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Symposium: Terrestrial Invertebrates
Moderator: Robert Gay,
Monday February 29, 2016
1:15-3:30 PM
1:15: PM
Bed bug resurgence and BMP strategies
Author(s): David James, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
Yellow jacket control with Fipronil treated cages
Author(s): Paul Cooper, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
1:45 PM
Cockroach control in sewers
Author(s): Jeff Hardman, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
Endemicity of flea-borne typhus in Los Angeles County, California
Author(s): J. Wakoli Wekesa,, Kimberly Nelson, Angela Brisco, Melvin Cook, and Kenn Fujioka, San
Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
2:15 PM
Epizootic plague activity and control measures in Yosemite National Park, 2015
Author(s): Mary Danforth, Public Health Foundation Enterprises, Mark Novak and Vicki Kramer,
California Department of Public Health Vector-Borne Disease Section
2:30 PM
An unusual encounter with biting mites at a wildlife rescue center
Author(s): Angie Nakano, Marin Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District
Alameda County tick and tick-borne disease surveillance (2009-2015)
Author(s): Lucia Hui, Natalia Fedorova, Joyce Kleinjan, and David James, Alameda County Vector
Control Services District
Tick exposure risk while recreating on trails in Henry Coe State Park
Author(s): Denise Bonilla, Santa Clara Vector Control District and Charsey Cole Porse CDPH/UCD
Symposium: Terrestrial Vertebrates
Moderator: Robert Gay,
Monday February 29, 2016
3:45-5:30 PM
3:45 PM
Norway rat sewer baiting program in the City of Oakland
Author(s): Robert B. Gay, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
4:00 PM
Roof rat BMP strategies
Author(s): David Gould, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
4:15 PM
Rabies overview: For Alameda County in 2015
Author(s): Joanne M. Christianson, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
4:30 PM
Raccoon and skunk BMP strategies
Author(s): John Sutton , Alameda County Vector Control Services District
4:45 PM
Wildlife specialist overview and support of a vector control district
Author(s): David Hammett, USDA-APHIS, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
5:00 PM
USDA Wildlife Services Program
Author(s): Wade Carlson, California Wildlife Services USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services
William C. Reeves New Investigator Award
Moderator, Jamesina J. Scott, District Manager, Lake County VCD
Monday February 29, 2016
5:30-6:30 PM
5:30 PM
The impacts of cycling temperature on West Nile virus transmission in California's
Central Valley
Author(s): Mary E. Danforth, William K. Reisen, and Christopher M. Barker, Center for Vectorborne
Diseases and Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine,
University of California, Davis,
Presenter: Mary E. Danforth, Ph.D.
5:50 PM
Timed observations of precopulatory interactions between Aedes aegypti and Aedes
Author(s): Carrie De Jesus and Michael Reiskind, MPH, North Carolina State University, NCSUEntomology
Presenter: Carrie De Jesus
6:10 PM
An analysis of Borrelia spirochete load in Ixodes pacificus ticks of San Mateo County
Author(s): Warren Paul Macdonald, San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District; Vanessa
Cook. and Alan G. Barbour, Departments of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of
California, Irvine
Presenter: Warren Paul Macdonald
Symposium: Community Engagement
Moderator: Jason Farned, San Gabriel Mosquito and Vector Control District
Tuesday March 1, 2016
8:00-10:00 AM
8:00 AM
Advocacy and engagement of local elected officials
Author(s): Luz Maria Rodriguez, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District
8:12 AM
Getting started on social media
Author(s): Megan Caldwell, San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District
8:25 AM
Is social media worth a substantial investment in time and money?
Author(s): Pablo A. Cabrera, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District
8:37 AM
Community outreach and education: chikungunya and dengue
Author(s): Lauren Salmo,, California Department of Public Health Vector-borne Disease Section
8:50 AM
Public usage of the West Nile virus Dead Bird Hotline and Website
Author(s): Leslie Foss, WNV Dead Bird Surveillance Program California Department of Public Health
Vector-Borne Disease Section
9:05 AM
Now it’s “next gen?” What’s next?
