exit How to report an error Determine SRI International Bioinformatics if problem is reproducible, and how to reproduce it (make sure you have all the latest patches installed) Send email to containing: Pathway Tools version number and platform Description of exactly what you were doing (which command you invoked, what you typed, etc.) or instructions for how to reproduce the problem error.tmp file, if one was generated If software breaks into the lisp debugger, the complete error message and stack backtrace (obtained using the command :zoom :count :all, as described on previous slide) SRI International Bioinformatics Using the PPP GUI to Create a Pathway/Genome Database Input Project Information Organism -> Create New SRI International Bioinformatics Input Project Information Next Steps Trial Parse Build -> Trial Parse Fix any errors in input files Build pathway/genome database Build -> Automated Build SRI International Bioinformatics SRI International Bioinformatics PathoLogic Parser Output SRI International Bioinformatics Assign Enzymes to Reactions Gene product MetaCyc UDP-glucose-4epimerase Match yes no Probable enzyme -ase no yes Not a metabolic enzyme Assign UDP-D-glucose UDP-galactose Manually search no Can’t Assign yes Assign Enzyme Name Matcher Matches SRI International Bioinformatics on full enzyme name Match is case-insensitive and removes the punctuation characters “ -_(){}',:” Also matches after removal of prefixes and suffixes such as: “Putative”, “Hypothetical”, etc alpha|beta|…|catalytic|inducible chain|subunit|component Parenthetical gene name Enzyme Name Matcher For SRI International Bioinformatics names that do not match, software identifies probable metabolic enzymes as those Containing “ase” Not containing keywords such as “sensor kinase” “topoisomerase” “protein kinase” “peptidase” Etc Research unknown enzymes MetaCyc, Swiss-Prot, PubMed SRI International Bioinformatics Enzyme Name to Reaction Mapping See also file PTools Tutorial/PathoLogic Reports/name-matching-report.txt SRI International Bioinformatics Manual Polishing Refine -> Assign Probable Enzymes Do this first Refine -> Rescore Pathways Redo after assigning enzymes Refine -> Create Protein Complexes Can be done at any time Refine -> Assign Modified Proteins Can be done at any time Refine -> Transport Identification Parser Can be done at any time Refine -> Pathway Hole Filler Refine -> Predict Transcription Units Refine -> Update Overview Do this last, and repeat after any material changes to PGDB Assign Probable Enzymes SRI International Bioinformatics SRI International Bioinformatics How to find reactions for probable enzymes First, verify that enzyme name describes a specific, metabolic function Search for fragment of name in MetaCyc – you may be able to find a match that PathoLogic missed Look up protein in SwissProt or other DBs Search for gene name in PGDB for related organism (bear in mind that gene names are not reliable indicators of function, so check carefully) Search for function name in PubMed Other… Manual Polishing Refine -> Assign Probable Enzymes Refine -> Rescore Pathways Refine -> Create Protein Complexes Refine -> Assign Modified Proteins Refine -> Transport Identification Parser Refine -> Pathway Hole Filler Refine -> Predict Transcription Units Refine -> Run Consistency Checker Refine -> Update Overview SRI International Bioinformatics Automated Pathway Inference All SRI International Bioinformatics pathways in MetaCyc for which there is at least one enzyme identified in the target organism are considered for possible inclusion. Algorithm errs on side of inclusivity – easier to manually delete a pathway from an organism than to find a pathway that should have been predicted but wasn’t. SRI International Bioinformatics Considerations taken into account when deciding whether or not a pathway should be inferred: Is there a unique enzyme – an enzyme not involved in any other pathway? Does the organism fall in the expected taxonomic domain of the pathway? Is this pathway part of a variant set, and, if so, is there more evidence for some other variant? If there is no unique enzyme: Is there evidence for more than one enzyme? If a biosynthetic pathway, is there evidence for final reaction(s)? If a degradation pathway, is there evidence for initial reaction(s)? If