HRSA-14-067 Reviewer Worksheet


HRSA Objective Review Manual




<APRIL 22 – 25, 2104 >


This worksheet is provided as a guide/template to complete your assigned applications.

It serves as a working document to record an overview of the application and initial strengths and weaknesses. The overview is used by you as talking points during the application discussion it is neither submitted nor used for scoring of the application. A strength is a response that clearly meets and/or substantially exceeds requirements set forth in a review criterion. A weakness is a response that falls short of meeting requirements set forth in a review criterion. To assist you in assigning points to each criterion and in developing your strengths and weaknesses for each application, please refer to the application materials.

PLEASE NOTE This worksheet is NOT to be returned to DIR or <HUMANITAS > it is solely for your use. The information must be entered into ARM.


The overview should briefly focus on the "big picture" of who the applicant is, what is being proposed, how it will be accomplished in view of the published program guidance and review criteria, and the most significant strength and/or weakness found in the application.

Applicant information:

Target population, service area, appropriateness of budget, etc.:

Proposed project/program description:

Major goals and objectives:

Number of students and graduates projected during the two years of funding (per year):

Any significant strength and/or weakness:

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Any other pertinent information:

Comments on Application Based on Published Review Criteria: For each criterion, list strengths and weaknesses to support your criterion score. (Your responses should generally be limited to no more than 5 statements.)

CRITERION 1: < NEED> (20 Points)

Corresponds to Section IV’s Introduction, Needs Assessment and Attachments

The need for the project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the problem and associated contributing factors to the problem.

• Extent to which the applicant describes the institution’s need for traineeship support and the benefit that the traineeship program is expected to have for the institution and students;

• Degree to which the applicant describes the institution’s programs including education levels offered and the delineation of enrollment status.

• Degree to which the AENT traineeships will support the preparation, graduation and employment of trainees in primary care, rural or underserved areas/populations, or public health practice settings;

• Extent to which the applicant describes the community needs and the populations served by the primary care NP and nurse- midwifery students and graduates;

• Quality of the evidence supporting the number of primary care NP and nurse-midwifery students, delineated as full time and/or part time, expected to receive traineeship support;

• Quality of the evidence to support an increasing number of graduates serving in rural or underserved areas/populations or public health practice settings;

• Quality of the evidence to support an increasing number of trainees who have clinical experiences in medically underserved communities;

• Degree to which the project integrates the goals of Healthy People 2020 into the programs receiving traineeship support

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)

CRITERION 2: <RESPONSE > (25 Points)

Corresponds to Section IV’s Methodology, Work Plan, and Resolution of Challenges

The responsiveness of the project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the proposed project responds to the “Purpose” included in the program description, including:

• The strength of the proposed goals and objectives and their relationship to the identified project;

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• The extent to which the work plan is clear and includes the activities to be taken to achieve each of the project objectives;

• The extent to which the recruitment plan and selection criteria will increase the number of underrepresented or disadvantaged minority trainees and veterans (as applicable) supported with

AENT funding;

• Degree to which the applicant identifies goals and objectives for increasing diversity and the strength of the Health Professions Diversity Statement ( Attachment 4 )

• Quality of the pass rates on Specialty Certification Exams among prior graduates;

• Extent to which the work plan explains the steps that will be taken to assist trainees from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve and maintain the predetermined academic standards of the institutions;

• Quality of the work plan to track student employment after graduation;

• The quality of the plan to ensure that clinical placements and experiences support educational experiences;

• The degree to which the settings where clinical experiences occur are in medically underserved communities;

• The application includes a plan to ensure the quality of clinical placements and experiences;

• The degree to which the applicant identifies barriers in the service area; challenges to implementing the work plan; or obstacles for implementing the program performance evalution plan and the solutions resolve these challenges.

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)



Corresponds to Section IV’s Evaluation and Technical Support Capacity

The strength and effectiveness of the method proposed to monitor and evaluate the project results.

Applicants must provide evidence that the evaluative measures will be able to assess: 1) to what extent the program goals and objectives have been met, and 2) to what extent these can be attributed to the project. The proposed method for evaluating the project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant addresses the criteria below:

• The degree to which the program performance evaluation plan will contribute to continuous quality improvement.;

• The degree to which the applicant describes their ability and procedures to collect, track, and report performance measures on a semi-annual basis;

• The degree to which the applicant describes their ability and procedures to collect, track and report post-graduation data on funded students at 1-year and 2-year intervals;

• The quality of the technical capacity including experience, skills and knowledge of personnel responsible for conducting and reporting evaluation efforts;

• The rigor of the plan to collect BHPr performance measures

• The quality of the methodology proposed (data sources, milestones, etc.) proposed to evaluate the project;

• Extent to which the applicant describes a quality assurance plan;

• The salience of indicators that will be used to evaluate project objectives;

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• The extent to which the applicant can collect, track, analyze and report data to measure process, impace and outcomes with different cultural groups and how that data will be used to imform program development and service delivery.

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)

CRITERION 4: <IMPACT> (15 Points)

Corresponds to Section IV’s Methodology, Work Plan and Attachments

The impact of the project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed project to carry out the intent of the AENT Program and project objectives. For competing continuation applications an Accomplishment Summary ( Attachment 7) will be evaluated as part of the total impact score .

