Demographic Multiple specialties Increasing visits to 123.8 million in 2011 Avg age of patient is 35.7 yrs old 75 + years old highest visit rate Common reasons for healthcare seeking: A. B. C. D. CHART 66-1 Priority Emergency Measures for All Patients Make safety the first priority Preplan to ensure security and a safe environment Closely observe patient and family members in the event that they respond to stress with physical violence Assess the patient and family for psychological function Patient and family-focused interventions Relieve anxiety and provide a sense of security Allow family to stay with patient, if possible, to alleviate anxiety Provide explanations and information Provide additional interventions depending upon the stage of crisis Technical Skills Multitasking Assist with: Wound closure Foreign body removal Central line insertion Transvenous pacemaker insertion Lumbar puncture Pelvic exam Chest tube insertion Lavage Fracture management Triage Means: to sort: ED triage differs from disaster triage in that patients who are the most critically ill receive the most resources, regardless of potential outcome 1. Across-the-room assessment starts with visual contact, general appearance, work of breathing, skin color 2. Determine chief complaint 3. Focused assessment (Subjective data) demographics, onset of symptoms, past medical history, LMP, current meds, allergies (Objective data) inspection, palpation, auscultation, obtain vital signs Primary Survey A: Airway patency, stridor, inability to speak, rise and fall of chest B: Breathing rate and depth, breath sounds, chest expansion, skin color, spontaneous breathing C: Circulation heart rate, pulses, blood pressure, skin, cap refill D: Disability Alertness, Responsive to Voice, Responsive to pain, Unresponsiveness E: Exposure Remove clothing, keep pt warm Priorities of Care for the Patient With Multiple Trauma Use a team approach Determine the extent of injuries and establish priorities of treatment Assume cervical spine injury-log roll protect spine Assign highest priority to injuries interfering with vital physiologic function A client arrives in the emergency room with multiple crushing wounds of the chest, abdomen, and legs. The assessments that assume the greatest priority are: select all that apply: A. Level of consciousness and pupil size B. Abdominal contusions and other wounds C. Pain, respiratory rate, and blood pressure D. Quality of respirations and presence of pulses A.Level of consciousness and pupil size Rationale: This is an assessment for head injury that follows determination of respiratory and circulatory status C.Pain, respiratory rate, and blood pressure Rationale: Pain assessment would follow the appraisal of airway, breathing, and circulation. You are preparing to suction a client with a trach. List the order of priority for the actions to take during this procedure. ____ hyperoxygenate the client ____ Place the client in a semi fowler position ____ turn the suction on and set regulator to 80 mmHG ____ Apply gloves and attach the suction tubing to the suction catheter ____ Insert the Catheter into the trach until resistance is met and pull back 1 cm ____ Apply intermittent suction and slowly withdraw while rotating it back and forth You are the triage nurse coming on duty. The following patients come in to be seen. This is all the info you have. How would you triage them and why? 54/m c/o chest pain 2/10 had a CABG 6 months ago. Hr 92 BP 140/90 RR32 SAO2 95% on 4 liters 7 /F mom states has been vomiting and diarrhea x 2 days. She has not voided for 12 hours and can not keep fluids down. HR 112 RR24 lips and mouth dry, skin cool 70/m with general weakness and unable to due ADL. He is SOB and c/o abd pain. Bibasilar crackles, HR 123 irregular BP 150/72 sat 88% RA Trauma Nursing By: Diana Blum RN MSN Metropolitan Community College Heat Bites Cold Electrical Altitude Near drowning Spinal Head Musculoskeletal wounds Stab/gunshot rape Acute Medical Emergency Failure of heat regulating mechanisms Elderly and young at risk Exceptional heat exhaustion Stems from heavy perspiration Need to stay hydrated! Causes thermal injury at cellular level may Mental status…Seizure occur Monitor vitals frequently Renal status Monitor temp continuously EKG, Neuro status Hypermetabolism due to increased body temp Increases 02 demand Hyperthermia may recur in 3 to 4 hours; avoid hypothermia Lower temp as quickly as possible(102 and lower) How can this be done? ABC’s Give 02, Start large bore IV Insert foley Labs: Lytes, CBC, myoglobin. Cardiac enzymes Exhaustion Stroke Caused by dehydration Stems from heavy perspiration Poor electrolyte consumption Signs/Symptoms Normal mental status Flu like Headache Weakness N/V Orthostatic hypotension Tachycardia Treatment Outside hospital Stop activity Re-hydrate (water, sports drinks) Move to cool place Cold packs Remove constrictive clothing If remains call 911 In hospital IV 0.9% saline Frequent vitals Draw serum electrolyte level Leads to organ failure and death Mortality rate up to 80% 2 types: Exertional Sudden onset Occurs over period of time Too heavy clothes Classic Chronic exposure to heat Example (no air conditioning) Assessment Monitor mental status Monitor vitals Monitor renal status Treatment At site ensure patent airway Move to cool environment Pour water on scalp and body Fan the client Ice the client Call 911 At hospital O2 Start IV Administer normal saline Use cooling blanket DO NOT give ASA Monitor rectal temp q15 minutes Insert foley to monitor I/Os closely and measure specific gravity of urine Check CBC, Cardiac enzymes, serum electrolytes, liver enzymes ASAP Assess ABGs Monitor vitals q 15 minutes Administer muscle relaxants if the client shivers Slow interventions when core temp is 102 degrees or less Management of Patients With Heat Stroke Remember ABCs (decrease temp to 39° C as quickly as possible Cooling methods Cooling blankets, cool sheets, towels, or sponging with cool water Apply ice to neck, groin, chest, and axillae Iced lavage of the stomach or colon Immersion in cold water bath Monitor temp, VS, ECG, CVP, LOC, urine output Use IVs to replace fluid losses –Hyperthermia may recur in 3 to 4 hours; avoid hypothermia Ensure adequate fluid and foods intake Prevent overexposure to sun Use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 Rest frequently when in hot environment Gradually expose self to heat Wear light weight, light colored, loose