Urban Planning 129: Urbanization

Professor Leo Estrada
Email: leobard@ucla.edu
Urban Planning 129: Urbanization: A Spatial Look
(Hybrid Class)
Class Description: Human settlement and early urban areas illustrate how they
came to evolve over time. The focus of this class is to gain an understanding of
these spatial patterns beginning with archeological ruins from Middle East, Latin
America, and Asia; to fortress cities, ritual cities, and polarized cities; to modern
cities. Students investigate spatial patterns in hands-on tutorials using Google
Earth and Sketch Up. The goal is for students to develop their own spatial
thinking about urbanization and its relationship to social and economic evolution.
Students will use Google Earth and Google Sketch Up for their projects and are
required to demonstrate their spatial understanding through writing assignments
designed to complement their graphics.
Units: 4.0
This is an online flip class but not an easy one. Over the quarter, we will cover a
lot of information. Some will come from the class lecture but also from
participation in the class forum and videos that you are asked to watch. You are
expected to participate fully and to turn in your assignments on time. Here is a list
of the basic items you should expect each week:
Go through each week’s lecture
Watch the videos corresponding to each lecture
Respond to questions in the class forum by Friday at 12pm
Turn in the weekly assignments by Friday at midnight
For weeks 2-5 you will have a Sketch Up training module and will submit a
Sketch Up assignment
Class will meet two hours a week (Mondays 10-12)
Weekly assignments
Weekly assignments are due for weeks 1-7. Weekly assignments are due on
Friday at midnight. The next week’s lectures will be available for viewing the
previous Friday at that time. The assignments become more demanding with
each week, asking for deeper analysis, more research and longer essays. The
writing assignments are designed to support the graphics and will be weighted
equally for grading on whether they are well presented and how well they
complement each other. If you are unclear about the assignments, you should
contact the TA or instructor as early as possible.
Forum Participation
Most weeks you will be asked a question that you will submit to the class forum.
You are expected to respond to ONE entries submitted by your classmates.
Every week we will hold a classroom session to synthesize the class materials
and discuss your Forum responses.
Weekly Readings
Students are expected to complete the weekly readings. Some readings are
“Reference Readings.” These are not digitized and not required but if the topic
interests you greatly, you are encouraged to look at these sources. The weekly
readings will be discussed during class time.
Final Group Project
You will be asked to join a group of two or three students to prepare your final
presentation and paper. The TA will set up the groups, but if you have a
preference you can contact the TA before Week 6. The groups will be assigned
week 7. Student presentations will be given Week 10 during the scheduled class
time and Week 11 at the scheduled final exam time. The final project provides
you with options but also specifies some required elements such as using
Google Earth and Sketch Up.
TA Hours
The TA for the class will be available:
 Mondays from 12p-1p
 The TA will respond to emails within 24 hours (except for weekends)
Mandated Meetings
You must be available to present with your group either on the last class day (9a12p) or on a day scheduled for Finals week.
Weekly Instructor/TA Communication
The Instructor will send out weekly communication emails related to the class. Be
on the lookout for this each week.
Software for the Course
Make sure to have these loaded on your computer prior to the beginning of the
 Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/
 Google Maps (paste pdf image into word doc with written assignment and
upload to TURNITIN site)
 Google Sketch Up: http://sketchup.google.com/
 Silverlight: http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/GetStarted/Install/Default.aspx
You can find tutorials and other support on the following sites:
 Google Earth (pdf upload to TURNITIN site as part of written assignment):
 How-to-tutorials on Google Sketch Up:
 Additional reference materials on reserve at Young Research Library
Grading Policy
Class forum participation: 5% (Excellent/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Weekly Assignments: 65% (Subdivided into percent worth)
Final Presentation and Paper: 30%
Total: 100% (Letter Grade)
Standards for Grading
Maximum Points – Presents original ideas with solid assessments/arguments.
