DRUG AND ALCOHOL GROUP PROJECT DUE DATE: Thursday, APRIL 28th There will be TWO parts to this project. Part 1 is to be done in groups, performing a skit in front of the class. Part 2 is to write a reflection paper answering specific questions. Each student will write his or her own reflection. See the rubric on the back of this page for detailed grading information for both parts of the project. YOUR GRADE WILL BE RECORDED ON THE RUBRIC ON THE BACK OF THIS PAGE. YOU MUST TURN IN YOUR RUBRIC BEFORE YOU PRESENT. FAILURE TO TURN IT IN, WILL RESULT IN A 5 POINT DEDUCTION TO YOUR FINAL PROJECT GRADE! Part 1: PRESENTATION Your group will be given a specific scenario to act out in a skit. You must complete the scenario by acting out what you think would happen next. Be prepared to discuss 3 additional outcomes to your scenario other than your skit. o Scenario # 1-A, 2-A, 3-A: Must discuss 3 other negative outcomes and consequences to the situation. o Scenario # 1-B, 2-B, 3-B: Must discuss 3 other ways the situation could be positively changed and the benefits of those changes. Be Creative. You may bring in props or items to use for your skit. Make your presentation stand out from others. You WILL be graded on this! Everyone in the group must have a part in the presentation. You must show that your skit was well thought out and planned, with a CLEAR message. What point are you trying to get across to your audience? THIS PART OF THE PROJECT IS WORTH A TOTAL OF 20 POINTS. Part 2: REFLECTION PAPER You must answer the 4 questions provided, in detail. Be sure to answer questions thoroughly providing more than one possibility. Your answers should be well thought out and show your understanding of the issue as it relates to each question. Please type your responses. If a computer is not available to you, you may then neatly hand print your responses on the paper provided. If you need more space to write your answers, you may use an additional piece of paper. Your paper must be stapled with your name on each sheet. If you hand print your paper, it must be able to be read, otherwise it will not be graded! EACH QUESTION IS WORTH 20 POINTS FOR A TOTAL OF 80 POINTS. THERE ARE 100 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE FOR THE PROJECT. Rubric for Drug and Alcohol Project Rubric is based on earning a maximum of 100 points Name ____________________ Date ___________ Period _____ Scenario # ____________________ Total Grade_________ TOTAL YOUR Points Earned Possible Points PRESENTATION 5 Points 3-4 Points 1-2 Points Everyone in group involved Everyone was involved Most students were involved Most students were not involved 5 Quality of presentation Well organized presentation, message very clear Very little or no organization, message unclear 5 Creativity of presentation Very Creative Somewhat organized presentation, message somewhat clear Some Creativity Very little or no Creativity 5 Ability to recognize and explain other possible outcomes of given scenario 3 or more additional outcomes provided other than skit 1-2 additional outcomes provided, other than skit No additional outcomes provided other than skit (0 points) TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE REFLECTION PAPER 20 Points 10-19 Points 1-9 Points Failure to turn in rubric Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 5 20 TOTAL YOUR Points Earned Possible Points -5 Answered question thoroughly, in detail, demonstrating significant thought process Answered question thoroughly, in detail, demonstrating significant thought process Answered question thoroughly, in detail, demonstrating significant thought process Answered question thoroughly, in detail, demonstrating significant thought process Partially answered question, some thought involved Minimally answered question, not much thought involved 20 Partially answered question, some thought involved Minimally answered question, not much thought involved 20 Partially answered question, some thought involved Minimally answered question, not much thought involved 20 Partially answered question, some thought involved Minimally answered question, not much thought involved 20 TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE 80