461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C MMS PROJECT Signature Controlled Document T. Thomas – July 22, 2014 Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Project Alignment and Coordinate System Document 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Effective Date: July 22, 2014 Prepared by: Oscar Hsu/Code 591 and Jessica Mccarthy/Code 599 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland National Aeronautics and Space Administration CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C CM FOREWORD This document is a Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Project signature-controlled document. Changes to this document require prior approval of the applicable Product Design Lead (PDL) or designee. Proposed changes shall be submitted in the MMS Management Information System (MIS) via a Signature Controlled Request (SCoRe), along with supportive material justifying the proposed change. In this document, a requirement is identified by “shall,” a good practice by “should,” permission by “may” or “can,” expectation by “will,” and descriptive material by “is.” Questions or comments concerning this document should be addressed to: MMS Configuration Management Office Mail Stop 461 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 ii July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Review/Approval Page K. Bromund E. Cardiff G. Davis I. Dors K. Harris O. Hsu K. McCaughey W. Morgenstern S. Placanica S. Pope C. Powell S. Queen A. Rodriguez-Arroyo C. Schiff *** Signatures are available on-line at: https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov *** iii July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C CHANGE HISTORY LOG Revision Level DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE Approved By Date Approved Revision - Initial release of document as per MMS-SCoRe-0815. J. McCarthy 07/26/2011 Revision A - O. Hsu 12/08/2011 O. Hsu 07/09/2012 - Revision B - - Updated Thruster Locations Table 4.1-3 Removed Reference to Cube on the bench in Section 3.1.1 Updated Figure 3.1-1 Released as per MMS-SCoRe-1407 Added five new coordinate systems: o De-spun body Coordinate System o Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric o De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System o De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System o Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Added a variation to Az-El called Az-Ze Fixed Definition for the Instrument Deck Coordinate Systems Replaced Instrument Suite Coordinate System with Instrument Deck Coordinate System to be consistent Incorporated MMS-CCR-0471 (AMS Isolator) Updated Alignment of DSS Updated Appendix A with new acronyms based on the additional coordinate systems. Released as per MMS-SCoRe-1897. iv July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Revision C - - - - - - Added Section 1.1.4 (Applicable Documents) Moved GSM Section (Old Section 2.15) so it follows after the GSE Section (Section 2.9) o As a result the old sections 2.10-2.13 have moved section number Added a new Section 2.15 MPA-aligned coordinate system with sub sections for SMPA and DMPA Added sections, Updated Acronym List Updated Section 2.1 – added standard definitions for o Earth to Sun Vector o Earth Dusk Section 2.10 GSM Coordinate System o Updated Y-axis definition Section 2.14 (DBCS) o Updated description o Updated Y-axis definition Section 2.15.2 (DMPA) o Updated description o Updated Y-axis definition Section 2.17 (DMPA) o Updated description o Updated Y-axis definition Added new Section 2.19 Released as per MMS-SCoRe-2883. O. Hsu 07/22/2014 v July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C LIST OF TBDs/TBRs Item No. Location Summary Ind./Org. Due Date None vi July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table of Contents 1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT .......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Governing Documents............................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 Reference Documents ............................................................................................................................1 1.1.3 Applicable Drawings ..............................................................................................................................1 1.1.4 Applicable Document .............................................................................................................................2 1.2 DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................................................2 2.0 COORDINATE SYSTEM DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................. 3 2.1 OBSERVATORY COORDINATE SYSTEM (OCS) .............................................................................................................3 2.2 BODY COORDINATE SYSTEM (BCS) ..........................................................................................................................5 2.3 LAUNCH VEHICLE COORDINATE SYSTEM (LVCS) .........................................................................................................6 2.4 STACK COORDINATE SYSTEM (SCS) .........................................................................................................................7 2.5 MINI-STACK COORDINATE SYSTEM (MSCS) ..............................................................................................................8 2.6 EARTH-CENTERED INERTIAL MEAN OF YEAR 2000 (J2000) COORDINATE SYSTEM ...........................................................9 2.7 EARTH-CENTERED, EARTH-FIXED (ECEF) COORDINATE SYSTEM ..................................................................................10 2.8 RADIAL, INTRACK, CROSSTRACK (RIC) COORDINATE SYSTEM ......................................................................................10 2.9 GEOCENTRIC SOLAR ECLIPTIC (GSE) COORDINATE SYSTEM.........................................................................................11 2.10 GEOCENTRIC SOLAR MAGNETOSPHERIC (GSM) COORDINATE SYSTEM ....................................................................12 2.11 VELOCITY, BINORMAL, NORMAL (VBN) COORDINATE SYSTEM ...............................................................................12 2.12 PERIFOCAL (PQW) COORDINATE SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................13 2.13 AZIMUTH-ELEVATION (AZ-EL)/ AZIMUTH-ZENITH (AZ-ZE) COORDINATE SYSTEM ......................................................14 2.14 .........................................................................................................................................................................14 2.15 DE-SPUN BODY COORDINATE SYSTEM (DBCS)....................................................................................................15 2.16 MPA-ALIGNED COORDINATE SYSTEMS ..............................................................................................................15 2.16.1 Spinning MPA-aligned Coordinate System (SMPA) .........................................................................16 2.16.2 De-spun MPA-aligned Coordinate System (DMPA) .........................................................................16 2.17 DE-SPUN SPIN-AXIS COORDINATE SYSTEM (DSCS) ..............................................................................................17 2.18 DE-SPUN SPACECRAFT L-VECTOR (DSL) COORDINATE SYSTEM...............................................................................17 2.19 SPINNING SPACECRAFT L-VECTOR (SSL) COORDINATE SYSTEM ..............................................................................17 2.20 ‘NEAR GSM’ COORDINATE SYSTEMS (E.G. GSM-DMPA) ....................................................................................18 3.0 ATTITUDE CONTROL SYSTEMS (ACS) HARDWARE ....................................................................................... 19 3.1 ACS SENSORS....................................................................................................................................................19 3.1.1 Star Sensor (micro Autonomous Star Camera ( ASC)).........................................................................19 3.1.2 Acceleration Measurement System (AMS) ..........................................................................................25 3.1.3 Digital Sun Sensor ................................................................................................................................29 3.2 ACS ACTUATORS ...............................................................................................................................................33 3.3 DEPLOYABLES ....................................................................................................................................................33 4.0 PROPULSION .............................................................................................................................................. 34 4.1 THRUSTERS .......................................................................................................................................................34 4.1.1 Thruster Naming Convention ...............................................................................................................34 4.1.2 Thruster Force and Torque Polarities ...................................................................................................35 4.1.3 Thruster Locations and Plume Direction Vectors .................................................................................36 4.2 FUEL TANK ........................................................................................................................................................36 5.0 NAVIGATOR ................................................................................................................................................ 37 vii July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 5.1 GPS ANTENNA ..................................................................................................................................................37 5.1.1 GPS Antenna Reference Designators ...................................................................................................37 5.1.2 Navigator Component Locations .........................................................................................................37 5.1.3 GPS Antenna Alignments .....................................................................................................................38 6.0 RF COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 40 6.1 RF COMMUNICATIONS ANTENNA ..........................................................................................................................40 6.1.1 Communications Antenna Locations and Fields of View......................................................................40 6.1.2 Communications Antenna Coordinate System and Transformations ..................................................41 7.0 INSTRUMENT COORDINATE SYSTEM DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................... 43 7.1 INSTRUMENT DECK CS, TRANSFORMATIONS, AND INSTRUMENT COMPONENTS ..............................................................43 7.1.1 Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC) .......................................................................................45 7.1.2 Axial Double Probe (ADP) .....................................................................................................................46 7.1.3 Electron Drift Instrument/ Gun Detector Unit (EDI/GDU) ....................................................................49 7.1.4 Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) .........................................................................................................50 7.1.5 Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) .........................................................................................51 7.1.6 Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) ............................................................................................................52 7.1.7 Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) ...........................................................................................55 7.1.8 Spin-Plane Double Probe (SDP) ............................................................................................................56 7.2 SPACECRAFT DECK CS, TRANSFORMATIONS, AND INSTRUMENT COMPONENTS...............................................................58 7.2.1 Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) .........................................................................................59 7.2.2 Magnetometers ...................................................................................................................................60 viii July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C List of Figures Figure Page Figure 2.1-1 MMS Observatory Coordinate System ...................................................................... 3 Figure 2.1-2 MMS Thrust Tube ...................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2.1-3 MMS Spacecraft Layout - Top View ......................................................................... 4 Figure 2.1-4 MMS Spacecraft Layout - Bottom View ................................................................... 5 Figure 2.1-5 MMS Spacecraft with OCS Origin ............................................................................ 