Part I. Quantitative Indicators Overall Program Health: Healthy Majors Included: NURS Program CIP: 51.3801 Program Year Demand Indicators Demand Health Call 10-1111-1212-13 1 New & Replacement Positions (State) 306 305 376 2 *New & Replacement Positions (County Prorated)28 33 33 3 *Number of Majors 84.5 44 69.5 3a Number of Majors Native Hawaiian 14 11 3b Fall Full-Time 17% 26% 32% 3c Fall Part-Time 83% 74% 68% 3d Fall Part-Time who are Full-Time in System 1% 3e Spring Full-Time 34% 56% 49% 3f 66% 44% 51% Spring Part-Time 3g Spring Part-Time who are Full-Time in System 4% 9 3% 10% Healthy 15% 4% 4 SSH Program Majors in Program Classes 1,308 848 1,345 5 SSH Non-Majors in Program Classes 27 6 SSH in All Program Classes 1,335 1,304 1,368 7 FTE Enrollment in Program Classes 45 43 46 8 Total Number of Classes Taught 18 17 11 456 23 Program Year Efficiency Indicators Efficiency Health Call 10-11 11-12 12-13 9 Average Class Size 36.5 22.1 20.6 10 *Fill Rate 87.3% 63.5% 64.8% Cautionary 1 11 FTE BOR Appointed Faculty 7 12.5 12 *Majors to FTE BOR Appointed Faculty12 6.2 5.5 13 Majors to Analytic FTE Faculty 24.2 46.9 1.8 1.5 13a 7 63.4 Analytic FTE Faculty1.3 14 Overall Program Budget Allocation $646,154$418,857Not Yet Reported 14a General Funded Budget Allocation$572,654$243,275Not Yet Reported 14b Special/Federal Budget Allocation$0 14c Tuition and Fees$0 15 Cost per SSH $0 Not Yet Reported $175,582Not Yet Reported $484 16 Number of Low-Enrolled (<10) Classes 0 $321 Not Yet Reported 2 4 *Data element used in health call calculation Last Updated: October 3, 2013 Program Year Effectiveness Indicators Effectiveness Health Call 10-11 11-12 12-13 17 Successful Completion (Equivalent C or Higher)96% 87% 92% 18 Withdrawals (Grade = W) 15 7 19 *Persistence Fall to Spring 85.9%88% 88.6% 19aPersistence Fall to Fall 1 4.5% 20 *Unduplicated Degrees/Certificates Awarded 65 59 62 20a 59 62 Degrees Awarded65 20b Certificates of Achievement Awarded0 0 0 20c Advanced Professional Certificates Awarded0 0 0 20d Other Certificates Awarded0 0 0 21 External Licensing Exams Passed 22 Transfers to UH 4-yr 5 Healthy 87% N/A 1 5 2 22a Transfers with credential from program5 1 5 22b Transfers without credential from program0 0 0 Program Year Distance Education: Completely On-line Classes 10-11 1 11-12 12-13 23Number of Distance Education Classes Taught 0 0 24Enrollments Distance Education Classes N/A 24 N/A 25Fill Rate N/A 60% N/A 26Successful Completion (Equivalent C or Higher) N/A 92% N/A 27Withdrawals (Grade = W) N/A 1 N/A 28Persistence (Fall to Spring Not Limited to Distance Education)N/A No Fall CoursesN/A Perkins IV Core Indicators 2011-2012 Goal Actual Met 291P1 Technical Skills Attainment 90.00100.00 Met 302P1 Completion 50.00 94.92 Met 313P1 Student Retention or Transfer74.25 66.67 Not Met 324P1 Student Placement 60.00 69.57 Met 335P1 Nontraditional Participation 17.00 16.92 Not Met 345P2 Nontraditional Completion 15.25 11.86 Not Met Program Year Performance Funding 10-1111-1212-13 35Number of Degrees and Certificates 62 36Number of Degrees and Certificates Native Hawaiian 11 3 37Number of Degrees and Certificates STEM 62 38Number of Pell Recipients 56 39Number of Transfers to UH 4-yr 5 *Data element used in health call calculation Last Updated: October 3, 2013 Part II. Analysis of the Program Even in economically tough times, the demand indicators are "Healthy." Still they do not accurately portray the current and future nursing workforce needs. A REPORT ON Hawaii’s Nursing Workforce Supply 2011 from the Hawai'i State Center for Nursing states on p.17: “Nationally and locally registered nurses make up the bulk of practicing nurses. Employment of RNs is expected to grow 26 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than the average for all occupations. U.S. Bureau of labor indicates this growth will occur primarily because of technological advancements; an increased emphasis on preventative care; and the large, aging Baby Boomer generation who will demand more healthcare services as they live longer and more active lives.” Need for Nurses in Maui County The UHMC Nursing Program is the primary source for nurses in all Maui County health care facilities. The Career Ladder format of the nursing program makes it possible for students to work at Nurse Aides, Licensed Practical Nurses while they continue in the Associate Degree Registered Nurse program. It also allows them to accept employment in an agency even if there are not vacant Registered Nurse positions. This advantage has been important over the 20122013 academic year. Employment of the graduates is summarized in the attached table. Several factors have slowed the employment of Registered Nurses: The primary employer, Maui Memorial Medical Center has been in discussion with the State Legislator regarding funding and with several organizations about a proposed “Public/Private partnership.” The Affordable Care Act has created confusion in the health care community about numbers of patients and care locations. As a result both acute care and community based care have maintained current staffing until the needs are more clearly identified. Older nurses have remained employed after normal retirement age to support family and ensure benefit. Two factors clearly predict a major increase in need for health care workers at a variety of levels. 4 1. The recent funding of the West Maui Hospital and Medical Center predicts a major need in late 2016-2017 (see attached email from Brian Hoyle, Developer, Newport Hospital Corp president). “Acute Care Hospital: 35 RNs, 9 LPNs, 8 NAs, 11 OR Tech” “Skilled Nursing/Assisted Living Facility 7 RNs, 10 LPNs, 20 NAs” See Appendix pp. 1-2. 2. The major increase in the number of individuals with health insurance due to implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2015. Statewide predications are an increase in the State of Hawaii of 50,000 covered by Connector and 50,000 covered by Medicaid (Kelley Withy, MD). It is anticipated that the increase will be from Primary Care Providers (MD, NP), to RNs, LPN, NAs, Community Health Workers, and medical office staff. While the goal of the ACA is to increase community based care and avoid acute care, the large visitor industry in Maui County will result in a continued need for acute care.Currently 40% of patients at MMMC are visitor who injury themselves or experience an medical emergency while on vacation. UHMC Allied Health Department Program Offerings Total Jobs 588,210 State of Hawaii Registered Nurses 10,060 Licensed Practical Nurses 1,270 Nursing Assistants 5,080 Dental Hygienists 1,010 Dental Assistants 1,640 Pharmacy Technicians 1,260 Medical Assistants 3,190 Median Salary $36,350 $85,200 $44,490 $30,190 $69,610 $31,750 $36,780 $34,830 5 Jobs Explorer, Looking at Occupations in Hawaii by Median Salary May 2012 State Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Hawaii The volatility of hiring in the Health Care environment is demonstrated by the recent Honolulu Advertiser announcement. “Queen's to recruit more than 200 workers at 2 job fairs By Star-Advertiser staff 10/25/2013 Queen's Health Systems will host two job fairs to recruit more than 200 workers for its West Oahu and downtown Honolulu campuses. The company anticipates many current employees to transfer to the Queen's Medical Center-West Oahu and intends to fill positions at both facilities. The openings are in nursing, clinical/technical and support services and will include full-time, part-time and call-in positions. The company will be accepting applications at the University of Hawaii-West Oahu (91-1001 Farrington Highway) on Nov. 2 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and at Manoa Elementary School (3155 Manoa Road) on Nov. 