The Odyssey Study Guide

The Odyssey Study Guide
Tell the Story
1. Who is speaking in this opening scene?
2. What is a muse?
3. What happened in Troy?
4. Where is Odysseus, the "contender," trying to go?
5. Which god is plotting against Odysseus?
Calypso, the Sweet Nymph
6. Who is Calypso and what is her relationship to Odysseus?
7. Who is narrating the story?
8. Lines 35 – 70 describe Hermes through imagery as he is on his mission. Quote images that stand out to you that
give you an idea of how he moves? What is his mission?
9. Of whom is Calypso seemingly jealous? Use a quote for proof!
10. If you were given the opportunity to become immortal like Odysseus, but you could never go home
would you do it? Why or why not?
11. How does Odysseus regard his wife Penelope?
Instructions: 1) Use the boxes
below to create a comic of the two
most important scenes in this
section of the epic. 2) Use a quote
from the text to narrate the scene.
The Odyssey Study Guide
"I am Laertes' son...."
1. What tragedy strikes Odysseus at sea?
2. How is Odysseus received on the island of Scheria, home of King Alcinous?
3. Describe Ithaca (lines 130-140).
4. From his self-introduction, how do you think Odysseus views himself?
5. What line signals Odysseus' flashback to the past, where he begins telling the story of his adventures?
6. Summarize what happened at Odysseus first stop, Ismaros, land of the Cicones, on his journey home.
Close Reading Exercise: Make a list of ten ideas Odysseus expresses to the Phaeacians. Use this list to help you
rewrite Odysseus’ speech in modern language. Write your speech in the space provided below. Remember to stay
in character!
List of 10 Ideas
The Odyssey Study Guide
The Lotus Eaters
1) What danger did Odysseus and his men encounter when they landed on the Lotus Eater's island (Lines 198-210)?
2) What did these people eat?
3) How did Odysseus solve the problem?
The Cyclops
4) Describe the cyclops Polyphemos.
5) What was the cyclops response when Odysseus told him of their ship wreck?
6) What plan did Odysseus contrive to divert Polyphemos?
7) What is ironic about the use of the name "Nohbody" by Odysseus?
8) After blinding the cyclops, how do Odysseus and his men escape the cave?
9) How does Polyphemos hope to avenge his injury from Odysseus?
10) How heroic are Odysseus' acts in this episode? In what ways does his help or endanger his men?
11)What customs of Greek society are observed in this story?
Instructions: 1) Use the boxes
below to create a comic of the two
most important scenes in this
section of the epic. 2) Use a quote
from the text to narrate the scene.
The Odyssey Study Guide
The Witch Circe
1) What assistance does King Aeolus' give Odysseus and why isn't it successful?
2) Summarize what happens on the island of the Laistrygones.
3)Why were men drawn to Circe?
4) Into what did Circe begin turning Odysseus' crew?
5)Why did Circe's plan fail on Odysseus?
The Odyssey Facebook Conversation
Objective: Interviewing a main character, and identifying accurate points of view of the main character.
Activity: By now we have seen just how much Odysseus has encountered 4 adventures that have both proved him
a hero, but also kept him from reaching his long sought after home in Ithaca. Pretend you are one of Odysseus’
friends and that his journey is taking place in the present. Ask Odysseus questions on the topics provided for you
below and then respond back at Odysseus would likely respond.
Requirements: For full credit on this assignment, you must post 5 questions on Odysseus’ fan page. After each
post you must write at least a one sentence response as Odysseus.
Topics for Questions and Statements:
Odysseus’ Thoughts about Poseidon- Does he have any regrets? Has he learned respect? Would he admit to
wanting to go back and change things?
Odysseus and Temptation – What would Odysseus think about being tempted by Calypso or Circe? How does
he feel about his wife and son?
Odysseus and his Acts of Heroism - What would Odysseus say about how he was able to defeat Circe or the
Cyclops. Would he admit to fear? What would he say about his ability to use not only his strength but his
intelligence as well?
Odysseus’ Relationship with Athena/The Other Gods – Which gods does Odysseus interact with? When has
Athena come to Odysseus’ aid? Would he give her or anyone else any credit?
Odysseus and Difficult Choices – beyond temptation with women what other difficult choices has Odysseus
made? How does he handle his men? What would he say about his men and his ability to lead them?
Odysseus’ Fanclub
The Odyssey Study Guide
The Land of the Dead
1)Why must Odysseus journey to Hades, the land of the dead?
2) How does Odysseus summon the spirit of Tiresias?
3) What advice does Tiresias give Odysseus regarding the island of Thrinakia?
4) If Odysseus doesn't follow Tiresias advice at Thrinakia, what does the spirit foretell?
The Sirens; Scylla and Charbydis
5) What advice does Circe give Odysseus when he returns from the underworld?
6). Describe the Sirens. What danger do they pose?
7) How did Odysseus keep himself and his men safe when going past the Sirens?
8) Describe Scylla and Charybdis.
9) Which of the two, Scylla or Charbydis, was the lesser of two evils? Why?
Creative Writing Headlines Activity
Catchy headlines are important and necessary to selling newspapers because they are likely to attract readers.
The Odyssey has the potential for a number of exciting headlines. Imagine that you are an editor for the Ithaca Post,
and you are choosing headlines for the next issue. Review the chapters and select ten interesting events that would
inspire the best headlines. List the headlines in the spaces provided on the following page.
Example: “Nohbody” Accused of Assault!
Properties of a Hero
Examples of Heroic Characteristics
Heroic Characteristics
The main character is a hero, who is often
possessed of supernatural abilities or
The hero is charged with a quest.
The hero is tested, often to prove the
worthiness of himself and his quest.
The presence of numerous mythical beings,
magical and helpful animals, and human
helpers and companions.
Strengths (including abilities and powers
natural or gifts from the gods) and
The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural
world, often one that normal human beings
are barred from entering.
The cycle must reach a low point where the
hero nearly gives up his quest or appears
A resurrection.
Restitution. Often this takes the form of the
hero regaining his rightful place on the
(use with page #s)
The Odyssey Study Guide
The Cattle of the Sun God
1) Who owns the cattle on the island of Thrinakia?
2) Of what consequence does Odysseus warn his men?
3) When and why did Odysseus' men decide to kill the cattle?
4) What threat did Helios make in response to the death of his cattle?
5) Who punished Odysseus' men? How?
6) Who survives the punishment?