Integrates and pushes beyond lectures, readings and discussions in class to
create new syntheses or critiques. Demonstrates excellent grasp of concepts and
Minus 1-2 – Presents good work and solid arguments along standard lines.
Builds on lectures, readings and discussions to come to coherent conclusions.
Demonstrates good knowledge of concepts and techniques. Responds to
assignments thoughtfully. Work exhibits very few errors. Good integration of
writing and graphics.
Minus 3-5 - Presents fair understanding and displays basic knowledge and
development of skills. Work exhibits some errors including: limited technical
complexity; weak arguments with little evidence to back it up; misinterpretation of
readings; a variety of arguments may be made without coming to any coherent
Minus 6-10 – Presents minimum understanding of concepts and techniques from
lectures, readings and class exercises; Work exhibits substantial errors.
Turning in Google Earth Assignments on TURNITIN set up for the class
through CCLE
Submit your weekly assignments as Word documents with PDF or jpeg
images inserted in your document
Label all files as Lastname_Weeknumber_Assignment
Submitting Sketch Up Assignments to TURNITIN 
Google Sketch Up: Save as “jpg” and insert it into Word docs
Submit assignments online to class site by Friday 12am each week
The following week’s lecture will be available on Friday at 12am of the
previous week
Week 1: Preparation for the Class
Review and follow instructions on how to load software for the class and also
how up upload assignments to TURNITIN
Week 1: Introduction to Urbanization
Lecture 1: The First Settlements: why cluster together into settlements?
Google Earth exercise
Balter, M.(1998). The first cities: Why settle down? The mystery of
communities. Science, 282: 5393.
chid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&r esourcetype=HWCIT
Catalhöyük Researh Project. Catalhöyük: Excavations of a Neolithic
Anatolian Höyük. http://www.catalhoyuk.com/
Cowgill, G. L. (2004). Origins and development of urbanism: Archeological
perspectives. Annual Review of Anthropology, 33, 525-549.
1002.093248? cookieSet=1&journalCode=anthro
Kenoyer, J.M. Mohenjo-Daro!
Week 1 Assignment (5%)
In 300 words (or less): Compare and contrast the two early settlement sites from
two different continents.
What natural/environmental factors affect the characteristics of each
settlement? 
What is similar, what is different? Why do you think it is similar or
different? 
Include Google maps of notable elements using lines, pins and polygons.
Submit Google Earth jpegs of the two sites with your analysis. 
List your sources 
Post on TURNITIN by Friday 12 am 
Week 2: Early Settlements
Lecture 2: Early Settlements: the variety of settlement patterns
Sketch Up Tutorial-1
Childe, V.G. (2011). The urban revolution. In Richard T. LeGates and
Frederic Stout (Eds.), The City Reader (pp. 31-39). New York: Routledge.
Smith, M. 2007. Form and meaning in the earliest cities: A new approach
to ancient urban planning. Journal of Planning History, 6:1, 3-47
Reference: Gates, C. (2003). Ancient Cities: The archeology of urban life
in the ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome. New York:
Week 2 Assignment (5%)
In 400 words (or less), select a planning feature to pursue and use 2 early
settlements to illustrate the point. Some examples of a planning feature are roads
and highways, monuments, plazas, towers, land use for different uses, and urban
form (shape of the settlement)
What “planning features” stand out? 
Does it look like mostly top-down planning?
Does it look like “engineering” has taken place?
Submit Google Earth maps of notable markers as a jpeg in word
document if you like
List your sources.
Submit your “dream house” using Sketch Up. This exercise will not be
graded as it is an opportunity for you to learn different Sketch Up tools.
Post on TURNITIN by Friday by 12 am.
Week 3: Fortified Cities
Lecture 3: Fortified Cities: factors leading to defense of space
Sketch Up Tutorial-2
Nicholas, D. (1997). The growth of the Medieval City. London; New York:
Longman. Ch.1: The Urban Legacy of Antiquity and Ch. 2:
Suburbanisation and Deurbanisation in Merovingian and Carolingian Gaul,
500- 830 AD.