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Resumes required. Applicants also can apply online at The efficiency indicators are not correct. The average ADN class size in F12/Sp13 AY was 33, making the fill rate 82.5%; much healthier than the reported 20.6/class and 64.8% fill rate. The effectiveness indicators are also healthy showing good retention and graduation numbers, and with a new stream of students transfering to earn the 4-yr BSN degree within the HSNC. We also have a healthy representation of Native Hawaiians earning degrees and certificates. The Perkins IV Core Indicators also contain inaccuracies. The retention of the Fall 12 class to graduation in the Spring of 2013 was 100%. Just the Native Hawaiian participation and completion was 17.7%, higher than both the 5P1 and 5P2 goals for nontraditional students. UHMC Nursing Program’s Response to UH Goals, UH Board of Regents “Hawaii Graduation Initiative,” and National Recommendations regarding nursing education University of Hawaii Maui College in collaboration with Hawaii Statewide Nursing Consortium (HSNC) created a common Statewide Nursing Curriculum which allows seamless transition to the UH Manoa Bachelor’s in nursing degree, on Maui. This is a direct response to the Institute Of Medicine Recommendations, RWJF Initiative on the Future of Nursing 2010, Recommendation #4 “ Increase the proportion of nurses with BSN to 80% by 2020.” 1 UH Transfer Rates The UH Statewide Nursing Consortium also addresses the UH Strategic Plan Update discussed in Vice President for Community Colleges, John Morton’s Spring 2013 presentation on Maui, April, 2013 2 and the Board of Regents “Hawaii Graduation Initiative” strategy #2 “Ensure efficient transfer of students and credits”, and the UH Strategic Goal B “Function as a Seamless 6 System.” 3 Based on the data presented by John Morton 2, UHMC had a 3.5% transfer rate in 2011 and a 4% rate in 2012. The UHMC Nursing program had 22% of the Sp 12 AS graduates and 39% of the fall 12 AS graduates transfer for the Bachelor in nursing program at UHM. Academic Year/Semester General UHMC Transfer % 2011 2012 3.5% 4% Sp 12 F 12 2013 UHMC AS Nursing Transfer % to UHM BSN Program 22% (6 of 27 AS graduates) 39% (11 of 28 AS graduates) 13% (5 of 38 AS graduates) Sp 13 Graduate data from UHMC University Center provides additional evidence of the “efficient transfer” of UHMC nursing students to the UH Manoa and UH Hilo Nursing Programs for advanced degrees. Academic Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 BSN Graduates 3 UHH MSN Graduates PhD Graduate 1 UHM 5 UHH 6 UHM 2 UHM Promote College Preparation Based on the belief, “Students who are college-ready are more likely to earn a degree/certificate,”3 the UHMC Nursing Program has competitive selection based on student performance in English, Math, and science courses necessary for success in nursing education. Over the last four semesters 48% of the qualified applicants were accepted. Nursing is a high demand program that results in approximately 50 % of the qualified applicants not being accepted and needing to reapply each semester. Associate Degree Nursing Program Admissions Semester Applicants Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 103 57 82 75 Qualified Applicants 85 52 73 70 Number Admitted 40 38 30 30 % of Qualified Applicants Admitted 47% 66% 37% 40% UH Graduation Rates On April 26, 2013, VP John Morton presented the “UH Strategic Plan Update, Goal A Educational Effectiveness and Students Success.” September 2013 the UH Board of Regents 7 Resolution “Hawaii Graduation Initiative Strategy #3 Enable On-time Graduation” focused on graduate rates. The UHMC Nursing Program graduation rates far exceed the current community college and UHM graduation rates. The UHMC Nursing Program graduation rates are illustrated in the table below. Over the 30 year period the Associate Degree Nursing Program graduate rate has averaged 88%. University of Hawaii Registered Nurse Program Enrollment & Graduate Rate Year Number Number Graduation Enrolled Graduated Percent 1982-83 22 19 86% 1983-84 19 17 89% 1985-86 24 22 92% 1986-87 24 22 92% 1987-88 22 20 91% 1988-89 25 18 72% 1990-91 25 19 76% 1991-92 36 34 94% 1992-93 48 39 81% 1993-94 39 34 87% 1994-95 26 24 92% 1995-96 36 30 83% 1996-97 26 23 88% 1997-98 24 20 83% 1998-99 24 23 96% 1999-2000 26 23 88% 2000-01 32 28 88% 2001-02 36 33 92% 2002-03 36 30 83% 2003-04 22 20 91% 2004-05 38 33 87% 2005-06 42 38 90% 2006-07 40 39 98% 2 Cohorts Admitted F07-Sp08 each year Sp08-F08 F08-Sp09 Sp09-F09 2009-2010 F09-Sp10 Sp10-F10 F10-Sp11 Sp11-F11 HSNC F11-Sp12 31 30 32 29 30 30 25 23 97% 100% 78% 79% 33 36 43 37 24 28 29 36 37 23 85% 81% 84% 100% 96% 8 Sp 12-F12 2012-2013 F12-Sp13 28 27 96% 39 38 97% 1. Nursing/Nursing%20Education%202010%20Brief.pdf 2. 3. tion%20Endorsing%20Strategies%20to%20Improve%20Student%20Success.pdf Summary UHMC Nursing Program is high demand (competitive selection) program with less than 50% of the qualified applicants accepted each year. Eighty-eight percent of the students graduate and earn more than twice the Median salary of those working in Hawaii. Changes in health care financing, aging of the population, and plans to expand existing and build new health facilities on Maui predict increase demand for nurses on Maui, in Hawaii, and across the United States. Response to CASLO Summary Report 2013 The University of Hawaii Maui College Nursing Program has three Writing Intensive (WI) courses, NURS 210 Health Promotion Across the Life Span, NURS 320 Health and Illness IIFamily Health, and NURS 360 Health and Illness III. After reviewing CASLO Summary Report, nursing faculty discussed strategies to enhance writing, provide experience with use of APA format for annotated bibliography, and avoid plagiarism (similarity). Three courses, NURS 210 (1st semester of the nursing program), NURS 320, and NURS 360 (final semester of the nursing program) identified written assignments that students would be required to submit to for the Fall 2013 semester. The goal is to have each student self-identify areas needing correction. Faculty in N210, 320, and N360 will meet at the end of the Fall 2013 semester to evaluate the use of Turnitin. Based on this evaluation, faculty members in all courses will consider the value of this strategy for