
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
Candidate: Elise Bicek
Date: 12/1/2014
Course for which the Unit is developed: EDSC-4618-1
Content Focus (Topic): Waves
Subject: Chemistry
Grade Level(s): 8th grade
Use the instructions above to complete the Unit Plan here.
Learning Segment
Central Focus (Goal) of Unit: The central focus of the unit is for the students to discover and identify the properties of waves, sound waves, and the
electromagnetic spectrum.
List the Common Core or Illinois Learning Standard(s) to be met in the Unit:
MS-PS4-1, MS-PS4-2
Copy and paste the following table for each additional lesson in the unit.
Introduction to Waves : Lesson 1
Use mathematical representations to
describe a simple model for waves that
MS- includes how the amplitude of a wave is
PS4- related to the energy in a wave. [Clarification
1. Statement: Emphasis is on describing waves
with both qualitative and quantitative
MS- Develop and use a model to describe that
PS4- waves are reflected, absorbed, or
2. transmitted through various materials.
[Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on both
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to identify wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, crest, trough, and transverse
waves by labeling wave diagrams.
Observation sheet about waves from demonstration
in front of class. (pre-assessment)
Exit Slip (formative assessment)
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light and mechanical waves. Examples of
models could include drawings, simulations,
and written descriptions.]
Unit Plan Design 2012
Instructional Strategies/Procedures:
Academic Language:
Differentiated Instruction:
Show the students the demonstration of waves.
Pass out wave diagrams to each student.
Give the definition of wavelength, frequency,
amplitude, crest, trough, and transverse waves.
Have the students label the diagrams with the new
Go over the answers with them with a labeled
picture on the board.
Give the students an exit slip with a sound wave.
Have them apply what they learned about transverse
waves to a picture of sound waves to foreshadow
what they will learn tomorrow.
Wavelength, frequency, transverse waves, trough,
crest, amplitude
The students can take notes and fill in their wave
diagram however they learn best.
Instructional Materials
dry erase board and markers, PowerPoint with definitions, observation worksheets, worksheet, exit slip
Resources & References
Constructivist Learning Theory. “This theory states that learning is an active process of creating meaning from different experiences.”
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Sound Waves: Lesson 2
Use mathematical representations to
describe a simple model for waves that
MS- includes how the amplitude of a wave is
PS4- related to the energy in a wave. [Clarification
Statement: Emphasis is on describing waves
with both qualitative and quantitative
Unit Plan Design 2012
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to identify compressions
and rarefactions of a longitudinal wave using a
Worksheet with sound wave diagram. (formative
Academic Language:
Differentiated Instruction:
Compressions, rarefactions, sound waves,
longitudinal waves
The students are able to take notes however they
Develop and use a model to describe that
waves are reflected, absorbed, or
MS- transmitted through various materials.
PS4- [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on both
2. light and mechanical waves. Examples of
models could include drawings, simulations,
and written descriptions.]
Instructional Strategies/Procedures:
Review the exit slip from yesterday.
Listen to different frequencies of sounds produced
by a tuning fork.
Show a video of a sound wave in action.
Ask the students what they see.
Give definitions of compressions, rarefactions, and
longitudinal waves.
Have the students refill in their exit slips from the
day before as well as another worksheet with a
sound wave on it.
Have students work in groups of four to observe
rarefactions and compressions on a Slinky.
Connect sound waves to their everyday lives.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
Instructional Materials
Slinky, video of sound waves, tuning fork, note worksheet, exit slip from the day before, PowerPoint with notes
Resources & References
Constructivist Learning Theory. “This theory states that learning is an active process of creating meaning from different experiences.”
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Lesson 3
Instructional Strategies/Procedures:
Show the students the song from youtube on
electromagnetic spectrum.
Define electromagnetic spectrum
Pass out research worksheets and give directions.
Put students in groups of four. Let them work on
computers to research.
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to identify relationship
between wavelength, frequency, and energy by
using the electromagnetic spectrum.
The students will be able to define three of the seven
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum using the
jigsaw activity.
Spectrum worksheet to fill in to show the
relationship between wavelength, frequency, and
Exit slip with question about the relationship
between wavelength, frequency, and energy.
Worksheet with questions the students need to
answer and research to present their region to the
Academic Language:
Differentiated Instruction:
Electromagnetic spectrum, radio, infrared,
microwave, visible light, UV, gamma, X-ray waves
Students will be able to determine how they want to
take notes while doing research, and how they fill in
their electromagnetic spectrum chart.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Have each group present their spectrum.
Have the class connect the relationship to the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Have the students fill in their worksheet with the
relationship between wavelength, frequency, and
Hand out exit slip.
Unit Plan Design 2012
Instructional Materials
YouTube video, electromagnetic spectrum, worksheets, exit slip, worksheets with questions for research.
Resources & References
Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences support the tasks for this lesson. Students are learning interpersonally from each other about the regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Lab: Lesson 4
Learning Objectives:
The students will be able to identify (visually) the
difference in wavelengths of visible light in a lab.