Week 3 Assignment (10%) Total divided equally between writing and graphics):
In 600 words (or less) explore topics below.
Use Google Earth to compare and contrast two fortified cities.
How are the cities fortified? Why are these cities fortified? 
What are some of the interesting elements in the fortification?
Where are important buildings located within the fortified city? 
What can you infer from the spatial layout of the cities? 
Include Google Earth jpegs with significant markers
Submit a Sketch Up model of a fortified wall
List your sources.
Post on TURNITIN by Friday by 12 am.
Week 4: Ritual Cities
Lecture 4: Ritual Cities: sacred places and symbolic meaning
Sketch Up Tutorial-3
Teotihuacan, Mexico
Angkor Wat, Cambodia
(End after 2 minutes)
Machu Pichu, Peru
Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Beijing, China
(Stop after 5:20 minutes)
Chase D.Z., Chase A. & Haviland, W.A. (1990). The classic Maya city:
Reconsidering the “Mesoamerican urban tradition”. American
Anthropologist, 92:2.
Sanders W.T. & Webster, D. (1988). The Mesoamerican urban tradition.
American Anthropologist, 90:3.
Smith, M. (2003).Can we read cosmology in ancient Maya city plans?
Comment on Ashmore and Sabloff. Latin American Antiquity 14:2, 221228.
Reference: Malville, J.M. & Gujral, L.M. (Eds.) (2000). Ancient cities,
sacred skies: cosmic geometries and city planning in ancient India. New
Delhi: Aryan Books International.
Week 4 Assignment: (10%) (Total divided equally between writing and
graphics) In 600 words (or less) discuss the following:
What was the impact of cosmology/religion on city building? Select two ritual
cities in different regions.
How are the two ritual cities the same or different in terms of purpose and
built environment? 
How do the debates on cosmology and the organization of urban
settlements apply to this city? 
Include a Google Earth map of the two ritual cities with significant areas
highlighted using the Google Earth tools 
Use Google Sketch Up to model a significant element from each of the
two ritual cities 
List your sources 
Submit your work to TURNITIN Friday by 12am 
Week 5: 19th/20th Century Influence of Railway &
Lecture 5: Industrializing Cities: transportation and urban development
Sketch Up Tutorial-4
History of railroads and maps:
History of the US highway system:
Reference: Hanson, S. & Guiliano, G. (Eds.) (2004). The geography of
urban transportation.New York: The Guilford Press.
Week 5 Assignment: (10%) (Total divided equally between writing and
Select two examples of cities that are clearly impacted by their road, street
or bridge system. One city should be an ancient city and the other a more
advanced city. - In 600 words (or less). 
Use Google Earth to provide screenshots of urban development patterns
and /or transportation networks that support your argument 
Use Google Sketch Up to model a housing settlement that is influenced by
the presence of a bridge, railway or highway 
List your sources 
Submit your work to TURNITIN by 12am 
Week 6: A view inside: ghettos, slums, barrios and
suburbs 
Lecture 6: Polarized Cities: intra-city differences and class and race
distinctions 
Sketch Up Tutorial-5 
Polarized Cities
Gay Segregation Bill in Kansas
Women and segregation: Israel
Skid Row
Readings 
Fishman, R. (1987). Chapter 4: Urbanity versus suburbanity: France and
the United States. In Bourgeois Utopias: The rise and fall of suburbia. New
York: Basic Books, Inc. Inter-American Development Bank (2003). The
social spatial segregation in the cities of LatinAmerica. Washington DC:
Francisco Sabatini. 
Neuwirth, R. (2004). Shadow Cities. Chapters 2 and 8. New York:
Routledge. 
UNHABITAT (2011). Key findings and messages from the challenge of
slums: Global reporton Human settlements 2003. In Richard T. LeGates
and Frederic Stout (Eds.), The CityReader (pp. 584-589). New York:
Reference: Jackson, K. (1985). Crabgrass frontier: The suburbanization of
the United States. New York: Oxford University Press. 