additional writing assignments. The 2013 CASLO recommendation: “Faculty members need to look at re-evaluate and potentially need to change all assignments to help ensure that older written assignments still meet the newer skill requirements of the profession of today…faculty need to know what is being done in previous courses and build upon the skills for the students to actually excel.” was discussed in a nursing program meeting. Nursing faculty members believe this CASLO recommendation may have been made without a full understanding of writing in the nursing program. The attached tables outline the major written assignments in each course and the dates of creation/revision of the assignments. The CASLO recommendation provided motivation for a full Nursing Program discussion of how writing was used in the nursing program. Major Writing Assignments in Nursing Programs AY 2012-13 Goal for AY 2013-14 is to discuss and consider development of common Rubrics for WI writing 9 in the Nursing Program Practical Nurse Program Course N210 WI Assignment Course yes Created/Reviewed Assignments Health Across the Lifespan Modifications Created Fall 10 Health Fair Written Assignment* reviewed each semester Created Fall 10 reviewed each semester Created Fall 10 Determinants of Health UHMC Student –Directed Portfolio reviewed each semester Created Fall 10 reviewed each semester Created Fall 10 reviewed each semester Adult Health Promotion Case Study Child Health Promotion Case Study N211 N212 N220a Professionalism in Nursing I Pathophysiology Health & Illness Ia N230 Health & Illness Ib Concept Map & Brief Paper Clinical Immersion Concept Map Thanatology Scholarly Paper Created template & hyperlink model Draft submitted at Midterm Template using Doenges Health Patterns Revise concepts Sp 14 no no no To be introduced Sp 14 Concept Paper N220b Created template for data no Created Sp 11 no Created SS 11 Created SS 11 Discontinued F13 Created SS 11 Lifelong Learning Revised SS 13 Evidence Based Practice EBP add to assignment+ Associate of Science Registered Nursing Program Course N320 WI Created/Reviewed Course Health & Illness II-Family yes Assignments Modifications 10 N360 Health Postpartum Concept Paper L&D Concept Paper Home Visit Concept Paper Pediatric Concept Paper Health & Illness III Created Fall 11* Created Fall 12* Created Spring13* Created Fall 11* Instructions and rubric revised Instructions and rubric revised Instructions and rubric revised Instructions and rubric revised yes Created Spring 12 Concept Map* Reviewed 9/22/13 Evidenced Based Practice*+ Created Spring 12 Created Fall 10 Patient Education Revised Spring 12 N362 IP Reflection Heart, Brain, Vascular Professionalism in Nursing II Increased weigh for quality of writing Motivational Interviewing added Additional Settings for Implementation Created Sp 2012 Created Fall 2012 no *Assignment submitted to Fall 2013 +EBP Evidence Based Practice Assignments require student to write in response to reviews of research about current nursing practice with the goal of instilling the need for and process of lifelong learning as a health care provider. Part III. Action Plan “University of Hawaii Maui College is a learning-centered institution that provides affordable, high quality credit and non-credit educational opportunities to a diverse community of life-long learners.” The Career Ladder Nursing Program provides these educational opportunities in health care, affording the graduates of the program a lifelong career with meaningful contribution to the health of our community, and an above average income for them and their families. The strategic action plans for the Associate Degree in Nursing Program in 2011 and progress during 2012: Continue Implementation of the HSNC curriculum in collaboration with UHM, Kauai and Kapiolani CC. We have done much internal analysis, but the funding for the faculty to gather at UHM with all the faculty teaching the statewide curriculum was unavailable. Hence, course groups from UHMC and Kauaui CC were unavailable to consult with the course groups from UHMN and Kapiolani. The department chairs attended and communicatied the high level issues, but the specific shared expereince teaching each course was lost. Though we have more expereince with 11 this curriculum on our own campus, the synergy of numerous perspectives was lost. This has resource implications. Standardize course documents throughout the program. Syllabi and learning guides have been templated, as have the clinical remediation documents. This year we are aiming at Laulima standardization. Mentor faculty in concept based teaching, and testing and evaluation. Measurable strides have been made in all categories. We have integrated concepts into the learning guides, and we are integrating them into the test blueprints. The standardized testing and the course level testing have both been more closely linked with the program and course SLOs so we can more clearly identify areas of strength and weakness. This is an ongoing process involving categorizing exam questions and blue printing exams maps to achieve objective evaluation of each category. It is an additional workload item that can only be accomplished by the faculty with expertise in the topic being tested. The faculty has been firmly supportive of the project and the department is clear about keeping expectation realistic. By the end of 2014, we should have the project well in hand. There are big resource implications to license the software tools to do this. Grow the simulation program in step with local and national best practices and regulatory initiatives. We have developed several new simulations that address areas highlighted in last year’s employer evaluations: communication, prioritization and organization. We will pull this through this year and have alrady expanded to another course. We also acquired a educational electronic medical record for the simulation lab. Staff training and beginning student training was accomplished in spring and summer 2013. This year we will roll it out progressivesly so the student in simulation lab will have a bedside computer with all the required pateint data embedded to care for a patient expereincing a crisis. It will also be used to teach and practice documentation, and for clinical preparation. This is resource heavy. Part IV. Resource Implications Funding for the faculty to travel to UHM once per semester is dearly needed. We are pioneers in the whole country with what were are doing as a state with nursing education, and not to be at the table is a huge loss. We still need specific funding for a lab coordinator. It is either lecturer funds or overload for teaching faculty. In 2012, we centralized all supplies and standardized the ordering procedures. The financial analysis is not complete, but we are able to take full advantage of superquotes, have saved valuable faculty time in securing needed supplies for the labs and simulations, and all inventory for 5 labs is accounted for so there are no wasted supplies. 