clothing Pay attention to personal limitations: modify accordingly HYPOTHERMIA Most common Hypothermia Frostbite Synthetic clothing is best because it wicks away moisture and dries fast “cotton kills” it holds moisture and promotes frostbite A hat is essential to prevent heat loss though head Keep water, extra clothing, and food in car in case of break down Hypothermia Internal core temperate is 35° C or less Elderly, infants, persons with concurrent illness, the homeless, and trauma victims are at risk Alcohol ingestion increases susceptibility Hypothermia may be seen with frostbite; treatment of hypothermia takes precedence Physiologic changes in all organ systems Monitor continuously Apathy, drowsiness, pulmonary edema, coagulopathies Weak HR and BP Hypoxemia Continuous temperature and EKG Watch for dysrhythmias Warm fluids, blankets Cardiopulmonary bypass Warm lavage Frost Bite Inadequate insulation is the culprit 3 stages Superficial (frost nip) Mild Severe 1st degree- hyperemia, edema 2nd degree- fluid blisters with partial thick necrosis 3rd degree- dark fluid blisters, sub cutaneous necrosis 4th degree- no blisters, no edema, necrosis to muscle and bone Frostnip produces mild pain, numbness,pallor of affected skin Graded like burns-partial thick or full thick Most species non venomous and harmless Poisonous snakes found in each state except Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii Fatalities are few Children 1-9 yrs old victims during daylight hours AWARENESS is KEY 2 main types in North America are 1. 2. Pit Vipers Depression between eye and nostril Triangular head indicative of venom Venom function is to immbolize, kill and aid in digestion of prey (systemic effects happen with in 8 hours of puncture) impairs blood clotting Breaks down tissue protein Alters membrane integrity Necrosis of tissues Swelling Hypovolemic shock Pulmonary edema, renal failure DIC 2 retractable curved fangs with canals Rattlers have horny rings in tail that vibrates as a warning Treatment At site Move person to safe area Remove jewelry and restrictive clothing Encourage rest to decrease venom circulation Splint limb below level of heart Be calm and reassuring No alcohol or caffeine 2nd to speed of venom absorption Snake Bites At hospital Constrict extremity but not to tight Do NOT incise or suck wound Do NOT apply ice Use Sawyer extractor if available if used within 3 minutes of bite and leave for 30 minutes in place O2 2 large bore IV sites Crystalloid fluids (NS or LR) Continuous tele and bp monitoring Opiod pain management Tetanus shot Broad spectrum antibx Lab draw (coagulation studies, CBC, creatinine kinase, T and C, UA) ECG Obtain history of wound and prehospital tx measure circumference of bite every 15-30 minutes Possibly give antivenom if ordered (see page 177) Monitor for anaphylaxis Notify poison control Coral Snakes Corals burrow in the ground Bands of black, red, yellow “red on yellow can kill a fellow” Enough in adult coral to kill human “red on black venom lack” Are generally non aggressive Ability to inject venom is less efficient Maxillary fangs are small and fixed Use chewing motion to inject Venom is neurotoxic and myotoxic Action of venom Blocks binding of acetylcholine at post synaptic junction S/S pain mild and transient Fang marks may be hard to see Effects may be delayed 12 hours but then act rapidly after N/V Headache Pallor, abd pain Late stage: parathesias, numbness, mental status change, crainal and peripheral nerve deficit , flaccid, difficulty speaking, swallowing, breathing elevated creatinine kinase Coral Treatment At site At Hospital Continuous tele Continuous bp and pulse ox Try to ID snake Same as pit viper without concern of necrosis Provide airway management (possible ET tube) Provide antivenom treatment as ordered Monitor for anaphylaxis from antivenom Notify poison control 156505 Avoid venomous snakes as pets Be cautious in areas that harbour snakes like tall grass, rock piles, ledges, crevices, caaves, swamps Don protective attire like boots, heavy pants and leather gloves. Use a walking stick Inspect areas before placing hands or feet in them Do not harass snakes….striking distance is the length of the snake Snakes can bite even 20—60 minutes after death due to bite reflex Use caution when transporting snake with victim to hospital…make sure it is in a sealed container. Spiders: carnivorous Almost all are venomous Most not harmful to humans Brown recluse, black widow, and tarantula are dangerous for example Scorpions: not in Midwest or New England Sting with tail Bark scorpion is most dangerous Bees and Wasps Wide range of reactions African or killer bees are very aggressive found in southwest states Bites result in ulcerative lesions Cytotoxic effect to tissue Medium in size Light brown color with dark brown fiddle shaped mark from eyes Shy in nature..hide in boxes, closets, basements, sheds, garages, luggage, shoes, clothing, bedsheets, clothes Over 1-3 days lesion becomes dark and necrotic…eschar even forms, and sloughs Surgery is often needed Skin grafting Rare: Malaise, Joint pain, Petechaie, N/V Fever, Chills Pruritis Erythema Extreme: hemolytic, renal failure, death Treatment At site Cold compress initially and intermittentl y over 4 days (may limit necrosis) Rest Elevation of extremity At hospital NEVER use heat Topical antiseptic Sterile dressing changes Antibx Dapsone: polymorphonuclear leukocyte inhibitor: 50mg twice/day Monitor lab work closely Surgery consult Debridment and skin grafting Found in every state but Alaska Prefers cool, damp, environment Black in color with red hourglass pattern on abd Male are smaller and lighter color that females Carry neurotoxic venom Bites to humans are defensive in nature Main prey other bugs, snakes, and lizards Bite is can be painful, local reactions Systemic reactions can happen in 1 hour and involve the neuromuscular system Causes lactrodectism Venom causes neurotransmitters to release from nerve terminals s/s Abd pain Peritonitis like symptoms N/V Hypertension Muscle rigidity Muscle spasms Facial edema Pytosis Diaphoresis Weakness Increased salavation Priapism Respiratory difficulty Faciculations parathesias At site Apply an ice pack Monitor for systemic involvement ABCs At hospital Monitor vitals Pain meds Muscle relaxants Tentanus Monitor for seizures Antihypertensives Anti venom if needed Call poison control Largest spider Found mostly in tropical and subtropical parts of