Week 6 Assignment 10% (Total divided equally between writing and graphics)
As a Human Development Specialist for the World Bank, you are interested in
correcting inequality and poverty in urban areas. Select as your next project, a
city that illustrates polarization and/or intra-city differences.
In 600 words (or more): Describe and analyze areas of polarization.
What type polarization is the focus (class, religion, race, etc.)? 
How are groups separated spatially? 
What are the patterns of urban form that clearly designate a privileged
area from a less privileged area?
Provide a Google Earth map outlining areas of polarization and
differences 
Use Sketch Up to model an “upgrading” plan or spatial adjustments that
could improve the quality of life and integrate the groups that are
List your sources 
Post on TURNITIN by Friday by 12 am.
Week 7: Vulnerable cities 
Lecture 7: Urban risk, vulnerability and resilience 
Top 10 Natural Disasters
Lessons from Haiti
Building Resilient Cities
Readings 
Davis, M. (2007). Chapter 6: Slum Ecology. In Planet of Slums. London;
New York: Verso.
De Sherbinin, A., Schiller, A. & Pulsipher, A. (2007). The vulnerability of
global cities to climate hazards. Environment & Urbanization 19:1.
Lankao, P.R. & Tribbia, J.L. (2009). Assessing patterns of vulnerability,
adaptive capacity and resilience across urban centers. Fifth Urban
Research Symposium.
Reference: Pelling, M. (2003). The vulnerability of cities: Natural disasters
and social resilience. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications. 
Week 7/8 Assignment: 15% (Total divided equally between writing and
graphics) Choose assignment for week 7 or week 8 and submit ONLY ONE
Friday Week 8 
Week 7: Using the Google Earth timeline tool, select a city that has experienced
a natural, human or technological disaster and track the recovery process from
the point of the event to a second later point in time.
In 800 words (or more) discuss: 
The disaster that occurred. 
What was the impact of the event on the urban form? 
Provide a Google Earth jpeg to show the impact of the disaster 
How did the spatial organization change during/after recovery? Provide
Google Earth maps outlining areas of recovery. 
Include a Sketch Up model of a one element related to the recovery (a
structure or new housing area.) 
List your sources. 
No assignment due this week 
Week 8: Sustainable Cities
Lecture 8: Sustainable Cities: examining green, transit-oriented
development, smart growth cities
What is an Eco city?
Portland, Oregon
Curitiva, Brazil
Bouma, George. (2013). “Sustainability must combine environmental
concerns with poverty reduction.” UNDP.
Haughton, G. (1997). Developing sustainable urban development models.
Cities 14:4, 189-195.
Hoornweg, Dan. (2013). “Peak Waste and Poverty – A Powerful Paradox.”
The World Bank. https://blogs.worldbank.org/sustainablecities/peakwaste-and-poverty-powerful-paradox
McDonough, William & Partners. (1992). The Hanover principles:
Designing for sustainability.
Smart Growth: http://www.smartgrowthamerica.org/
Tuhus-Dubrow. (2009). “Learning from Slums.” Boston.com.
Case Studies (FYI)
Toronto TOD Plan:
Chicago’s Green Alley Initiative:
Melbourne Sustainable City Initiatives:
Portland’s Sustainability Programs:
Week 8 Assignment: 15% (Total divided equally between writing and graphics)
Choose assignment for week 7 or week 8 and submit ONLY ONE Friday
Week 8
Week 8: You are charged with selecting the next site for the international
sustainable city conference. Naturally, the conference committee wants to hold it
in a city, which best captures, this spirit.
Nominate 2 cities and present each one’s “green assets.” Consider how
each city would sell/advertise itself as a green city? 
Write an 800 words (or more) paper in which you rank the two cities you
selected and explain why each was selected. 
Select your “winner” and describe what features of the city make it stand
out from the other. What were your criteria for choosing this city?