12 The implementation of the educational Electronic Medical Record (EMR) has been very exciting, and absolutely essential, but costly. The amount of “at the elbow” support required for both faculty and students is measurable and mission critical. We have gotten grant money from 4 different sources to employ a nurse informaticist to get students and faculty quickly up to a working knowledge of the softwares, so they can concentrate on the teaching and learning! We have gotten $33,000 donated for this from May 2013-June 2014. This role needs a permanent funding source. The licensing of the EHR is about $50 per student per semester, for a program cost of ~$12,000 per academic year. The standardized testing package which includes 9 exams mapped to NCLEX and benchmarking our students with the performance of the rest of the country, the NCLEX prepartion course, case studies used through out the program and numerous practice tests, is ~$145 per student each semester, for a total program cost of ~$35,000 per academic year. At the same time, we cancelled our contract with Kaplan Testing , which saved the program ~$38K annually. We have also spent $50/student for Exam soft, or $8000 per year. This was for 160 licenses. We have now decreased our admission class to 30 (from 40) so we will only need 120 licenses. In addition, the rest of the HSNC is adopting ExamSoft spring 2014, and our price will drop to $35/student as a part of that, bringing our annual cost down to $4200. In the future, we may need to pass these costs back to the students (~$235 per semester in addition to tuition, books and a $500 a semester professional fee) but for the F13/Sp14 AY, these are department costs. Passing the costs to the students may be at odds with our mission: “University of Hawaii Maui College is a learning-centered institution that provides affordable, high quality credit and non-credit educational opportunities to a diverse community of life-long learners.” Comprehensive Review Information Web address to the on-line location of the last comprehensive review: Last comprehensive review completed: February 2007. The written report is in the Nursing Office. Next review will be Spring 2015. Description Graduates of the University of Hawai’i Maui College Career Ladder Second Level (ADN) nursing program are educated to provide nursing care in agencies that provide appropriate orientation, on-going staff development opportunities, and professional guidance. They are primarily educated to function as members of the multidisciplinary health care team in direct nursing care roles with adult and pediatric clients on general medical/surgical, obstetrical, newborn nursery and psychiatric nursing units. They have been introduced to the concepts of nurse leader/manager and the role of the Registered Nurse in the physician’s office, clinics, long term care facilities and home health. 13 Graduates are eligible to take the National Council for Nursing Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN), and upon demonstration of satisfactory performance, will be awarded a license to practice as an R.N. The University of Hawai’i Maui College Career Ladder is a member of the Hawai’i State Nursing Consortium (HSNC). This is a standardized statewide curriculum which allows our graduates automatic admission to UH Manoa to complete their BSN year from here on our campus. We utilize a concept-based approach to teaching and learning, as well as employ practice level information systems and simulations to support preparation for practice. The ADN graduate will assume responsibility for maintaining current evidence-based practice, ongoing professional growth, and life-long learning. Assessed? Program Student Learning Outcomes Was this PSLO assessed this year? To change, click The description of the P-SLO on the "Yes/No" boxes below 1 YesWritten Communication 2 YesEthics 3 YesLeadership 4 No Evidenced Based Practice 5 No Information Retrieval 6 No Clinical Judgment/Critical Thinking 7 No Oral communication 8 No Quantitative Reasoning 9 No Health Care Systems 10 No Collaboration with members of the healthcare team 11 No Relationship-Centered Care 12 No Reflection on Practice Actions Re-order, edit, or remove the PSLO Add P-SLO Evidence of Industry Validation Employer Surveys Please rate the graduate in the following areas: Ability to EXCELLENT ABOVE AVERAGE AVERAGE 4 3 % excellent o above average 2 14 1. Apply the nursing process 11% 78% 11% 89% 2. Communicate effectively 27% 64% 9% 91% 3. Demonstrate professional attitude 33% 50% 17% 83% 4. Work effectively as a team member 18% 73% 9% 91% 5. Problem solve/Think critically 9% 73% 18% 82% 6. Provide basic care 25% 58% 17% 83% 7. Perform clinical assessments 12% 63% 25% 75% 8. Perform clnical skills 11% 67% 22% 78% 9. Administer medications 22% 56% 22% 78% 10. Document care 9% 73% 18% 82% 11. Organize care 18% 73% 9% 91% nursing programs, please rate this UHMC 14% 71% 14% 85% Compared to new graduates from other Graduate’s preparation. Comments/Suggestions Able to provide safe care but may need reminders on new ways of communicating. Gets along well with staff on all nursing units. Always pleasant to work with, and good team player. Quick learner. Gets along with staff. Fast learner. She works excellent as a team leader with solid nursing knowledge. She will definitely be able to function effectively as a team leader of her own team and will be a good nurse. Very comfortable and confident. MD orders, charge nurse duties, customer service, admission, transfer, discharges, test/procedures, follow up, multi-tasking, communicating with everyone! She will be a well-rounded RN. She was able to quickly learn the process of the unit. Gets along well with all those he works with. He understands he cannot know everything as a new nurse, but he is learning his resources and knows to look things up. He is also very flexible and willing to learn. Expected Level of Achievement 2nd Year HSNC Bench Marks Ethical Practice 15 a. Consciously incorporates each provision of the ANA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and the Hawaii Nurse Practice Act in practice b. Identifies when clinical practices and protocols may be at odds with individual patient’s rights c. Identifies dilemmas in which individual rights are in conflict with the greater good d. Articulates dilemmas and identify stakeholders with pertinent facts. e. Applies ethical principles to identify choices and possible consequences. f. Engages in reflection about choices, considering ethical frameworks, and the implications for future situations. Leadership a. Identifies characteristics of effective leadership. b. Engages in self-directed professional development to improve personal leadership characteristics and skills c. Understands consequence of making leadership decisions with limited information. d. Provides positive and constructive feedback on specific aspects of performance e. Delegates to, and evaluates others, ensuring that the task is within their scope of practice, that they are competent to perform the task, and that they receive clear communication and feedback in regard to their performance. f. Explains the purpose and desired outcome of the task and the time frame in which the task is to be completed. g. Provides leadership in the modification of client care and/or organizational issues toward identified outcomes. Courses Assessed The ethical portion of the Reflective Evaluation tool in N360 below contains examples of the student’s ethical practice.The students need scores of 3 or 4 to pass the clinical experiences and graduate from the ADN program. Every student who graduated successfully completed this exercise. 