Act I PowerPoint Review

Disorders in Hamlet’s life
Claudius’ Coronation Speech
Literary terms
Hamlet’s first of four great soliloquies
Quotes (10 total)
Late King Hamlet
Prince Hamlet
Old Fortinbras
Old Norway
Young Fortinbras
First performed:
Five Act Structure: Purpose of Act I
Introduces the central argument or conflict.
Primary Setting:
Castle of Elsinore; Denmark
Time Period:
16th Century
Setting: (time and place)
Castle of Elsinore located in Demark; 16th century
Act I scene i: Midnight with the changing of the guards
Act I scene ii: inside Elsinore; King’s coronation
Act I scene iii: a room in Elsinore; same night as coronation
Act I scene iv: outside of castle; 11-12 at night
Act I scene v: in a barren field outside of the castle
Contrast the tones of scene i and scene ii:
Tone: Act I sc i
-Mysterious (ghost appeared twice before)
Tone: Act I sc ii
-celebratory; festive (Coronation of Claudius)
Disorder in Hamlet’s Life:
Father’s death
Mother remarries within a month’s time of husband’s death
Because of the marriage, Hamlet loses the throne to Claudius
Unable to return to school.
Young Fortinbras threatening to attack Denmark to reclaim
land that was lost by his father in battle.
Relationship between Claudius and Hamlet (despised/tension)
Polonius commands Ophelia to have no communication with
Hamlet speaks to his father who is in the form of a ghost, and
agrees to avenge his murder; kill King Claudius.
Claudius’ Coronation Speech:
Part One:
Discuss the death of his brother and the sadness it entails, but
quickly focuses on the happiness in his new marriage that
should serve as a way to get over the mourning of a king.
Part Two:
Discusses Young Fortinbras who believes the kingdom of
Denmark to be in a weak state.
Fortinbras plans to gain back the land his father lost in battle.
Fixes the situation by writing a letter to Old Norway so he is
aware his nephew (Young Fortinbras) is planning an attack on
Literary Terms:
Definition: when a character reveals thoughts while other
character’s are on stage; information is meant for the
audience to hear, not the other characters present.
Definition: when a character is alone on stage revealing
his/her inner thoughts to the audience through a lengthy
Foil Character
Definition: a character who parallels and contrasts a
main character.
First of four Great Soliloquies delivered by Hamlet:
Two main parts:
1. Depression; suicidal about the state of the affairs
in his life (disorders)
2. Anger towards his mother for remarrying so
quickly, but acknowledging he will not do
anything about it.
Act I Quotes (10 total)
 Horatio: Act I: i lines 66-68
 “ I might not this believe / Without the sensible and
true avouch / Of mine own eyes.”
Hamlet: Act I: ii line 66 [aside]
“A little more than kin and less than kind!”
Hamlet: Act I: ii lines 275-76 (foreshadowing)
“Foul deed will rise, / Though all the earth
o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes.”
Act I Quotes (cont.):
 Polonius: Act I: iii line 82 [irony]
 “This above all, to thine own self be true.”
Marcellus: Act I: iv line 98
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
Ghost: Act I: v lines 27 and 29
“If thou didst ever thy dear father love- / Revenge his
foul and most unnatural murder.”
Act I Quotes (cont.):
 Ghost: Act I: v lines 44-45
 “The serpent that did sting thy father’s life / Now
wears his crown.”
Ghost: Act I: v lines 79-80
“Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother’s hand / Of life,
of crown, of queen, at once dispatched.”
Hamlet Act I: v line 113 [ theme of appearance vs. reality]
“That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.”
Act I Quotes (cont.):
Hamlet Act I: v lines 205-06
“The time is out of joint. O cursed spite, / That ever I
was born to set it right!”
-Claudius killing his brother
-Gertrude remarrying so quickly
-ghost as devil in disguise?
-Young Fortinbras
Appearance vs. Reality
story told to Denmark about Hamlet’s death
Claudius if he’s a murderer
Hamlet putting on an “antic disposition”