Lab worksheet with data from lab (formative
Lab report (formative assessment)
The students will be able to analyze the relationship
between wavelength and frequency of visible light
through the lab.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Instructional Strategies/Procedures:
Unit Plan Design 2012
Academic Language:
Visible light, wavelength, frequency, ROY G BIV
Review visible light from the electromagnetic
spectrum. (ROY G BIV)
Pass out lab worksheets.
Give directions. (see attached sheet)
Allow 30 minutes to work on lab. Students will be
in groups of three.
Initial lab data after completed.
Lab reports will be due the next week.
Differentiated Instruction:
Students can fill in their data worksheets how they
learn best.
Instructional Materials
 set of red, green and violet (purple) pencils
 manila folder
 meter stick or metric ruler
 pair of scissors
 4 books
 watch with second hand
 one strip of masking tape
 extra pencil
Lab data worksheet
Resources & References
Constructivist Learning Theory. “This theory states that learning is an active process of creating meaning from different experiences.”
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Test: Lab 5
Instructional Strategies/Procedures:
Unit Plan Design 2012
Learning Objectives:
The students will complete a unit test over the unit
The students will be able to identify wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, crest, trough, transverse
waves, longitudinal waves, electromagnetic
spectrum, compressions, rarefactions, and sound
waves on the unit test.
End of unit test. (summative)
Academic Language:
Differentiated Instruction:
Wavelength, frequency, amplitude, crest, trough,
transverse waves, longitudinal waves,
electromagnetic spectrum, compressions,
rarefactions, and sound waves
If students have a documented reason for an
accommodation, an accommodation will be given
for the test.
Allow the students to ask questions about the
material for 5 minutes.
Pass out the test.
Instructional Materials
Unit test
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
Resources & References
Constructivist Learning Theory. “This theory states that learning is an active process of creating meaning from different experiences.”
Lesson Objective: Write out
each specific learning
objective to be met in each
The students will be able to
identify wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, crest,
trough, and transverse waves
by labeling wave diagrams.
The students will be able to
identify compressions and
rarefactions of a longitudinal
wave using a model.
The students will be able to
identify relationship between
wavelength, frequency, and
energy by using the
electromagnetic spectrum.
The students will be able to
define three of the seven
regions of the electromagnetic
spectrum using the jigsaw
The students will be able to
identify (visually) the
difference in wavelengths of
visible light in a lab.
The students will be able to
Assessment: (Optional)
Every lesson must include Assessment. Unit must include at least one Assessment of every type.
Summative: What evidence
Diagnostic (Pre-):
What will be used for
What will be used for
What evidence will you have will you have that the students
evidence of students’ prior
evidence of students’
of student reflection on what
have met the central focus
formative growth?
and how they learned?
(goals) of the Unit?
Observation sheets from
Exit slip to apply what they
wave video played at the
learned to sound waves.
beginning of class.
Sound wave worksheet
Research worksheets
Exit slip
Lab worksheet with data from
the lab.
Lab report
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
analyze the relationship
between wavelength and
frequency of visible light
through the lab.
The students will complete a
unit test over the unit
The students will be able to
identify wavelength,
frequency, amplitude, crest,
trough, transverse waves,
longitudinal waves,
electromagnetic spectrum,
compressions, rarefactions,
and sound waves on the unit
Unit Plan Design 2012
Unit test
Academic Language (Optional)
Language Demands of
Describe the academic
language that the lesson
Student Language
Describe the students’
prior knowledge of the
academic language in
the lesson.
Add additional rows for each lesson.
Language Demands of
Student Language
Lesson 1: beach,
The students should
identify, wavelength,
know what a beach is
frequency, amplitude,
which will help them to
crest, trough, transverse, understand waves.
Lesson 2:
rarefactions, sound
The students should
know what a sound
wave is if they listen to
Language Supports (WIDA, 2012):
Every lesson must include sensory, graphic or interactive support.
Unit Plan must include a variety of supports.
Sensory Support:
Graphic Support:
Interactive Support:
Describe the strategies
Describe the strategies
Describe the strategies
that provide sensory
that provide graphic
that provide interactive
Assessment Evidence:
Describe the evidence
that students understand
the academic language
in each lesson.
Sensory Support
Graphic Support
Interactive Support
Assessment Evidence
YouTube video of the
beach to connect waves
to the students’ personal
Worksheet with the
wave diagram for the
students to fill in.
Answering questions in
Students will be able to fill
in the wave diagram on
their own after each
definition is given. The
students will also be able to
apply what they just
learned to the exit slip that
will preview the lesson for
the next day.
YouTube video of sound
waves and the noise a
tuning fork makes.
Worksheet with sound
wave diagram for the
students to fill in.
The students will work
together with the Slinky
to visibly see the
Students will be able to
fill in their wave
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
waves, longitudinal
the radio or music.
Lesson 3: identify,
The students should
relationship, define,
know what an
spectrum, radio, micro,
spectrum is from
infrared, visible light,
previous science classes.
ultraviolet, x-ray,
Also, visible light,
gamma rays,
gamma rays, x-rays, and
wavelength, frequency,
microwaves from
everyday use of the
Lesson 4: Visible light,
The students should
wavelength, frequency,
recall learning about the
academic language from
the previous lesson.