16 The Leadership Experience in N360 contains specific clinical examples of the student’s leadership against the HSNC benchmarks. The students need to pass the leadership experience to graduate from the ADN program. Every student who graduated successfully completed this experience. Assessment Strategy/Instrument NURS 360 REFLECTION / EVALUATION TOOL The purpose of this Reflection / Evaluation tool is to guide the student in the development of behavior consistent with excellent nursing practice, and to facilitate faculty evaluation of student progress. Effective reflection is an engine that drives growth and improvement. The Reflection / Evaluation Tool should be submitted by the student to the student’s clinical instructor after each clinical week. Monday at 0900 is the usual time for submission. The student must pass all categories of the Reflection / Evaluation Tool with a score of 3 (proficient) by final evaluation to pass the course. Grading for each category is according to, but is not limited by, the contents of the rubric. The student is expected to give meaningful and appropriate examples where examples are required. Additional examples may be assigned at the instructor’s discretion, if the student’s examples are not deemed adequate by the instructor. Lapses must be addressed in the R/E Tool submission after the lapse. 1. PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICAL PRACTICE Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4 Students must receive a level 3 or better for a Pass. A score of 1or 2 in any area will result in a clinical fail and a fail for the N360 Course. 1.Professionalism an d Ethical Practice Unsatisfactory Applies to any scheduled lab or clinical activity and includes, but is not limited to, the following: Meeting Deadlines Turn-in of clinical papers late >3 times (without previous arrangement). Novice Developing Proficient Exemplary Turn-in of clinical papers late up to 3 times (without arrangement). Prep not complete x 3. Paper work is Turn-in of clinical papers late up to 2 times (without arrangement). Clinical prep No late submission of clinical papers (without previous arrangement).Clinic al Prep 90% done. Demonstrates 17 Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4 Students must receive a level 3 or better for a Pass. A score of 1or 2 in any area will result in a clinical fail and a fail for the N360 Course. 1.Professionalism an d Ethical Practice Unsatisfactory Applies to any scheduled lab or clinical activity and includes, but is not limited to, the following: Novice Developing Prep not disorganized complete > x 3. and/or incomplete Paper work is x 3. disorganized and/or incomplete > x 3. Attendance Policy (includes uniform regulation, safety, ethical standards, etc) Dependability Initiative/Feedback Absent, Late or leaves early >3 times (without previous arrangement or medical release) >3 lapses in UHMC Nursing Program Policy Does not read, listen to, and follow written and verbal instructions. Does not seek clarification as needed. Moderate disruption when under stress. Defensive when Proficient Exemplary not complete x organization and 2. Paper work thoroughness in is disorganized paper work. and/or incomplete x 1-2. Absent, late or leaves early up No absence, tardy, to 1-2 times or leaving early (without (without previous previous arrangement with arrangement or instructor or medical medical release) release) 1-2 lapses in 3 lapses in UHMC UHMC No lapse in UHMC Nursing Program Nursing Nursing Program Policy Program Policy Policy Frequently Occasionally read reads, listens Consistently reads, s, listens to, and to, and follows listens to, and follows written and written and follows written and verbal instructions. verbal verbal instructions. Occasionally seeks instructions. Seeks clarification clarification as Seeks as needed. needed. clarification as needed. Occasionally does Frequently Consistently not demonstrate demonstrates demonstrates eagerness to learn eagerness to eagerness to learn or take initiative to learn and takes and takes initiative Absent, Late or leaves early 3 times (without previous arrangement or medical release) 18 Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4 Students must receive a level 3 or better for a Pass. A score of 1or 2 in any area will result in a clinical fail and a fail for the N360 Course. 1.Professionalism an d Ethical Practice Unsatisfactory Applies to any scheduled lab or clinical activity and includes, but is not limited to, the following: Novice Developing offered constructive suggestions and does not take responsibility for own actions. Does not improve after feedback. Communication Is not truthful in verbalizations and behaviors, and shows unprofessional communication and demeanor. Negative relationships reported by staff, others, or observed. by instructor. Disregards ethical behavior in accord with ANA Code of Ethics the ANA Code of Ethics, disregards defined standards of practice and Proficient Exemplary enhance learning. initiative to to enhance learning, Not consistently enhance Always cooperative. cooperative. Much learning. Self-aware. guidance needed in Minimal to Anticipates stress new/stressful moderate and plans for it. situations. Does guidance in Does improve after not consistently new/stressful feedback. improve after situations. feedback. Does improve after feedback. Occasionally is not Truthful in truthful in verbalizations verbalizations and and behaviors, Truthful in behaviors, and and shows verbalizations and shows unprofessional behaviors, and professional communicatio shows professional communication n and communication and and demeanor. demeanor. demeanor. Positive Negative Positive relationships relationships relationships reported by staff, reported by staff, reported by others, or observed others, or staff, others, or by instructor. observed. observed by instructor. by instructor. Occasionally Consistently Consistently demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates ethical ethical behavior in ethical behavior in accord accord with the behavior in with the ANA Code ANA Code of accord with of Ethics, observes Ethics. the ANA Code defined standards of Occasionally of Ethics, practice and hospital observes defined observes regulations, standards of defined identifies when 19 Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4 Students must receive a level 3 or better for a Pass. A score of 1or 2 in any area will result in a clinical fail and a fail for the N360 Course. 