Math 131/331 Fast Track January 11th – May 5th 2016 Instructors: Phone: E-mail: Class Time: Ms. Talaoc (626) 585-7344 MTRF: 5:30PM-6:40PM TR: 7PM-8:10PM Room : R408 Office hours: C121-B MW 3:15 – 4:30 PM & 7 – 8 PM R125 T R: 4 –4:30 PM FAST TRACK Math 131/331intermediate Algebra (6-units) prepares students to be college-math ready in one semester. The course is designed to allow students to progress as quickly as possible by demonstrating prior math knowledge through a series of mastery level diagnostics. Students are required to have computer and internet access from home to complete lectures, notes, and practice problems. Students will participate in active learning projects throughout the semester. All tests and finals will be taken in class. Attendance is mandatory. Math 131 (CRN: 32553 ) Math 331 (CRN: 33516 ) Last day to drop without a “W” Last day to drop with a “W” Jan. 24, 2016 Jan. 24, 2016 April 8, 2016 April 8, 2016 Math 131 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Upon completion of this course, students will be able to simplify nonlinear expressions; solve nonlinear equations and inequalities; evaluate, graph, and perform operations on functions; model and solve real world applications. Math 331 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs): Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: master remedial topics; intentionally and systematically organize materials, time and content; regularly evaluate their own understanding; and use their resources effectively MATERIALS: You will need the following materials for this class: A 2 in. 3-ring binder (with dividers or tabs) and lined notebook paper Pencils and an eraser Two flexible 2x3 piece of poster paper in any color you like (available at the 99¢ Store) ALEKS computer access code. You can access the lessons via the internet at or you can do a simple installation onto your home computer. Lecture Notes/Homework Sets for ALEKS Fast Track Math 131 which can only be purchased from the PCC Bookstore (≈ $12). If you are repeating this class, you must purchase a new packet. TECHNICAL SUPPORT: ALEKS website: Phone: (714) 619-7090 ATTENDANCE: There is a strong relationship between attendance and success in a math class; please arrive to all classes a few minutes early so that you are relaxed and ready to learn. If you decide to stop attending class, please make sure to drop yourself so that you don’t get a letter grade that will negatively affect your GPA. Students may be dropped from a semester-length class for absences which total the number of hours the class is scheduled to meet in a two-week period. 3 tardies = 1 absence and leaving class early is counted as a tardy. If you must miss class, please get the lecture notes and from a classmate. If you are late, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor at the end of class so that you will not be marked as absent. ALEKS COMPUTER WORK: You are expected to do much of the computer work outside of class. The more you do outside of class, the quicker you can complete each module. Deadlines are set within ALEKS; make sure to complete the required portion of the pie before taking a test. No late work will be accepted. GROUP WORKSETS: You may work on the Group Worksheets outside of class or in small groups during class. I may collect the group work at the end of class. HOMEWORK SETS: homework sets can be found at the end of each chapter in your lecture note packet. I will collect the homework for each chapter on the day of the test. Sorry, I do not accept late homework since this will only hurt your performance on the exams. LECTURE NOTES: Bring your lecture notes to every class meeting. Neatly completed Lecture Notes will be checked at midterm and late in the semester. No late work will be accepted. QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given during the first 10-15 minutes of either class. Please come to class on time so that you may take the quiz. No make-up quizzes will be given. CHAPTER TESTS: You should have completed the required ALEKS work, Homework Sets, Lecture Notes, and Group Worksheets completed prior to taking a test. Although the majority of each test will be based on the current chapter, each test will include several review questions from previous chapters. All tests are taken in the classroom and are closed book, closed note, and do not use calculators. Cheating will not