Author(s): Carol Anne Hagele, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District
9:15 AM
Teachers tools: Educating students about mosquito control in and out of the
Author(s): Jill Oviatt and Olivia Rodriguez, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
9:30 AM
If it “bleeds it leads” or sometimes it is a mammal with wings infected with rabies
(Bats, rabies, and the media in Alameda County).
Author(s): Daniel Wilson, Alameda County Vector Control Services District
Symposium: Operations
Moderator: David Heft, General Manager, Turlock Mosquito Abatement District
Tuesday March 1, 2016
8:00-10:00 AM
8:00 AM
The effects of wildland fire on vector control
Author(s): Sandi Courcier, Lake County Vector Control District
8:10 AM
2015 drought-related mosquito control challenges and observations in lower
sacramento valley
Author(s): Marty Scholl, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District
8:20 AM
Analysis of 2015 aerial applications in San Joaquin County and the resulting reduction
in West Nile virus activity and vector populations
Author(s): David J. Smith, John Fritz, Eddie Lucchesi, Shaoming Huang, San Joaquin County Mosquito
and Vector Control District
8:30 AM
Aerial adulticide spray block design
Author(s): Marcia Reed, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District
8:45:00 AM
Aedes albopictus control GLACVCD
Author(s): Mark Daniels, Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District
9:00 AM
Field and cage enclosure studies investigating interactions between invasive aquatic
weeds and mosquitoes
Author(s): Rakim Turnipseed and Patrick Moran, USDA-ARS, WRRC; Sandy Allan, USDA-ARS, CMAVE
9:10 AM
The bionomics of Culicoides occidentalis at Borax Lake
Author(s): Bonnie M. Ryan, Michelle Koschik, Brittany M. Nelms, David L. Woodward, Jamesina J.
Scott, Lake County Vector Control District
9:20 AM
Watching ants: How insect behavior impacts protocol
Author(s): Jennifer A. Henke and Gabriela Perezchica-Harvey, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector
Control District
9:30 AM
Pathogens and microbial diversity of the Pacific coast tick, Dermacentor occidentalis,
in San Diego County, California.
Author(s): Nikos Gurfield, Saran Grewal and Lynnie Cua, Department of Environmental Health, County
of San Diego; Scott T. Kelley, Department of Biology, San Diego State University
9:40 AM
Temperature-dependent model of bluetongue transmission risk
Author(s): Courtney Shelley, Graduate group in Epidemiology at UC Davis; Christine Mayo, College of
Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University; N. James Maclachlan,
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine
Symposium: Information Technology
Moderator: Peter Bonkrude, Shasta MVCD
Tuesday March 1, 2016
10:15 AM- 12:15 PM
10:15 AM
Information technology at Santa Clara County Vector Control District
Author(s): Russ Parman, Santa Clara County - Vector Control District
10:25 AM
VeeMAC - vector management software
Author(s): Gregg Lanzing and Steve Fry, VeeMAC
10:35 AM
MapVision Enterprise 2.0
Author(s): Bill Reynolds and Piper Kimball, Leading Edge Associates Inc
10:45 AM
PrecisionVision remote-piloted aircraft in vector control- multi-spectral imagery &
Author(s): Bill Reynolds, Leading Edge Associates Inc
10:55 AM
Google Earth Pro- demonstration of fee GIS tools
Author(s): Ruben Rosas, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control Distric
11:05 AM
Using data-Informed decision making to improve efficacy and efficiency in a mosquito
and vector control pogram
Author(s): Joel Buettner, Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District
11:15 AM
Technology update- nw features, enhancements and services for mosquito control
Author(s): Ryan Pierson, Electronic Data Solutions
11:25 AM
Data vsualization for vector control: Potential applications of software
Author(s): Mary A. Sorensen, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District
11:35 AM
CalSurv Gateway tools for managing and visualizing data on pesticide applications and
resistance testing (PART)
Author(s): Jody K. Simpson, William K. Reisen, Bruce F. Eldridge and Christopher M. Barker, DART Lab,
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
11:45 AM
CalSurv Gateway: survey of district needs and new tools for invasive Aedes
Author(s): Christopher M. Barker, Jody K. Simpson and Marisa A. Donnelly, DART Lab, Department of
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; Matteo
Marcantonio, Fondazione Edmund Mach, Italy
Symposium: Pesticide Applications and Resistance Management
Moderator: Steven Su, Scientific Programs Director, West Valley MVCD
Tuesday March 1, 2016
10:15-12:15 AM
10:15 AM
Get to know our new foe: Susceptibility of Aedes aegypti from Montclair, California to
commonly used pesticides.
