Electricity and magnetism Nobel prize: graphene Andre Geim University of Manchester Konstantin Novoselov The unit of electric current is the: A) Volt B) Amp C) Coulomb D) Ohm E) Watt Did you read the assignment>? A) Yes B) No A superconductor is a material that: A) Has lots of electrons B) Insulates your home C) Has zero resistance D) Nobody has created yet E) Has extremely high voltage Heat engines electricity The basics of electrostatics Two equal mass balls are charged, and hang on strings as shown: What can we conclude about the signs of Q1 and Q2? A: One is "+", the other is "-" B: Both are "+" C: Both are "-" D: Both must be the same charge (but we can't tell if they're both "+", or both "-") Two uncharged conducting spheres, A and B, are suspended from insulating threads so that they touch each other. While a negatively charged rod is held near, but not touching sphere A, the two spheres are separated. How will the spheres be charged, if at all? Sphere A Sphere B A) B) C) D) E) 0 0 + + + 0 0 - A B An electron traveling horizontally enters a region where a uniform electric field is directed upward. What is the direction of the force exerted on the electron once it has entered the field? A) to the left B) to the right C) upward D) downward E) out of the screen Pick up here Oct 14 If we put bunch of electrons in a box, they will A) clump together. B) spread out uniformly across box. C) make a layer on walls. D) do something else. Voltage? Voltage is the energy per charge. CRT: Cathode ray tube (tv) vertical capacitor hot metal "-" cathode screen "+" anode (with holes) horizontal capacitor Current Amount of charge Q I= = time t q Current is the flow of electric charges. Why isn’t this bird toast? A) B) C) D) The bird understands quantum physics The wire has no current running through it The bird’s other leg isn’t touching the ground Wires are insulated for safety – people walk up to wires and touch them too with no problem Resistance IA IB Which current is bigger? A) IA B) IB C) They are the same R IB r R is big resistance r is small resistance IA Which current is bigger? A) IA B) IB C) They are the same Tues Oct 19 pick up here Opinions about circuit stuff Are the conceptual circuit sims (PhE`T) that we’ve been playing with helpful? A) Yes B) No C) Sort of… Opinions about circuit stuff What about the ones I’ve drawn on the board — helpful? A) Yes B) No C) Sort of… Opinions about circuit stuff Are our exercises helping you to see how electricity ‘works’ in our lives? A) Yes B) No C) Sort of… Opinions about circuit stuff Would more math help you to see what’s happening? A) Yes B) No C) Not sure Opinions about circuit stuff How well do you understand voltage, current, and resistance? A) I can build a computer from scratch now B) I can explain all of the examples that we’ve been through C) I have a grasp on most of the concepts D) I might struggle if you asked me a question like “which lightbulb is brighter” in a circuit with 2 or 3 bulbs and a battery E) I’m actually kind of lost Opinions about circuit stuff How much longer do you want to spend on this stuff? A) I want more time to explore and discuss with other students B) I want more instruction C) I want to move on to new stuff Worksheet on circuits for next week’s hw? A) Yes please B) No! C) Just make it optional Other feedback? Resistance Table of resistivities Material Resistivity [Ω·m] at 20 °C Temperature coefficient* [K−1] Referen ce Silver 1.59×10−8 0.0038 [1][2] Copper 1.68×10−8 0.0039 [2] Gold 2.44×10−8 0.0034 [1] Aluminium 2.82×10−8 0.0039 [1] Calcium 3.36x10−8 0.0041 Tungsten 5.60×10−8 0.0045 [1] Zinc 5.90×10−8 0.0037 [3] Nickel 6.99×10−8 0.006 Iron 1.0×10−7 0.005 [1] Platinum 1.06×10−7 0.00392 [1] Tin 1.09×10−7 0.0045 Lead 2.2×10−7 0.0039 [1] Mercury 9.8×10−7 0.0009 [4] Nichrome[6] 1.10×10−6 0.0004 [1] Carbon (amorphous) 5-8×10−4 Carbon (graphite)[8] 2.5-5.0×10−6 basal plane 3.0×10−3 // basal plane [9] Carbon (diamond)[10] ~1012 [11] Germanium[10] 4.6×10−1 −0.048 seawater 2×10−1 ? Silicon[10] 6.40×102 −0.075 [1] Glass 1010 to 1014 ? [1][2] Hard rubber approx. 