1.Professionalism an d Ethical Practice Unsatisfactory Applies to any scheduled lab or clinical activity and includes, but is not limited to, the following: Novice Developing Proficient Exemplary hospital practice and standards of clinical practices and regulations, doe hospital practice and protocols may be at s not identify regulations. hospital odds with individual when clinical Occasionally regulations, patients rights, practices and identifies when identifies identifies dilemmas protocols may clinical practices when clinical in which individual be at odds with and protocols may practices and rights are in conflict individual be at odds with protocols may with the greater patients rights, individual patients be at odds with good, factually does not identify rights, occasionally individual articulates dilemmas dilemmas in identifies patients rights, and stakeholders’ which individual dilemmas in which identifies interests. rights are in individual rights dilemmas in conflict with the are in conflict with which greater good, the greater good. individual does not Has rights are in factually difficulty factually conflict with articulate articulating the greater dilemmas and dilemmas, and good, factually stakeholders’ stakeholders’ articulates interests. interests. dilemmas and stakeholders’ interests. Ethical Reflection Does not apply ethical principles to identify choices, and possible consequences. Does not Occasionally applies ethical principles to identify choices, and possible consequences. Occasionally engages in reflection about engage in reflection about choices, and the Consistently applies ethical principles to identify choices, and possible consequences. Engages in reflection Consistently applies ethical principles to identify choices, and possible consequences. Engages in reflection about choices, and the implications for 20 Scoring Guide 1 2 3 4 Students must receive a level 3 or better for a Pass. A score of 1or 2 in any area will result in a clinical fail and a fail for the N360 Course. 1.Professionalism an d Ethical Practice Unsatisfactory Applies to any scheduled lab or clinical activity and includes, but is not limited to, the following: Novice Developing Proficient Exemplary choices, and the implications for implications for future situations. future situations. Incomplete Does not example in complete tool.. Example example. does not demonstrate insight. about choices, and the implications for future situations. Completes example in tool. Example demonstrates insight. future situations. Complete examples in tool.. Example demonstrates insight. Not an SNA member. Not an SNA member Professional Activities Not an SNA member. SNA member** or officer, >2 volunteer activities ** Attach documentation of SNA membership Give an example of a complex ethical problem/situation/dilemma that you encountered in clinical this semester. What did you notice that you interpreted as requiring ethical decision-making? What additional information did you need to gather? How did you interpret this situation? What was your response? What is your reflection on your choice and the outcomes? 21 List volunteer activities, if any, below: 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ List below, lapses in ethical or professional behavior, if any. State what improvements you will make as a result of reflection. No examples of lapses are required if no lapses in professional and ethical behaviors occurred. Below is a sample of a 360 student's leadershsip expereince: Student 4. Leadership Refer to the rubric in the R/E Tool. Student Performance consistent with a score equal to or greater than 3 in the R/E Tool, adequate preparation and organization, and appropriate examples is considered satisfactory in this category. 4. Leadership Score Score of 20 points possible Student Self-Score 17 Faculty Score of Student 19 The student’s preparation is appropriate. Yes The student demonstrates appropriate planning of care. Yes The student uses nursing process appropriately. Yes 22 Give a specific example of how you demonstrated leadership during the Leadership Experience. State what the situation was, who was involved, what action you took, and how your management of that situation demonstrated leadership. At the end of our last shift a call light was on and the patient in isolation needed help to the bedside commode. I checked with the patients nurse to inquire about ambulation issues, then assisted the patient to the bedside commode. She also told me she didn’t like her lunch and wanted a new one. When she was done on the commode I assisted her back to bed, cleaned up, and let the charge nurse know about her request for another meal, which she was able to put the order in for. OK Give an example from TL Evaluation Day of how you appropriately prioritized your actions and organized your care to complete it in a timely fashion. Each day I created a mapped out time schedule on my brain for each patients scheduled meds/treatments/procedures, etc. and the times due. Although I was not always able to abide strictly to this schedule, it definitely helped me to stay organized and prioritize my time and actions. Yes. You also told your classmate about how you organized your time and wrote reminders on a particular area of your prep during a previous post conference. Give an example from your TL Eval Day of how you appropriately set time limits on your discussions with patients, family members, and staff during your first rounds in order to get baseline assessments done, and at the same time adequately addressed the concerns you encountered. In the morning, I went in to say “hi” and explain our plan for the day. I let the patient and family know that I would be back in a little while and to let me know if they had any immediate questions. I think by informing the patient of what’s going on for the day and what to expect can help calm nerves. OK The student ensures comprehensive care is given. The student appropriately organizes care and oversees overall physical care. The student does not make extra trips. The student has time to assist team members. The student is able to make time commitments, and completes all care on time. Patients are appropriately screened for privacy. Call lights are answered in a timely manner. Care is delivered appropriately with patient comfort maintained. Student TL makes sure patient care needs have been met, i.e. mouth, skin, nails, hair, Foley care, etc. is done. Give an example from your TL Evaluation Day of how you took responsibility to ensure comprehensive client care was given. 