USA Some are in dry arid states like New Mexico and Arizona Can live 25 years Venom paralyzes prey and causes muscle necrosis Most human bites have local effects Have urticating hairs in dorsal abd area that can be launched for a defensive technique landing in skin and causing an inflammatory response USA trantulas don’t produce systemic reactions Worldly ones do S/S Pain at site Swelling Redness Numbness Lymphangitis Intense pruritis Severe ophthalmic reactions if hairs come in contact with eyes Treatment Pain meds Immobolize extremity Elevate site Remove hairs with sticky tape followed by irrigation For eyes: irrigation with saline Antihistamines and steroids for pruritis Found in many states Not usual in midwest or new england unless pet, or transported in baggage Venom in stinger located on the tail s/s Localized pain Inflammation Mild symptoms Treatment: pain meds, wound care, supportive management Deadly Has a fatal sting Found in tress, wood piles, and around debris Humans stung when it gets in clothing, shoes, blankets, and items left on ground Solid yellow, brown, or tan in color Have thin pinchers, thin tail, and a tubercle Found in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, and California Has neurotoxic venom s/s Involve cranial nerves May be symptom free Pain Respiratory failure Pancreatitis Musculoskeletal dysfunction Gentle tap at possible sting site while client not looking greatly increases pain, and is confirmation of bite Symptoms begin immediately and reach maximum intensity in 5 hours Most symptoms resolve in 9- 30 hours Pain and parathesia can last 2 weeks Treatment Monitor vitals May need intubation Supply O2 IV Fluids Ice pack to sting site Pain meds and sedatives with caution in non intubated client Wound care Call poison control Atropine gtts to help with hypersalavation Antivenom if needed Stings cause wide array of reactions S/S Anaphylaxis most severe Respiratory failure Hypotension Decrease in LOC Dysrhythmias Cardiac arrest Pain Local reaction Swelling N/V Diarrhea Pruritis Urticaria Lip swelling At site Remove stinger Ice pack Epipen if allergy to bees Call 911 if needed In hospital ABCs Check history for allergy Epinephrine Antihistamine O2 NS 0.9% corticosteroids Wear protective clothing when working in areas with known venomous athropods (bees, scorpions, wasps) Cover garbage cans Use screens in windows and doors Inspect clothing and, shoes and gear before putting on Shake out clothing and gear that is on ground Exterminate the exterior house Do not place hands where eyes can not see Do not keep insects as pets Epi pen if allergy to bee/wasp Year round problem Most common in summer Caused by electrical charge in cloud Large energy with small duration Direct strike High voltage is 1000 volts Lighting is 1 million volts Cloud to ground is most dangerous Flash over phenomenon: force powerful enough to blow off or damage the victims clothing Injury is by: Spashing or side flash off of near by structure Through the ground Best remedy: AVOIDANCE Education Observe forecasts Seek shelter when your hear thunder DO NOT stand under tree DO NOT stand in an open area Isolated sheds and caves are dangerous Leave water immediately Avoid metal objects If camping stay away from metal tent poles and wet walls Stay away from open doors, windows, fireplaces Turn off electrical equipment Stay off of telephone Move to valley area and huddle in ball if in open area (this minimizes target area) Most lethal effect is asystole or Vfib Most victims suffer cardiac injury S/S Mottled skin Cardiac arrest Respiratory arrest Decreased or absent peripheral pulses Temporary paralysis Loss of Consciousness Amnesia, confusion, disorientation Photophobia Seizures Fatigue and PTSD Ruptured tympanic membranes Blindness, cataracts, retinal detachment Skin burns Ferning marks: branching on the skin Hospital care At site Spinal immobilization Monitor ABCs CPR Sterile dressings for burns ACLS Telemetry ABC support Ventilator prn Creatinine kinase level to determine muscle damage Monitor for kidney failure Monitor for rhabdomyolosis (muscle destruction) Burn precautions Tetanus Xfer to burn center High altitude is elevations above 5000 feet most ski resorts As altitude increasesbarametric pressure decrease This means less o2 the higher you go Oxygen is 21% of the barametric pressure Acclimatizationthe process of adapting to high altitudes Increased RR Decrease in CO2 Respiratory alkalosis Impaired REM Excess bicarb excretion through the kidneys Cerebral blood flow increases 3 most common altitude illnesses Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) Precursor for HACE/HAPE Throbbing headache, anorexia, N/V Chilled, irritable Similar symptoms to alcohol hangover VS variable DOE or at rest High altitude cerebral edema (HACE) Unable to perform ADLs Ataxia w/o focal signs (decreased motor coordination) Confusion, impaired judgment , seizures Stupor, Coma, Death from brain swelling Increased ICP over 1-3 days High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) Most frequent cause of death Poor exercise intolerance and recovery Fatigue and weakness Tachycardia and tachypnea, rales, pneumonia Increased pulmonary artery pressure Site Descent to lower altitude Monitor for symptom progression Rest O2 if available Hospital Acetazolamide Acts as bicarb diuretic Sulfa drug Take 24 hours beforest ascent and take for 1 2 days of the trip 125mg-250mg po BID or 500mg SR cap daily Dexamethazone: 4mg – Altitude Illness 8mg po or IM initially then 4mg q6hours during descent O2 Monitor airway Lasix Critical care Plan a slow descent Avoid overexertion and over exposure to cold Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills Stay hydrated and have adequate nutrition If symptoms develop descend immediately O2 if able Wear protective gear Wear sunscreen Each day in the United States, nine people drown. Drowning is the second leading cause of accidental injury-related death among children ages 1 to 14. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental injury-related death among children ages 1 to 4. Male children have a drowning rate more than two times that of female children. However, females having a bathtub drowning rate twice that of males. Among children ages 1 to 4 years, most drownings occur in residential swimming pools. More than half of drownings among infants (under age 1) occur in bathtubs, buckets or toilets. Nonfatal drownings can result in brain damage that may result in long-term disabilities including memory problems, learning disabilities, and permanent loss of basic functioning. Nineteen percent of child drowning fatalities take place in public pools with certified lifeguards on duty. Roughly 5,000 children 14 and under go to the hospital because of accidental drowning-related incidents each year; 15% die and about 20% suffer from permanent neurological disability. In nearly 9 out of 10 child-drowning deaths, a parent or caregiver claimed to be watching the child. Participation in formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% among children ages 1-4. 2011 Drowning Statistic Between Memorial Day June 28, 2011, there were 48 drownings and 75 near-drowning events in 35 states and territories. Causes Leaving small children unattended around bathtubs and pools Drinking alcohol while boating or swimming Inability to swim or panic while swimming Falling through thin ice Blows to the head or seizures while in the water Attempted suicide Symptoms but Symptoms can vary, may include: Abdominal distention face, Bluish skin of the especially around the lips Cold skin and pale appearance Confusion Cough with pink, frothy sputum Irritability Lethargy No breathing Restlessness Shallow or gasping respirations Chest pain Unconsciousness Vomiting First Aid When someone is drowning: Extend a long pole or branch to the person, or use a throw rope attached to a buoyant object, such as a life ring or life jacket. Toss it to the person, then pull him or her to shore. People who have fallen through ice may not be able to grasp objects within their reach or hold on while being pulled to safety. Do not place yourself in danger. Do NOT get into the water or go out onto ice unless your are absolutely sure it is safe. If you are trained in rescuing people, do so immediately if you are absolutely sure it will not cause you harm. If the victim's breathing has stopped, begin rescue breaths as soon as you can. This often means starting the breathing process while still in the water. Continue to breathe for the person every few seconds while moving them to dry land. Once on land, give CPR if needed. For step-by-step instructions on rescue breathing, see the article on CPR. Always use caution when moving a drowning victim. Assume that the person may have a neck or spine injury, and avoid turning or bending the neck. Keep the head and neck very still during CPR and while moving the person. You can tape the head to a backboard or stretcher, or secure the neck by placing rolled towels or other objects around it. Follow these additional steps: Keep the person calm and still. Seek medical help immediately. Remove any cold, wet clothes from the person and cover with something warm, if possible. This will help prevent hypothermia. Give first aid for any other serious injuries. The person may cough and have difficulty breathing once breathing restarts. Reassure the person until you get medical help. DO NOT DO NOT go out on the ice to rescue a drowning person that you can reach with your arm or an extended object. DO NOT attempt a swimming rescue yourself unless you are trained in water rescue. DO NOT go into rough or turbulent water that may endanger you. When to Contact a Medical Professional If you cannot rescue the drowning person without endangering yourself, call for emergency medical assistance immediately. If you are trained and able to rescue the person, do so and then call for medical help. All near-drowning victims should be checked by a doctor. Even though victims may revive quickly at the scene, lung complications are common. Prevention Avoid drinking alcohol whenever swimming or boating. Observe water safety rules. Take a water safety course. Never allow children to swim alone or unsupervised regardless of their ability to swim. Never leave children alone for any period of time, or let them leave your line of sight around any pool or body of water. Drowning can occur in any container of water. Do not leave any standing water (in empty basins, buckets, ice chests, kiddy pools, or bathtubs). Secure the toilet seat cover with a child safety device. Fence all pools and spas. Secure all the doors to the outside, and install pool and door alarms. If your child is missing, check the pool immediately. Primary Hyperflexion (moved forward excessively) Hyperextension (MVA) Axial loading (blow at top of head causes shattering) Excessive rotation (turning beyond normal range) Penetrating (knife, bullet) Neurogenic shock Vascular insult Hemorrhage Ischemia Electrolyte imbalance Secondary 1st assess respiratory status ET tube may be necessary if compromised 2nd assess for intra abdominal hemorrhage (hypotension, tachycardia, weak and thready pulse) 3rd assess motor function C4-5 apply downward pressure while the client shrugs C5-6 apply resistance while client pulls up arms C7 apply resistance while pt straightens flexed arms C8 check hand grasp L2-4 apply resistance while the client lifts legs from bed L5 apply resistance while client dorsiflexes feet S1 apply resistance while client plantar flexes feet Observe for signs of autonomic dysreflexia Sever HTN, bradycardia, sever headache, nasal stuffiness, and flushing Caused by noxious stimuli like distended bladder or constipation Immediate interventions Place in sitting position Call doctor Loosen tight clothes Check foley tubing if present Check for impaction Check room temp Monitor BP q10-15 minutes Give nitrates or hydralazine per md order Immobilize fx Proper body alignment Traction is possible Monitor vs q4 hours or more Neuro checks q4 hours or more Monitor for neurogenic shock (hypotension and bradycardia) Prepare for possible surgery Teach skin care, ADLs, wound prevention techniques, bowel and bladder training, medications, and sexuality Brain Injuries (TBI) Open- skull fx or when skull is pierced by penetrating object Linear fx- simple clean break Depressed fx- bone pressed in towards tissue Open fx-lacerated scalp that creates opening to brain tissue Comminuted fx- bone fragments and depresses into brain tissue Basilar- unique fx at base of skull with CSF leaking though the ear or nose Closed- blunt trauma Mild concussion-brief LOC Diffuse axonal injury- usually from MVA May go into coma Contusion-bruising of brain Site of impact (coupe) Opposite side of impact (contrecoupe) Laceration-tearing of cortical surface vessels that leads to hemorrhage edema and inflammation Always