1013 ? [1] Sulfur 1015 ? [1] Paraffin 1017 ? Quartz (fused) 7.5×1017 ? PET 1020 ? Teflon 1022 to 1024 ? −0.0005 [1][7] [1][2] [1] Surface mount devices Review… IA IB V Which current is bigger? A) IA B) IB C) They are the same Review… r R V Which voltage drop is bigger? A) Across r B) Across R C) They are the same R IB r V R is big resistance r is small resistance IA Which voltage drop is bigger? A. Across r B. Across R C. They are the same V R R #2 V R R #1 V R Which circuit has brighter light bulbs? A) #1 R B) #2 C) All light bulbs are the same brightness R R R V V #1 #2 Which circuit has brighter light bulbs? A) #1 B) #2 C) All light bulbs are the same brightness Capacitor Current is what kills V R • Ordinarily skin has a resistance of 5,000,000 ohms. • When wet, the resistance of skin drops by more than a factor of a thousand • The body itself is very conductive (approximately salt water), typical resistance between appendages is ~ 500 ohms. • The danger here is that usually we are protected with our dry skin which can get one accustomed to taking electrical risks. All it takes is for the skin to be dirty, sweaty, or damp to very significantly reduce it’s resistance (>1000x) enough to make current vary, for a given ideal voltage source, from barely perceptible to heart paralysis. Review: electric fields from charges Review: electric fields from charges Review: which way does a positive charge move in an electric field? Electric field A) B) C) D) E) Goes up Goes down Goes left Goes right Doesn’t move How about a negative charge (like an electron)? Electric field A) B) C) D) E) Goes up Goes down Goes left Goes right Doesn’t move What about a magnetic field? Magnetic field A) B) C) D) E) Goes up Goes down Goes left Goes right Doesn’t move Force on a wire Magnetic field A) B) C) D) E) up toward you away from you right No force How can you measure current? Sample savings for replacing an old 22 c.f. fridge with a newer model A 22 cf fridge made in this year... Uses about this much energy... Replacing with a 2001+ model saves: Replacing with a 2008+ Energy Star model saves: Replacing with a CEE Tier 3 model saves: $257 / yr. $266 / yr. $183 / yr. $192 / yr. $101 / yr. $110 / yr. $92 / yr. $101 / yr. $55 / yr. $64 / yr. $18 / yr. $28 / yr. - $9 / yr. $18 / yr. 525 kWh - $5 / yr. $14 / yr. 2008-2010 Energy Star (20%+ better) 500 kWh - - $9 / yr. CEE Tier 3 (30%+better) 425 kWh - - - <1976 2200 kWh $238 / yr. 1976-86 1700 kWh $165 / yr. 1987-89 1150 kWh $83 / yr. 1990-92 1100 kWh $73 / yr. 1993-00 850 kWh 37 / yr. 2001-2010 600 kWh - 2001-2004 Energy Star (10%+ better) 550 kWh 2004-2008 Energy Star (15%+ better) kWh per month Two bar magnets are brought near each other as shown. The magnets... A) attract B) repel C) exert no net force on each other. A bar magnet is positioned below a horizontal loop of wire with its North pole pointing toward the loop. Then the magnet is pulled down, away from the loop. As viewed from above, is the induced current in the loop clockwise or counterclockwise? Transformer You have a transformer with Np=6 primary windings, and Ns=3 secondary windings, as shown. If Vp=120 V AC, what is the voltage in the secondary circuit? A) 120 V B) 60 V C) 240 V D) 30 V Vsecondary HIGH energy LOW energy Circuit Construction Kit Clicker questions PICK THROUGH THESE…… Three activities by Trish Loeblein phet.colorado.edu 1.Introduction to Electrical circuits 2.Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits 3.Combo Circuit Lab Introduction to Electrical circuitswill be able to Learning Goals: Students 1.Discuss basic electricity relationships 2.Analyze the differences between real circuits and the simulated ones 3.Build circuits from schematic drawings 4.Use a multimeter to take readings in circuits. 5.Provide reasoning to explain the measurements and relationships in circuits. 