Math 115a ILC Room 125 Math 115a Stephen Reyes Office: MTL 124E Phone: 626-8343 E-mail: Office Hours: Tues & Thurs: 9:00am – 10:00am (MTL 124E) Fri: 12:00pm – 1:00pm (MTL 124E) 1:00pm – 2:00pm (MATH EAST 149) Math 115a - Policies Prerequisites Successful completion of Introduction to Computing (MIS 111), and either successful completion of College Algebra (Math 110) or College Algebra Accelerated (Math 112) or an acceptable score on the Mathematics Readiness Test. Math 115a - Policies Text Mathematics for Business Decisions Part 1, Thompson and Lamoureux, Mathematical Association of America is required. The e-text is packaged as boxed software with an installation CD and Student Notebook containing screen captures of all PowerPoint slides. Texts are available at the U of A bookstore. Math 115a - Policies Course Materials Textbook and registration number found inside the CD case. Math 115a Course Files. Blank CD-R's, CD-RW, Zip Disks, or 3-1/2 Floppy Disks (as a last resort); as needed for reports and homework. Math 115a - Policies Class Attendance Attendance is mandatory. Students are responsible for all information provided in class, in the course files, and on the course web page. Class roll will be taken regularly. Any student who misses the first day may be administratively dropped from the course. Any student who misses three or more classes during any one project must complete the project alone for a reduction of points. Any student who is excused from class for attendance at an officially authorized event must provide a written excuse signed by the Dean of Students no later than one week after the absence. Math 115a - Policies Electronic devices such as cell phones, pagers, watch alarms, etc. must be turned off during class meetings. Cell phones CANNOT be used as calculators. They are viewed as a form of communication on an exam, and therefore a form of cheating. Appropriate measures will be taken. Math 115a - Policies Examinations Midterm examinations are tentatively scheduled for the week of February 21st and the week of April 25th. The exact date will be announced well in advance. The final examination is scheduled on Tuesday, May 9th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Unless there are extenuating circumstances (in which case the student has 24 hours from the time of the exam to contact the instructor to make other arrangements), a missed midterm examination or a missed final examination will result in a score of zero for that work. Math 115a - Policies Examinations Each midterm examination will be worth 100 points, and the final examination will be worth 200 points. If a student earns a higher percentage on the final examination than on one of the midterms, then the student’s lowest midterm score will be replaced by the percent scored on the final examination. Students must supply their own calculators on exam days. Absolutely no calculator sharing will be accepted. (No cell phones!!) Math 115a - Policies Team Projects Teams consisting of four or five students each will be formed to work two team projects, each worth 150 points 10 points for the preliminary report 45 points for the final oral report 45 points for the final written report 40 points for the project quiz 5 points for final draft of team contract 5 points for peer evaluations of final reports Math 115a - Policies Team Projects Any student who is unwilling to cooperate with his or her team (or misses three classes during the course of any one project) will work the project individually for a maximum of 80% of the possible points. Math 115a - Policies Team Projects The oral reports must be supported with PowerPoint presentations. Each team member must actively participate, and each team member is expected to dress and act professionally. The written reports must be computergenerated. They must be self-contained and free of spelling and grammatical errors. Grading rubrics will be provided. Math 115a - Policies Team Homework/In-Class Quizzes Team homework assignments are due by 5:00pm on the day they are due in my office. Selected exercises from each assignment will be graded. The assignments must be computer generated and stapled and must include the cover page. No credit will be given for assignments that contain only answers with no supporting work, and late assignments will not be accepted. Business Mathematics I Homework 2 for Math 115a, Section: Instructor: Reyes Date: February 4, 2004 by Team: We, the undersigned, affirm that each of us participated fully and equally in the completion of this assignment and that the work contained herein is original. Furthermore, we acknowledge that sanctions will be imposed jointly if any part of this work is found to violate the Student Code of Conduct, the Code of Academic Integrity, or the policies and procedures established for this course. ______________________________ Name (printed) ______________________________ Name (printed) ______________________________ Name (printed) ______________________________ Name (printed) ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Signature ______________________________ Signature Math 115a - Policies Team Homework/In-Class Quizzes Each assignment is worth 10 points in total. Each team homework assignment will be worth 5 points. An individual quiz worth 5 points each, consisting of one or two questions based from the homework, will be given in class on (or after) the day the homework is due. There will be no make-up quizzes. Math 115a - Policies Course Grades There are 800 points possible: Midterms Projects Homework Final Exam 2 100 2 150 10 10 1 200 200 300 100 200 Math 115a - Policies Course Grades A passing grade is only guaranteed if an individual’s work averages 50% or greater AND his/her teamwork averages 50% or higher. Otherwise a grade of “E” is awarded. Total Points 720-800 Grade 640-719 B 560-639 C 480-559 D 0-479 E A Math 115a – web page What you’ll find: My contact information Tutoring information Project team assignments Project team data Team HWs Worksheets Announcements Link to Business Math Course web page Math 115a – Important Dates Business Mathematics Kick-Off Thursday, January 20th, 2005 5:45pm – 7:30 pm Attendance is required! Bring Your CatCard Counts as Homework 1 grade. More information will be available on the course webpage, and will be announced in class. Math 115a – Important Dates (cont) Business Math Presentation Competition Saturday, April 30th, 2005 Present Your 2nd Project to members of the business community Attendance is Required! Counted towards your oral report for project 2 Things to do between now and next class . . . Visit the course web site: Read the announcements, general information. You’ll want to download the math115a power point file. (Read through the slides) Visit the class web site: Read section policies Things to do between now and next class(cont) Download and read the team contract document. Start thinking about what you’ll want your contract to look like. You’ll be better prepared for the Kick-off if you do.