CLEA Software A Technical Overview


CLEA Software

A Technical Overview

Glenn A. Snyder, Project CLEA

CLEA Summer Workshop

June 21, 2010







Programming Language

Program Structure

Software Installation

Windows 7 & Vista

… & Macs

I. Programming Language

(Software Development Environment)

“Old” CLEA Software

 Borland Pascal With Objects (V. 7.0)

 16-Bit Code (Windows 3.1) – but still runs on current versions (Win2000, Win XP, 32-bit

Win7/Vista ).

Environment not totally “integrated” - much left to programmer.

 Programmer makes direct calls to Windows API.

 No longer loaded on development machine. Code changes to modules “highly unlikely”.

“Old” CLEA Modules

(“The Revolution of the Moons of Jupiter”)

“The Rotation of Mercury Using Doppler Radar”

“The Flow of Energy Out of The Sun”

“The Classification of Stellar Spectra”

“Photoelectric Photometry of The Pleiades”

“The Hubble Redshift – Distance Relation”

“The Large-Scale Structure of The Universe”

“New” CLEA Software

 Borland Delphi 2007 – (Pascal based, expanded

Object features)

 32-Bit Code (All versions from Win 95 on)

- Programs (.exe) are larger but load, run faster.

 Highly integrated environment. Programmer moves quickly and easily between form and code.

Windows API is “hidden” from programmer.

 Forms and Controls look better!

“New” CLEA Modules

“Radio Astronomy of Pulsars”

“Astrometry of Asteroids”

“Astrometry Toolkit”

“VIREO” (Multiple exercises)

“The Search for Object-X”

“The Period of Rotation of The Sun”

“Transits of Venus and Mercury”

“Dying Stars and The Birth of The Elements”

“The Revolution of the Moons of Jupiter” (V. 2)

The VIRtual Educational Observatory


 New Exercises:

“HR Diagrams of Open Clusters”

“Photometry of Variable Stars” (Under development.)

 Replacement of 16-bit modules:

“The Classification of Stellar Spectra”

“Photoelectric Photometry of Open Clusters”

“The Hubble Redshift – Distance Relation”

“The Large-Scale Structure of The Universe”

(“Radio Astronomy of Pulsars”)

 Identification of objects & other data completed.

 A general guide is completed. Some Student Guides to specific exercises are available. Work in this area is welcomed & encouraged.

II. Program Structure

Target Environment

Dedicated “laboratory” setting, with instructor present.

 Programs loaded on individual computers.

 Students have full use of computers, including hard drive write privileges.

 Program distribution to instructors & IT technicians via Web (FTP).

Not Targeted

 Web-based execution.

 Use in a write-restricted environment

(network/shared drive or highly restricted computer).

“Unsupervised” access & use by students.

Run-Time Files

“Options” File

“Log” File

 Data passed between activities.

 Data for external analysis (spreadsheets).

 Partial results - some re-start capability.

 Final results – possible off-line combination with others.

Program Options

 All CLEA programs have options (properties).

 Access is restricted.

Log on as “instructor”.

Password is “CLEA”.

Documented in Software User’s Guide (old modules) & popup “hints” (new modules).

Check out “Test” and “Edit” modes in new modules.

 VIREO will require more interaction with


III. Software Installation

Installation - I

 SelfInstalling Executables (“ InstallShield ”)

“ General User’s Guide… ” no longer applies. See

“ Quick-Start Guide ” (link on home page).

Also “ UserGuide2.doc

” on CD-ROM. (Draft form, but lots of good information.)

 If possible, install in default folder (C:\Program

Files\CLEA\ Exercise Name \).

Otherwise, keep path as short as possible. (“Old” programs have 72 character limit on path length.)

Installation – II

 For installation on network or shared drive, read “ Shared_Install.doc” on installation disk.

 To placate nervous IT administrators, see

“ License.rtf

” on same disk.

 Installation under Win 7/Vista – see next section.

 For other installation or run-time problems, send me an e-mail providing as much info as possible. (


IV. CLEA & Win 7/Vista


 Instructors need to be aware of possible

Win 7/Vista problems (and be prepared to address them) when assigning CLEA exercises as outside assignments or preparing “distance learning” programs.

Major Win 7/Vista Problem


 User told privileges are insufficient to install CLEA software.

 After installation, not all CLEA software can be run.

 Both addressed in write-up on PROJECT


Installation Privileges

 User usually has them.

 Unlike XP, must be specifically invoked when installation run under Win7/Vista.

 Procedure is outlined in write-up.

Runtime Problem - Versions

Windows versions called “Ultimate” are 64-bit code.

 All other versions (at this time) are 32-bit code.

 64bit “Ultimate” will NOT run 16-bit applications

(i.e., all “Old” CLEA modules identified earlier).

 1 st serious Windows compatibility issue in 18 years of CLEA.

Best Solutions

 Use 32-bit Win 7 / Vista.

 Use a virtualization product.

 Use VIREO in place of 16-bit CLEA modules.

 Details also in write-up.

V. CLEA & Macs

Why No MAC Versions?

 Developing for a 2 nd platform would have required a 2 nd full-time programmer over the length of the project (~18 years).

 Our grants have never included anything close to the funds needed for this.

 We tried offering fixed-fee contracts to consultants – yield was 1 ½ programs.

Historical Background

 18 yrs ago Mac was not a developmentfriendly environment. (Intentional!)

 Windows API gave us more flexibility.

 At one point Mac nearly went out of business.

 Mac operating system versions have mostly not been backward-compatible.

Applications must be re-coded.


 Run a Windows emulator such as

Parallels on Mac.

 Run a Windows emulator under Linux.

“Wine” is freeware. Will run all “new” (32-bit)

CLEA modules.