4. If you build circuit A and then add a resistor as in circuit B, the light will A A. Look brighter B. Look less bright C. There will no change in brightness B Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits Learning Goals: Students will be able to 1. 2. Discuss basic electricity relationships in series and parallel circuits 3. Analyze the differences between real circuits and the simulated ones 4. Build circuits from schematic drawings 5. Use a multimeter to take readings in circuits. 6. Provide reasoning to explain the measurements in circuits. 2. Which resistor will have the greatest current? 50 B.10 C.They have the same current A. 3. Which resistor will have the greatest current? A.The top resistor B.The lower resistor C.They have the same current 4. Which resistor will have the greatest voltage? The top resistor B.The lower resistor C.They have the same voltage A. 5. Which resistor will have the greatest voltage? 50 B.10 C.They have the same voltage A. 6. Which resistor will have the greatest voltage? 50 B.10 C.They have the same voltage A. 7. Which resistor will have the greatest current? 50 B.10 C.They have the same current A. 8. Which resistor will have the greatest voltage? The top resistor B.The lower resistor C.They have the same voltage A. 9. Which resistor will have the greatest current? The top resistor B.The lower resistor C.They have the same current A. happen if the voltage of the battery is increased to 25 A. The voltage volts? across the resistor will increase B. The voltage across the resistor will decrease C. The voltage of the resistor does not 11. What will happen if the voltage of the battery is increased to 25 volts? The current through the resistor will increase B. The current through the resistor will decrease C. The current of the resistor does not A. Combo Circuit Lab Learning Goals: Students will be able to: 1.Analyze the differences between real circuits and the ideal ones, 2.Build circuits from schematic drawings, 3.Use a multimeter to take readings in circuits. 4.Provide reasoning to explain the measurements in circuits. 12. What is the total resistance in this circuit? A.6.4 B.21 C.38 D.75 13. What is the total resistance in this circuit? A.6.4 B.21 C.38 D.75 Faraday’s Electromagnet Lab by Trish Loeblein May 10, 2010 http://phet.colorado.edu Learning Goals Activity 1: Students will be able to 1.Predict the direction of the magnet field for different locations around a bar magnet and electromagnet. 2.Compare and contrast bar magnets and electromagnets 3.Identify the characteristics of electromagnets that are variable and what effects each variable has on the magnetic field’s strength and direction. 4.Relate magnetic field strength to distance quantitatively and qualitatively 5.Compare and contrast the fields of gravity and magnets qualitatively Learning Goals Activity 2: Students will be able to: •Identify equipment and conditions that produce induction •Compare and contrast how both a light bulb and voltmeter can be used to show characteristics of the induced current •Predict how the current will change when the conditions are varied. 1.Which compass shows the correct direction of the magnet field at point A? A. B. C. D. A 2.Which compass shows the correct direction of the magnet field at point A? A. B. C. D. A 3.Which compass shows the correct direction of the magnet field at point A? A. B. C. D. A 4.What will happen if you switch the battery so that the positive end is on the right? A. The electrons will go faster B.The electrons will go the slower C.The compass will switch directions D.The electrons will go the other direction E.Two of the above. 5.What would you expect the light to do if you change the coils from 2 to 3 and you move the magnet the same speed? A. Show the same brightness B. Show less brightness C. Show more brightness 6.Which would be a more strong magnet? A. A B. B C. They would be the same D. Not enough information to decide B A 7.Which would be a more strong magnet? A. A B. B C. They would be the same D. Not enough information to decide A B Magnetic field