assume c-spine injury ABC highest priority Control bleeding right away Frontal Front of car stops and driver keeps going Injuries: Seatbelt, Steering wheel, TBI, cspine, flail chest, myocardial contusion Side Injuries: Cspine, flail chest, pneumothorax Rear Hyperextension, cspine Multiple injuries Rollover Figure 74.2 Unrestrained frontal impact. Motorcyle Tib/fib, chest, abd, TBI, cspine, femur Pedestrian Femur, chest, lower extremities Falls Calcaneous, compression, wrist, TBI Battles sign Raccoon eyes Flail chest Tension Pneumothorax Hemothorax Acceleration-caused by external force contacting head Deceleration- when head suddenly stops or hits a stationary object Normal ICP is 1015mmHg Normal increases occur with coughing, sneezing, defecation Leading cause of death for head trauma As ICP increases cerebral perfusion decreases causing tissue hypoxia, decrease serum pH, and increase in CO2 3 types of edema Vasogenic: increase in brain tissue volume Cytotoxic: result of hypoxia Interstitial: occurs with brain swelling Epidural- bleed b/w dura and inner table Subdural-bleed below dura and above arachoid Intracerebral- accumulation of blood in brain tissue 48-72 hours after injury hematoma forms at break site Area of bone necrosis forms secondary to diminished blood flow Fibroblasts and osteoblasts come to site Fibrocartilage forms =new foundation Callus forms 2-6 weeks after initial break 3 weeks to 6 months later new bone is formed Age Severity of trauma Bone injured Inadequate immobilization Infection Avascular necrosis Musculoskeletal assessment Assess for life threatening complications Skin color and temp Movement Sensation Pulses especially distal to the injury Cap refill Pain Listen for crepitation-grating sound Look for ecchymosis Assess for subcutaneous emphysema-bubbles under skin (like bubble wrap when pushed) Assess clients feeling of situation Some fractures can causes internal injury-hemorrhage No special lab tests except maybe DDimer for clots H/H could be low due to bleeding CT Bone scan MRI X-rays Affected extremity Inspect fx site Palpate area lightly Assess motor function Immobilize extremity Realignment Cast Traction Surgery open reduction with internal fixation Provide education regarding medication Instruct the client on s/s of infection (foul discharge, purulent drainage, fever, lethargy, etc) Instruct on dressing changes and importance of them Instruct about pressure ulcer prevention Instruct on use of crutches or walker if needed Instruct about HHC and other available resources Fx of clavicle usually from a fall Fx of scapula not common and caused by direct impact Fx of humerus common in older adult Fx of olecrenon usually from fall directly onto elbow Fx of radius and ulna usually Fx together Fx of wrist and hand most common site is the carpal scaphoid bone in young adult of the most misdiagnosed Fx b/c of poor visibility on x-ray Fx of hip caused by falls Fx of femur caused from trauma Fx of patella result from direct impact Fx of tibia and fibula usually break together Fx of ankle and foot difficult to heal because of instability of ankle bone Fx of ribs and sternum caused by chest trauma and potentially can puncture lungs, heart and arteries Fx of pelvis can also cause major internal damage because of the vascular structure present Compression Fx of the spine usually caused by osteoporosis. This causes pain, deformity, neurologic compromise High incidence of hemmorage Femur fx-cast, brace, splint, traction Fat embolism: fat from bone released into blood and into heart, lungs, etc Pelvic- girdle, assess for stability Large amount of force Rectal exam Femur and Pelvic Fractures Figure 56.10 Vascular anatomy of the pelvis. Painful Needs to be reduced ASAP Can cause nerve damage Avascular Necrosis Dislocation occludes blood supply Vertebroplasty Kyphoplasty Both are minimally invasive Both use a bone cement to provide immediate relief of pain complications Acute compartment syndrome: increase pressure compromises circulation to are. Most common in lower leg and forearm. Fat embolism: fat from bone released into blood and into heart, lungs, etc. Most common with long bone fx DVT PE INFECTION: from break or from implanted hardware..bone infection most common with open fx Fracture blisters: associated with twisting injury..fluid moves into vacant spaces..leads to infection Ischemic necrosis: blood flow to bone is disrupted Delayed union: unhealed after 6 months Nonunion:never completely heal Malunion: heal incorrectly amputations Removal of part of the body Types Traumatic- example digit Levels Surgical-example digit Lower extremity: digits, bka, aka, midfoot Upper extremity: hands, fingers, arms Complications Hemorrhage Immobility Infection Phantom limb pain: perceive pain in the amputated limb Neuroma: sensitive tumor consisting of nerve cells found at several nerve endings Contractures assessments Skin color Temp Sensation Pulses Cap refill Assess feelings r/t amputation Young: bitter, hostile, uncooperative, loss of job, loss of hobbies, altered self concept, feeling a loss of independence Assess families perceptions also Routine preop xrays done BP done in all extremities Angiography to look at layout of vessels CRUSH SYNDROME CAUSES Wringer type injuries Natural disasters Work related injuries Drug or alcohol overdose Acute compartment syndrome Hyperkalemia Rhabdomyolosis – myoglobin released into blood Hypovolemia, hyperkalemia, compartment syndrome IVF, diuretics, low dose dopamine, sodium bicarb, kayexelate, hemodialysis is possible. CHARACTERISTICS S/S TX Complex regional pain syndrome s/s: debilitating pain, atrophy, autonomic dysfunction (excessive sweating, vascular changes), and motor impairment (muscle paresis) Caused by hyperactive sympathetic nervous system Results from trauma Common in feet and hands 3 stages: 1: lasts 1-3 months; local severe burning pain, edema, vasospasm, muscle spasms 2: 3-6 months; pain, edema, muscle atrophy, spotty osteoporosis 3: marked muscle atrophy, intractable pain, severely limited mobility, contractures, osteoporosis Pain control PT OT ROM Gentle skin care Support groups, etc Sports related injuries Tears Lock knee Torn ACL Tendon rupture Dislocation Subluxation Strains Sprains Torn rotator cuff Casts Braces Splints Traction Surgery Reduction (realignment) 4 types of wounds Incised = Sharp cut like injuries (knives, glass) Slash wounds= more longer than deep Stab wound= depth longer than length Defense