Use Google Earth to mark notable areas that influenced your decision 
Include Google Sketch Up model of one aspect of the winning city that you
would select to be placed on the conference program cover 
List your sources 
Post Assignment 7 OR 8 on TurnitIn by Friday at 12am 
Week 9: Dedicated Spaces
Lecture 9: Dedicated Spaces: examining dedicated spaces including
enclaves and universities
Golden Enclaves Sun City, AZ
Central Park
Dog Parks
-No Readings this week: Work on your final presentations
-No Assignment this week: Work on your final presentations
Week 10: Student Presentations (9am – 12p)
Week 11: Student Presentations (During finals)
This will be a group project comprised of two or three people (Depending on
class size). Utilizing the skills and knowledge that you have learned in class, you
will be required to develop a final project that addresses a common theme that
has impacted or has the potential to impact the way urbanization takes shape.
Look back at the topics that were covered in class to develop your project. You
may email your topics for approval, but this is not necessary.
Possible themes to consider
Investigate the development of urban areas of approximately the same size
within the same region (i.e. towns in the Southern U.S, in Asia, in South America
or in Europe).
Investigate the development of urban areas of approximately the same size
between several regions (i.e. towns in Asia compared to towns in South America,
Investigate the development and planning of urban areas with common
topographic characteristics (i.e. rivers, deserts, mountains, coastal cities; places
on islands, etc.). Investigate the development of urban areas with common
histories or elements (i.e.
Cities from colonized nations; war torn cities; towns that specialize in a particular
industry; cities with similar cultural/religious landmarks; pilgrimage places, etc.).
Investigate urban places that have changed in function over time (i.e. places that
were once industrial cities and now a tourist destination; etc.).
Investigate urban places with common functions in different nations/continents
(i.e. economic capitals, political capitals, military outposts, etc.)
Investigate the development and planning of the built environment of residential
neighborhoods, town squares/plazas, museums etc.
Investigate the development of infrastructure in different cities of the
same/different regions (i.e. rails, roadways, bridges, etc.)
Investigate changes in the separation, polarization and segregation of residents
in several cities.
You are welcome to develop your own theme as well.
You will be required to use 4 city examples. [NOTE: You may use past examples
and elements from homework, but your analysis for the final must be more
thorough and cannot be solely taken from homework. Previous examples will be
re-assessed to examine overlap.]
Paper: 2,500 words +/- (Include the word count at the end of your paper) 30%
Format: Double-spaced, 12-pt font with 1-inch margins, PDF or Word
document 
Google Earth: Include screenshots of each city you examine; no limit on
the number of maps. Make sure maps are clear, comprehensive, and
illustrate the important elements that you are emphasizing in your
presentation and paper. Include clear labeling. 
Google Sketch Up: One model is required for each city that you examine
(4 models total). Make sure that the models that are selected are
meaningful, i.e. chosen because they illustrate your ideas. Purpose for
choosing model should be made apparent in your discussion of your
paper and presentation. You can include images of different orientations
of model in paper and presentation. Make sure they are clear and show
your entire model. 
You can include photographs or images that support your Maps and
models. 
Sources: MLA or APA formatted bibliography and in-text citations only.
Must use at least 10 sources/references. (Do not rely only on Wikipedia). 
Submission - Electronic copies: Paper and presentation must be
submitted online to the TURNITIN site by the deadline. 
If special circumstances warrant, hard copies will be accepted. Please include all
images of maps and models within paper. Submit to Urban Planning 3rd floor
departmental office Public Affairs Building by the deadline. 
Deadline: All papers are due in Word or PDF format on TURNITIN by Friday of
Finals Week by 8 pm. Late papers will be deducted 5 pts/day (weekends count).
Please email the TA if your paper will arrive late. 
Paper and Sources: 10% 
Google Earth Maps: 5%
Google SketchUp Models:10%
Presentation: 5%
TOTAL: 30%