White Paper Draft 2


Joey Padilla

Edith Delgado

ENGL 1302.285

March, 7 2011

Rough Draft 1

Dear Senator Paul,

I have noticed that one of the biggest issues going on in the US today is abortion. I’m aware that many people yourself included, see this as a big deal and are against it all the way.

But I’m still trying to see if there’s other options for this rather than making abortion illegal altogether. I know that being a Conservative Republican and also a gynecologist you are very passionate about this and you feel that it’s not the unborn child’s fault and aborting it shouldn’t be the answer. Obviously this The issue, abortion, affects the pregnant women and even the younger teens trying to get an abortion and also poor women who can’t afford it are also affected. But what I fear the most is that if abortion would ever become illegal it would probably still take place in places other than a hospital and that would put other people at serious risk.

There has to be some other way rather than just making this illegal because at this point I feel caught in the middle not knowing what side to think about. THESIS NEEDED

It seems as the years keep going by more and more women are getting pregnant. It’s come to the point that even young teenage girls are getting pregnant. Whether they should get an abortion is up them and only them. States shouldn’t have to get involved with their decision to terminate their pregnancies because it’s the woman’s choice to decide whether they want to keep the baby or not. Many things the woman has to take in consideration when they decide to get an

abortion. If their health is at risk whenever they get pregnant then they should be able to terminate their pregnancy. There are even some bills going through Congress that are still talking about this issue. Some of these if they were made into laws would make it illegal for the federal government to fund abortion. Of course many of the Republicans are supporting this while many

Democrats are against it. There’s just no end to this.


Before going any further it’s better to understand what an abortion is and how long it has been going on. An abortion is the act of removing the human embryo or fetus from the uterus of a pregnant woman prior to the completion of a full term of pregnancy.

(Rich & Wagner. 2009). Abortions have been going on as early as the thirteenth century with many of the women were being hanged for getting an abortion because it was seen as a homicide by people during that time period. (Rich & Wagner. 2009). Fast forwarding to the present day there have been over forty five million abortions that have occurred in the United States alone since 1973, and those were all legal abortions. Illegal abortions however are a different story, twenty million illegal abortions have occurred around that time as well with seventy eight thousand women dying from this because many of them got an illegal abortion due to not having any money to pay for it or for their own selfish need. (Lee & Sprague, 2009.).

Much of the debate over abortion is whether or not the fetus or embryo is a person. Of course the main issue of abortion is right there, are all these deaths of women really worth it and also is the fetus considered to be a person? If abortion becomes illegal women will still find a way to get their pregnancy aborted.

Some of the basic solutions in order to prevent pregnancy and abortion altogether is to try and use birth control to prevent any unwanted pregnancies. If the woman is raped then that’s a completely different story, because she can’t do anything about that if she was in that situation but there are several things that can done to prevent this. Abortion shouldn’t be the answer but in the end the decision is entirely up to the woman getting one.

The bills that talk about trying to make abortion illegal will most likely not go into effect to all the unwanted abortions women have been having. Some women’s health, economic status, job opportunities, are some of the things that are taken to consideration when women get an abortion because it seems that many women are getting an abortion for their own selfish gain rather than them having a serious risk to their health. Even if abortions were illegal they’d still find a way to get an abortion and many babies would be left unborn. It seems like a never ending cycle of debate and controversy and whether we like it or not more and more women are going to get pregnant which will lead to more and more abortions. It seems like all this debating is for nothing because it seems like there’s no progress being made to try and stop this. There has to be another solution to get people to take action but as of now there seems to be nothing that can be done to stop this.


Transitions between paragraphs and within paragraphs

Analyze each quote (make sure it connects to the thesis)


No contractions, spell out don’t to do not
