Deanery essentials - West Midlands Deanery

Further details are available on
West Midlands Deanery website
Click SpecialtySchools/PostgraduateSchoolofPaedia
Download: ImportantDownloads.aspx
Most of the necessary details are available on
website –spend time to go through it
Dr Helen Goodyear, Head of the School of Paediatrics:
Ms Andrea Alleyne, Deanery Manager for the School of Paediatrics:
Dr Sanjeev Deshpande, Programme Director (ST4+/SpR's)
Dr Niten Makwana, Programme Director (ST1-ST3)
Dr Rosie Rayner, RCPCH Regional advisor
Dr Gyan Sinha, RCPCH Regional advisor
Dr Bridget Wilson. RCPCH, Flexible training advisor West Midlands
Ms Kanza Ali, Quality Assurnace and Education Development
Manager (Deanery):
Study leave – discuss with your rota manager
Sick leave – inform both your team and
update portfolio
Maternity leave – discuss well in advance in
pregnancy with your supervisor and inform
deanery manager
LTFT – discuss any issues with Flexible
training advisor West Midlands
Your ePortfolio
ARCP Panel look at your PDP for the posts during the Training
◦ assess their completion
◦ it is not always possible to achieve all the proposed PDP.
Write each objective as a separate entry
◦ allows you to indicate those that have been achieved
◦ those that remain in progress at the end of the post.
◦ Those remaining in progress or unachieved should transfer to
the PDP of your next post.
If you write your PDP as a single paragraph, this opportunity to
assess and comment on each objective is lost.
Please use the Tips on writing under the Learning objectives box
to understand how to write SMARTER PDP.
Read ADC journal – education and debate – article on e-portfolio
Trainees need to complete the mandatory
number of WBAs required for their level of
◦ remember that the numbers required are minimum
◦ should not stop you from doing more of them to
enhance your learning.
CbD Consultant if this is not possible, an Associate
Specialist, who is trained in WBA is also acceptable
for community trainees, although a consultant
should be the first choice
MiniCEX Consultants or an experienced higher level
trainee; at least half should be with a Consultant
These should be with Consultants, trainees
at a senior level (e.g. at least level 2 or 3 trainee
assessor for a level 1 trainee), experienced
ANNPs/PNPs, Senior nurses.
ePaedMSF: A satisfactory one needs to be
completed once during the training Year
TAB (Team Assessment of Behaviour)
multisource feedback should be completed
during the 6 month post when an ePaedMSF
is not being entered into
A summary of TAB should be filed in the
Personal library – label it as TAB (duration of
post e.g. March-Sept 2012)
Level 2/3 trainees – need SAIL assessment of
at least 5 letters per training year by a
Consultant or senior level trainee.
They (the Paper SAIL assessment forms, not
the letters) must be scanned and uploaded in
the Personal Library (preferably under a folder
labelled SAIL)
Your Trainer needs to mention in the
Trainer’s Report that you have satisfactorily
completed such an assessment.
The purpose of this assessment form is to
assess abilities in leading a ward round.
Download appropriate form from website
You need to do 2 in each placement for ST4
and above
Mandatory assessment for Level 3 trainees.
◦ assesses your abilities in relation to clinical decision making as to what a
new consultant is expected to be able to do and helps you to address any
gaps that you may have.
Essential for all run-through trainees (ST) who entered ST6 on
or after the 01/08/2011
You are eligible to undertake the assessment in any session
after you have become an ST6. It is advised to undertake the
assessment during your ST7 year. This allows for at least 6
months for any follow up actions to be completed
START assessment 9-10 November 2012 with the second
date being the 14th – 15th March 2013.
START will cost £250 on application for run-through trainees,
£850 for non run-through trainees
PLS, PiLS: At the start of posting Paediatric life
support or Paediatric Immediate life support is a
mandatory requirement
NLS: For those involved in neonatal care – should
get certified in Neonatal Life support which is
APLS: Advanced Paediatric Life support course –
should be certified at the earliest possible
Child Protection: At the first posting should
complete level 1 as part of induction and in training
should complete all three levels
Clinics attended - Reflective log – at least 2-3 high quality reflections per year
Teaching with feedback evidence – this is teaching that you did; for senior trainees
Educational meetings/CPD – teaching attended
Clinical governance – at least one full audit per year, but preferably one every 6
Guidelines - level 2 and 3 trainees, evidence of participation in guideline
Research - all trainees should have training in Good Clinical Practice (GCP) by the
time of their CCT, but preferably earlier during level 2/3 training
Management –attendance at relevant courses, MDT meetings (complex care
management, safeguarding), departmental business and budget meetings etc.
Certified courses – APLS/NLS/ Child protection
Safeguarding – this is the day to day cases seen in general Paediatrics eg child
with unexplained skull fracture and neonatal Paediatrics eg infant of a drug
dependent mother.
