Integrating Quotes


Beowulf Discussion

Preparation & Practice

What are we doing?

• Preparing for discussion

– Reviewing & Rereading text

• Practicing sentence structures

– Incorporating quotes into sentences

• Potentially using in application essay

• Definitely using in research paper

– AKA graduation project

Two Discussion Prompts

• 1. Discussion Square

• 2. Characteristics of a Classical Hero

– Write on the back of your square.

– Each row gets a different characteristic

• Bell Ringers from last week

Discussion 1

• Within Beowulf, there are many religious allusions. How does this influence the central theme of good vs. evil?

• Quote focus = God or Bible

Discussion 2

• In what ways does Beowulf resist wyrd? Do you believe he is changing or creating his fate?

• Quote focus= heroic feats

Discussion 3

• The monsters resist attacks by man-made weapons. What real life dangers could they, the monsters, represent?

• Quote focus: battle scenes

Discussion 4

• Using the character Beowulf as a model, what characteristics did the Anglo-Saxons idealize?

• Quote focus: Beowulf’s personality


• The suffering of the character is physical.

• Write “suffering” as key word.


• He must perform extraordinary feats.

• Write “feats” as key word.


• The epic hero needs some form of a crisis, war, or quest.

• Write “quest” as key word.


• He is almost perfect; there is always a fatal flaw.

• Write “flaw” as key word.


• Death must occur in an unusual way.

• Write “death” as key word.

Option 1: Royal Birth or Superhuman

• For example, “…” (#).

• For example, “My lord, the great king of the Danes, commands me/To tell you that he knows of your noble birth…” (127-128).

Option 2

• Character name + verb “…” (#).

• Beowulf grabs “the best of all weapons/But so massive no ordinary man could lift/Its carved and decorated length” (635-637).

Option 3

• Plot paraphrase clause, “…” (#).

• When Beowulf arrives in Herot he introduces himself to the

Danes,“Higlac is my cousin and my king…” (142).

Preparing QUOTES for discussion

• Write in present tense

– Literary present = text is “ongoing”

• Copy the quotes EXACTLY!

– Use line breaks (/) as needed.

Preparing QUOTES for discussion

• Use ellipses as needed.

• Record the line numbers in the parenthetical reference.

• Use context to determine commas before quotation marks.

Example “For Example”

• Discuss how intention influences motivation in the epic poem. How does this determine the victor?

• For example, “Grendel came, hoping to kill/Anyone he could trap on this trip to high Herot” (394-394).

Example “Name + verb”

• Beowulf vows, “…this dragon’s treasure, his gold/And everything hidden in that tower, will be mine

/Or war will sweep me to a bitter death!” (681-687).

Example (Paraphrase)

• Struggling against Grendel’s Mother,

Beowulf fights valiantly “only for fame…” (606).


• Find three different examples (lines) per discussion prompt

– Discussion Question= 3 sentences

• (For example/Name + verb/Paraphrase)

– Characteristic = 3 sentences

• (For example/Name + verb/ Paraphrase)

– 6 total sentences/examples

Discussion 1

• Within Beowulf, there are many religious allusions. How does this influence the central theme of good vs. evil?

Discussion 2

• In what ways does Beowulf resist wyrd? Do you believe he is changing or creating his fate?

Discussion 3

• The monsters resist attacks by man-made weapons. What real life dangers could they, the monsters, represent?

Discussion 4

• Using the character Beowulf as a model, what characteristics did the Anglo-Saxons idealize?