Author (s): Tianyun (Steven) Su, Min-Lee Cheng, Jennifer Thieme Castlellon, B.Sc. and Quan Vong,
B.Sc., West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
10:25 AM
Efficacy of ULV applications to control Clovis Aedes aegypti. Author (s): Anthony
Cornel and Katherine Brisco, Mosquito Control Research Laboratory, Kearney Agricultural Research
Center, UC Davis; Jodi Holeman, Charles Smith and Stephen Mulligan III, Consolidated Mosquito
Abatement District
10:35 AM
The impact of hand held and backpack-based treatment on Invasive Aedes
mosquitoesin San Gabriel Valley, California. Ignacio Urena, Javier Romo, Gimena
Ruedas, "Albo Crew",
Authors(s): Angela Brisco, Brian Sorvillo, Melvin Cook and J. Wakoli Wekesa, San Gabriel Valley
Mosquito and Vector Control District
10:45 AM
Field evaluation of DeltaGard on field collected Culex tarsalis and Anopheles freeborni
Author(s): Stephen E. Abshier and Michael R. Kimball, Sutter-Yuba MVCD; Hans Olsen, Bayer Crop
Science; Dennis Candito, ADAPCO
10:55 AM
Droplet penetration and characteristics of aerial fixed-wing applications using Dibrom
adulticide in Salt Lake City, Utah
Author(s): Ary Faraji, Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District
11:05 AM
Development of Etofenprox-Treated U.S. military combat uniforms
Author(s): Ulrich R. Bernier and Gregory M. Allen, USDA-ARS-CMAVE; Melynda K. Perry, Natick Soldier
Research, Development, and Engineering Center; Natasha M. Agramonte, University of Florida,
Department of Entomology
11:15 AM
Evaluation of three granular bacterial products
Author(s): Gerald Chuzel and Jennifer A Henke, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
11:25 AM
Entomopathogenic fungi in mosquito control
Author(s): David A. Popko, Willam W. Walton and Bradley Mullens; University of California, Riverside;
Jennifer A Henke, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control
11:35 AM
Siesta Insetcticide fire ant bait against red imported fire ants
Author(s): Gabriela Perezchica-Harvey and Jennfer A. Henke, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector
Control District
11:45 AM
Within-population variability in bottle bioassay results for mosquito adulticide
resistance testing: implications for replication and data interpretation
Author(s): Mary A. Sorensen and Jessica A. Stevenson, Placer Mosquito & Vector Control District
11:55 AM
Monitoring resistance in Culex tarsalis collected from a single site over time
Author(s): Jacob Hartle, Clarke and Paula Macedo, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District
12:05 PM
How much do we know our mosquitoes: Susceptibility of Culex pipiens complex in
urban and rural California to commonly used pesticides
Author(s): Tianyun (Steven) Su, Jennifer Thieme Castlellon, Sc, Quan Vong, and Min-Lee Cheng, West
Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
Symposium: Lab Technology and Innovations
Moderator: Kara Kelley, Microbiologist, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District
Tuesday March 1, 2016
1:15-3:30 PM
1:15 PM
Optimization of rearing conditions for Culex tarsalis and Culex quinquefasciatus
production in mosquito and vector control agencies
Author(s): Jessica Anne Stevenson and Mary Sorensen, Placer County Mosquito and Vector Control
1:30 PM
A new rapid diagnostic test for identifying Aedes eggs
Author(s): Ying Fang, Sandra Garcia and Christopher M. Barker, DART Lab, Department of Pathology,
Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; Barbara Byrne, Professor,
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
1:45 PM
Larval feeding in log deck efficacy tubs
Author(s): Tommy Moore and Mary Sorensen, Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District
2:00 PM