wound= warding wounds (like on hand) Defense Wound Stab Wound w/ single edge blade 4 types Close contact= illustrates a patternized abrasion around the wound Contact= barrel has contacted the skin and the gases have passed into SQ tissues faint abrasion ring and sone grey/black discoloration Intermediate wound= powder tatooing Exit wound= slit like exit wound…no powder or soot Wound Care Treatment (at Site) Bleeding can usually be stopped by applying direct pressure to the wound. Very large foreign objects stuck in a wound should be stabilized. Do not remove them. All wounds require immediate thorough cleansing with fresh tap water. Gently scrub the wound with soap and water to remove foreign material. Remove dead tissue from the wound with a sterile scissors or scalpel. After cleaning the wound, a topical antibiotic ointment (bacitracin) should be applied 3 times per day. Wounded extremities should be immobilized and elevated. Puncture wounds are usually not sutured (stitched) unless they involve the face. If the wound is clean, the edges can be drawn together with tape. (Do not cover wounds inflicted by animals or that occurred in seawater with tape.) Oral antibiotics are usually recommended to prevent infection. Ifleast infection develops, continue antibiotics for at 5 days after all signs of infection have cleared. Inform the doctor of any drug allergy prior to starting any antibiotic. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic. Some may cause sensitivity to the sun, so sunscreen (at least SPF 15) is mandatory while taking these antibiotics. Pain may be relieved with 1-2 acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 4 hours, 1-2 ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) every 6-8 hours, or both. Call 911 or get to ER immediately if stab or gunshot wound. In Hospital Treatment •Stay Safe. Utilize universal precautions and wear personal protective equipment if available. •Control bleeding before anything else. Putting pressure directly on the puncture wound while holding it above the level of the heart for 15 minutes should be enough to stop bleeding. • If not, try using pressure points. Tourniquets should be avoided unless medical care will be delayed for several hours. •Holes in the chest can lead to collapsed lungs. • Deep puncture wounds to the chest should be immediately sealed by hand or with a dressing that does not allow air o flow. Victims may complain of shortness of breath. If the victim gets worse after sealing the chest puncture wound, unseal it. •Once bleeding has been controlled, wash the puncture wound with warm water and mild soap . If bleeding starts again, repeat step two. Sexual abuse (also referred to as molestation) is defined as the forcing of undesired sexual acts by one person to another. The term incest is defined as sexual abuse between family members, and the euphemism "bad touch" is sometimes used to describe such abuse. (Renvoizé 1982) Different types of sexual abuse involve: Non-consensual, forced physical sexual behavior such as rape or sexual assault Psychological forms of abuse, such as verbal sexual behavior or stalking. The use of a position of trust for sexual purposes. Acquaintance rape - forced sexual intercourse between individuals who know each other - is a crime that is widespread on many college and university campuses. Usually, both parties involved in acquaintance rape have been drinking - often to excess. Research has not yet explained how and why alcohol is related to aggression in general or to acquaintance rape in particular 0 Signs of sexual abuse Unexplained injuries (especially to parts of the female body that can be covered by a two-piece swimsuit) Torn or stained clothing or underwear Pregnancy Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Unexplained behavioral problems Depression Self abuse and/or suicidal behavior Drug and/or alcohol abuse Sudden loss of interest in sexual activity Sudden increase of sexual behavior The doctor in the emergency room will examine the victim for injuries and collect evidence. The attacker may have left behind pieces of evidence such as clothing fibers, hairs, saliva or semen that may help identify him. In most hospitals, a "rape kit" is used to help collect evidence. A rape kit is a standard kit with little boxes, microscope slides and plastic bags for collecting and storing evidence. Samples of evidence may be used in court. Next, the doctor will need to do a blood test. Women will be checked for pregnancy and all rape victims are tested for diseases that can be passed through sex. Cultures of the cervix may be sent to a lab to check for disease, too. The results of these tests will come back in several days or a few weeks. It's important for the client to see their own doctor in 1 or 2 weeks to review the results of these tests. If any of the tests are positive, the victim will need to talk with your doctor about treatment. treatments. The emergency room doctor can tell the victim about different pregnancy If a birth control pill or intrauterine device (IUD) is small. the chance of prevention If no birth control is taken the victim may consider pregnancy treatment. first Pregnancy prevention consists of taking 2 estrogen pills when you get to the hospital and 2 more pills 12 hours later. This treatment reduces the risk of pregnancy by 60% to 90%. (The treatment may make you feel sick to your stomach.) about The risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease during a rape is 5% to 10%. Your doctor can prescribe medicine for chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis when the victim first gets to the hospital. vaccination If not already vaccinated for hepatitis B, the victim should get that when you first see the emergency room doctor. Then they’ll get another vaccination in 1 month and a third in 6 months. infection. The doctor will also discuss human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Your chance of getting HIV from a rape is less than 1%, but if you want preventive treatment, you can take 2 medicines-- zidovudine (brand name: Retrovir) and lamivudine (brand name: Epivir) -- for 4 weeks. Classified as assault Difficult to prosecute b/c of lack of evidence Primary cause is an aggressive desire to dominate according to experts Statistics Women by men: 90-91% most frequent Male by male: 9-10% less common Little to no research on women offenders Definition Intercourse , is attempted or happens without