23 Although I wasn’t able to complete all aspects of care for my patients on my own, I asked another nurse to do an IV start for me while I changed a PICC line dressing, in order to get both tasks done before the end of my shift. I also did my intentional rounding hourly throughout the day. Was there any info that you sought from your PMA about care that was done? Give 3 examples from your TL Evaluation Day in which you appropriately delegated tasks to personnel trained for them, communicated delegated tasks in a specific, clear, calm, and confident manner, and followed up to be sure delegated tasks were completed. 1. Asked another nurse to do an IV start for me, then I went in to the room to check placement and location. The other nurse and I both documented our actions in the flow sheet. 2. Asked a PMA to assist a patient with a shower, patient was obviously showered the next time I saw him. 3. Asked my classmate to take a blood glucose for me so I could suction another patient. Give an example from your TL Evaluation Day of how you collaborated with other team members to improve or adjust the patient’s plan of care, prepare peers for new experiences, or contribute to group learning. I discussed with RT and my RN the orders for ambulation with portable vent that had been ordered for my patient that had not been getting done. Upon asking the patient if she desired getting up and walking she stated “yes.” I believe ambulating will greatly improve her chances of recovery and possibility for discharge and that this order needs to be done with more frequency. Give an example from your TL Eval Day of how you were able to direct and coordinate nursing care utilizing members of other disciplines such as respiratory therapy, physical therapy, social work, nutrition, case management, or utilizing family members. In the morning I went in to do my morning assessment with my patient on a vent. She was a priority because of her respiratory status, however, after suctioning and before I was able to complete my assessment, RT came in to give her her inhalers and place her on a trach collar. I was able to go and get a few other assessments done during this time because I knew RT was there to monitor her. OK Results of Program Assessment Feedback from the employer survey on the graduate’s performance in the “percentage of above average and excellent summary” are very good. See Industry Validation. The 3 lowest areas evaluated are performing clinical assessements, performing clinical skill and administrering medications. These are the expected areas of difficulty for the novice nurse as psychomoter 24 based skills require repetition to gain proficiency. If they were assessed at the 1 year mark of practice, these measures would be high too. The categories relating to leadership and ethics were scored very high: Communicating effectively and working effectively as a team member were both excellent or aboce average 91% of the time. Last year these were excellent or above average only 54% and 71% of the time respectively. To address this, we added specific communication and team work components to several simulation labs as well as initiated a "Sim Day" where the students practice taking care of a group of patients and seeing how communication and team work are essential to be effective as an RN. This improvement is also shown in the exemplary performance of the students in their leadership expereince and in their ethical reflections during their final clinical of the ADN year. We are very proud of the progress our nursing students have made in these areas. HESI RN Exit Exam Scores for UHMC N360 students are comparable to the national comparison by program scores for all RN’s. December, 2012 UHMC Mean HESI Score: 829, National Mean Score: 847 May, 2013 UHMC Mean HESI Score: 844, National Mean Score: 847 NCLEX-RN scores followed the entire country's results. The NCLEX RN Exam was updated on 4/1/3013, after the customary 3 year review of practice. The review highlighted the increased complexity and acuity of the acute care environment, which more than 50% of new nurses enter, thus increasing the difficulty of the exam. The pass rate dropped nearly 10% through the US. The scores for our students mirrored this trend. See Appendix pp.3-5. Program Strengths: First Maui Cohort of Hawaii Statewide Nursing Consortium graduated 6 students with BSN in 2013. Students from subsequent cohorts are continuing on for their BSN. This meets the National initiative to increase the number of nurses prepared at the BSN and higher. Continued accreditation by Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). This was formerly an arm of the National League for Nursing: National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC), but the two organizations separated last year so we are now accredited by ACEN. Next site visit will be in May 2015. Strong support for the Nursing Program from State, County, and the Maui medical community. The support includes financial resources, sharing of technical expertise, and joint planning to meet future workforce needs. 25 Committed nursing faculty who recognized the need for change to respond to innovations in health care delivery. The quick improvement in the communication and team work scores are a brilliant example. Collaboration with Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) Nursing Administration on new strategies to ensure nursing graduates meet employer expectations. These strategies include concept based clinical experiences and Integrative Practicum. The "Integrative Practicum" allows a student to work directly with a MMMC staff nurse and gain a clearer understanding of the role and skills. Staff nurses, nurse managers, and nursing students have all evaluated the program positively. University of Hawaii Maui College and MMMC initiated a Nurse Residency Program in Fall of 2012. This program is an evidenced based national initiative to improve and standardize new graduate nurse orientation. Continued partnership with HSNC nursing colleagues at UH Manoa, Kapiolani Community College, and Kauai Community College, for curriculum and course development. Active Nursing Advisory committees with members from all health care agencies on Maui. Student retention and options for program exit options at Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse or Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Faculty commitments to learning: Denise Cohen and Maggie Ward both earned their doctorate in May 2013. Program Weaknesses: Aging of experienced nursing faculty. Difficulty recruiting Master’s prepared faculty. Identified areas in agency evaluations where ratings were less than 80% above average and excellent: clinical assessments, skills and med administration. Lack of nursing informatics knowledge, skills and attitudes. Community engagement. The UHMC Nursing Program is closely engaged in the community through a variety of activities including: directly clinical learning in community sites, special projects with the agencies, volunteer activities in collaboration with community partners, and faculty participation on community boards and committees. Direct clinical learning in Community sites- List of agencies and sites: Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) Hale Makua- Kahului and Wailuku facilities Kaiser