5 Figure 2.3-1 Launch Vehicle Coordinate System (Clocking is with respect to the LVCS). .......... 6 Figure 2.4-1 Stack Coordinate System ........................................................................................... 8 Figure 2.5-1 Mini-Stack Coordinate System .................................................................................. 9 Figure 3.1-1 Optical Bench Assembly .......................................................................................... 20 Figure 3.1-2 CHU Picture and CHU Reference Frame ................................................................ 21 Figure 3.1-3 CHU Glint-Free Field of View and ADP Keep Out Zone ....................................... 22 Figure 3.1-4 AMS Mechanical Reference Frame ......................................................................... 26 Figure 3.1-5 Accelerometer Locations in OCS Frame ................................................................. 27 Figure 3.1-6 DSS Graphic with DSS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition........................... 30 Figure 3.1-7 DSS1 and DSS2 mounted to the DSS bracket ......................................................... 30 Figure 3.1-8 DSS Optical Reference Frame ................................................................................. 31 Figure 4.1-1 Graphical Depiction of Thruster Locations.............................................................. 35 Figure 5.1-1 Navigator Component Locations ............................................................................. 38 Figure 5.1-2 GPS Antenna Coordinate Definition ........................................................................ 39 Figure 6.1-1 Aft Omni on S/C Deck and Forward Omni on IS Deck .......................................... 40 Figure 6.1-2 Communications Antenna Coordinate System ........................................................ 41 Figure 7.1-1 Instrument Deck Coordinate System - Top and Side Views.................................... 43 Figure 7.1-2 Instrument Deck Coordinate System - Bottom View .............................................. 44 Figure 7.1-3 ASPOC Coordinate System ..................................................................................... 45 Figure 7.1-4 ADP Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 46 Figure 7.1-5 ADP Longeron Clocking.......................................................................................... 47 Figure 7.1-6 ADP #1 ..................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 7.1-7 ADP #2 ..................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 7.1-8 EDI Coordinate System............................................................................................ 49 Figure 7.1-9 EIS Coordinate System ............................................................................................ 50 Figure 7.1-10 FEEPS Coordinate System ..................................................................................... 51 Figure 7.1-11 DES Coordinate System ......................................................................................... 52 Figure 7.1-12 DIS Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 54 Figure 7.1-13 HPCA Coordinate System...................................................................................... 55 Figure 7.1-14 SDP Coordinate System ......................................................................................... 56 Figure 7.2-1 S/C Deck Coordinate System - Bottom View .......................................................... 59 Figure 7.2-2 FEEPS Coordinate System ....................................................................................... 60 Figure 7.2-3 Magnetometer Boom Coordinate System ................................................................ 61 Figure 7.2-4 AFG Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 62 Figure 7.2-5 DFG Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 63 Figure 7.2-6 SCM Coordinate System .......................................................................................... 64 ix July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.2-7 Nominal Orientation of magnetometers with respect to the spacecraft, as represented in AFG/DFG/SCM XYZ coordinates (left) versus AFG123/DFG123/SCM123 coordinates (right). ................................................................................................................ 65 x July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C List of Tables Table Page Table 1.1-1 Governing Documents ................................................................................................. 1 Table 1.1-2 Reference Documents .................................................................................................. 1 Table 1.1-3 Applicable Drawings ................................................................................................... 1 Table 1.1-4 Applicable Documents ................................................................................................ 2 Table 2.1-1 OCS Definition ............................................................................................................ 3 Table 2.2-1 BCS Definition ............................................................................................................ 6 Table 2.3-1 LVCS Definition ......................................................................................................... 6 Table 2.4-1 SCS Definition............................................................................................................. 7 Table 2.5-1 MSCS Definition ......................................................................................................... 8 Table 2.6-1 ECI Definition ............................................................................................................. 9 Table 2.7-1 ECEF Definition ........................................................................................................ 10 Table 2.8-1 RIC Definition ........................................................................................................... 10 Table 2.9-1 GSE Definition .......................................................................................................... 11 Table 2.10-1 Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric Coordinate System Definition .......................... 12 Table 2.10-2 Geomagnetic Pole Location (IGRF Epoch 2000) ................................................... 12 Table 2.11-1 VBN Definition ....................................................................................................... 13 Table 2.12-1 PQW Definition ....................................................................................................... 13 Table 2.13-1 Azimuth Angle Definition ....................................................................................... 14 Table 2.14-1 De-spun Body Coordinate System Definition ......................................................... 15 Table 2.15-1 SMPA Definition ..................................................................................................... 16 Table 2.15-2 DMPA Definition .................................................................................................... 16 Table 2.16-1 De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System Definition .................................................. 17 Table 2.17-1 De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Definition ................................. 17 Table 2.18-1 Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Definition ................................ 17 Table 3.1-1 Optical Bench Assembly Mechanical Reference Frame Definition.......................... 20 Table 3.1-2 Camera Head Unit Reference Frame Definition ....................................................... 21 Table 3.1-3 CHU Boresights in OBA Frame ................................................................................ 21 Table 3.1-4 CHU Boresights in OCS Frame ................................................................................ 22 Table 3.1-5 ASC Transformations (Quaternions) ...................................................................... 24 Table 3.1-6 ASC Transformations (Euler Angles) ..................................................................... 24 Table 3.1-7 Camera Head Unit Designation Mapping ................................................................. 24 Table 3.1-8 DSS Boresights in CHU Frame ax X, Y, Z components .......................................... 25 Table 3.1-9 DSS Boresights in CHU Frame as Azimuth-Elevation Angles (degrees) ................. 25 Table 3.1-10 AMS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition ....................................................... 25 Table 3.1-11 AMS Strap-Down Reference Frame Definition ...................................................... 26 Table 3.1-12 Accelerometer Locations in AMS Mechanical Frame ............................................ 27 Table 3.1-13 AMS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ...................................................... 27 Table 3.1-14 Accelerometer Locations in OCS Frame ................................................................. 28 Table 3.1-15 Sensing Direction in AMS Mechanical Frame ........................................................ 28 Table 3.1-16 AMS Transformation............................................................................................... 28 Table 3.1-17 DSS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition ........................................................ 29 xi July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-18 DSS Optical Reference Frame Definition ............................................................... 31 Table 3.1-19 DSS Locations in OCS Frame ................................................................................. 31 Table 3.1-20 DSS Boresights in the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame ..................................... 32 Table 3.1-21 DSS Boresights in the OCS Frame .......................................................................... 32 Table 3.1-22 DSS Transformations .............................................................................................. 32 Table 4.1-1 MMS Thruster Names ............................................................................................... 34 Table 4.1-2 Thruster Force and Torque Polarity in OCS Frame .................................................. 35 Table 4.1-3 Thruster Locations and Plume Direction Vectors in OCS Frame ............................. 36 Table 4.2-1 Dry Tank Geometric Center Locations in OCS Frame ............................................. 36 Table 5.1-1 GPS Antenna Reference Designators ........................................................................ 37 Table 5.1-2 GPS Antenna Coordinate System .............................................................................. 38 Table 5.1-3 GPS Antenna Boresight in OCS ................................................................................ 39 Table 6.1-1 Comm Antenna Reference Designators .................................................................... 40 Table 6.1-2 Comm Antenna Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ....................................... 41 Table 7.1-1 IDCS Definition......................................................................................................... 44 Table 7.1-2 Instrument Deck Coordinate System Origin in OCS Frame ..................................... 44 Table 7.1-3 ASPOC Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame .................................................... 45 Table 7.1-4 ADP Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ......................................................... 48 Table 7.1-5 EDI Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame .......................................................... 49 Table 7.1-6 EIS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ........................................................... 50 Table 7.1-7 FEEPS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ..................................................... 51 Table 7.1-8 DES Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ......................................................... 52 Table 7.1-9 DIS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame .......................................................... 54 Table 7.1-10 HPCA Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame .................................................... 56 Table 7.1-11 SDP Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ....................................................... 57 Table 7.2-1 FEEPS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ..................................................... 60 Table 7.2-2 Magnetometer Boom Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame ............................... 61 Table 7.2-3 AFG Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame ................................................. 62 Table 7.2-4 DFG Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame ................................................. 63 Table 7.2-5 SCM Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame ................................................ 64 Table 7.2-6 OMB Coordinate System Definition ......................................................................... 