consent of one of the parties involved (penetration with penis or objects etc) Gang Multiple offenders, one victim Date Custodial Serial Marital Prison Acquaintance Wartime Statuatory Unpredictable emotions Feeling numb and detached Relive the rape over and over Memory problems Avoidance of things anxiety PTSD can occur Disturbed sleeping patterns Eating habits affected If reported to police 50% chance an arrest will be made If arrest made, 80% chance of prosecution If prosecuted, 58% chance of felony conviction If felony conviction, 69% chance of jail time If abuse suspected Child Domestic Any type Mass Casualty Classified disaster earthquake, tornado, accident, Terrorist attack Notify by radio/pager Utilize telephone tree to call staff in INCIDENT COMMAND CENTER initiated Commander Triage officer Medical command physician Critical Incident Stress Debriefing 2 types Critical Incident Stress Management Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Administrative Review Psychological Effects After a Disaster Provide active listening and emotional support Provide information as appropriate Refer to therapist or other resources Discourage repeated exposure to media regarding the event Encourage return to normal activities and social roles Incident Command Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Medical or Technical Officer Safety and Security Officer Operations Planning Finance Logistics Triage Description Color Immediate Respirations are present, very serious injury that can be fixed quick with out a lot of resources RED Delayed Can wait to be treated for hours to days, dislocations, minor fractures YELLO W Minor “walking Wounded”, cuts, minor wounds GREEN Expectant/ Deceased Not breathing, Massive Head trauma, would take massive resources away from many others to save one BLACK DISASTER and BIOTERRORISM NURSING Disrupt Daily Life & Cause Terror and Panic FBI – “the unlawful use of force or violence against person’s or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” International al Qaeda, Irish Republic Army Domestic Klux Klux Klan, Greenpeace, and Individuals like Timothy McVeigh Anything & Anywhere that causes large scale disruption Large crowds/gatherings of people Nuclear/Chemical Plants Federal Systems Controversial businesses (Abortion Clinics) Isolation Precautions for Biological Terrorism Agents Due to modern travel, spread of infection may occur in areas thousands of miles apart Health care providers need to be aware of potential signs of biological weapon s signs and symptoms are similar to those of common disease process Isolation practices depend upon the infecting agent Terminal disinfection and disposal of wastes depends on the infecting agent Always use Standard Precautions Some agents require Transmission-Based Precautions Disaster Planning Assumptions versus Observations Assumptions Dispatchers will send emergency response units once notified Trained Emergency personnel will carry out field search and rescue Trained EMS personnel will carry out triage, first aid, medically stabilize and decontaminate before transport Casualties will be transported via ambulance to the appropriate facility or hospital in an appropriate amount that the facility or hospital can accommodate Hospitals will be properly notified Most serious casualties will arrive first Observations Emergency Response Units will self dispatch (local and distant) Initial search and rescue is carried out by the survivors themselves Casualties are likely to bypass on-the-site triage, first aid and decontamination stations and go directly to hospitals Most casualties are not transported by ambulance. Most go by private vehicles, police vehicles, buses or on foot. Most casualties will go to the nearest hospital or the most familiar hospital. Hospitals most often are notified by arriving victims and/or by news media The least serious casualties often arrive first • • • • Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) • Because they cause massive destruction and injury CBRNE (Department of Justice) – Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (includes Fire-causing) Delivery of agent – spraying devices, packages, contaminating water and food, animals and the wind Identifying an event – – – – – Biological – Delayed onset, epidemiology, public health Chemical – symptoms suggestive of chemical agent used Radiological – clustering of symptoms resembling radiological exposure (could be delayed) Explosive – boom! Trauma causalities BIOLOGICAL AGENTS Bacteria - Anthrax, Brucellosis (Black Death), Cholera, Glanders, Plague, Q Fever, Rickettsia, Tularemia, Typhus Viruses - Dengue Fever, Ebola, Rift Valley Fever, Small Pox, Venezuelan Equine, Encephalitis (VEE) Virus, Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) Toxins - Botulinum, Ricin, Saxitoxin, Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB), Trichothecene Mycotoxinx BIOLOGICAL AGENTS Bacteria: Anthrax, Brucellosis, Plague, Q Fever, Tularemia Viral: Small Pox, Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), Viral hemorrhagic fevers Toxins: Botulinim, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), Ricin, Trichothecene (T-2) mycotoxins 3 categories A: high priority easy to spread person to person High death rate Require special action (anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, hemorrhagic fever, tularemia) B: second highest priority Moderately easy to spread Moderate illness Low death (Salmonella, e coli, Q fever, Ricin toxin, etc) C: third highest priority Easy available Easy produced Potential for high death and major health impact (hantavirus) Isolation Precautions for Biological Terrorism Due to modern travel, spread of infection may occur in areas thousands of miles apart Health care providers need to be aware of potential signs of biological weapons signs and symptoms are similar to those of the disease Isolation practices depend upon the infecting agent Always use Standard Precautions Terminal disinfection and disposal of wastes depends on the infecting agent Some agents require Transmission-Based Precautions Chemical Weapons Chemical substances that quickly cause injury and/or death and cause panic and social disruption Agents: Nerve agents Blood agents Vesicants Pulmonary agents Agents vary in toxicity Limitation of exposure is essential with evacuation and decontamination as soon possible and as close to the scene of the incident as possible Types Biotoxins ( poison from plant or animal) Blister agents (lewisite, sulfar mustard, nitrogen mustard, etc) Blood agents (hydrogen cyanide, cyanide chloride) Caustics (acid) Choking agents (chlorine, phosgene, etc) Incapacitating agents Long acting anticoagulants Metals Nerve agents (VG, VM, sarin, soman, etc) Organic solvents Riot control agents (tear gas) Toxic alcohols Vomitting agents Nerve Agents Inhibit cholinesterase-causing cholinergic symptoms Decontaminate with copious amounts of soap and water or saline for at least 20 minutes Blot; do not wipe off Plastic equipment will absorb sarin gas • • • • • NERVE AGENTS Signs and Symptoms SLUDGEM: salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastric upset, emesis, and miosis Dim vision Cardiac dysrhythmias, confusion and convulsions, along with unconsciousness Runny nose and shortness of breath Pinpoint pupils and muscle fasciculations (muscle twitching) Oxime reversal agents: Protopam chloride (2-PAM chloride) MARK I kit: atropine and protopam Diazepam (Convulsions and muscle twitching) Full decontamination of body and clothing Hydration: electrolyte and fluid replacement as needed Reassure patient, to decrease anxiety and promote rest Do not induce vomiting if ingested Vesicants Lewisite, sulfur mustard, nitrogen mustard, and phosgene Respiratory effects can be serious and cause death Are blistering agents that cause burning, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, hematopoietic (stem cell) suppression and death. Inhalation, Topical (skin damage irreversible but seldom fatal) VESICANT AGENTS Signs and symptoms Eyes: irritation, conjunctivitis, corneal burns, blindness Skin: erythema, itching, areas of increased pigmentation, blisters Mucosal sloughing and airway obstruction Bone marrow suppression Respiratory effects: irritation/burning of nares, sinus pain or irritation, nosebleeds, and irritation of the pharynx, dyspnea and increased sputum production Damage to the trachea and upper airways, laryngitis Headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea Blood-stained emesis and feces Supportive Treat skin – wound care, burn care Treat respiratory – O2 support, Airway support, mechanical ventilation if necessary Support bone marrow and immune response Antibacterial for secondary infections Treat symptoms Decontaminate with soap and water Eye irrigations BLOOD AGENTS Gases: Hydrogen cyanide Cyanogen chloride Crystals: Sodium Cyanide Potassium Cyanide BLOOD AGENTS Signs and Symptoms Initial transient rapid respiratory rate Apprehension, anxiety, agitation, and vertigo Feeling of general weakness, nausea with or without vomiting, and muscular trembling Slowing respirations, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and apnea with cardiac standstill BLOOD AGENTS Treatment CHOKING AGENTS Destroys the pulmonary membrane that separates the alveolus from the capillary bed Results in fluid filled alveoli Inhaled Ammonia Chlorine Phosgene CHOKING AGENTS Signs and Symptoms Irritation of the nasopharynx, causing sneezing, pain, and erythema Dysphagia, cough Hoarseness, stridor, and coarse rhonchi, lacrimation and rhinorrhea, swelling of the throat and bronchi Pulmonary edema - large amounts of white to pink frothy sputum Chemical pneumonitis and lung hemorrhage IRRITANTS Commonly known as – “riot controlling agents” Produces transient discomfort – to render an opponent incapable of resistance or fighting back Examples Mace Tear gas Pepper spray Signs and symptoms Pain, eye and nasal burning, lacrimation, or discomfort on exposure to mucous membranes Treatment is fresh air, washing away the irritant RADIOLOGIC AGENTS Nuclear explosion – Trauma from the blast thermal burns from the heat and light acute radiation syndrome from exposure to the nuclear radiation Exposure to radiation Is affected by time, distance, and shielding RADIOLOGIC AGENTS Nonionizing - low energy and non-harmful Ionizing – Alpha, Beta and Gamma Alpha – poorly penetrates skin, travel 12 inches, very harmful to kidneys lungs and skeletal system if introduced through broken skin or ingested Beta – can penetrate skin at short distances causing burns, travels up to 10 ft., can be harmful if ingested or inhaled Blocked by clothing or paper Blocked by heavy clothing, walls, or thin metals Gamma – emitted during nuclear detonation and are present in fall out, travel several 100 ft., are penetrating through tissue to deep organs. Blocked by dense materials – lead, concrete, and steel An acute illness that occurs when the entire body (or most of it) receives or is exposed to a high dose of radiation. Generates highly reactive free radicals, damages messenger RNA (mRNA) and DNA and interferes with cell growth, or even causes cell death. Severity varies with the amount of exposure, age and overall heath of an individual Radiation Decontamination Triage outside the hospital Cover floor and use strict isolation precautions to prevent the tracking of contaminants Seal air ducts and vents Waste is double bagged and put in a container labeled radiation waste Staff protection Water-resistant gowns, 2 pairs of gloves, caps, goggles, masks, and booties Decontamination EXPLOSIVE AGENTS High Order Explosive (nitroglycerin) and Low Order Explosives (pyrotechnics, gunpowder) High Order Explosive Injuries are classified into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Blast Injuries from High Order Explosives Nail Bomb or Jar Bomb Primary – Impact of the overpressurization wave with body surfaces – lungs, ears, GI, TBI (most) Secondary – Flying debris and bomb fragments Tertiary – Injuries incurred from being thrown by the blast. Quaternary – explosion related injuries that are complication of the previous injuries Psychological Effects After a Disaster Provide active listening and emotional support Encourage return to normal activities and social roles Provide information as appropriate Refer to therapist or other resources Discourage repeated exposure to media regarding the event Strategic National Stock Pile Push Packs-shipped within 12 hours of the decision to deploy 4% of the stockpile Antibiotic agents IV/IM medications Bulk Supplies-First Aid Analgesics Other Emergency Medications DMAT/DMORTS Disaster Management Assistance Teams/Disaster Management Mortuary Teams Health care providers, nurses, EMT’s, Technical Staff, and other health care professionals. DMORTS – management and identification of the dead The point is to save as many as you can