Nama: Laela Nur Mualimah NIM: 2012001064 TUGAS 1 : (1O KATA INDONESIA BESERTA TERJEMAHAN KE DALAM BAHASA INGGRIS) 1.setiap IndonesianEnglish A each, every PREP per 2.selalu IndonesianEnglish ADV always, constantly, eternally, forever, invariably, night and day, perennially, time: at all times 3.teratur IndonesianEnglish A well-ordered, well-organized, well-run, order: in order, measured, organic, straight, trim, clockwork, even, regular, neat, shipshape, tidy 4.kemarin IndonesianEnglish A yesterday ADV yesterday, past: in the past N yesterday 5.semalam IndonesianEnglish ADV last night, overnight, night: one night 6.ketika IndonesianEnglish CONJ when, as, time: at the same time when, time: at the time when N moment 7.musik IndonesianEnglish A melodious N music, strain 8.baju IndonesianEnglish N jacket, blouse, shirt, clothes, costume, shimmy, waist, clothing, apparel 9.sahabat IndonesianEnglish N friend, comrade, pal 10.keluarga IndonesianEnglish A home N family, house, home, stock, tribe, sept, relative: relatives, kindred, genus TUGAS 2 : (1O KATA BAHASA INGGRIS BESERTA TERJEMAHAN KE DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA) [i:t] EnglishIndonesian V makan, menyantap, mencekik, cas, merusak, memusnahkan, membakar, mengganggu English Thesaurus: eat V Take into the mouth, chew, and swallow, Consume, Devour, Have a meal, Have a taste, Use up, Corrode; erode, Devastate, Bother, Perform fellatio or cunnilingus 2.rabbit ['ræbıt] EnglishIndonesian N kelinci, arnab, kulit berbuli kelinci, penakut, pengejut, berpengalaman: orang yg belum berpengalaman, selada English Thesaurus: rabbit N or hare Long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammal with soft fur, Hare, Fur of a rabbit 3.people ['pi:pəl] EnglishIndonesian N rakyat, bangsa, suku bangsa, suku, orang-orang, ummat, anak negeri, masyarakat, sanak saudara V mendiami, menempatkan penduduk English Thesaurus: people N Human beings collectively, Body of persons living in the same country under one national government; nationality, Body of persons sharing a common religion, culture, language, or inherited condition of life V Populate 4.drink [drıŋk] EnglishIndonesian N minuman, minuman keras, kumpulan air, laut V minum, meminum English Thesaurus: drink N Liquid for drinking; beverage, Amount of liquid that a person can drink; swallow, Alcoholic liquor, Excessive use of alcohol, Ocean, lake, or another large area of water V Swallow a liquid, Drink alcohol, Toast, Absorb 5.wait [weıt] EnglishIndonesian N masa menunggu, waktu istirahat, waktu jeda, waktu mengaso V menunggu, menantikan, mengadang, menghadang, tunggu, nanti, menunggu hingga berhenti, menangguhkan, siap, melayani, meladeni, memperhamba, memperhambakan English Thesaurus: wait N Act of waiting, Time spent waiting V Remain in expectation: waiting for the bus, Be ready for use, Be in abeyance, Work as a waiter, waitress, or salesperson 6.wonderful ['wʌndərfəl] EnglishIndonesian A bagus: sangat bagus, mengagumkan: yg mengagumkan, gemilang, hebat English Thesaurus: wonderful A Capable of eliciting wonder; astonishing, Admirable; excellent 7.near [nıər] EnglishIndonesian A dekat ADV dekat, sanding, kepil PREP dekat, dekat: di dekat V mendekati, mendekat, menjelang English Thesaurus: near A Close in time, space, position, or degree: near equals, Closely related, Nearly so: a near victory, Closely resembling an original, Closer of two or more ADV At or to a short distance, Close in time, Almost PREP At a short distance from, Close to in time, Almost 8.beautiful ['bju:təfəl] EnglishIndonesian A indah, cantik, elok, bagus, ayu, juita, jeli, hasan, kirana, ciami English Thesaurus: beautiful A Esthetically pleasing, Excellent, Very pleasan 9.sad [sæd] EnglishIndonesian A sedih, sayu, rayu, rawan, susah, gobar hati, masygul, sedu, sendu, menyedihkan: yg menyedihkan, redup, muram, bermutu rendah English Thesaurus: sad A Sorrowful; unhappy, Causing sorrow or gloom, Deplorable; sorry 10.happy ['hæpı] EnglishIndonesian A bahagia, selamat, untung, langsar, senang, senang hati, hati: suka hati, suka cita, sejuk hati, gembira, girang, sukaria, ria English Thesaurus: happy A Lucky; fortunate, Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, Well adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase, Cheerful; willing TUGAS 3 : (10 KATA BAHASA INGGRIS DIJELAJAHI OPEN HIPERLINK) Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence To book is defined as to make reservations for something in advance. (verb) An example of book is when you buy airline ticket reservations. The definition of book is a story or collection of stories that can be read. (noun) An example of book is a novel by John Grisham. noun A printed and bound work: tome, volume. See words verb To register in or as if in a book: catalog, enroll, inscribe, list1, set down, write down Memorandum books contain a record of the amount deducted from employees wages for the rent of mill houses on a weekly basis. Republication of a book that was indeed a pioneering effort in its time. 2.write Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence To write is defined as to form letters, words or symbols on a surface such as paper or to create something that can be read. verb To compose in words set forth, record, formulate, draft, turn out, give a report, note down, transcribe, pen, put in writing, comment upon, go into, indite, typewrite, communicate, rewrite, produce poetry, produce plays, produce novels, do imaginative writings, correspond She is now planning to write a new cookbook. Each week, our mayor writes a brief diary about his previous week. Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of read is to use eyes or fingers to figure out what letters or other symbols mean. modified examined, gone over, checked over, scanned; see investigated, understood I actually read the blurb on the jacket first! Read books about prayer or a book of prayers, being prepared to stop reading in order to pray. 4.clothes Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of clothes are garments worn on the body for protection or adornment. noun Articles worn to cover the body: apparel, attire, clothing, dress, garment (used in plural), habiliment (often used in plural), raiment. (Informal) dud (used in plural), tog (used in plural). (Slang) thread (used in plural). Pageboys in fancy clothes, were fashionable status symbol for many families. Woolen clothes that kept them warm, watching us pass. 5.bag Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence Bag is defined as a container that can store items or be used to carry items. Plastic bags to the grocery store for them to recycle. Sleeping bag on a metal frame bunk bed. 6.vehicle Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a vehicle is a type of transportation or a way that something is conveyed. noun A conveyance transportation, transport, carrier, wheels Vehicles include: carriage, buggy, wagon, sleigh, cart, motor car, bus, jeep, automobile, truck, tractor, tank, station wagon, van, cablecar, train, subway, minivan, limousine, limo*, streetcar, tram, trolley, bicycle, airplane, helicopter, shuttle, monorail, motorcycle, railroad car, taxicab, cab, hack, taxi. Drivers of heavy goods vehicles have to obtain an additional license, with a suitable test for new applicants. Commandeered a military vehicle that's believed to be armed. 7.beach Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a beach is the area directly touching a seashore. noun The edge of the water shore, strand, shingle, bank; see shore. A waterside resort shore, seashore, bathing beach, boardwalk, seaside, lakefront, watering place, the sea, the ocean, the lake, the sands, the coast, lido, plage (French), playa (Spanish). See syn. study at shore.shore. Barbeque what you've caught on a barbecue on the beach. Sandy beach with a stream running down the middle. Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence Study is to spend time learning about or investigating a subject. verb To endeavor to learn read, go into, refresh the memory, read up on, burn the midnight oil, bone up, go over, cram, think, go in for, inquire, bury oneself in, dive into, plunge into. To endeavor to understand examine, scrutinize, analyze, investigate; see consider 3, examine Hydrology study of the laws and properties of water. Kurt jackson studied zoology at st peters college oxford during which time he attended art courses at ruskin college of art in oxford. Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a computer is a person or electronic device that makes and stores quick calculations or processes information. noun personal computer, PC, microcomputer, minicomputer, mainframe, laptop computer, home computer, workstation, supercomputer, electronic brain, thinking machine, data processor, word processor, calculator, processor, supermini, superminicomputer, supermicro, master control, number cruncher, machine, cybernetic organism, digital computer, analog computer, network, neural net, neural network. In the first part of the trilogy reggio mapped the natural landscape onto the computer microchip. In the context of modern computer operating systems, it is often defined as a code with a meaning attached to it. 10.knowledge Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence Knowledge is defined as what is learned, understood or aware of. noun That which is known information, learning, lore, erudition, wisdom, scholarship, facts, data, instruction, booklearning, cognizance, understanding, comprehension, enlightenment, expertise, intelligence, light, doctrine, dogma, theory, science, principles, data base, philosophy, awareness, insight, proficiency, attainments, accomplishments, education, culture, substance, observation, experience, store of learning, Secure in the knowledge that their systems are being well looked after. Encyclopedic knowledge of cinema, from the first motion pictures right through to the latest blockbusters in production. Komentar : materi ini terasa sulit dipahami dan membingungkan. TUGAS 4: (MENGOMENTARI METODE PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN GRAMMAR) Materinya cukup sederhana, sehingga mudah dipahami karena menggunakan kata-kata yang umum dalam Personal Pronoun.