66 xii July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 1.0 Scope and Purpose of Document This document will define the coordinate reference frames used by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Project and their relationships (alignments) to the Observatory Coordinate System (OCS). In addition, this document will define the coordinate transformations between the MMS components and the Observatory Coordinate System where appropriate and also establish naming conventions for both the hardware and coordinate systems. 1.1 Documents 1.1.1 Governing Documents The following are other higher-level documents. These documents are subject to revision. In cases of conflict between this document and the reference documents listed in Table 1.1-1, the higher-level document will take precedence. Table 1.1-1 Governing Documents Document Title MMS Mission Requirements Document MMS Project Flight Dynamics Subsystem Specification MMS Atlas V 421 Early Definition Document MMS Project Separation System Specification Document Number 461-SYS-RQMT-0019 461-GS-SPEC-0049 Revision Rev. F Rev. C Date 06/30/2011 06/20/2011 461-LV-ICD-0046 461-MECH-SPEC-0030 08/10/2011 01/05/2012 MMS Mechanical Requirements Document MMS Spacecraft to Instrument Suite Mechanical/Thermal Interface Control Document MMS Star Sensor System User Manual DSS Mechanical ICD 461-MECH-RQMT-0036 461-MECH-ICD-0006 Rev. A Rev. D w Waiver Rev. C Rev. B 461-ACS-HDBK-0022 461-ACS-ICD-0058 Rev 2.1 Rev. D 02/15/2011 01/03/2012 02/16/2012 03/11/2011 1.1.2 Reference Documents The following documents are referenced in this document. These documents are subject to revision. In cases of conflict between this document and the reference documents listed in Table 1.1-2 , this document will take precedence. Table 1.1-2 Reference Documents Document Title Thruster Naming Convention Propulsion Naming Convention Document Number 461-ACS-REF-0099 461-PS-REF-0143 Revision Rev. C Rev. B Date 04/15/2010 02/17/2011 1.1.3 Applicable Drawings The following drawings in Table 1.1-3 form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The latest revision applies. Table 1.1-3 Applicable Drawings DRAWING NO. 101600011 DRAWING TITLE ADP MICD/TICD RESPONSIBILITY SwRI 1 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 101600012 101600013 101600014 101600015 101600018 101600019 101600020 101600021 101600022 101600023 101600025 2102170 2102174 2102857 2102850 2102258 2102871 2102295 SDP MICD/TICD EDI MICD/TICD AFG MICD/TICD DFG MICD/TICD DES MICD/TICD DIS MICD/TICD EIS MICD/TICD FEEPS MICD/TICD HPCA MICD/TICD ASPOC MICD/TICD SCM MICD/TICD Substrate, Des/Dis Platform, Assembly Platform, FEEPS, Instrument Deck, MMS Instrument Deck MICD Magnetometer Boom ICD Spacecraft Deck Assembly Drawing AMS Accelerometer Locations Optical Bench, Assembly SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI SwRI GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC GSFC 1.1.4 Applicable Document The following documents in Table 1.1-4 form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The latest revision applies. Table 1.1-4 Applicable Documents Document Number 461-GS-ICD-0013 1.2 Document Title MMS MOC-FDOA ICD RESPONSIBILITY GSFC Definitions All transformations defined in this document are passive rotations. The quaternion definition used in this document is: q1 e1 sin , 2 q2 e2 sin , 2 q3 e3 sin , 2 q4 cos Equation 1.2-1 2 where e1, e2, e3 represents the rotation axis and represents the rotation angle. The standard for the definition of the vector from the Earth to the Sun is given by the JPL DE4.21 ephemerides. For the purposes of this document, the term “Earth dusk” is defined to be the direction in the Earth’s orbit plan that points essentially at 18:00 in GSE. 2 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.0 Coordinate System Definitions 2.1 Observatory Coordinate System (OCS) Section 3.1.2 of the MMS Mission Requirements Document (MRD) defines the primary MMS Observatory Coordinate System (OCS). The definition provided in the MRD is: The origin of the observatory coordinate system is at the center of the launch vehicle adaptor ring on the separation interface plane. The +Z axis originates from the origin and runs through the observatory structure along the center line of the thrust tube. The positive X-axis will be along a line projecting from the origin along the separation plane and intersecting the plane of Bay 1 and the positive Y axis completes a right-handed coordinate frame. Positive observatory roll is defined as a right-hand rotation about the +Z-axis, positive pitch is defined as a right-hand rotation about the +X-axis, and positive yaw is defined as a right-hand rotation about the +Y-axis. The launch stack coordinate frame will be documented in the ICD with the Launch Vehicle. The OCS Frame definition from the MRD repackaged into a table format is shown below as Table 2.1-1. A graphical depiction of the OCS Frame is shown in Figure 2.1-1. Table 2.1-1 OCS Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the launch vehicle adaptor ring on the separation interface plane Separation Plane line projecting from the origin along the separation plane and intersecting the plane of Bay 1 completes the right hand system extends through the S/C structure along the center line of the thrust tube Figure 2.1-1 MMS Observatory Coordinate System 3 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C The thrust tube centerline is defined as the vector originating at the center of the Passive Ring Interface flange on the thrust tube (established using template drilled holes) and normal to the plane defined by the interface flange. See Figure 2.1-2 below. Figure 2.1-2 MMS Thrust Tube Figure 2.1-3 and Figure 2.1-4 respectively show the top and bottom views of the overall spacecraft layout. The sensors and actuators are depicted with respect to the corresponding spacecraft bay. This image corresponds with MMS Drawing Number 2102258. Figure 2.1-3 MMS Spacecraft Layout - Top View 4 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 2.1-4 MMS Spacecraft Layout - Bottom View Figure 2.1-5 defines the OCS Frame with respect to the separation plane for each observatory. Each individual observatory uses the same local coordinate system. Bay 7 is on the –Y face in this figure. Figure 2.1-5 MMS Spacecraft with OCS Origin 2.2 Body Coordinate System (BCS) The Body Coordinate System is aligned with the OCS Frame with the exception of the origin, defined by the center of mass, and the definition is provided in Table 2.2-1. 5 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 2.2-1 BCS Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mass X-Y Plane Aligned with the OCS X-Axis Aligned with the OCS Y-Axis Aligned with the OCS Z-Axis 2.3 Launch Vehicle Coordinate System (LVCS) The Launch Vehicle Coordinate System definition is provided in Table 2.3-1. The launch vehicle coordinate system will be subscripted with LV or CENTAUR in MMS documents. Table 2.3-1 LVCS Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition SIP Station (STA) 0 [0.00] Standard Interface Plane (SIP) line projecting from origin along Standard Interface Plane completes the right hand system extends down along the centerline (longitudinal axis) of the centaur Figure 2.3-1 was taken directly from the MMS Atlas V 421 Early Definition Document, 461-LV-ICD0046. This figure defines the dimensions, locations, and tolerances for the SC/LV Clocking, Coordinate Systems, and Separation Plane. LVCS definition data is shown within a green box for clarity. Figure 2.3-1 Launch Vehicle Coordinate System (Clocking is with respect to the LVCS). 6 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C A 180-degree rotation about the X-axis aligns the MMS Stack coordinate system (SCS) along the LV coordinate system. The MMS Stack to LV frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 1 Euler angle rotation of = +180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 2.3-1 X Y LVCS Z 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 X Y SCS Z 2.4 Stack Coordinate System (SCS) MMS consists of four nearly identical spacecraft stacked on top of each other for launch. The bottom spacecraft will be mounted to the launch vehicle separation system at the SC/Centaur separation plane, SIP station 889.0 [35.00], according to Figure 2.3-1. The remaining three (3) MMS spacecraft will be secured to each other for launch using Spacecraft Separation System assemblies. The observatories are clocked at 180 degrees from each other. The coordinate system of MMS #1 (bottom observatory) is used with the launch vehicle as the stack coordinate system. MMS #2 and #4 are clocked 180 degrees relative to MMS #1. The Stack Coordinate System definition is provided in Table 2.4-1. Figure 2.4-1 shows an image of the stack coordinate system. Table 2.4-1 SCS Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the launch vehicle adaptor ring for MMS #1 (bottom observatory) on the separation interface plane Separation Plane line projecting from the origin along the separation plane and intersecting the plane of Bay 1 on MMS #1 completes the right hand system on MMS #1 extends through the S/C structure along the center line of the thrust tube 7 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 2.4-1 Stack Coordinate System 2.5 Mini-Stack Coordinate System (MSCS) The mini-stack is defined as any two observatories in a stacked configuration. The coordinate system is identical to the stack coordinate system. The Mini-Stack Coordinate System definition is provided in Table 2.5-1. The mini-stack coordinate system is shown below in Figure 2.5-1. The bottom observatory is clocked at 0 deg and the top observatory is clocked at 180 deg. Table 2.5-1 MSCS Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the launch vehicle adaptor ring for bottom observatory on the separation interface plane Separation Plane line projecting from the origin along the separation plane and intersecting the plane of Bay 1 on bottom observatory completes the right hand system extends through the S/C structure along the center line of the thrust tube 8 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 2.5-1 Mini-Stack Coordinate System 2.6 Earth-Centered Inertial Mean of Year 2000 (J2000) Coordinate System The Earth-Centered Inertial Frame (ECI) is defined according to Table 2.6-1. The reference time for the mean vernal equinox and the Earth’s mean spin axis is January 1, 2000 12:00:00 Terrestrial Time (TT): Table 2.6-1 ECI Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the Earth Earth’s Equator points to the mean vernal equinox completes the right hand system extends through the North Pole, parallel to the Earth’s mean Spin Axis The ECI Frame should be a realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) or the Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5) extension (1991). Ideally, the ICRF should be used but given that GSFC software has not universally switched to this standard, the FK5 extension is also allowed since the two agree to within the lower precision of the FK5 extension. References [1] – Vallado, D. A. and McClain, W.D., Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications, 2nd ed., Microcosm Press, El Segundo, CA, 2001, Sec. 3.7 [2] – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Celestial_Reference_Frame [3] – The International Celestial Reference Frame, http://www.iers.org/IERS/EN/DataProducts/ICRF/ICRF/icrf.html 9 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.7 Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Coordinate System The Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) frame is defined according to Table 2.7-1. Table 2.7-1 ECEF Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the Earth Earth’s Equator points to the Greenwich meridian completes the right hand system extends through the North Pole, parallel to the Earth’s mean Spin Axis 2.8 Radial, Intrack, Crosstrack (RIC) Coordinate System The Radial, Intrack, and Crosstrack (RIC) coordinate system is defined according to Table 2.8-1 Table 2.8-1 RIC Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane Y Axis Iˆ Z Axis Ĉ X Axis R̂ Definition Spacecraft’s current position The instantaneous orbital plane (i.e. the plane at any instant that is perpendicular to the unit vector in the crosstrack direction (same as the normal direction in Section2.10). Points along the line from the center of the Earth to the spacecraft (Equation 2.8-1) Completes the right-handed coordinate system and points towards (but not parallel to) the spacecraft’s velocity vector (Equation 2.8-3) Points along orbital angular momentum (Equation 2.8-2) and the following equations define the Rˆ , Iˆ, Cˆ coordinate frame unit vectors Equation 2.8-1 r Rˆ r Equation 2.8-2 r v Cˆ r v Equation 2.8-3 Iˆ Cˆ Rˆ where r and v are the position and velocity vectors, respectively, of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth. 10 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.9 Geocentric Solar Ecliptic (GSE) Coordinate System The Geocentric Solar Ecliptic (GSE) coordinate system is used extensively to describe the MMS reference orbit and its relationship with the science requirements. The GSE Coordinate System is defined in Table 2.9-1. Table 2.9-1 GSE Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the Earth Ecliptic Plane vector from the center of the Earth to the Sun (Equation 2.9-1) vector normal to the plane created by the ecliptic pole at J2000 and the vector from the center of the Earth to the Sun (Equation 2.9-2) completes the right hand system (Equation 2.9-3) The ecliptic pole, P̂ , at the J2000 epoch is the vector normal to the mean plane of the Earth’s motion about the Sun [ref. 1]. The mean obliquity of the pole