College/Scholarship Application Writing Prompt Directions: Follow

College/Scholarship Application Writing Prompt
Directions: Follow the directions for your grade level below.
JUNIORS: Click on the commonapp link below. You could very well be presented with these
prompts (or some variation) during your application endeavors.
Read the five writing prompts, choose only one, and answer it.
When you turn in your essay, you will need to copy/paste the prompt to the top of your
written work so I know which prompt you are answering. Failure to do this will result in a
0/25 for this assignment.
SENIORS: Since it is already the Spring semester, I assume you have submitted your college
applications. Therefore, you have a choice:
Choice A: If you have NOT already applied to a college, complete a personal statement from
the commonapp link above. All the same guidelines above apply.
Choice B: Go to If you do not already have one, create an account for yourself.
(You will need an e-mail address for this. If you do not have one, create a gmail account
(free)). This cite is an awesome tool for scholarship opportunities as well as information on
financial aid, loans, etc.
Once you are signed-in, search for an essay scholarship for which you are eligible. (If the
source also gives an option to create a video, for me, you will still need to write the essay).
When you turn in your essay, you will need to copy/paste the prompt at the top of your
written work so I know which prompt you are answering. Failure to do this will result in a
0/25 for this assignment.
 Typed
 12 point font
 Double spaced
 No more than 2 pages
 Submit to
I will not accept or grade your paper unless you have submitted your paper to
You will be required to print your receipt and turn it in with your essay. Failure to submit
your paper to will result in a zero for this assignment.
 Think about information shared in the example essays from the Tribune Magazine
 Be creative while still writing an academic essay
College/Scholarship Essay Rubric
Response is focused on the topic in the prompt
Interesting while remaining academic
(Makes the connection between topic and your success)
Grammar/Spelling/Academic Language