an energy metabolism pathway, is there evidence for more than half the reactions? SRI International Bioinformatics Assigning Evidence Scores to Predicted Pathways X|Y|Z denotes score for P in O where: X = total number of reactions in P Y = enzymes catalyzing number of reactions for which there is evidence in O Z = number of Y reactions that are used in other pathways in O Manual Pruning of Pathways SRI International Bioinformatics Use pathway evidence report Coloring scheme aids in assessing pathway evidence Phase I: Prune extra variant pathways Rescore pathways, re-generate pathway evidence report Phase II: Prune pathways unlikely to be present No/few unique enzymes Most pathway steps present because they are used in another pathway Pathway very unlikely to be present in this organism Nonspecific enzyme name assigned to a pathway step Caveats Cannot predict pathways not present in MetaCyc Evidence Since SRI International Bioinformatics for short pathways is hard to interpret many reactions occur in multiple pathways, some false positives Output from PPP Pathway/genome SRI International Bioinformatics database Summary pages Pathway evidence page Click “Summary of Organisms”, then click organism name, then click “Pathway Evidence”, then click “Save Pathway Report” Missing enzymes report Directory etc. tree containing sequence files, reports, SRI International Bioinformatics Resulting Directory Structure ROOT/ptools-local/pgdbs/user/ORGIDcyc/VERSION/ input reports ORGIDbase.ocelot data name-matching-report.txt trial-parse-report.txt kb organism.dat organism-init.dat genetic-elements.dat annotation files sequence files overview.graph released -> VERSION Manual Polishing Refine -> Assign Probable Enzymes Refine -> Rescore Pathways Refine -> Create Protein Complexes Refine -> Assign Modified Proteins Refine -> Transport Identification Parser Refine -> Pathway Hole Filler Refine -> Predict Transcription Units Refine -> Run Consistency Checker Refine -> Update Overview SRI International Bioinformatics SRI International Bioinformatics Creating Protein Complexes SRI International Bioinformatics Complex Subunits Stoichiometries Manual Polishing Refine -> Assign Probable Enzymes Refine -> Re-run Name Matcher Refine -> Create Protein Complexes Refine -> Assign Modified Proteins Refine -> Transport Identification Parser Refine -> Pathway Hole Filler Refine -> Predict Transcription Units Refine -> Run Consistency Checker Refine -> Update Overview SRI International Bioinformatics SRI International Bioinformatics Proteins as Reaction Substrates Manual polishing Refine -> Assign Probable Enzymes Refine -> Rescore Pathways Refine -> Create Protein Complexes Refine -> Assign Modified Proteins Refine -> Transport Identification Parser Refine -> Pathway Hole Filler Refine -> Predict Transcription Units Refine -> Run Consistency Checker Refine -> Update Overview SRI International Bioinformatics Nomenclature SRI International Bioinformatics • WO pair = pair of genes within an operon • TUB pair = pair of genes at a transcription unit boundary (delineate operons) SRI International Bioinformatics Operation of the operon predictor For each contiguous gene pair, predict whether gene pairs are within the same operon or at a transcription unit boundary Use pairwise predictions to identify potential operons AB = TUB pair BC = WO pair CD = WO pair DE = TUB pair A operon = BCD B C D E Operon predictor SRI International Bioinformatics Predicts operon gene pairs based on: intergenic distance between genes genes in the same functional class Typically used for operon prediction We use method from Salgado et al, PNAS (2000) as a starting point. Uses E. coli experimentally verified data as a training set. Compute log likelihood of two genes being WO or TUB pair based on intergenic distance. Operon predictor SRI International Bioinformatics Additional features easily computed from a PGDB 1. both genes products enzymes in the same metabolic pathway 2. both gene products monomers in the same protein complex 3. one gene product transports a substrate for a metabolic pathway in which the other gene product is involved as an enzyme 4. a gene upstream or downstream from the gene pair (and within the same directon) is related to either one of the genes in the pair as per features 1, 2 and 3 above.