at epoch J2000 is 23 deg, 26 min, 21.448 sec = 23.4392911 deg [ref. 2]. From the definition of the vernal equinox, the right ascension, , of the ecliptic pole is 270 deg. The declination, , is 90 minus the obliquity. So, the ecliptic pole at epoch J2000 in the MJ2000 ECI frame is 0 cos( ) cos( ) ˆ P cos( )sin( ) 0.39777715575399 . sin( ) 0.917482062146321 From the ecliptic pole, the Xˆ , Yˆ , Zˆ coordinate frame unit vectors Equation 2.9-1 r Xˆ r Equation 2.9-2 Pˆ r Yˆ Pˆ r Equation 2.9-3 Zˆ Xˆ Yˆ where r is the instantaneous vector from the Earth to the Sun. References [1] – Seidelmann, P. K, Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, University Science Books, U.S.A., 2006, p. 11 [2] – Seidelmann, P. K, Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, University Science Books, U.S.A., 2006, Eq 3.222-1 11 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.10 Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) Coordinate System The Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric (GSM) is defined according to Table 2.10-1Error! Reference source not found.. Table 2.10-1 Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the Earth X-Y Plane vector from the center of the Earth to the Sun perpendicular to the geomagnetic pole (IGRF Epoch 2000), and perpendicular to the X-Axis, positive in the direction from Earth dawn to Earth dusk Completes the right-handed coordinate system and the following equations define the GSM coordinate frame unit vectors Equation 2.10-1 S - vector from the center of the Earth to the Sun Equation 2.10-2 P - geomagnetic pole (IGRF Epoch 2000) where positive P is toward ecliptic south The geographic location of the geomagnetic pole from the IGRF model, Epoch 2000, i.e. the latitude and longitude of the intersection of Earth’s dipole with the surface can be from World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto (http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/poles/polesexp.html#MN) and the values are shown in Table 2.10-2 Error! Reference source not found. Table 2.10-2 Geomagnetic Pole Location (IGRF Epoch 2000) North Geomagnetic Pole South Geomagnetic Pole Latitude (Deg) 79.5 N 79.5 S Longitude (Deg) 71.6 W 108.4E Equation 2.10-3 xˆ S S Equation 2.10-4 yˆ xP xP Equation 2.10-5 ẑ xˆ yˆ 12 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.11 Velocity, Binormal, Normal (VBN) Coordinate System The Velocity, Binormal, and Normal (VBN) coordinate system is defined according to Table 2.11-1 Table 2.11-1 VBN Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Vˆ Y-Axis B̂ Z-Axis N̂ Definition Spacecraft’s current position The instantaneous orbital plane (i.e. the plane at any instant that is perpendicular to the unit vector in the normal direction (same as the crosstrack direction in 2.8). Points along the spacecraft’s velocity vector (Equation 2.11-1) Completes the right-handed coordinate system and points towards (but not parallel to) the spacecraft’s position vector (Equation 2.11-3) Points along orbital angular momentum (Equation 2.11-2) and the following equations define the Vˆ , Bˆ , Nˆ coordinate frame unit vectors Equation 2.11-1 v Vˆ v Equation 2.11-2 r v Nˆ r v Equation 2.11-3 Bˆ Nˆ Vˆ where r and v are the position and velocity vectors, respectively, of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth. 2.12 Perifocal (PQW) Coordinate System The perifocal coordinate system (PQW) is defined according to Table 2.12-1. Table 2.12-1 PQW Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis P̂ Definition Center of the Earth Instantaneous orbital plane Instantaneous direction of periapsis (Equation 2.12-2) Y-Axis Q̂ Completes the right-handed coordinate system (Equation 2.12-4) Z-Axis Ŵ Points along orbital angular momentum (Equation 2.12-3) 13 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C and the following equations define the Pˆ , Qˆ ,Wˆ coordinate frame unit vectors Equation 2.12-1 P v r v r r Equation 2.12-2 P Pˆ P Equation 2.12-3 r v Wˆ r v Equation 2.12-4 Qˆ Wˆ Pˆ where r and v are the position and velocity vectors, respectively, of the spacecraft with respect to the Earth. 2.13 Azimuth-Elevation (Az-El)/ Azimuth-Zenith (Az-Ze) Coordinate System Azimuth-Elevation Coordinates are measured relative to a fundamental plane. The Azimuth angle is measured in the fundamental plane with positive rotation and zero azimuth defined by Table 2.13-1. The elevation angle is measured from the fundamental plane and positive towards the axis not in the fundamental plane. The Zenith angle is measured as Ze = 90 deg – Elevation. Table 2.13-1 Azimuth Angle Definition Axes in Fundamental Plane X-Y X-Z Y-Z Positive Rotation From X-axis to Y-axis From Z-axis to X-axis From Y-axis to Z-axis Zero Azimuth Angle X-Axis Z-Axis Y-Axis 2.14 14 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.15 De-spun Body Coordinate System (DBCS) The De-spun Body coordinate system (DBCS) is defined according to Table 2.15-1. Due to the fact that MMS will maintain the positive spin axis ~3 degrees away from ecliptic normal during science operations (RMRD_0185), DBCS may nominally be considered 'near GSE'. Table 2.15-1 De-spun Body Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mass X-Y Plane Completes the right-handed coordinate system Perpendicular to the Z-axis, and perpendicular to the line pointing from the spacecraft toward the sun, positive in the direction from the Earth dawn to Earth dusk. Aligned with the OCS Z-Axis 2.16 MPA-aligned Coordinate Systems The Major Principal Axis (MPA) of inertia defines a fixed spin axis relative to the spacecraft body. This is in contrast to the angular momentum vector or the instantaneous spin axis, which are not fixed with respect to the spacecraft body when there is nutation. As nutation damps out, these two vectors come into alignment with the MPA. Moreover, even in the presence of nutation and boom motion, both the instantaneous spin axis and angular momentum vector average out to the MPA when averaged over one or more periods of nutation or boom motion (~16 sec and ~2 minutes, respectively). Note that there are two exceptions to the statement that the MPA is fixed relative to the spacecraft body: The MPA will shift over the life of the mission as fuel is expended. These shifts can be measured and accounted for. The MPA will shift on time scales on the order of the spin period, due to motions of the wire booms. It is neither practical nor useful for defining a spacecraft-fixed coordinate system to calculate the MPA at these time scales. For the purpose of defining MPA-aligned coordinate systems for MMS, FDOA will calculate the new effective inertia tensor and corresponding MPA after each maneuver. The unit vector describing the orientation of the MPA in the Body Coordinate System (BCS) is included in the comments header of each Definitive Attitude Report (found in 461-GS-ICD-0013 as product FDOA-5), in the following format: COMMENT Major principal axis of inertia in BCS = -0.00008919 0.00027234 0.99999996 15 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.16.1 Spinning MPA-aligned Coordinate System (SMPA) The Spinning MPA-aligned coordinate system is a spacecraft-fixed coordinate system, defined according to Table 2.17-1. The Z-axis is aligned with the MPA, as defined above. Table 2.16-1 SMPA Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of Mass X-Y Plane (Spin Plane) Intersection of the spin plane (MPA-normal) with the plane defined by the MPA and the BCS X-axis. Positive in the direction of the BCS X-axis. Normal to the plane defined by the MPA and the BCS X-axis, positive in the direction of the BCS Y-axis. The Major Principal Axis of the spacecraft, positive in the direction of the BCS Z-axis. 2.16.2 De-spun MPA-aligned Coordinate System (DMPA) The De-spun MPA-aligned Coordinate System is a quasi-inertial system defined according to Table 2.16-2. The Z-axis is aligned with the MPA, as defined above. Due to the fact that MMS will maintain the positive spin axis ~3 degrees away from ecliptic normal during science operations (RMRD_0185), DMPA may nominally be considered 'near GSE'. Table 2.16-2 DMPA Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of Mass X-Y Plane (Spin Plane) Intersection of the spin plane (MPA-normal) with the plane defined by the MPA and the spacecraft-sun vector. Positive towards the sun. Normal to the plane defined by the MPA and the spacecraft-sun vector, positive in the direction from Earth dawn to Earth dusk The Major Principal Axis of the spacecraft, positive in the direction of the BCS Z-axis. Equation 2.16-1 shows how despun MPA Coordinates are related to the spinning coordinates by the MPA-phase, φMPA, (Sun-to-body-X dihedral angle about the Major Principal Axis) (deg). Equation 2.16-1 cos 𝜑𝑀𝑃𝐴 𝑋 [𝑌 ] 𝐷𝑀𝑃𝐴 = [ sin 𝜑𝑀𝑃𝐴 𝑍 0 −sin 𝜑𝑀𝑃𝐴 cos 𝜑𝑀𝑃𝐴 0 0 𝑋 0] [𝑌 ] 𝑆𝑀𝑃𝐴 1 𝑍 Note that there is a difference between MPA-phase, used here, and the Z-phase that should be used to transfrom between BCS and DBCS. If we assume that the spin axis is within requirements, but misaligned from the Body Z-axis by 1 degree, and given that the sun will be out of the spin plane by 2.5 degrees, the difference between Z-phase and MPA-phase would be 0.04 degrees, resulting in a difference that would not be negligible for FIELDS applications. 16 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.17 De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System (DSCS) The De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System (DSCS) is defined according to Table 2.17-1. Due to the fact that MMS will maintain the positive spin axis ~3 degrees away from ecliptic normal during science operations (RMRD_0185), DSCS may nominally be considered 'near GSE'. Table 2.17-1 De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mass X-Y Plane Completes the right-handed coordinate system Perpendicular to the Z-axis, and perpendicular to the line pointing from the spacecraft toward the sun, positive in the direction from Earth dawn to Earth dusk Instantaneous spin axis of the spacecraft 2.18 De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector (DSL) Coordinate System The De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector (DSL) coordinate system is defined according to Table 2.18-1 Due to the fact that MMS will maintain the positive spin axis ~3 degrees away from ecliptic normal during science operations (RMRD_0185), DSL may nominally be considered 'near GSE'. Table 2.18-1 De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mass X-Y Plane Completes the right-handed coordinate system Perpendicular to the Z-axis, and perpendicular to the line pointing from the spacecraft toward the sun, positive in the direction from Earth dawn to Earth dusk Angular Momentum Vector of the spacecraft 2.19 Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector (SSL) Coordinate System The Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector (SSL) coordinate system is defined according to Table 2.19-1. Table 2.19-1 Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mass X-Y Plane Completes the right-handed coordinate system Perpendicular to the Z-Axis, and perpendicular to the BCS X-axis, positive in the direction of the BCS Y-axis Angular Momentum Vector of the spacecraft 17 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 2.20 ‘Near GSM’ Coordinate Systems (e.g. GSM-DMPA) Noting that the difference between the GSM system and the GSE system is simply a rotation about the Xaxis, and that various despun, spacecraft-oriented systems (DMPA, DSL, DBCS, DSCS) can be considered ‘near GSE’, it is possible to define ‘near GSM’ systems derived from any of these systems. For example, one may rotate the DMPA system about its X-axis by the same rotation that transforms GSE to GSM. The resulting system is dubbed GSM-DMPA, to distinguish it from true GSM coordinates and identify the originating system. By the same method, it is possible to derive GSM-DSL, GSM-DBCS, etc. 18 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 3.0 Attitude Control Systems (ACS) Hardware The ACS Hardware consists of three sensors. Their locations and alignments will be defined in this section. A graphical depiction of the ACS, Propulsion, Navigator hardware that can be seen from this view is shown in Figure 3.0-1. Figure 3.0-1 MMS Spacecraft Layout 3.1 ACS Sensors The ACS Sensors consists of Star Sensors, Accelerometers, and Digital Sun Sensors. 3.1.1 Star Sensor (micro Autonomous Star Camera (ASC)) The Star Sensor is being supplied by the Danish Technical University (DTU). It consists of a single data processing unit (DPU) and 4 Camera Head Units (CHU). The output of the ASC is a quaternion from each CHU that defines the attitude of the CHU with respect to J2000.0 heliocentric inertial equatorial reference frame (xhc, yhc, zhc triad) which is equivalent to ECI except for a translation in the origin. The ASC has 4 Camera Head Units (CHU) and each optical bench assembly will house two CHUs and a removable “Cube on a Stick”. Alignment information that MMS will receive from the vendor will be from the CHU Electrical frame to the ”Cube on a Stick”. The CHU Electrical frame is nominally aligned with the CHU Reference frame and a separate transformation will not be provided from the CHU Electrical frame to the CHU Reference frame. Therefore, a definition of the CHU Electrical frame will not be provided in this document. 