
Sermon Outline
First United Methodist Church of Sanford
“Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God”
June 23, 2013
Hebrews 11:1-3
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is
what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was
formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
Core Idea, Challenge & Summary
Core Idea: Faith starts off with right belief but must culminate with trust. Faith = belief +
trust in the promises of God.
Challenge: 1) To challenge non-believers or doubters to ask for faith and 2) To exhort
believers to challenge non-believing family members and friends to ask God for faith.
Summary: Faith is more than simply believing a set of doctrine. It may start off with
right belief but it must culminate in trust in order for it to be faith. Christian faith starts off
with a belief in God and continues with the belief in the Trinity and God’s saving action
through Jesus Christ. Having this right belief, however, is not faith until it becomes trust
in the promises of God. This trust in the promises of God changes who we are, how we
look at the world, and how we live our lives. Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God.
This faith (belief + trust in the promises of God) is described in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith
is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” At the present
time, we may not be able to see our future salvation. We may not be able to see how
heaven and earth will one day come together to redeem creation along with everyone
who follows Jesus (Revelation 21 & 22). But we know that this is our hope and we are
certain it will happen. We trust in the promises of God and this changes who we are,
how we look at the world, and how we live our lives.
The Sermon
Introduction: A definition of faith
A. Faith is more than believing a certain set of doctrine
Faith may start with right belief but that’s not enough
In order for a right belief to become faith, it must culminate in trust.
Faith = right belief + trust
B. Demonstrating faith as a passenger on a commercial airliner.
You believe there’s an government agency called the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA)
Sermon Outline
First United Methodist Church of Sanford
“Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God”
June 23, 2013
You believe the FAA enforces safety regulations ensuring the
safety of all the commercial flights
You believe the pilots are responsible and properly trained.
You trust the FAA and pilots when you get on the plane, relax and
go to sleep just prior to take off. Only then does your belief become
C. The Christian faith
Starts off with a belief in the one true creator God. This continues
with the belief that this one true creator God became a human
named Jesus in order to save us from our sins.
This belief, however, is not enough to be faith. Demons knew that
Jesus was the Son of God (Luke 4:41) but they did not have faith.
Belief in Jesus as God the Son doesn’t become faith until you also
trust in the promises of God.
Belief + Trust in God’s promises = Faith
A description of faith – Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is being sure of what we hope
for and certain of what we do not see.”
A. As followers of Christ, we hope for and are certain of the following:
Eternal life through faith in Jesus (John 3:16)
Resurrection of our bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & 1
Corinthians 15:12-58)
Redemption of creation (Romans 8:18-25 & Revelation 21-22)
B. We can’t see, touch, taste, hear or smell eternal life. The resurrection of
our bodies and redemption of creation has not yet occurred. Yet we know
we have eternal life and we know the resurrection and redemption of
creation will happen because they are promises of God. This is trust.
C. This trust in the promises of God
Changes who we are
 We become Children of God (Romans 8:12-17 & 1 John 3:1)
Sermon Outline
First United Methodist Church of Sanford
“Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God”
June 23, 2013
 Citizens of the Kingdom of God (Philippians 3:20)
 As such, we develop a desire to become more holy and
loving like Jesus (Matthew 5:48; Philippians 2:1-5;
Philippians 3:12-14 & 2 Corinthians 3:18)
Changes our world view
 This trust brings us hope that God will make everything right
and justice will reign.
 We see everything from a Kingdom of God perspective. In
every situation, we ask, “What would Jesus do?” or “What is
the loving thing to do in this situation?”
Changes the way we live our lives
 As we trust in the promises of God, we become more
motivated by an unselfish love of God, neighbor, and self.
 We become more God focused and other focused while
becoming less self-focused.
D. We sometimes struggle with Christian faith
This faith is not easy. We sometimes struggle with it.
A. We sometimes have a hard time trusting in God’s promises.
We sometimes have trouble allowing God’s promises to change
who we are, our world view or the way we live our lives.
When this happens, however, God is willing to work with us to
restore our faith.
Look at Abraham.
B. Abraham’s lack of faith
God promised Abraham that he would someday be the father of a
large nation. His offspring would be as numerous as the stars in
heaven. (Genesis 12:1-3 and 15:5)
Abraham was almost 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, was almost
90 years old when God first made this promise. (Genesis 17:17)
Sermon Outline
First United Methodist Church of Sanford
“Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God”
June 23, 2013
Sarah came up with a plan to help God along (Genesis 16)
 Sarah suggested to Abraham that he lay with her Egyptian
maidservant, Hagar.
 Abraham followed Sarah’s suggestion rather than trusting in
what God said.
 Hagar became pregnant and delivered Ishmael
 Ishmael became the descendant of the Arabs
God’s reaction to Abraham’s struggle with faith
 God loved and took care of Hagar and Ishmael (Genesis
 God renewed the covenant with Abraham by introducing
circumcision (Gen. 17)
 God reiterates His promise (Gen. 18:1-15)
 God could have given up on Abraham and Sarah but,
instead, He worked with them to develop their faith
C. When you are having a hard time and struggling with your faith, admit to
God you don’t have the faith you need and ask God for that faith.
D. Faith is a gift from God
Faith as a gift from God
A. We can’t conjure up this faith.
We simply receive it from God.
Ephesians 2:8-9 – “For it is by grace you have been saved, through
faith-- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—“
God enables us to not only believe in Him but to also trust in His
B. Seminary Professor – Dr. Robert Tuttle
Was not a Christian until he went to college
One day, while in college, he prayed, “God, I don’t know if you
exist. I don’t know if what is said about you in the Bible is true. If
Sermon Outline
First United Methodist Church of Sanford
“Faith = belief + trust in the promises of God”
June 23, 2013
you are real and if what the Bible says about you is true, then show
me” (I am paraphrasing what I remember him saying in class.)
 What he was really praying for was faith.
 God gave him faith. Dr. Tuttle became a very enthusiastic
Christian ready and willing to explain the gospel to anyone
willing to listen to him.
C. God wants to give this faith to anyone who seeks it or asks for it
God loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved (2 Peter 3:9)
God promises that everyone who asks, receives (Matthew 7:7-8)
A. If you’re a non-believer or not sure about the Christian faith, pray the
following prayer: “God, I don’t know what to believe about you. If you are
real and if what the Bible says about you is true, then show me”
B. If you are a Christian, challenge your non-believing family members or
friends who may be searching for truth to say the following prayer: “God, I
don’t know what to believe about you. If you are real and if what the Bible
says about you is true, then show me”