• The feasibility and effectiveness of plans for dissemination of project results

• The extent to which the project is sustainable beyond the Federal funding period.

• The degree to which the applicant proposes to increase the number of primary care providers serving in medically underserved communities;

• The degree to which the applicant proposes to increase the number, distribution and diversity of primary care NPs and nurse-midwives;

• If applicable, the extent to which the competing continuation includes a comprehensive

Accomplishment Summary ( Attachment 7 ), which describes how the competing continuation application builds on and extends the goals achieved with support of the previously funded award; and

• If applicable, the extent to which the Accomplishment Summary (

Attachment 7 ) demonstrates accomplishing progress in enrolling and graduating Primary Nurse Practitioners.

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)



Corresponds to Section IV’s Work Plan and Organizational Information

The resources and capability of the applicant to conduct the project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant addresses the criteria below. Past performance will also be considered for competing continuations.

• The capabilities of the Project Director for the AENT Program (

Attachment 3 );

• The capabilities of the applicant organization, and the quality and availability of personnel to implement and support the proposed project;

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• The quality of collaboration with key stakholders in planning, designing and implementing all activities.

• The extent to which project contributors reflect the cultural, racial, linguistic and geographic diversity of the populations and communities served.

• Quality of the applicant organizations commitment to improving access to primary care

• The institution’s commitment, experience, and success in enrolling and graduating primary care

NPs and/or nurse-midwives;

• As applicable, the degree of successful outcomes from prior AENT funding for competing continuation applicants; and

• Quality of current community-based underserved training settings;

• As applicable, the degree to which the applicant describes activities to bring beterans into advanced nursing careers.

• degree to which the project will provide culturally and linguistically competent and health literacy services;

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)


Corresponds to Budget Information

The support requested for the project will be evaluated on the reasonableness of the proposed budget for each year of the project period in relation to the objectives, the complexity of the activities, and the anticipated results. The project will be evaluated based on the extent to which the applicant addresses the criteria below:

• The extent to which costs, as outlined in the budget and required resources sections, are reasonable given the scope of work;

• The extent to which the support requested reconciles with the proposed number of students/trainees that will receive traineeship support reported on the SF-424 R&R Budget and Budget Justification – see Sections 5.1 iv. Budget and v. Budget Justification Narrative of the SF-424 R&R Two-Tier

Application Guide;

• The extent to which the support requested per student does not exceed $22,000 per full- time student, and/or $11,000 per part-time student. Part-time students must be in the last 12 months of the primary care program;

• The extent to which key personnel have adequate time devoted to the project to achieve project objectives;

• The adequacy of the budget to meet the stated project objectives;

• The consistency of the budget request with the enrollment and graduation history and projections; and

• The adequacy of a disbursement plan for awarding traineeships among eligible students.

Strengths (Please enter all comments ARM)

Weaknesses (Please enter all comments ARM)

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FUNDING FACTORS—(Please check one box)

The authorizing legislation provides a funding preference for some applicants under PHS Act section

805. Applications receiving preferences will be placed in a more competitive position among the applications that can be funded. Applications that do not receive a funding preference will be given full and equitable consideration during the review process. The law provides that a funding preference be granted to any qualified applicant that meets the criteria for the preference in one of three ways, as follows:

Section 805 of the PHS Act provides a funding preference for applicants with projects that will:

1) substantially benefit rural populations, or

2) substantially benefit underserved populations, or

3) help meet public health nursing needs in State or local health departments.

To be considered for a funding preference, HRSA requests that applicants specifically request the preference in the Project Abstract and complete Table 1A: Graduate Data - Rural, Underserved, or

Public Health (7/01/2012 - 6/30/2013) with complete and accurate data.

Meeting the Funding Preference by Demonstrating “High Rate”

Graduates: To qualify for the statutory funding preference by demonstrating high rate, an eligible applicant must have a high rate of 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 graduates currently employed in practice settings that substantially benefit rural or underserved populations or public health when compared to the rest of the 2014 competition eligible applicants . The numerator will be the number of graduates between 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013 who are currently employed and practicing in rural or underserved areas/populations or public health. The denominator will be total number of nursing school graduates from 7/1/2012 to 6/30/2013.

Funding Preference Requested: Yes No

Funding Preference Met: Yes No

Based on:

1) substantially benefit rural populations, or

2) substantially benefit underserved populations, or

3) help meet public health nursing needs in State or local health departments.



If Not Met, Rationale:


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SPECIAL CONSIDERATION—(Please check one box)

A special consideration is defined as the enhancement of priority scores based on the extent to which the application addresses areas of concern in a discretionary program. The authorizing legislation,

PHS Act section 811(g)(2), provides a special consideration for some applicants.

Special Consideration: Yes No

Special Consideration Met and awarded two points: Yes No

Based on: A special consideration shall be given to applicants who will “expend the award to train advanced education nurses who will practice in health professional shortage areas (HPSA’s) designated under section 332.” Applicants that meet the special consideration will be awarded two points.

HPSA Designation

To determine if an applicant is eligible for designation under PHS Act section 332 as a HPSA an applicant must present proof from the designating authority. The consideration will not be applied without this verification to be submitted in Attachment 6 .



If Not Met, Rationale:


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