19 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C ASC Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems There are two references frames associated with the ASC: Optical Bench Assembly Mechanical Reference Frame and the Camera Head Unit Frame. Optical Bench Assembly (OBA) Mechanical Reference Frame The OBA mechanical reference frame definition is provided in Table 3.1-1. Two CHUs will be mounted to each Optical Bench. Table 3.1-1 Optical Bench Assembly Mechanical Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the bench X-Y plane Long side of the bench, positive from the CHUs towards the cube on a stick Completes the right-handed coordinate system Normal to the bench surface, positive from bench away from the cube on a stick The two optical bench assemblies are identical and a picture of the assembly is show in Figure 3.1-1. The Bay 4 Optical Bench hosts CHU C and CHU D and the Bay 6 Optical Bench hosts CHU A and CHU B. Figure 3.1-1 Optical Bench Assembly 20 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Camera Head Unit (CHU) Reference Frame The Camera Head Unit (CHU) reference frame definition is provided in Table 3.1-2. Each CHU uses the same frame definition. Table 3.1-2 Camera Head Unit Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Intersection of the CCD plane with the optical axis of the camera CCD Plane In the CCD plane along the long side of the CCD pointing towards the right of the image (towards the communication cable) Completes the right-handed coordinate system Boresight of the Star Sensor A picture of a CHU with its optical cube and the reference frame definition is shown in Figure 3.1-2. The origin has been translated from the center of the CCD in this figure. Figure 3.1-2 CHU Picture and CHU Reference Frame Camera Head Unit Boresight Direction The ASC has 4 Camera Head Units. The boresight direction in the CHU frame is defined as the +Z-axis [ 0; 0; 1]. The boresight direction provided in Table 3.1-3 represents the boresights of each CHU in the OBA Frame. Table 3.1-4 provides the direction of each CHU boresight in the OCS Frame. Table 3.1-3 CHU Boresights in OBA Frame Item CHUA CHUB CHUC CHUD CHU Boresight in OBA Frame X Y Z Optical Bench 1 -0.173648178 0 -0.984807753 0 0.173648178 -0.984807753 Optical Bench 2 0 0.173648178 -0.984807753 -0.173648178 0 -0.984807753 21 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-4 CHU Boresights in OCS Frame Item CHUA CHUB CHUC CHUD CHU Boresight in OCS Frame X Y Z 0.059391175 -0.163175911 -0.984807753 -0.163175911 -0.059391175 -0.984807753 0.133022222 0.111618897 -0.984807753 -0.111618897 0.133022222 -0.984807753 The CHU Glint-free Field of Views and the ADP Keep Out Zone is shown in Figure 3.1-3. Figure 3.1-3 CHU Glint-Free Field of View and ADP Keep Out Zone ASC Transformations The transformation from the ASC CHU Frame to the BCS is defined in Equation 3.1-1 and the associated quaternions are shown in 22 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-5. Equation 3.1-1 qCHUntoBCS qCHUntoCubeX qCubeXtoBCS where n represents CHU identifier (A, B, C, D) and X is the OBA identifier (1, 2). The equivalent Euler Rotation Sequence and Angles are shown in Table 3.1-6. 23 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-5 ASC Transformations (Quaternions) Item CHUA_to_Cube1 CHUB_to_Cube1 CHUC_to_Cube2 CHUD_to_Cube2 Cube1_to_BCS Cube2_to_BCS CHUA_to_BCS CHUB_to_BCS CHUC_to_BCS CHUD_to_BCS ASC Transformations q2 q1 -0.704416026402759 0.996194698091746 0.996194698091746 -0.704416026402759 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 -0.981060262190407 0.571393804843270 0.902859012285174 -0.340718653421610 0.704416026402759 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.704416026402759 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 -0.172987393925089 0.816034923451708 -0.421010071662834 0.936116806662859 q3 0.061628416716219 0.000000000000000 0.000000000000000 0.061628416716219 -0.819152044288992 0.422618261740699 -0.015134435901339 -0.071393804843270 0.036833608500735 0.081899608319089 q4 0.061628416716219 0.087155742747658 0.087155742747658 0.061628416716219 0.573576436351046 0.906307787036650 0.085831651177431 0.049990480332730 0.078989928337166 0.029809019626209 Table 3.1-6 ASC Transformations (Euler Angles) Item CHUA_to_Cube1 CHUB_to_Cube1 CHUC_to_Cube2 CHUD_to_Cube2 Cube1_to_BCS Cube2_to_BCS CHUA_to_BCS CHUB_to_BCS CHUC_to_BCS CHUD_to_BCS ASC Transformations 1st (deg) Order (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) (1,2,3) 2nd (deg) 3rd (deg) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 90 -110 50 -20 -110 50 140 -170 170 170 -170 0 0 -170 170 170 -170 In some documents you will see a different nomenclature used for the Camera Head Unit, Table 3.1-7 shows the relationships between the different naming designations with the preferences given to the first column. Table 3.1-7 Camera Head Unit Designation Mapping DTU (Preferred) CHUA CHUB CHUC CHUD GSFC Camera 1 Camera 2 Camera 4 Camera 3 GSFC Bay 6 (-Y) Bay 6 (-X) Bay 4 (Inside) Bay 4 (Outside) DSS Boresights in the CHU Frame The Star Sensor has the ability to provide a pseudo sun pulse. In order to provide an accurate pseudo sun pulse, the star sensor needs to be provided the boresight of the DSS in each CHU 24 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Frame. The DSS Boresight in the CHU frame as X,Y,Z components are provided in Table 3.1-8 and as Az-El angles in Table 3.1-8 Table 3.1-8 DSS Boresights in CHU Frame ax X, Y, Z components Item CHUA CHUB CHUC CHUD DSS Boresight in CHU Frame Y X 0.559192903470747 0.829037572555042 -0.587785252292473 -0.809016994374948 -0.816442628990626 0.550697506767399 -0.796726208379082 0.578855473563864 Z -0.143960863691598 -0.097102828651975 0.140484326774787 0.102067837920085 Table 3.1-9 DSS Boresights in CHU Frame as Azimuth-Elevation Angles (degrees) Item CHUA CHUB CHUC CHUD DSS Boresight in CHU Frame Az (deg) 304.407785503165710 33.594546250842072 233.581925896079010 144.416101100390620 El (deg) -8.277109742764814 -5.572362699291856 8.075873110658067 5.858258259153572 3.1.2 Acceleration Measurement System (AMS) The Acceleration Measurement System (AMS) is being provided by Zin Technologies and consists of two redundant sets of three orthogonal Honeywell accelerometers and associated electronics. AMS Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems There are two reference frames associated with the AMS: Mechanical Reference Frame and the AMS Strap-Down Reference Frame AMS Mechanical Reference Frame The AMS Mechanical Reference Frame represents the frame where the Accelerometer locations are defined. The definition of the frame is provided in Table 3.1-10 and a depiction of the frame is shown in Figure 3.1-4. Table 3.1-10 AMS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of mounting plate Mounting plate Long Axis of AMS from X2 Accel to X1 Accel Completed the right-handed coordinate system Positive from mounting plate towards Z Accelerometers 25 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 3.1-4 AMS Mechanical Reference Frame AMS Strap-Down Reference Frame The AMS Strap-Down Reference Frame is defined in Table 3.1-11. The Strap-Down reference frame is the frame that corresponds with the output of the AMS data. Table 3.1-11 AMS Strap-Down Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Same as AMS Mechanical Reference Frame Plane created by X-Axis and Y-Axis Nominally the same as AMS Mechanical Frame X-Axis. Strap-down Frame can be modified by an AMS Command. Nominally the same as AMS Mechanical Frame Y-Axis. Strap-down Frame can be modified by an AMS Command. Nominally the same as AMS Mechanical Frame Z-Axis. Strap-down Frame can be modified by an AMS Command. AMS Accelerometer Locations The AMS has 6 accelerometers per unit and an image of the accelerometer locations in the OCS frame is shown in Figure 3.1-5. The locations provided in Table 3.1-12 represent the center of the exterior face of each accelerometer in the AMS Frame. The location provided in Table 3.1-13 represents the location of the AMS Frame in the OCS Frame. 26 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-14 provides the accelerometer locations in the OCS Frame. Figure 3.1-5 Accelerometer Locations in OCS Frame Table 3.1-12 Accelerometer Locations in AMS Mechanical Frame Item AMS_ACC1 (PT_AX) AMS_ACC2 (PT_AY) AMS_ACC3 (PT_AZ) AMS_ACC4 (PT_BX) AMS_ACC5 (PT_BY) AMS_ACC6 (PT_BZ) Location from AMS Origin (mm) X Y Z 57.15 0.00 63.50 19.05 25.4 63.50 33.02 0.00 114.30 -57.15 0.00 63.50 -19.05 -25.4 63.50 -33.02 0.00 114.30 Table 3.1-13 AMS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item AMS_Box Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -392 0 1043.96 27 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 3.1-14 Accelerometer Locations in OCS Frame Item AMS_ACC1 AMS_ACC2 AMS_ACC3 AMS_ACC4 AMS_ACC5 AMS_ACC6 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -334.85 0 1107.46 -372.95 25.4 1107.46 -358.98 0 1158.26 -449.15 0 1107.46 -441.05 -25.4 1107.46 -425.02 0 1158.26 AMS Sensing Direction The AMS has 6 accelerometers per unit. The positive sensing direction provided in Table 3.1-15 represents the sensing direction in the AMS Mechanical Frame. Table 3.1-15 Sensing Direction in AMS Mechanical Frame Item AMS_ACC1 AMS_ACC2 AMS_ACC3 AMS_ACC4 AMS_ACC5 AMS_ACC6 Sensing Direction in AMS Frame X Y Z 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 AMS Transformation and Alignment The transformation from the AMS Strap-Down Frame to the BCS Frame is shown in Table 3.1-16. The Alignment matrix from the AMS Mechanical Frame to the Strap-Down Frame for Side A and Side B is shown in Equation 3.1-2 and Equation 3.1-3, respectively. Table 3.1-16 AMS Transformation Item Strap-down_to_BCS AMS Alignment Matrix Transformations q1 q2 q3 0 0 0 q4 1 Equation 3.1-2 X 1 0 0 X Y 0 1 0 Y Z AMS _ Strap down 0 0 1 Z AMS 1_Mechanical Equation 3.1-3 28 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C X 1 0 0 X Y 0 1 0 Y Z AMS _ Strap down 0 0 1 Z AMS 2 _Mechanical 3.1.3 Digital Sun Sensor The Digital Sun Sensor (DSS) is a photoelectric sensor device that provides an encoded discrete output and being supplied by Adcole Corporation. This output is a digital representation of the angle between the sun line and the normal to the sensor face when the sun is in the field of view (FOV) of the DSS. The DSS will be used to determine the angle between the sun line and the fundamental plane of the DSS to indicate sun crossing within the sensor field-of-view (FOV). The detection of the Sun Crossing is only valid with a given spin direction, i.e. it only works in one direction. This knowledge will be used by the spacecraft's attitude control system to estimate the spin rate of the spacecraft and the position of the spacecraft relative to the sun-to-vehicle line-of-sight. There will be two DSSs aboard each MMS spacecraft. DSS Reference Frames and Coordinate Systems There are two references frames associated with the DSS: DSS Optical References Frame, and the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame. DSS Mechanical Reference Frame The DSS coordinate system is defined such that the boresight of the sensor is perpendicular to the spacecraft’s +Z axis. Positive measurements of the sun elevation angle shall be defined as zero in the X-Y plane and increasing in magnitude towards the +Z axis. DSS measurements are provided with respect to the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame. The definition of the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame is provided in Table 3.1-17. A figure showing the DSS and the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame is shown in Figure 3.1-6. Table 3.1-17 DSS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane XDSS YDSS ZDSS Definition Intersection of Reference Edge, Mounting Plane, and Surface A XY Plane Completes the right-handed system Coincident with the reference edge and lies in the DSS mounting plane Nominal Spin Axis, positive from B reticle to A reticle, lies in the DSS mounting plane 29 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 3.1-6 DSS Graphic with DSS Mechanical Reference Frame Definition An image of the DSS1 and DSS2 mounted to the DSS bracket with the DSS Mechanical Reference frame is shown in Figure 3.1-7. Figure 3.1-7 DSS1 and DSS2 mounted to the DSS bracket 30 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C DSS Optical Reference Frame The DSS Optical Reference Frame is based on optical reference cube mounted to the DSS and used for aligning the DSS to the OCS. The optical reference cube is a piece of ground support equipment that is attached to the DSS only during alignment activities. The definition of the DSS Optical Reference Frame is provided in Table 3.1-18 and an image of the frame is shown in Figure 3.1-8. Table 3.1-18 DSS Optical Reference Frame Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition center of cube XY Plane Completes the right-handed system Aligned with A and B slits Nominal Spin Axis, positive from B reticle to A reticle Figure 3.1-8 DSS Optical Reference Frame DSS Reticle and Boresight Locations Each DSS has two optical windows. The locations provided in Table 3.1-19 represent the center of the outer surface of each optical window. Table 3.1-19 DSS Locations in OCS Frame Item DSS 1 Mechanical Reference Frame DSS 2 Mechanical Reference Frame Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 1017.64 1255.06 127.220 959.418 1269.57 127.220 31 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C DSS Reticle and Sensor Boresight The DSS Boresights as measured in the DSS Frame are provided in Table 3.1-20. Table 3.1-20 DSS Boresights in the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame Normalized Boresight Vector in DSS Mechanical Reference Frame X Y Z 1 0 0 0.7071 0 0.7071 -0.7071 0 -0.7071 1 0 0 0.7071 0 0.7071 -0.7071 0 -0.7071 Item DSS 1 Boresight DSS 1 “A” Optic DSS 1 “B” Optic DSS 2 Boresight DSS 2 “A” Optic DSS 2 “B” Optic The DSS Sensor Boresight in the OCS Frame is provided in Table 3.1-21 Table 3.1-21 DSS Boresights in the OCS Frame Normalized Boresight Vector in OCS Frame X Y Z 0.2419 0.9703 0 0.1711 0.6917 0.7071 0.1711 0.6917 -0.7071 0.2419 0.9703 0 0.1711 0.6917 0.7071 0.1711 0.6917 -0.7071 Item DSS 1 Boresight DSS 1 “A” Optic DSS 1 “B” Optic DSS 2 Boresight DSS 2 “A” Optic DSS 2 “B” Optic DSS Transformations The transformation from the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame to the BCS Frame is provided in Table 3.1-22. The alignment matrix from the DSS Optical Reference Frame to the DSS Mechanical Reference Frame is shown in Equation 3.1-4 and Equation 3.1-5. The transformation matrix from the DSS Optical Reference Frame to the BCS frame is shown in Equation 3.1-6 and Equation 3.1-7 and this is equivalent to the information provided in Table 3.1-22. Table 3.1-22 DSS Transformations Item DSS1_Mechanical_to_BCS DSS2_Mechanical_to_BCS q1 0 0 q2 0 0 DSS Transformations q3 -0.615661475325658 -0.615661475325658 q4 0.788010753606722 0.788010753606722 32 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 3.1-4 X 1 0 0 X Y 0 1 0 Y Z DSS1_MechanicalReferernceFrame 0 0 1 Z DSS1_Optical Equation 3.1-5 X 1 0 0 X Y 0 1 0 Y Z DSS2_MechanicalReferenceFrame 0 0 1 Z DSS2_Optical Equation 3.1-6 ADSS1_ OpticaltoBCS cos(76) sin(76) 0 0.241921895599668 0.970295726275996 0 sin(76) cos(76) 0 0.970295726275996 0.241921895599668 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Equation 3.1-7 ADSS 2 _ OpticaltoBCS cos(76) sin(76) 0 0.241921895599668 0.970295726275996 0 sin(76) cos(76) 0 0.970295726275996 0.241921895599668 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3.2 ACS Actuators MMS does not have any ACS supplied actuators. The actuators used by the ACS Control System are 12 thrusters and they are supplied by the Propulsion Subsystem and are described in section 4.1. 