join%20and%20rupt%2010.4.13%20Advanced - pams

junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link
conjoined (adj.) joined
together; united
conjugate (v.) to join together or
match a correct verb in grammar
ant. – united; inseparable
syn. - dividable, separable
ant: - disconnect, divide
syn: - connect, match
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link
conjunction (n.) a word that joins
words, phrases and sentences
disjointed (adj.) not connected;
having no flow in thinking
ant: - detachment, disconnection
syn: - union; agreement
ant. – ordered, united
syn. - divided, split
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link
join (v.) to become included
ant. – disjoin, separate
syn. – affix; attach
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
joint (n.) a place or part of a
body where two bones join
together, usually to
accommodate movement
Create a multiple-choice
question for this word that has
four options.
junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link
joint committee (n.) a
committee with members from
both the Senate and the House
of Representatives
jugular (n.) a vein that joins
the head and the heart
Create a multiple-choice
question for this word that has
four options.
Create a multiple-choice
question for this word that
has four options.
junct, join, jug = to join, meet, or link
junction (n.) the place where
two highways or two sets of
railroad tracks cross
rejoin (v.) to get together again
syn. – intersection, convergence
ant. – reconcile; reconvene
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
rupt = break
abrupt (adj.) sudden;
ant. – delayed, lingering
syn. – fleeting, impulsive
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
bankrupt (adj.) to be out of
money; financially ruined
ant. – rich, wealthy
ant. – broke, impoverished
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
rupt = break
corrupt (adj.) evil; dishonest
ant. – crooked, shady
syn. – honest, trustworthy
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
corruptible (adj.) able to become
bad, dishonest
ant. – ethical
syn.. – dishonest, unethical
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
rupt = break
disrupt (v.) to cause
disruption (n.) bothersome,
annoying break in concentration
ant. – organize, arrange
syn. – muddle, agitate
ant. – continuation
syn. - interruption, splitting
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
rupt = break
interrupt (v.) to break into
somethisg such as someone’s
conversation or concentration
interruption (n.) something that
breaks into what in being done;
an unplanned event that breaks
up an activity
ant. – wait
syn. – barge in, intrude
ant. –continuation
syn. – disturbance, pause
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and one
in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
rupt = break
rupture (v.) to burst or break
erupt (v.) to explode
ant. – breach, disrupt
syn. – close, mend
ant. – deflate
syn. – burst, shatter
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the
Write two sentences –one in
which you use the word and
one in which you use an
antonym or synonym of the