be tolerated! You will receive a zero on the test and possible expulsion from the class for cheating. MAKE-UP TEST POLICY: No make-up tests will be given (excused or unexcused); if you miss a test, you will receive a score of zero on that test. You are encouraged to take your test early before the deadline. Since emergencies do occur, I do offer a safety net… FINAL EXAMS: There is a cumulative final exam at the end of Math 131. The final will replace your lowest test score IF: (1) You have less than 2 absences (including arriving late or leaving early); (2) You have completed all work on or before the required deadlines, and (3) A zero on a test was not due to cheating. PERSONAL CONFERENCES: You will meet with your instructors throughout the semester. The conference will review course progress, study skills, and goal setting. CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Students are expected to act in an adult manner. Any loud, offensive, rude, or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Turn off cell phones, iPods, laptops, and any electronic devices during class. If your cell phone rings, or if you text message, you can either bring the class a treat (candy, cookies, fruit, etc.) or take a 5-point deduction on your next exam. If disruptive behavior continues you will be asked to leave the class or the lab, even during an exam. You are not allowed to bring your laptop, friends, or children to class. No food or beverages are allowed in the room with the exception of bottled water. Students are only allowed to access and your canvas page for this class while in the MRC. Students are not allowed to access any other website. Students who break this rule will be asked to leave. Test 1 (Ch 1 & 2) MATH 131 TEST SCHEDULE (subject to change): 1/25/16 (M) Test 5 (Ch 6) 3/24/16 (Th) Test 2 (Ch 3) 2/1/16 (M) Test 6 (Ch 7) 4/5/16 (T) Test 3 (Ch 4) 2/19/16 (F) Test 7 (Ch 8) 4/15/16 (F) Test 4 (Ch 5) 3/4/16 (F) Test 8 (Ch 9) 4/26/16 (T) Final (Ch. 1-9)* 5/5/16 (Th) 5:30-7:30PM *Each test will contain 20 questions and the final exam will contain 30 questions MATH 131GRADING POLICY: Course Requirements ALEKS Computer Work Homework, Classwork, and Quizzes Tests Final Explanations Complete required pie sections for each module You must be in class to complete the in-class assignment 6Exams – no make-up exams allowed Comprehensive Final covering Chapters 1 - 9 Grading Scale 10% 15% 50% 25% Your overall grade will be determined by the following scale: A: 90 – 100% B: 80 – 89% C: 73 – 79% D: 60 – 72% F: Below 60% MATH 331 GRADING POLICY: Course Requirements Projects Explanations Life Graph Poster Science Project Function Project Grading Scale 30% Classwork Test corrections In-Class worksheets 50% Workshop assignments Career Center visit: Pin Point assessment Time management paper 10 % Counseling Sessions 2 mandatory sessions – grade is based on attendance (1% deduction for every missed session) 10% Your overall grade will be determined by the following scale: Pass (P): 70%-100% No Pass (NP): Below 70% Fall 2015MATH 331 Support Course Calendar (subject to change) Day MATH 331 MATH 331 T Th in R 408 7-8:10PM At home Class expectations ALEKS Week T 1 Th DLO - Absolute Value Eqn. ALEKS Science Projecct: Temp. ALEKS Week T 2 Th Graphing Lines: Life Graph ALEKS DLO - What Form of ALEKS Week T Equation & Why 3 Th Systems of 2x2's ALEKS ED PLAN: Time Mgn. Paper ALEKS Week M 4 Th Exam 1 corrections ALEKS Stumbling Blocks ALEKS Week T Career Goal 5 Th DLO - Applications ALEKS Exponent Rules Exam 2 corrections ALEKS Week T 6 Th DLO – Factoring Patterns & ALEKS Recognition DLO-Rationals ALEKS Week T 7 Th DLO - Adding Rational ALEKS Expressions Vs. Solving Rational Equations Exam 3 corrections ALEKS Week T 8 Th 4 year University Choice & ALEKS Finance Plans Spring Break ALEKS Week No Classes ALEKS 9 Exam 4 Corrections ALEKS Week T 10 Th DLO - Rational Exponents ALEKS Career Center Visit: Future ALEKS Week T Income 11 Th Factoring, Square Root ALEKS Property (ahead) Exam 5 Corrections ALEKS Week T 12 Th No Class: Veterans Day ALEKS DLO - Methods to Solve ALEKS Week T Quadratic Equations 13 Th DLO - Translating Functions ALEKS Exam 6 Corrections ALEKS Week T 14 Th Function Project ALEKS Exam 7 Corrections ALEKS Week T 15 Th DLO-Log & Exp application ALEKS Review for Final Exam ALEKS Week T 16 Th Create Practice Exam ALEKS Week 17 Th FINAL EXAM 10:15-12:15