3.3 Deployables The MMS Spacecraft has four radial booms, two axial booms, and two magnetic booms that deploy after separation. There are no active deployables on the MMS spacecraft. Each of the boom coordinate systems and transformations are discussed in Section 7.2, Spacecraft Deck Instrument Components. 33 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 4.0 Propulsion The propulsion system consists of thrusters, tanks, latch valves and other various components. In regards to this document, the thrusters and tanks are the only relevant components. The thrusters are discussed in section 4.1 and the tanks will be discussed in section 4.2. The MMS Propulsion naming convention can be found in 461-PS-REF-0143. 4.1 Thrusters There are a total of twelve thrusters on each MMS spacecraft consisting of eight radial 4-lbf class thrusters supplied by Aerojet and four axial 1-lbf class thrusters supplied by AMPAC. 4.1.1 Thruster Naming Convention The naming convention for each of the twelve MMS thrusters is a combination of number and letter designators: Thruster number – (1) through (12) Thruster type – (A)xial or (R)adial Module type – (D)ual or (S)ingle Spacecraft X-axis polarity of thruster location – (P)ositive or (N)egative Spacecraft Y-axis polarity of thruster location – (P)ositive or (N)egative Thruster’s location within spacecraft’s vertical (Z-axis) orientation – (U)pper or (L)ower This yields the following thruster nomenclature: Table 4.1-1 MMS Thruster Names Radial Thrusters “4 lbf” 1RDPNL 2RSPPL 3RSNNL 4RDNPL 5RDPNU 6RSPPU 7RSNNU 8RDNPU Axial Thrusters “1 lbf” 9ADPNL 10ADNPL 11ADPNU 12ADNPU A graphical representation of the twelve thrusters in the Observatory Coordinate System (OCS) is shown in Figure 4.1-1. 34 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 4.1-1 Graphical Depiction of Thruster Locations 4.1.2 Thruster Force and Torque Polarities The thruster force and torque polarities are shown in Table 4.1-2. The reference frame for the polarities is OCS. Table 4.1-2 Thruster Force and Torque Polarity in OCS Frame Thruster 1RDPNL 2RSPPL 3RSNNL 4RDNPL 5RDPNU 6RSPPU 7RSNNU 8RDNPU 9ADPNL 10ADNPL 11ADPNU 12ADNPU Fx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thruster Force Polarity Fy + – + – + – + – 0 0 0 0 Fz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + – – Thruster Torque Polarity Tx Ty Tz + 0 + – 0 – + 0 – – 0 + – 0 + + 0 – – 0 – + 0 + – – 0 + + 0 + + 0 – – 0 35 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 4.1.3 Thruster Locations and Plume Direction Vectors The thruster locations measured from the OCS origin to the center of the thruster nozzle exit plane and the normalized plume directions are provided in Table 4.1-3. Note that the thruster force direction vectors imparted on the spacecraft during firings shown in Table 4.1-2 are the inverse of the thruster plume direction vectors shown in Table 4.1-3. Table 4.1-3 Thruster Locations and Plume Direction Vectors in OCS Frame Thruster 1RDPNL 2RSPPL 3RSNNL 4RDNPL 5RDPNU 6RSPPU 7RSNNU 8RDNPU 9ADPNL 10ADNPL 11ADPNU 12ADNPU Thruster Location (mm) Measured from OCS Origin X Y 533.40 –1709.527 533.40 1709.533 –533.40 –1709.534 –533.40 1709.527 533.40 –1709.527 533.40 1709.534 –533.40 –1709.534 –533.40 1709.527 469.901 –1677.301 –469.901 1677.301 469.893 –1677.132 –469.893 1677.132 Z 92.547 92.547 92.547 92.547 1006.195 1006.195 1006.195 1006.195 31.816 31.816 1056.926 1056.926 Thruster Plume Direction Vector (normalized) X Y Z 0 –1 0 0 1 0 0 –1 0 0 1 0 0 –1 0 0 1 0 0 –1 0 0 1 0 0 0 –1 0 0 –1 0 0 1 0 0 1 4.2 Fuel Tank There are four fuel tanks on each MMS spacecraft. Their geometric center locations measured from the OCS Frame Origin are provided in Table 4.2-1. Table 4.2-1 Dry Tank Geometric Center Locations in OCS Frame Item Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Quadrant -X/+Y +X/+Y +X/-Y -X/-Y Fuel Location Down (-Z) Up (+Z) Down (-Z) Up (+Z) Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -331.012 331.012 598.250 331.012 331.012 598.250 331.012 -331.012 598.250 -331.012 -331.012 598.250 36 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 5.0 Navigator The Navigator is responsible for performing orbit determination using GPS data. The Navigator is block redundant and being built by Code 596 of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. 5.1 GPS Antenna The Navigator subsystem uses 8 GPS antennas per spacecraft with 4 antennas attached to the primary side and 4 antennas attached to the redundant side. 5.1.1 GPS Antenna Reference Designators The designators for each antenna are based on the locations on the S/C and represent their locations relative to the nearest bays. Each antenna is located at the apex of two S/C bays and they alternate between primary and redundant around the circumference of the S/C. All antennas are mounted near the instrument deck. Table 5.1-1 shows the mapping of the antennas to the Primary/Redundant side of Navigator, and the RF Chain, Table 5.1-1 GPS Antenna Reference Designators Antenna Ref. Des. S/C Location Side RF Chain GPS 1-2 Apex of bays 1 & 2 Primary #1A GPS 2-3 Apex of bays 2 & 3 Redundant #1B GPS 3-4 Apex of bays 3 & 4 Primary #2A GPS 4-5 Apex of bays 4 & 5 Redundant #2B GPS 5-6 Apex of bays 5 & 6 Primary #3A GPS 6-7 Apex of bays 6 & 7 Redundant #3B GPS 7-8 Apex of bays 7 & 8 Primary #4A GPS 8-1 Apex of bays 8 & 1 Redundant #4B 5.1.2 Navigator Component Locations The Navigator component locations are shown in Figure 5.1-1.. 37 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 5.1-1 Navigator Component Locations 5.1.3 GPS Antenna Alignments Each GPS Antenna has a Field of View (FOV) of ± 90 degrees in the ± Z direction (spin axis) and > 120 degrees perpendicular to the spin axis. The GPS antenna coordinate system is defined by Table 5.1-2. The GPS Antenna is symmetrical, therefore the primary axis is the Z-axis of the antenna and the clocking of the antenna is irrelevant. Table 5.1-2 GPS Antenna Coordinate System Component Origin Fundamental Plane X Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Definition Center of the antenna on the interface plane Interface Plane Lies in the interface plane. Completes the Right-Handed Coordinate Systems Normal to the interface plane A drawing of the coordinate system is shown in Figure 5.1-2 38 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 5.1-2 GPS Antenna Coordinate Definition The Boresight of each GPS antenna is listed in Table 5.1-3 Table 5.1-3 GPS Antenna Boresight in OCS GPS Antenna X Y Z GPS 1-2 0.923879532511287 0.0161240409850359 0 GPS 2-3 0.382683432365090 0.0066790362285014 0 GPS 3-4 -0.382683432365090 -0.0066790362285014 0 GPS 4-5 -0.923879532511287 -0.0161240409850359 0 GPS 5-6 -0.923879532511287 -0.0161240409850359 0 GPS 6-7 -0.382683432365090 -0.0066790362285014 0 GPS 7-8 0.382683432365090 0.0066790362285014 0 GPS 8-1 0.923879532511287 0.0161240409850359 0 39 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 6.0 RF Communications The RF Communications subsystem is responsible for the uplink of commands and downlink of telemetry data. The RF Communications is block redundant and includes two transponders and two omnidirectional antennas on each observatory. 6.1 RF Communications Antenna The RF Communications subsystem uses 2 S-Band antennas per spacecraft with 1 antenna side-mounted to the primary side, located on the IS deck and 1 antenna side-mounted to the redundant side, located on the S/C deck. The reference designators for each antenna are based on the locations on the observatory and represent their locations relative to the nearest bays. Each antenna is located near the apex of two deck bays. Table 6.1-1shows the mapping of the antennas. Table 6.1-1 Comm Antenna Reference Designators Antenna Ref. Des. Deck Location Side S-band Fwd Omni In Bay 5 on IS Deck Primary S-band Aft Omni In Bay 7 on S/C Deck Redundant 6.1.1 Communications Antenna Locations and Fields of View Each Comm Antenna has a Primary Field of View (PFOV) of +45 to +135 degrees in elevation, measured in the + Z direction (spin axis) by 0 to 360 degrees in azimuth. The two elements on an omni antenna are out of phase with one another to provide a +10 degree overlap in coverage. The FOV for one element ranges from +45 to +95 degrees and the FOV of the other element ranges from +85 to +135 degrees; together providing the PFOV stated above. The Comm Antenna locations are shown in Figure 6.1-1. Both antennas are viewed from the front; the aft omni is in the –Z direction and the forward omni is in the +Z direction Figure 6.1-1 Aft Omni on S/C Deck and Forward Omni on IS Deck The Comm Antenna Mechanical Frame origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 6.1-2. 40 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 6.1-2 Comm Antenna Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Location from OCS Origin (mm) Description X MMS Fwd Omni, Antenna Axis MMS Fwd Omni, Mast Foot MMS Aft Omni, Antenna Axis MMS Aft Omni, Mast Foot Y Z -1675 -372.6 1707.00 -1675 -525 1167.63 -452.466 -1759.98 -443.00 -337.448 -1660 96.872 6.1.2 Communications Antenna Coordinate System and Transformations The Communications Antenna Coordinate System is shown in Figure 6.1-2. Figure 6.1-2 Communications Antenna Coordinate System Communications Antenna to Instrument Deck A –180-degree rotation about the Z-axis aligns the Fwd Omni antenna frame with the Instrument Deck frame (Section 7.1). Thus the Fwd Omni antenna to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 6.1-1 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y FW D _ OMNI Z 0 0 1 Z 41 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Communications Antenna to Spacecraft Deck A +49-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the Aft Omni antenna Y-axis along the S/C Deck frame (Section 7.2) Y-axis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the Aft Omni antenna frame along the S/C Deck frame. Thus the Aft Omni antenna to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= +49 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 6.1-2 X 0.656 0.755 0 X Y OCS 0.755 0.656 0 Y AFT _ OMNI Z 0 0 1 Z 42 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 7.0 Instrument Coordinate System Definitions Instruments are located on both the Instrument Deck and Spacecraft Deck. 7.1 Instrument Deck CS, Transformations, and Instrument Components The Instrument Deck Coordinate System (IDCS) is oriented identically to the OCS but is offset from the center of the separation plane. The offset between IDCS and OCS is shown in Table 7.1-2. The top view and side view of the IS deck is shown in Figure 7.1-1with the orbital debris shield removed for clarity. The z-axis is with respect to the component mounting side of the IS Deck. Figure 7.1-1 Instrument Deck Coordinate System - Top and Side Views The bottom view of the Instrument Suite in Figure 7.1-2 depicts the instruments relative to the bay number. This image corresponds with Drawing 2102857, the IS Deck Assembly Drawing. The local coordinate system for each instrument is defined in the MICD and will be shown for each instrument in subsequent sections of this document. 