Permanente Malama I Ke Ola Health Center (Community Clinic of Maui) Hui No Ke Ola Pono-Native Hawaiian Health Center Psych locations 26 Peds locations-Kaiser, public schools on Maui Kapiolani Women and Children’s Medical Center Maui Adult Day Care N210 locations-Many community health sites Kula Hospital Special Projects: Academic Partner on the Robert Wood Johnson foundation statewide grant: Academic Progression in Nursing (APIN). One of 7 states chosen to pilot practical ways to get the practicing RN workforce to be 80% BSN or higher by 2020. Maui Memorial Clinical Redesign Project-Integrative Practicum, Clinical Teaching Associate (CTA) Training. ED Ambassador Project-Student nurses enrolled in N151v Preceptorship: work in the ED Waiting area at MMMC to assist patients and families Nursing Preceptorships in Specialty areas: ICU, ER, OR, Psych, Hale Makua Volunteer Activities: Senior Fair Maui Fair Maui Marathon South Maui Children & Youth Day Other Comments UHMC-Allied Health Department Community Engagement: According to Campus Compact, a national coalition of almost 1,200 college and university presidents committed to fulfilling the civic purposes of higher education, public and community service assists and develops students’ citizenship skills, helps campuses forge effective community partnerships, and provides active experiences in integrating civic and communitybased learning while meeting community and student needs. UHMC-Nursing program recognizes the positive outcomes in its relationship with our community and our students as engagement builds community capacity and assists our students in broadening their communication, education, and service skills. Our program engages in the community in three significant ways of service; by providing trained volunteers to provide free or low cost health screening services to individual agencies and special events, by hosting public health events and sharing important disease prevention information with community members, and by seeking out vulnerable populations and addressing their health care concerns through culturally sensitive and appropriate activities and health fairs. Tracking of agency requests and volunteer hours and the nursing skills provided is being monitored more carefully thorough the UHMC nursing program volunteer coordinator. When community agencies request assistance for health screening, first aid, or other health related services they are placed into contact with the volunteer coordinator. Direct contact and 27 collaboration with the coordinator helps meet the community agency needs and ensures that volunteer requests are safe, appropriate and meaningful for the students. Post volunteer evaluations are sent out to the student volunteers and also the requesting agencies ensure that the experience has been successful for both parties. During the past year the feedback obtain from the agencies and students indicate that UHMC nursing program volunteer experiences are a positive learning experience and community engagement opportunity. During the past year, the nursing program has engaged with over thirteen agencies throughout Maui County. Another way that the Allied Health department engages with the community is through the UHMC-Health Center. The health center is a free-standing and grant funded health clinic that outreaches to community residents through flu clinics, screenings to various businesses, hotels, Maui police departments, and county government agencies. The health clinic also provides Nurse Practitioner provider healthcare to non-student individuals of the community on a fee service scale basis. Once every semester the nursing program invites Advisory Board members and employers of the healthcare community agencies to meet and articulate their perspective of the quality of nursing graduates and their viewpoint of the nursing program in the community. The last Advisory Committee Meeting was held on April 29th, 2013. Feedback received from the committee members included the following; the quality and skill noted and held by nurse graduates, successful hiring and retention of nurse graduates of UHMC, future hiring numbers of nurse graduates. Volunteer Activities: 2012-13 Agencies served by the nursing department alone include; Habitat for Humanity Build-A-Thon 2013 Maui Memorial Medical Center March of Dimes Walk Car Show Auto Fest 2013 National Kidney Foundation of Maui, Hawaii (Da Kidney Da Kine) Camp Imua and the Kahului Canoe club 2013 Maui Marathon 2013 Lions Club- White Cane Walk NAPA Golf Tournament 28 Kiwanis Track Meet Tween Camp (along with UHMC Health Center NP) County Fair First Aide station South Maui Children & Youth Day in Kihei Flu Shot and Clinic Services Administered by the UHMC-Health Clinic: 2012-13 Maui News Kalama Heights Hale Mahaolu-Elu Wailuku Police Department Lahaina Police Department Ka’anapoli Beach Hotel County of Maui Roselani Maui Adult Day Care- Oceanside and Kahului (Kihei and Lahaina adults included) DMV Kahului TSA (AM and PM shift) Dollar Rent-A Car Senior Citizen Fair GoodFellow Brothers Company Tween Camp 29 Next Steps The steps for the Acamenic Year 2013-2014 include: 1. Implementation of the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) Informatics standards 2. Produce qualitiative and quantitative data by which to evaluate this project. 3. Prepare self-study document for 2015 ACEN Accreditation. INFORMATICS Definition: Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making. Knowledge Skills Attitudes Seek education about how information is managed in Appreciate the necessity for all Explain why information and care settings before health professionals to seek technology skills are essential for providing careApply lifelong, continuous learning of safe patient care technology and information information technology skills management tools to support safe processes of care Navigate the electronic Identify essential information that Value technologies that support health recordDocument and must be available in a common clinical decision-making, error plan patient care in an database to support patient prevention, and care electronic health record careContrast benefits and coordinationProtect limitations of different confidentiality of protected Employ communication communication technologies and health information in electronic technologies to coordinate their impact on safety and quality health records care for patients Respond appropriately to Describe examples of how clinical decision-making technology and information supports and alertsUse management are related to the Value nurses’ involvement in information management quality and safety of patient design, selection, tools to monitor outcomes of careRecognize the time, effort, and implementation, and evaluation care processes skill required for computers, of information technologies to databases and other technologies support patient care Use high quality electronic to become reliable and effective sources of healthcare tools for patient care information 30