It is the evaluation of your teaching/presentation and your reflection on it rather
than the PowerPoint presentation of your teaching that is of interest to the ARCP
As the space on ePortfolio is finite, (you have 100MB) please store your
presentation on your computer’s hard disc rather than within the ePortfolio.
Log all clinic attendances – produce
reflection rather an attendance
Teaching: upload all attendance certificate
◦ It is mandatory at least 50-70% of regional
◦ Don’t upload a big PowerPoint slides - As the
space on ePortfolio is limited
◦ document your departmental presentations
West Midlands Paediatric Society meetings –
held twice a year – June (Audit programme
for junior doctors) and November
(paediatric update)
Cornerstone of the evidence for the ARCP. We recommend that the
Trainer’s Report be filled in with the trainee in the same meeting
Apart from yourself, no one knows your strengths and developmental
needs - your readiness for progression better than your Educational
Supervisor and the local trainers.
The Education Supervisor for the March-September - complete the
Trainer’s Report for the entire training Year (September –June) taking
into consideration the End of post Report by your Educational
Supervisor for the September-March post. This must be complete by
the end of June 201x.
If your ES arranges a meeting and you do not turn up and you have
not got a very good reason for cancellation - report will be done
without your presence.
The Trainer’s Report is an open document and there is a space for the
trainee to comment on their Trainer’s Report. You should enter your
comments there but this needs to be done before the Trainer submits
it as a final version..
Participation in the GMC Trainees Survey and Deanery’s JEST Survey
are essential for achieving satisfactory ARCP outcome unless you
were Out Of Programme or on maternity or sick leave during the
entire duration of the Survey.
Please file the receipts of participation in these Surveys (or paste the
survey participation code on a word document), and label it as GMC
Survey 2012 (or JEST Survey 2012) and store it within your Personal
Library, preferably in a folder labelled GMCJEST Survey Receipts.
If you did not complete these surveys then you will have an outcome
If you are at CCT, then you will need to liaise with Dr Goodyear as HoS
to produce an in-depth training report so that this can be submitted
to the Postgraduate Dean as consideration of evidence that you have
evaluated your posts. This is not to be recommended as it carries
with it a high risk of having to complete at least 6 months extra
JEST (Job Evaluation Survey Tool)
◦ PAEDIATRIC JEST Opens February - March Results
Distributed March
◦ Trainees please note the month of your JEST Questionnaire.
Completion is now compulsory for successful ARCP. If you
do not receive a request according to the timetable or you
have changed your Deanery e mail address please contact
us via
◦ If you report poor training (“needs attention” or
”unsatisfactory” ) please add a constructive comment
GMC survey
From 2012, ARCPs will be the way by which trainees are
revalidated by the GMC.
A satisfactory outcome at the ARCP each year is essential for
seamless progression through the run-through training
ARCPs will be held in July each year.
ARCP is an electronic review of e-Portfolio and the evidence it
contains. There is a panel which looks at the trainee’s
The Panel usually consists of 3 or more members and is led
by a School of Paediatrics Board member and may include a
lay member.
There will be additional evidence to include in the trainer’s
report including absences, complaints and involvement in
patient safety incidents.
All documents must be uploaded to e Portfolio and no paper evidence will be
considered. All entries should be as appropriate to the stage of training – see RCPCH
curriculum 2010. The following evidence is essential to obtain an outcome 1.
Induction, midpoint supervision meeting and end of post trainers reports
Annual trainers report for each 12 month period
All Workplace assessments (mini-Cex, DOPs, CbDs, SAIL) done – see attached appendix
Two multisource feedbacks – one TAB and one e Paed MSF
MRCPCH examination status clearly stated on e Portfolio
Evidence of ST7A (when appropriate)
Completed PDP – each item in a PDP must have a separate entry
Sick leave and maternity/paternity leave recorded
Developmental log - Clinics attended , Reflective log, Teaching with feedback evidence,
Educational meetings , Clinical governance – one audit per 6 months
Research, Presentations, Management
Certified courses – APLS/NLS/ Child protection
Skills log
Curriculum completed with evidence for appropriate level of training
Health and Probity
Evidence of JEST and GMC surveys being completed
focussed support
Confidential Psychology and Counselling & Support Service
With effect from 01/12/2011, the professional support provided
to doctors in training, the West Midlands Deanery offers a
Confidential Counselling service provided by Clinical Psychology
Associates (CPA).
CPA is a national organisation and will provide Counselling and
Clinical Psychology service(s).They are registered with the Health
Professionals Council/The British Psychological Society.
If you are a Doctor in Training you can access the confidential
counselling/ psychology service – CPA Limited, through several
Telephone: 0161 834 4662
Website: - link also on West Midlands
Deanery Website