Detection and characterization of mechanisms of insecticide resistance in Culex
Author(s): Eva Choi and Tara Thiemann, University of the Pacific; Debra Lemenager, Sutter-Yuba
Mosquito and Vector Control District; Kara Kelley and Paula Macedo, Sacramento Yolo Mosquito and
Vector Control District
2:15 PM
Moving rapidly from discovery to commercial collaboration: How to prepare your data
to accelerate new mosquitocide delivery
Author(s): Rajeev Vaidyanathan, Clarke
2:30 PM
MapVision 2.0 Enterprise: Innovations for efficient laboratory processes Part 1
Author(s): Piper Kimball and Bill Reynolds, Leading Edge Associates Inc
2:45 PM
MapVision 2.0 Enterprise: Innovations for efficient laboratory processes Part 2
Author(s): Piper Kimball and Bill Reynolds, Leading Edge Associates Inc
3:00 PM
Use of DropVision to optimize ULV application in Coachella Valley
Author(s): Gregory S. White, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
3:15 PM
Biocontainment Practices and Principles
Author(s): Beau Crowley and Allan Bier, Technical Safety Services, Inc.
Symposium: Vector Borne Disease and Emerging Vectors
Moderator (s): J Wakoli Wekesa, Scientific Program Manager, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector
Control District
Tuesday March 1, 2016
1:15-5:30 PM
1:15 PM
The 2016 St. Louis encephalitis virus outbreak in Maricopa County, Arizona
Author(s): Kirk A Smith, Maricopa Environmental Services, Vector Control; and Craig Levy, Maricopa
County Public Health Services
1:35 PM
Detection of St. Louis encephalitis virus in Coachella Valley 2015
Author(s): Gregory White, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
1:45 PM
Genetics of re-emerging St. Louis encephalitis virus, Riverside County, California, 2015
Author(s): Lark L. Coffey, Kelly Symmes and Ying Fang, DART Lab, Department of Pathology,
Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; Greg White, Coachella Valley
Mosquito and Vector Control District
1:55 PM
Simulation of overwintering potential for Aedes albopictus in California
Author(s): Christopher M. Barker, D, DART Lab, Department of Pathology, Microbiology and
Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; Diego Montecito, Graduate Group in
Epidemiology; Matteo Marcantonio, Fondazione Edmunc Mach, Italy; Susanne Kluh, Greater Los
Angeles Vector Control District; J. Wakoli Wekesa and Kenn Fujioka, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and
Vector Control District
2:10 PM
Mapping climatic suitability for invasive Aedes aegypti in the United States: a processbased modeling approach
Author(s): Marisa A. Donnelly, and Christopher M Barker, DART Lab, Department of Pathology,
Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis; Susanne Kluh, Greater Los
Angeles County Vector Control District; J. Wakoli Wekesa, and Kenn Fujioka, San Gabriel Valley
Mosquito and Vector Control District
2:20 PM
Dispersal of male Aedes aegypti in residential Clovis, California
Author(s): Anthony Cornel, and Katherine Brisco, Mosquito Control Research Laboratory, Kearney
Agricultural Research Center, UC Davis; Jodi Holeman, Charles Smith, and Stephen Mulligan ,
Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District
2:30 PM
How many bites are too many? The biting nuisance of Aedes albopictus in the San
Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County, California
Author(s): Gimena Ruedas, Angela Brisco, Bryan Sorvillo, Melvin Cook, J. Wakoli Wekesa, and Kenn
Fujioka, an Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
2:40 PM
Comparison of surveillance methods for Aedes albopictus
Author(s): Harold Morales, Tanya Posey, and Susanne Kluh, Greater Los Angeles Vector Control District
2:50 PM