Lesson 5: Wavelength,
All of the academic
frequency, amplitude,
language for the test is
crest, trough, transverse
previously learned.
waves, longitudinal
waves, electromagnetic
spectrum, compressions,
rarefactions, and sound
Unit Plan Design 2012
rarefactions and
Students presenting
information to each
YouTube song in the
beginning of the lesson
will get students
thinking about the
Worksheet with
spectrum and
worksheets with
questions on it for
The evidence will be
from the exit slip when
the student can answer
the questions correctly.
This will show they
understand the
relationship between
frequency, energy, and
Visually seeing the
different frequencies and
wavelengths of visible
light with the lab.
The test.
Lab data worksheet
The students will work
cooperatively in groups
of three.
The completed lab report
due the next week of
The test.
Students will work alone
because it is a unit test.
The evidence will be
when the students do
well on the test.
Differentiated Instruction (Optional)
 List the lesson component that is differentiated in each lesson:
 List the student characteristic that will be used to determine how to
differentiate each lesson:
 Explain how each component will be differentiated.
 Explain how each will be used to determine how to differentiate.
Product: The students can complete their exit slip however they choose as Student Interest: This is differentiated for the whole class because they can
well as how to take notes on their worksheets.
choose how to learn the information presented.
Product: The students can fill in their sound wave diagram how they want.
Student Interest: This is differentiated for the whole class because they can
choose how to learn the information presented.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Product: Students can decide how they want to take notes while doing
research, and how they fill in their electromagnetic spectrum chart.
Product: The students can fill in the data lab worksheet how they want.
Product: The test will be differentiated if the student has a documented
accommodation they need to succeed on the test.
Unit Plan Design 2012
Student Learning Profile: This is differentiated for the whole class based on
how the students learn best.
Student Learning Profile: This is differentiated for the whole class based on
how the students will learn the information presented.
Student Learning Profile: This will be differentiated for an individual if
need be.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
Procedure (taken from
Hand out the procedure sheet to each group in order for them to see the instructions along with hearing them.
1. Triad decides who is:
o Data Keeper / Reader
o Materials Manager / Checker
o Time Keeper / Facilitator
2. Materials Manager retrieves all materials listed from teacher. Reader should read all directions.
3. Recorder should draw a vertical line about 20 cm from the beginning of the adding machine tape and label it "Start". With the metric ruler,
make a point 100 cm from the starting point. Draw a vertical line and label it "End". Cut the tape off of the roll leaving about 20 cm space
between "End" and where you cut.
Diagram showing how to label the tape. (Credit: NASA's Imagine the Universe)
4. Next, Materials Manager draws three evenly spaced horizontal lines using colored pencils to draw along the tape from Start to End. Make the
top line red, the middle line green and the bottom line violet to represent three different colors in the spectrum of light.
Note: The Time Keeper/ On Task Coordinator should continually keep everyone focused in order to complete this lab. He or she may also
share in the completion of the tasks.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
5. Recorder divides the red line every 14 cm with dark marks in red pencil. The green line should be divided every 10 cm and the violet every 8
cm. The marks that you make on the three color lines will represent the different wavelengths of the different colors of light.
Note: The true wavelengths are actually measured in terms of angstroms. An angstrom is 10-8 cm or 0.00000001 cm. Red has a wavelength of
7800-6220 angstroms, green has a wavelength of 5770-4920 angstroms and violet has a wavelength of 4550-3900 angstroms. However, in
this lab, the simple relationship among the visible light waves will be what is important.
6. Materials Manager fastens the marked adding machine tape to a pencil using masking tape.
7. Recorder cuts a manila folder along its crease. Then cuts a rectangle out of the center of one of the long sides. This rectangle should be about
10 cm high and 5 cm wide as shown below.
Diagram showing the cutout on the manila folder should look. (Credit: NASA's Imagine the Universe)
8. Materials Manager sets the manila folder with the cut out on the table, supporting it with the four books as shown in the diagram below. Now
s/he feeds the end of the adding machine tape through the narrow space between the manila folder and the two back books until "Start"
appears in the middle of the opening in the manila folder.
Concordia University Chicago College of Education
Unit Plan Design 2012
Diagram showing the setup for this lab. (Credit: NASA's Imagine the Universe)
9. Recorder takes the Data Table and sits in front of the tape and manila folder model.
10. Time Keeper calls "start" and begin timing as he or she slowly pulls the tape along. S/he should try to pull the tape at about the same speed for
every trial!
11. Recorder tallies in the appropriate box on the data table every time s/he sees a wavelength mark. When "End" appears, s/he tells the Time
Keeper to stop timing.
12. Each Triad makes one "trial run" and then repeats the procedure an additional 3 times.
13. On the data table, Materials Manager determines and records the average number of wavelengths observed for each color and the average
time (in seconds) from start to finish.
14. Recorder determines and records the frequency for each of the colored light waves. Note: frequency is defined as the number of wavelengths
passing a given point per second.