JavaScript VARIABLES AND DATA TYPES OUTPUT WITHOUT ALERT OR FORM CONSOLE.LOG(); Holding information example Cubby Hole 3: place it here Cubby Hole 2: add this value A = B + C; Cubby Hole 1: take this value Defining CUBBY HOLES They are called variables Define them Give them values Take values from them = means “takes the value of” A takes the value of B+C VALUES What values can it take? Any “expression” What is an expression? Variables Constants Operators functions Different for numbers and strings Numbers Regular math operators Variables Constants Functions (random, floor) Strings Think of Scrabble tiles Each tile is a Letter Number Punctuation mark Space (blank) What is a String? A literal string must be inside double quotes or single quotes “this is a string” and this is not a string. Remember to beware cut and paste Concatenating (formally) It means combining two or more things into one thing + Anything can be concatenated “awe” & “some” = “awesome” Whitespace “a”+“b” “a only matters inside quotes same as “a” = “b” ” + “b” NOT the same as “a” + “b” Substring A substring is also a String A substring is a part of another string “cake” so are “day”, “thd”, and “y cake” “they” Will is a substring of “birthday cake” is not, neither is “hello” or “dude” come back to how to extract substrings Referencing characters Each character has a position H I 0 1 M O M 2 3 4 Note that it starts at 0, not 1 5