43 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.1-2 Instrument Deck Coordinate System - Bottom View The Instrument Deck Coordinate System definition is provided in Table 7.1-1. Table 7.1-1 IDCS Definition Component Definition Center of the launch vehicle adaptor ring on the bottom surface of the IS Deck (primary instrument interface plane). Bottom Surface of IS Deck (primary instrument interface plane). line projecting from the origin along the bottom surface of the IS deck and intersecting the plane of Bay 1 completes the right hand system extends through the IS structure along the center line of the thrust tube Origin Fundamental Plane X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Table 7.1-2 Instrument Deck Coordinate System Origin in OCS Frame Location from OCS Origin (mm) Description MMS Instrument Deck X 0.0 Y 0.0 Z 1051.0 The Instrument Deck coordinate system (IDCS) is aligned with the OCS. Therefore, the direction cosine matrix for this transformation is the identity matrix: 44 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-1 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y IDCS Z 0 0 1 Z There are eight different types of instruments located on the Instrument Deck. Many of these instruments have multiple instances. The coordinate system and reference hole for each will be depicted in figures in the following sections. A table describing the instrument location from the observatory coordinate system origin and a coordinate transformation from each instrument to the OCS is included. 7.1.1 Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC) The ASPOC coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-3. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600023. Figure 7.1-3 ASPOC Coordinate System There are two ASPOC instruments on the Instrument Deck located in Bays 2 and 6. The location of each ASPOC Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-3. Table 7.1-3 ASPOC Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item ASPOC #1 ASPOC #2 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 732.33 1319.89 898.20 -732.33 -1319.89 898.20 Bay Number 2 6 Both ASPOC instruments have their Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the ASPOC frame with the Instrument Deck frame. The ASPOC to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α1= +195 degrees and α2= +15 degrees for ASPOC #1 and ASPOC#2 respectively. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-2 45 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C X 0.966 0.259 0 X Y OCS 0.259 0.966 0 Y ASPOC # 1 Z 0 0 1 Z Equation 7.1-3 X Y OCS Z 0.966 0.259 0 X 0.259 0.966 0 Y ASPOC # 2 0 0 1 Z 7.1.2 Axial Double Probe (ADP) The ADP coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-4. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600011. Figure 7.1-4 ADP Coordinate System The longeron clocking at the base plate (z=0 mm) is shown in Figure 7.1-5. 46 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.1-5 ADP Longeron Clocking There are two ADP booms, each is located on the bulkhead panel assembly. ADP #1 deploys in the +z direction. Figure 7.1-6 is a top view (looking –z) of the ADP base plate. The OCS frame is shown in red and the ADP local coordinate system is shown in black, with the origin centered on the dowel pin hole. Figure 7.1-6 ADP #1 The ADP#1 coordinate system is aligned with the OCS. Therefore, the direction cosine matrix for this transformation is the identity matrix: Equation 7.1-4 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y ADP#1 Z 0 0 1 Z 47 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C ADP #2 deploys in the -z d+irection. Figure 7.1-7 is a top view (looking +z) of the ADP base plate. The OCS frame is shown in red and the ADP local coordinate system is shown in black, with the origin centered on the dowel pin hole. Figure 7.1-7 ADP #2 A rotation about the Y-axis aligns the ADP#2 frame with the Spacecraft Deck and OCS frame. The ADP#2 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 2 Euler angle rotation of β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-5 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y ADP# 2 Z 0 0 1 Z The location of each ADP Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-4. Table 7.1-4 ADP Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item ADP #1 Stowed ADP #1 Fully Deployed ADP #2 Stowed ADP #2 Fully Deployed Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 0 -161.925 945 0 -161.925 15745 0 -161.925 -385 0 -161.925 -15185 NOTE: Nominal volume of the ADP receiving element dynamic envelope referenced in the MICD as +/- 50mm, which is not necessarily the worst case volume. 48 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C 7.1.3 Electron Drift Instrument/ Gun Detector Unit (EDI/GDU) The EDI coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-8. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600013. Figure 7.1-8 EDI Coordinate System There are two EDI instruments on the IS Deck, one in Bay 4 and one in Bay 8. The location of each EDI Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-5. Table 7.1-5 EDI Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item EDI #1 EDI #2 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -1332.748 889.069 1051 1332.748 -889.069 1051 Bay Number 4 8 A -90-degree rotation about the Y-axis places the EDI#1 Z-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Z-axis. A +221-degree rotation about the Z-axis then aligns the EDI#1 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the EDI#1 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 2-3 Euler angle rotation sequence of (β,α) where β = -90 degrees and α= +221 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-6 X 0 0.656 0.755 X Y OCS 0 0.755 0.656 Y EDI # 1 Z 1 0 0 Z A -90-degree rotation about the Y-axis places the EDI#2 Z-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Z-axis. A +41-degree rotation about the Z-axis then aligns the EDI#2 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the EDI#2 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 2-3 Euler angle rotation sequence of (β,α) 49 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C where β = -90 degrees and α= +41 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-7 X 0 0.656 0.755 X Y OCS 0 0.755 0.656 Y EDI # 2 Z 1 0 0 Z 7.1.4 Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) The EIS coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-9. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600020. Figure 7.1-9 EIS Coordinate System The EIS instrument is located in Bay 4 on the Instrument Deck. The location of the EIS Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-6. Table 7.1-6 EIS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item EIS Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -1061.49 1037.224 1051 Bay Number 4 The EIS has its Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the EIS frame with the OCS frame. The EIS to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +45 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 50 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-8 X Y OCS Z 0.707 0.707 0 X 0.707 0.707 0 Y EIS 0 0 1 Z 7.1.5 Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) The FEEPS coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-10. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600021. Figure 7.1-10 FEEPS Coordinate System There are two FEEPS instruments, one is located on the top side of the IS Deck in Bay 2 and one is located on the S/C Deck in Bay 6. The S/C Deck FEEPS is discussed in Section 7.2.1. The location of the FEEPS Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-7. Note: Each FEEPS is mounted on a bracket (see MMS Drawing 2102174). Table 7.1-7 FEEPS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item FEEPS (IS Deck) Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 1207.015 1095.66 1109.70 Bay Number 2 The FEEPS has its Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the FEEPS frame with the OCS frame. The FEEPS to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +45 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 51 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-9 X Y OCS Z 0.707 0.707 0 X 0.707 0.707 0 Y FEEPS _ IS 0 0 1 Z 7.1.6 Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) The FPI consists of two instruments, the Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) and the Dual Ion Spectrometer (DIS). Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) The DES coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-11. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600018. Figure 7.1-11 DES Coordinate System There are four DES instruments located on the IS Deck in Bays 1, 3, 5, and 7. The location of each DES Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-8. Note: Each DES instrument is mounted on a bracket (see MMS Drawing 2102170). Table 7.1-8 DES Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item DES #1 DES #2 DES #3 DES #4 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 1454.73 -225.82 1015 225.82 1454.73 1015 -1454.73 225.82 1015 -225.82 -1454.73 1015 Bay Number 1 3 5 7 Each DES has its Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. DES#1 requires a rotation about the Zaxis to align the DES#1 frame with the OCS frame. The DES#1 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 52 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-10 X 0 1 0 X Y OCS 1 0 0 Y DES # 1 Z 0 0 1 Z DES#2 requires a rotation about the Z-axis to align the DES#2 frame with the OCS frame. The DES#2 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-11 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y DES # 2 Z 0 0 1 Z DES#3 requires a rotation about the Z-axis to align the DES#3 frame with the OCS frame. The DES#3 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-12 X Y OCS Z 0 1 0 X 1 0 0 Y DES # 3 0 0 1 Z DES#4 is aligned with the OCS frame. Therefore, the direction cosine matrix for this transformation is the identity matrix: Equation 7.1-13 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y DES # 4 Z 0 0 1 Z Dual Ion Spectrometer (DIS) The DIS coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-12. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600019. 53 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.1-12 DIS Coordinate System There are four DIS instruments located on the IS Deck in Bays 1, 3, 5 and 7. The location of each DIS Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-9. Note: Each DIS instrument is mounted on a bracket (see MMS Drawing 2102170). Table 7.1-9 DIS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item DIS #1 DIS #2 DIS #3 DIS #4 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 1480.885 242 1015 -242 1480.885 1015 -1480.885 -242 1015 242 -1480.885 1015 Bay Number 1 3 5 7 Each DIS has its Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. DIS#1 requires a rotation about the Zaxis to align the DIS#1 frame with the OCS frame. The DIS#1 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-14 X 0 1 0 X Y OCS 1 0 0 Y DIS # 1 Z 0 0 1 Z DIS#2 requires a rotation about the Z-axis to align the DIS#2 frame with the OCS frame. The DIS#2 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 54 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-15 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y DIS # 2 Z 0 0 1 Z DIS#3 requires a rotation about the Z-axis to align the DIS#3 frame with the OCS frame. The DIS#3 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-16 X Y OCS Z 0 1 0 X 1 0 0 Y DIS # 3 0 0 1 Z DIS#4 is aligned with the OCS frame. Therefore, the direction cosine matrix for this transformation is the identity matrix: Equation 7.1-17 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y DIS # 4 Z 0 0 1 Z 7.1.7 Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) The HPCA coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-13. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600022. Figure 7.1-13 HPCA Coordinate System 55 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C The HPCA instrument is located on the IS Deck in Bay 6. The location of the HPCA Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.1-10. Table 7.1-10 HPCA Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item HPCA Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -915.56 -1059.696 1051 Bay Number 6 The HPCA has its Z-axis parallel to the Instrument Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the HPCA frame with the OCS frame. The HPCA to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +135 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-18 X 0.707 0.707 0 X Y OCS 0.707 0.707 0 Y HPCA Z 0 0 1 Z 7.1.8 Spin-Plane Double Probe (SDP) The SDP coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.1-14. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600012. Figure 7.1-14 SDP Coordinate System There are four SDP instruments on the IS Deck located in Bays 2, 4, 6 and 8. The location of the SDP Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in 56 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 7.1-11. 