Anne Frank Bellwork 1.5

Bellwork Vocabulary #1.5
Monday, November 10
Write out the vocabulary words on your sheet of bellwork
• 1. congenial – adj- characterized by friendliness, being
• 2. contempt –noun- scorn, extreme dislike or disdain
• 3. cynical – adj-often finding fault; pessimistic; distrustful
of human nature
• 4. despairing –adj- feeling or showing loss of hope;
hopeless, discouraged
• 5. diligent – adj-characterized by steady attention and
energetic effort in a pursuit or study
• 6. din –noun- loud and discordant noises; a cacophony of
confused sounds
Monday, November 10
Write out the vocabulary words on your sheet of bellwork
• 7. discord –noun- lack of agreement, tension, strife
• 8. ecstasy –noun- extreme happiness
• 9. emaciated –adj- very thin (usually as a result of
starvation or illness)
• 10. estrange –verb- to alienate, to separate
• 11. excise –verb- to remove by cutting or to delete
• 12. exhaust – verb- to use up; to drain
Tuesday, November 11
• 1. Draw a picture of a person who appears congenial.
• 2. Draw a picture of a person who appears diligent.
Tuesday, November 11
Write the sentence, then insert the correct vocabulary word.
1. After sending out fifty resumes, I have _____________ed
all my resources for finding a new job.
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number.
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book.
City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Wednesday, November 12
• Directions: Write out the sets of synonyms and then write
the matching vocabulary word.
• 1. Pessimistic, Skeptical, Distrusting,
• 2. Hopeless, Discouraged, Defeated,
• 3. Commotion, Cacophony, Ruckus,
Wednesday, November 12
Write the sentence, then insert the correct vocabulary word.
1. The Oklahoma City Thunder fans felt ___________ when
all of the players were fully recovered from injuries!
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number.
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book.
City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Thursday, November 13
Write out the sentence and insert the correct vocabulary
• 1. Putting forth ____________ effort in school is rewarded
with increased knowledge and success.
• 2. During the editing process, our teacher encouraged us
to _____________boring, worn out words from our
• 3. Possessing a ____________ attitude is an easy way to
gain friends.
Thursday, November 13
Write the sentence, then insert the correct vocabulary word.
1. Rodney is ___________ over his grade in language arts,
but if he turned in his assignments things would not seem
so hopeless!
Dude, it’s reading time!
Begin your two column journal.
Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number.
Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book.
City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Friday, November 14
Directions: Write out the sets of synonyms and then write
the matching vocabulary word.
• 1. disagreement, tension, strife, __________________
• 2. cut, delete, remove, _________________________
• 3. alienate, separate, distance, ___________________
Friday, November 14
Write out the sentence and insert the correct vocabulary
• 1. Anne Frank’s diary shows how she tried not to be
____________ about human nature, even when life was
• 2. The bombing raids during World War II would create a
________ of noise.
• 3. The Jews in the ghettos of Poland were
_____________because of the lack of food they received.