The Use of CDC Autocidal Gravid Ovitraps in response to service requests
Author(s): Katherin Ramierz, Jodi Holeman, Mark Amorino, and Steve Mulligan, Consolidated
Mosquito Abatement District
3:00 PM
Enhanced arborvirus surveillance using sugar bait detection in suburban and rural
areas in California
Author(s): Cody Steiner, DART Lab, Center for Vectorborne Diseases; and Lark L. Coffey, DART Lab,
Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
3:10 PM
ADAM, Auto-Dissemination Augmented with Males: A novel strategy to control Aedes
Author(s): Steve Mulligan and Jodi Holeman, Consolidated Mosquito Abatement District; Anthony
Cornel, Kearney Agricultural Research Center, UC Davis; Corey Brelsfoard, and James Mains,
MosquitoMate, Inc.; Stephen Dobson, University of Kentucky
3:20 PM
Epidemiology of dengue and chikungunya
Author(s): Charsey Cole Porse, California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section
3:30 PM
Historical and current distribution of Aedes mosquitoes in Hawai’i
Author(s): Durrell D. Kapan, Institute of Biodiversity Science and Sustainability, California Academy of
Sciences; and Jonathan Winchester, US Navy, Camp LeJeune
Afternoon Break
Moderator (s): Paula Macedo, , Laboratory Director, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control
3:45 PM
An outbreak of flea-borne typhus in San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles County, California
Author(s): Kimberly Nelson, Gilbert Holguin, Angela Brisco, Melvin Cook, Kenn Fujioka, and J. Wakoli
Wekesa, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District; Chelsea Foo, Curtis Croker, and Rachel
Civen, Acute Communicable Disease Control, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health; Chelsea
Foo, CDC/CSTE Applied Epidemiology Fellowship Program, Atlanta, GA
3:55 PM
Filarial infection of mosquitoes in Lake County
Author(s): Tiffany Tran, and Tara Thiemann, University of the Pacific; Brittany Nelms, Lake County
Vector Control District
4:05 PM
Epizootic plague activity and control measures in Yosemite National Park, 2015
Author(s): Mary Beth Danforth, Public Health Foundation Enterprises; Mark Novak, and Vicki Kramer,
California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section
4:15 PM
Plague in South Lake Tahoe
Author(s): Bryan T. Jackson, Mark Novak, Gregory Hacker, Kelly Liebman, and Mary Beth Danforth,
California Department of Public Health, Vector-Borne Disease Section; Karen Bender, and Stefan Sielsch,
County of El Dorado, Vector Control
4:25 PM
Bionomics and vector potential of Culex thriambus mosquitoes in Lake County,
Author(s): Brittany M Nelms, Danielle Bridges, Bonnie M. Ryan, Michelle Koschik, Jamesina J. Scott,
Lake County Vector Control District; Tara Thiemann, University of the Pacific
4:35 PM
Bloodfeeding patterns of mosquitoes in San Joaquin County, California
Author(s): Tara Thiemann, Kevan Shergill, Charlotte van Schooten, Megan Bomar, Eva Choi, Kiran
Grewal, Felix Hong, and Bryce Kato University of the Pacific, Biological Sciences; Shaoming Huang, San
Joaquin Mosquito & Vector Control District
4:45 PM
Utilization of American crows by host-seeking Culex mosquitoes
Author(s): Sarah S. Wheeler, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District; Mitch Hinton,
Conor Taff, and Melissa Jones, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology, UC Davis;
Andrea Townsend, Department of Biology, Hamilton College
4:55 PM
West Nile virus present in a winter roost of American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos):
examining the importance of horizontal transmission
Author(s): Mitchell G Hinton, Department of Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology, Animal Behavior