57 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Table 7.1-11 SDP Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item SDP #1 SDP #2 SDP #3 SDP #4 Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z 1342.598 865.542 1051 -1342.598 -865.542 1051 -865.542 1342.598 1051 865.542 -1342.598 1051 Bay Number 2 6 4 8 A +60-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the SDP#1 Y-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Y-axis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the SDP#1 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the SDP#1 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= +60 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-19 X 0.500 0.866 0 X Y OCS 0.866 0.500 0 Y SDP # 1 Z 0 0 1 Z A -120-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the SDP#2 Y-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Yaxis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the SDP#2 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the SDP#2 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= -120 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-20 X 0.500 0.866 0 X Y OCS 0.866 0.500 0 Y SDP # 2 Z 0 0 1 Z A -30-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the SDP#3 Y-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Y-axis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the SDP#3 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the SDP#3 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= -30 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 58 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.1-21 X 0.866 0.500 0 X Y OCS 0.500 0.866 0 Y SDP # 3 Z 0 0 1 Z A -210-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the SDP#4 Y-axis along the Instrument Deck frame Yaxis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the SDP#4 frame along the OCS frame. Thus the SDP#4 to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= -210 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.1-22 X 0.866 0.500 0 X Y OCS 0.500 0.866 0 Y SDP # 4 Z 0 0 1 Z 7.2 Spacecraft Deck CS, Transformations, and Instrument Components Figure 7.2-1 depicts the instrument components located on the bottom of the spacecraft deck. The S/C Deck coordinate system is identical to the OCS and is shown from the bottom view in the figure below. 59 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.2-1 S/C Deck Coordinate System - Bottom View The Spacecraft Deck coordinate system is aligned with the OCS. The Z offset of the S/C deck in the OCS is nominally 167mm based on a nominal thickness of the thermal spacer between the S/C deck and the propulsion thrust tube assembly. This thickness could result in a Z offset up to 170mm depending on shimming. The direction cosine matrix for this transformation is the identity matrix: Equation 7.2-1 X 1 0 0 X Y OCS 0 1 0 Y SC Z 0 0 1 Z There are three different types of instruments located on the Spacecraft Deck. The coordinate system and reference hole for each will be depicted in figures in the following sections. A table describing the instrument location from the observatory coordinate system origin and a coordinate transformation from each instrument to the OCS is included. 7.2.1 Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) The FEEPS coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.2-2. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600021. 60 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Figure 7.2-2 FEEPS Coordinate System There are two FEEPS instruments, one is located on the top side of the IS Deck in Bay 2 and one is located on the S/C Deck in Bay 6. The Instrument Deck FEEPS is discussed in Section 7.1.5. The location of the FEEPS Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.2-1. Note: Each FEEPS is mounted on a bracket (see MMS Drawing 2102174). Table 7.2-1 FEEPS Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Item FEEPS (S/C Deck) Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -724.15 -1471.52 225.7 Bay Number 6 A -45-degree rotation about the Z-axis places the FEEPS Y-axis along the Spacecraft Deck frame Y-axis. A 180-degree rotation about the Y-axis then aligns the FEEPS frame along the OCS frame. Thus the FEEPS to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of a 3-2 Euler angle rotation sequence of (α, β) where α= -45 degrees and β = 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.2-2 X 0.707 0.707 0 X Y OCS 0.707 0.707 0 Y FEEPS _ SC Z 0 0 1 Z 7.2.2 Magnetometers There are three magnetometer instruments on board each MMS observatory. The Analog Flux Gate (AFG) Magnetometer and the Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM) are both mounted on the boom located in S/C Bay 6 when fully deployed. The Digital Flux Gate (DFG) Magnetometer is mounted on the boom located in S/C Bay 2 when fully deployed. 61 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C The Magnetometer Boom coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.2-3. Figure 7.2-3 Magnetometer Boom Coordinate System The location of each Magnetometer Boom Coordinate System origin in the OCS frame is shown in Table 7.2-2. Table 7.2-2 Magnetometer Boom Mechanical Frame Origin in OCS Frame Location from OCS Origin (mm) X Y Z -991.47 -991.47 -77.1 991.47 991.47 -77.1 Item AFG /SCM Boom DFG Boom Bay Number 6 2 The Magnetometer Boom’s Z-axis is parallel to the Spacecraft Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the AFG/SCM Boom frame with the OCS frame. The AFG/SCM Boom to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= +135 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.2-3 X Y OCS Z 0.707 0.707 0 X 0.707 0.707 0 Y BOOM _ AFG / SCM 0 0 1 Z 62 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C The Magnetometer Boom’s Z-axis is parallel to the Spacecraft Deck Z-axis. A rotation about the Z-axis aligns the DFG Boom frame with the OCS frame. The DFG Boom to OCS frame coordinate transformation consists of an axis 3 Euler angle rotation of α= -45 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.2-4 X Y OCS Z 0.707 0.707 0 X 0.707 0.707 0 Y BOOM _ DFG 0 0 1 Z Analog Flux Gate (AFG) Magnetometer The AFG coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.2-4. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600014. Note: The AFG sensors mount to a boom adapter depicted in Drawing 2102850, Sheet 4. The boom adapter is the same for the AFG and the DFG. Figure 7.2-4 AFG Coordinate System The location of the AFG Coordinate System origin in the Boom CS frame is shown in Table 7.2-3. Table 7.2-3 AFG Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame Item AFG Fully Deployed Location from Boom CS Origin (mm) X Y Z 5187.85 -8 2.1262 Bay Number 6 A -90-degree rotation about the Y-axis places the AFG sensor’s Z-axis along the AFG Magnetometer Boom frame Z-axis. A -90-degree rotation about the Z-axis then aligns the AFG sensor frame along the AFG Mag Boom frame. Thus the AFG sensor to AFG Mag Boom coordinate transformation consists of a 2-3 Euler angle rotation sequence of (β,α) where β = -90 degrees and α= -90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: 63 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Equation 7.2-5 X 0 1 0 X Y BOOM _ AFG / SCM 0 0 1 Y AFG Z 1 0 0 Z Digital Flux Gate (DFG) Magnetometer The DFG coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.2-5. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600015. Note: The DFG sensors mount to a boom adapter depicted in Drawing 2102850, Sheet 4. The boom adapter is the same for the AFG and the DFG. Figure 7.2-5 DFG Coordinate System The location of the DFG Coordinate System origin in the Boom CS frame is shown in Table 7.2-4. Table 7.2-4 DFG Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame Item DFG Fully Deployed Location from Boom CS Origin (mm) X Y Z 5187.85 -8 2.1262 Bay Number 2 A -90-degree rotation about the Y-axis places the DFG sensor’s Z-axis along the DFG Magnetometer Boom frame Z-axis. A -90-degree rotation about the Z-axis then aligns the DFG sensor frame along the DFG Mag Boom frame. Thus the DFG sensor to DFG Mag Boom coordinate transformation consists of a 2-3 Euler angle rotation sequence of (β,α) where β = -90 degrees and α= -90 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.2-6 X 0 1 0 X Y BOOM _ DFG 0 0 1 Y DFG Z 1 0 0 Z 64 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Search-Coil Magnetometer (SCM) The SCM coordinate system is depicted in Figure 7.2-6 and is located on the boom with the AFG. This reference view was obtained from MMS Drawing 101600025. Note: The SCM mounts to a bracket depicted in Drawing 2102850, Sheet 5. Figure 7.2-6 SCM Coordinate System The location of the SCM Coordinate System origin in the Boom CS frame is shown in Table 7.2-5. Table 7.2-5 SCM Mechanical Frame Origin in Boom CS Frame Item SCM Fully Deployed Location from Boom CS Origin (mm) X Y Z 4147.85 -4.79899 -33.2010 Bay Number 6 A +90-degree rotation about the X-axis places the SCM sensor’s Z-axis along the Magnetometer Boom frame Z-axis. A 180-degree rotation about the Z-axis then aligns the SCM sensor frame along the Mag Boom frame. Thus the SCM sensor to Mag Boom coordinate transformation consists of a 1-3 Euler angle rotation sequence of (,α) where = +90 degrees and α= 180 degrees. As a direction cosine matrix, this transformation can be expressed as: Equation 7.2-7 X 1 0 0 X Y BOOM _ AFG / SCM 0 0 1 Y SCM Z 0 1 0 Z Sensor Axis 1,2,3 Coordinate Systems Once mounted on the spacecraft, the axes of the AFG, DFG and SCM systems all point in different directions, as shown in the left side of Figure 7.2-7. For convenience, we define AFG, DFG and SCM ‘Sensor Axis’ systems (AFG123, DFG123, SCM123), so that the 1,2,3 sensor axes all have the same nominal orientation for all three instruments. The nominal orientation corresponds to the AFG Boom 65 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Coordinate System. The right hand side of Figure 7.2-7 shows the AFG, DFG, and SCM axes labeled according to the AFG123, DFG123, and SCM123 systems. To obtain Sensor Axis 1, 2, 3 coordinates for a given instrument, the non-orthogonal sensor triad outputs, which are nominally aligned with the instrument chassis XYZ coordinates, are rotated using the relations defined in Equation 7.2-8, Equation 7.2-9, and Equation 7.2-10. Thus, AFG123, DFG123 and SCM123 denote three distinct, but closely aligned, non-orthogonal systems. . Figure 7.2-7 Nominal Orientation of magnetometers with respect to the spacecraft, as represented in AFG/DFG/SCM XYZ coordinates (left) versus AFG123/DFG123/SCM123 coordinates (right). The AFG Sensor Axes 1, 2 and 3 are related to AFG coordinates by Equation 7.2-8: Equation 7.2-8 -𝐴𝐹𝐺1 0 −1 0 𝑋 𝐴𝐹𝐺 [ 0 1] [𝑌 ] 𝐴𝐹𝐺 2]= [ 0 𝐴𝐹𝐺3 −1 0 0 𝑍 The DFG Sensor Axes 1, 2 and 3 are related to DFG coordinates by Equation 7.2-9: Equation 7.2-9 -𝐷𝐹𝐺1 0 1 [ 𝐷𝐹𝐺2 ] = [ 0 0 𝐷𝐹𝐺3 −1 0 0 𝑋 −1] [𝑌 ] 𝐷𝐹𝐺 0 𝑍 The SCM Sensor Axes 1, 2, and 3 are related to the SCM coordinates by Equation 7.2-10: Equation 7.2-10 66 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C -𝑆𝐶𝑀1 −1 0 0 𝑋 [ 𝑆𝐶𝑀2 ] = [ 0 0 −1] [𝑌 ] 𝑆𝐶𝑀 𝑆𝐶𝑀3 0 −1 0 𝑍 Orthogonalized Magnetometer Coordinate System (OMB) The OMB coordinate system is defined to be a fixed 225° rotation from the SMPA coordinate system, as in Equation 7.2-11. As described in Table 7.2-6, the OMB Z-axis is aligned with the MPA, while the OMB X-axis is closely aligned with the AFG Boom X-axis. Because the OMB X, Y, and Z-axes are closely aligned with sensor axes 1, 2, and 3, respectively, this coordinate system is useful as an intermediate state of calibrated, orthogonalized AFG & DFG data before rotation into body coordinates. Table 7.2-6 OMB Coordinate System Definition Component Origin Fundamental Plane Definition Center of Mass X-Y Plane (Spin Plane) Intersection of the spin plane (MPA-normal) with the plane defined by the MPA and the Nominal AFG Boom X-axis. Positive in the direction of the X-Axis AFG Boom X-axis (radially outward along the nominal AFG boom orientation). Normal to the plane defined by the MPA and the Nominal AFG Boom X-axis, Y-Axis positive in the direction of the AFG Boom Y-axis. The Major Principal Axis of the spacecraft, positive in the direction of the ZZ-Axis axis that is common to the BCS and AFG Boom coordinate systems. The MAG coordinates are defined to be a fixed 225° rotation from SMPA coordinates, as in Equation 7.2-11. Equation 7.2-11 −√2/2 √2/2 0 𝑋 𝑋 [𝑌 ] 𝑆𝑀𝑃𝐴 = [−√2/2 −√2/2 0] [𝑌 ] 𝑀𝐴𝐺 𝑍 0 0 1 𝑍 67 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C APPENDIX A: ACRONYM LIST Abbreviation/ Acronym ACS ADP AFG AMS ASPOC Az BCS CHU CS DBCS DES DFG DIS DMPA DSCS DSS DSL DTU ECEF ECI EDI EIS El FD FEA FEEPS FDOA FK5 FPI GDU GNC GPS GSE GSM HPCA ICRF IDCS LVCS ASC MAG MMS MOC DEFINITION Attitude Control System Axial Double Probe Analog Flux Gate Acceleration Measurement System Active Spacecraft Potential Probe Azimuth Body Coordinate System Camera Head Unit Coordinate System De-spun Body Coordinate System Dual Electron Spectrometer Digital Flux Gate Dual Ion Spectrometer De-spun MPA Coordinate System De-spun Spin-axis Coordinate System Digital Sun Sensor De-spun Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Danish Technical University Earth Centered, Earth Fixed Earth Centered Inertial Electron Drift Instrument Energetic Ion Spectrometer Elevation Flight Dynamics Front-End Electronics Assembly Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors Flight Dynamics Operations Area Fifth Fundamental Catalogue Fast Plasma Investigation Gun Detector Unit Guidance, Navigation, and Control Global Positioning System Geocentric Solar Ecliptic Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer International Celestial Reference Frame Instrument Deck Coordinate System Launch Vehicle Coordinate System micro Autonomous Star Sensor Orthogonalized Magnetometer Coordinate System Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Operations Center 68 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE. 461-SYS-SPEC-0115 Revision C Abbreviation/ Acronym MPA MSCS OBA OCS PQW RF RIC SCM SCS SDP SIP SMPA SSL STA TT USO VBN Ze DEFINITION Major Principal Axis Mini-Stack Coordinate System Optical Bench Assembly Observatory Coordinate System Perifocal Coordinate System Radio Frequency Radial, Intrack, Crosstrack Search-Coil Magnetometer Stack Coordinate System Spin-Plane Double Probe Standard Interface Plane Spinning MPA Coordinate System Spinning Spacecraft L-Vector Coordinate System Station Terrestrial Time Ultra Stable Oscillator Velocity, Binormal, Normal Zenith 69 July 22, 2014 CHECK https://mmsmis.gsfc.nasa.gov TO VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION PRIOR TO USE.