Name__________________________________________________ Period_______________Date______________________ The Odyssey Study Guide BOOK I: 1. What is the basic situation of each of the main characters—Odysseus, Telémakhos, Penélopê— at the opening of The Odyssey, and how does Homer present it to us? 2. How long has Odysseus been absent from Ithaka? 3. Who is Athena and why does she appear disguised to Telemakhos? 4. What song does the minstrel Phêmios sing, and why does Penélopê object to his song? 5. What do the suitors seek and how does Telémakhos react? BOOK II: 1. What is the purpose of the public assembly with which the book begins, and who called it? 2. Summarize the arguments of the principal suitors (Antinoos and Eurymakhos)- 3. Summarize the main arguments of Telémakhos. 4. Describe Athena’s role. Book V: 1. What new gods do we meet in Book V and what are their roles in the course of this book? 2. Who, and what, is Kalypso? Why is she angry at the gods? 3. Why does Odysseus reject Kalypso’s offer of immortality and wish to leave? 4. What instances of deus ex machina occur in this book? 5. In what ways is Odysseus self-reliant? 6. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s. Book VIII: 1. What do you think is the purpose of the athletic games Alkínoös orders? 2. How does Odysseus preform in these games? 3. What songs does the bard Demódokos sing about and why (think about Homer’s reasoning for this)? 4. How does Odysseus react to Demódokos’ songs? 5. How many times did Odysseus weep in this book? 6. What prophesy does Alkinoos bring up at the very end of this book? 7. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s. Book IX: 1. How did Odysseus lose “sixe benches [men]” in every seat at Ismaros? 2. What happens if you eat the Lotos plant? What does Odysseus have to do for three of his men? 3. What do the men enjoy on the island of the Kyklops that they plundered from Ismaros? 4. The men tell Odysseus to quickly cheese and lambs aboard, but what mistake does Odysseus make? 5. What lie does he tell the Kyklops during their first conversation? How does the Kyklops respond to this lie? 6. What is the dilemma that Odysseus and his crew faced? 7. What plan does Odysseus make to escape the Kyklops’ cave? 8. What other lie does Odysseus tell and why was this lie helpful? 9. On page 157, we find out this Kyklops’ name. What is it? Who is his father and why might this be a problem for Odysseus? 10. How do the men eventually escape? 11. What other mistake does Odysseus make at the end of the book? 12. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s. Book X: 1. The men sail to Aiolos’ (an immortal) island. What does he give them after they tell the tale of Troy? 2. “No luck: the fair wind failed us when our prudence failed” (10. 30)- what does prudence mean? 3. What do Odysseus’ men do with the gift Aiolo gives them? 4. Describe the Laistrygones. What happens on this island? 5. Why do Eurylokhos and the 22 men he leads weep as they make their way to KirKes cave to rescue the others? 6. What does the word “beguile” mean? How is Kirke beguiling? 7. What happens to all the men except for Eurylokhos? How does he avoid this? 8. Odysseus tells Eurylokhos, “Let me go [to rescue the men from Kirke] as I see nothing for it but to go” (10. 300-301). What does this tell you about Odysseus? 9. What instance of deus ex machina occurs before Odysseus heads to Kirke’s cave? Explain. 10. How does Odysseus “master” Kirke and save his men? 11. Explain the epic simile in lines 452-464 (Now being a man…even the very town where they were born). What does Homer compare and why does he incorporate this epic simile (to show…) 12. What does Kirke tell Odysseus he must do at the end of this book? 13. What happened to Elpenor, one of Odysseus’ men? 14. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s. Book XI: 1. Why do you think Odysseus vows to sacrifice his best cow (heifer)? 2. What does the prophet Tiresias say will happen if Odysseus or his men raid the herds of Apollo (Helios) on Thrinakia? 3. How did Odyessus’ mother say she died? 4. What does Agamemnon reveal to Odysseus about his death? What does he say about women? 5. Who are some other shades that Odysseus meets in the underworld? 6. Why do you think Odysseus provides a break in his story? 7. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s. Book XII 13. What advice does Kirke give Odysseus to avoid being seduced by the Seirenes voices? 14. Around lines 90-130 Kirke warns Odysseus of what obstacles? What does she advise him to do? Write down the lines that provide her suggestion as to what he should do. 15. What moral dilemma is Odysseus faced with after hearing Kirke’s advisory? What does he end up doing and what does this tell you about his personality? 16. What do Odysseus men do on the island of the sun god that he told them not to do (as per Kirke and Tiresias’ warning)? How are the men punished for their actions? 17. Add a trait to your target notes for Odysseus. Be sure to include a quote and the book /line #s.