Graduate Group, UC Davis; William K Reisen, and Sarah S Wheeler, Department of Pathology
Microbiology and Immunology, UC Davis; Andrea Townsend, Department of Biology, Hamilton College
5:05 PM
Role of crows in the overwintering of West Nile virus
Author(s): Diego Montecino, Graduate Group in Epidemiology, UC Davis; Christopher M. Barker, DART
Lab, Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis;
Mitch Hinton, Conor Taff, and Melissa Jones, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Conservation
Biology, UC Davis; Andrea Townsend, Department of Biology, Hamilton College; Kira Lee, Wilson
Palpallatoc, Brandon Yi, Department of Biological Sciences, University of the Pacific
5:15 PM
Evolution of West Nile virus in California
Author(s): Kelly Symmes, Ying Fang, Kasen Riemersma, Beate Crossley, and Lark Coffey, UC Davis; and
Sarah Wheeler, Scramento Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District
5:25 PM
Fighting an unpredictable foe: An overview of two consecutive years of record West
Nile virus outbreaks, 2014-2015, in Orange County, California
Author(s): Robert Cummings, Carrie Fogarty, Laura Krueger, Leslie Levy, Tim Morgan, Kiet Nguyen,
and Amber Semro, Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District
5:35 PM
West Nile fatalities in 2015: Was this an unusual year?
Author(s): Anne Kjemtrup, California Department of Public Health, Vector Borne Disease Section; Maria
L. Salas, California Department of Public Health, Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory
Symposium: Agency Updates
Moderator: Renjie Hu, Supervising Public Health Biologist. California Department of Public Health
Vector-Borne Disease Section
Tuesday March 1, 2016
3:45 PM
California Department of Public Health: 2015 vector-borne disease highlights
Author(s): Vicki Kramer, Kerry Padgett, Renjie Hu, and Mark Novak, , California Department of Public
3:55 PM
Surveillance for mosquito-borne encephalitis virus activity in California, 2015
Author(s): Tina Feiszli, Kerry Padgett, Maria Salas, Sharon Messenger, Leslie Foss and Vicki Kramer, ,
Division of Communicable Disease Control, California Department of Public Health; Jody Simpson, Chris
M. Barker, Ying Fang and William K. Reisen, U.C. Davis Center for Vector-borne Diseases, University of
California, Davis
4:05 PM
West Valley MVCD- 1983 to 2015
Author(s): Min-Lee Cheng, West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
4:15 PM
Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District agency update 2015
Author(s): Truc Dever, Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District
4:25 PM
Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District: What happened and looking
Author(s): Jeremy Wittie, Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District
4:35 PM
Santa Clara County Vector Control District 2015: A year in review
Author(s): Denise Bonilla, Santa Clara County Vector Control District
4:45 PM
Analysis of the 2015 program year for the San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector
Control District
Author(s): Eddie Luchessi, San Joaquin County Mosquito and Vector Control District
4:55 PM
Shasta MVCD: 2015 Year in review
Author(s): Peter Bonkrude, Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District
5:05 PM
Sacramento-Yolo MVCD update
Author(s): Gary Goodman, Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control Disrict
5:15 PM
Mosquito control in rice at Placer MVCD: a five-year review
Author(s): Joel Buettner, Placer Mosquito and Vector Control District
West Nile virus surveillance in San Mateo County, California 2013-2015
Author(s): Nayer Zahiri, Theresa Shelton, Tina Sebay and Warren Macdonald, San Mateo County
Mosquito and Vector Control District