Do Entangled Systems Share Information Non-Locally?: A Key Question for Understanding the NonExtended Nature of Qualia Logan Trujillo, M.A. Department of Psychology/Department of Physics University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA Email: Quantum Mind 2003: Consciousness, Physics, The Brain. March 15-19, 2003. Tucson, AZ, USA Where Lieth Consciousness? The hard problem - accounting for the existence of experience in a physical world Qualia as information - Chalmers (1996) “double aspect” principle: Information has material and phenomenal aspects Spatiotemporal limitations of consciousness Spatiotemporal parameters governing qualitative/informational dynamics may not be restricted to the ranges allowed for by material (energetic) causation (Trujillo, 1999; 2000a). => information has a degree of independence from energy => qualitative-informational and energetic-brain changes may not be isomorphic with respect to one another Physical: Immaterial (information) vs. Material (matter/energy) distinction Consciousness is instantiated by immaterial, physical processes. Bell’s Theorem: Reality is Non-Local z1 z 1 +1 -1 2 k1 s k2 +1 y -1 x1 x Correlated photon pair production (Aspect , 2002) : J = 0 → J = 1 → J = 0 1 [cos( ) z1z2 sin( ) z1x2 sin( ) x1z2 cos( ) x1x2 2 Williams and Clearwater, 1998 -2 ≤ S(x1,x2,z1,z2) = 3cos(2θ) – cos(6θ) ≤ -2 where S(x1,x2,z1,z2) is the combination of the four polarization correlation coefficients associated with the two measurement axes. This inequality is violated for angles 0 < θ < π/5.3, 0 > θ > -π/5.3, π/3.2 < θ < π, -π/3.2 > θ > -π Maximum violations S = 2(2)1/2 and S = - 2(2)1/2 at θ = ±π/8 and θ± 3π/8 respectively (Aspect, 2002). Bell’s theorem implies that either quantum mechanics is incomplete, or that any hidden variables within the theory are non-local. What does this mean? Maudlin (1994) - Violations of Bell’s inequality necessitate superluminal information transmission (or sharing) between particles, but not superluminal matter/energy transport Another view: information is not localized in that it manifests across the entire spatio(temporal) state distribution of a system (Aspect,2002; Williams and Clearwater,1998) It is claimed that information sharing between entangled systems is impossible because no information transmission is possible between experimenters at the different ends of the experiment (“There ain’t no such thing a a Bell telephone!” [Maudlin, 1994]) What is the basis of this claim? 1) Collapse outcomes are probabilistic and difficult (or impossible) to control (Eberhard’s Theorem). 2) Non-local correlations are only apparent by comparing results of measurements across experimental wings; hence necessitates correspondence via a classical signal My Hypothesis: These constraints rule out information transmission/sharing between observers outside the system at the time of measurement, not observers inside the system itself (i.e. the system components) Need to determine the information content of the entangled system and see if it is non-zero I ( X ) I (Y ) I ( X , Y ) Mutual Information A measure used in neurobiology to assess the total differentiation or informativeness among neural subsystems, without reference to external observers (Edelman, 2000). P( X , Y ) I mutual P( X , Y ) log 2 [ ] dXdY P( X ) P(Y ) I ( X ) I (Y ) I ( X , Y ) Rieke et al., 1997; Dayan and Abbott, 2001 I ( X ) pi log 2 pi where I(X) is the iShannon entropy, I ( X ) P( X ) log 2 P( X ) Two Key Interpretations of Mutual Information (1) Since mutual information is independent of observers “outside” the system => Information has an “objective physical reality”. (2) Mutual information is a joint property of the ENTIRE system; analogous to the concept of potential energy V Im V Im Mutual information is distributed across the system What is Im for a pair of entangled photons? z1 1 [cos( ) z1z2 sin( ) z1x2 2 x1 sin( ) x1z2 cos( ) x1x2 QM Single particle probabilities QM Joint Probabilities 1 PEntangled Pz1z2 Px1x2 cos 2 2 1 PEntangled Pz1x2 Px1z2 sin 2 2 1 PSingle Pz1 Px1 Pz2 Px2 2 2 4 i 1 j 1 I m 2 I Single I Entangled 2 PS log 2 PS PE log 2 PE 1 cos 2 log 2 cos 2 sin 2 log 2 sin 2 What is Im for a pair of entangled spin-1/2 particles? z1 sin( ) 2 cos sin z1 , z2 z1 , z2 2 2 2 cos sin sin( ) z1 , z2 z1 , z2 2 2 QM Single particle probabilities (PSingle) P z1 P z1 P z2 P z2 1 2 QM Joint Probabilities (PEntangled) 2 cos sin 2 P z1 , z2 2 cos sin 2 P z1 , z2 4 4 1 P z1 , z2 P z1 , z2 sin 2 4 2 4 i 1 j 1 I m 2I Single I Entangled 2 PS log 2 PS PE log 2 PE 2 2 2 2 sin 2 cos sin 2 cos sin 2 log 2 sin log 2 [ 2 cos sin ] log 2 [ 2 cos sin ] 2 2 2 2 Since Im is non-zero in these cases, we may ascribe true physical presence of information within these systems of which both particles share or have access. However, this access/sharing does not involve superluminal information transfer because there is no actual “transmission” occurring between the particles. Since Im is a joint property of the system, Im is not localized in that it manifests across the entire spatio(temporal) state distribution of a system. Other evidence: recent physics experiments (Mugnai et al., 2000) showing that information in a light wave is not localized to central wavefront (leads to apparent violations of speed of light External observers cannot gain access to this information at the time of measurement; however the particles always “know” the state of the other, and this knowledge may causally influence their behavior (Maudlin, 1994). => privacy of subjectivity? Implications of Non-Local Information for Theories of Consciousness and Qualia EX1: phenomenal binding and the apparent spatial non-extension of the mind Biological evidence of brain modularity and cognitive-perceptual compartmentalization “The Binding Problem” - Binding => Neural Synchrony => Global NCC (Trujillo, 2000b) Global nature of neural interactions (as evidenced by large-scale synchrony) suggests that information is non-localized within the brain (and maybe even the body). This property of nonlocalization may be what is meant when one speaks of the "nonextended" nature of the mind. The description of mental events as nonspatial is a mischaracterization. Provides solution to problem of “phenomenal binding”: - The information/qualia associated with the various brain areas could be said to span across all these areas. The question of how spatially distinct qualitative properties are merged into the spatially unified character of conscious experience disappears because such qualitative properties are not spatially distinct in the first place. EX 2: PSI - psychokinesis, remote viewing, presentiment, OOBEs, etc. Certain psi phenomena (like so-called “telepathy”) have been characterized as “shared feeling states”. These possibilities may allow actual “Bell Telephone” in that entangled partners may be able to behavioral report on subjective expression of shared states/knowledge. Ex: Non-local correlations between human brains and physiology (Grunbaum-Zylberg(1994); Richards et al. (2003); Bohm (1985) References Aspect, A. (2002). Bell’s Theorem: The Naïve View of an Experimentalist. In R.A. Bertleman and A. Zeilinger (Eds.), Quantum [Un]Speakables: From Bell to Quantum Information. (Springer-Verlag: Heidleberg, Germany), p. 119-153. Bohm, E. (1985). 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