Hoover and the Great Depression

NAME: ____________________
PERIOD: ________
Curriculum Map
“Big Ideas” & “Guiding Questions”
Vocabulary Walk 1, pt. 1 & 2
Vocabulary Walk 1, pt. 3
America, The Story of Us, Ep. 9, Bust;
Great Depression Simulation
Causes of the Great Depression Cornell Notes (Prezi)
Automobile Production Graph (HW)
Stock Market Crash TB Questions;
Differing Points of View
Cause & Effect: From Wall Street to Main Street (Prezi);
Dorothea Lange
Dust Bowl Graphic & TB Questions
Economic and Social Effects on American Society
Mexican Repatriation (Prezi); Reading Passage
Unemployment Graph (HW)
Hoover Fails to Halt the Depression TB Questions; Letter or
Short Research
Vocabulary Walk 2, pt. 1 & 2
Vocabulary Walk 2, pt. 3
Franklin Roosevelt & The New Deal
Bank Failures (HW)
The Three R’s – Relief (intro Prezi) & TB information
Recovery, Reform (intro Prezi) & TB information
Monetary Policy Questions (handout);
Fiat Money Simulation
Reactions, the Supreme Court & Critics TB Questions
Impact of the New Deal (Prezi) & TB Questions
Curriculum Map
Hoover and the Great Depression
 Causes of 1920s Prosperity (1 day)
 Presidential Election of 1928
 Hoover’s background and philosophy
 Reasons for the Stock Market Boom and Crash
 Causes of the Great Depression (2 days)
 Concentration of Wealth
 Overproduction
 Tariffs
 Farm Problems
 Unregulated Banking Practices
 Unsound Business Practices
 Monetary Policy of the FED
 Stock Speculation and Crash
 The Dust Bowl (1 day)
 Causes of the Dust Bowl and Chronicling the Dustbowl by
John Steinbeck and Dorothea Lange
 Economic and Social Effects of the Great Depression on
American Society (1 day)
 Drop in GDP by 47% over a 4 year period
 National income declined by over 50%
 Farm income declined 65%
 20% of all banks closed
 Unemployment reached 25% of the population – not
including farmers
 85% of all savings lost
 Spent 40% less on food, 37% less on housing, 50% less on
clothing, 70% less on autos, 30% less on health care
 Divorce rate went up, people stopped dating and getting
married, teenagers left their families and road the rails,
children dropped out of school, homelessness increased,
crime rate increased, racism increased
 Hoover’s Responses to the Great Depression (1 day)
 Hawley-Smoot Tariff
 Debt Moratorium
 Federal Farm Board
 Norris-LaGuardia Act
 Reconstruction Finance Corporation
 Public Criticism and Reaction to Hoover’s
 Bonus Army
FDR and The New Deal
 1932 Presidential Election (1 day)
 FDR’s Background and Philosophy
 The First Hundred Days
 Fireside chats
 3 Rs – relief, recovery, and reform
 Keynesian Economics – pump priming/deficit spending
 Banking Holiday
 Emergency Banking Act
 Farm Credit Administration
 Partially took US off the gold standard – Gold Reserve Act
 Repeal of Prohibition
 Recognition of the USSR
 The First New Deal (1 day)
 FERA – relief
 PWA – relief
 NIRA – recovery
 CCC – relief
 NRA – recovery
 AAA – recovery
 TVA – reform
 Challenges to the New Deal (1 day)
 Supreme Court
 Court-Packing Plan
 The Right and Left
 American Liberty League
 Father Coughlin
 Francis Townsend
 Huey P. Long
 Conservative Business leaders
 The Presidential Election of 1936
 Realignment of Political Parties
 The Second New Deal (1 day)
 SEC – reform
 WPA – relief
 2nd AAA – recovery
 Wagner Act – NLRA – reform
 SSA – reform
 FSLA – reform
 The End of the New Deal
 Criticisms and concern about deficits and taxes
 1937 Recession
 Return to Keynesian Economics
 The Impact of the New Deal on Labor, Women and Minorities –
positive and negative (1 day)
 The Economic and Political Legacies of the New Deal (1 day)
 FDR’s Leadership– positive and negative (1 day)
“Big Ideas”
Hoover and the Great Depression
1. Herbert Hoover was elected President in 1928 on a promise to continue the robust prosperity and Republican policies of the 1920s.
2. The stock market crash in 1929 exposed many underlying economic problems and led to a world-wide crisis called the Great Depression.
3. The hardships of the Great Depression forced Americans to find ways to cope with widespread suffering.
4. President Hoover’s philosophy of government guided his response to the Great Depression and was criticized by many Americans.
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
5. The 1932 presidential election brought a sweeping victory for Franklin D. Roosevelt and profound changes in the role and size of government.
6. Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal tackled the Great Depression with massive federal programs designed to restore people’s confidence and revive
the nation’s economy.
7. Critics of the New Deal inspired FDR to launch a new series of programs known as the Second New Deal which lost momentum by 1937.
8. New Deal policies and actions affected various social and ethnic groups.
9. The New Deal did not end the Great Depression, yet it had lasting effects on many aspects of American life.
“Guiding Questions”
Hoover and the Great Depression
1. What factors led to the prosperity of the 1920s, how did those factors affect the outcome of the 1928 presidential election, and why did
Americans believe Hoover was the right man for the times?
What factors produced a rise in stock prices in the 1920s, how did the stock market crash expose underlying weaknesses in the economy, and
in what ways did they combine to cause the Great Depression?
How did environmental changes in the Great Plains lead to changes in migration and in what ways did the Dust Bowl impact the land and the
people of the Plains?
What were the effects of the Great Depression on American society, how did Americans attempt to cope with the hardships, and in what ways
was Hoover’s policy to repatriate Mexicans an effort to address American’s concerns?
How did Hoover attempt to balance his philosophical beliefs in rugged individualism and laissez-faire with the economic necessities of the
time and to what degree were his efforts successful?
How did radicals and veterans respond to Hoover’s policies and what was the outcome of their actions?
How did Hoover go from being a symbol of 1920s business success to a symbol of depression failure?
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
8. In what ways were the personalities, backgrounds, leadership styles, and philosophies of Hoover and FDR similar and different?
9. In what ways did FDR attempt to rescue the nation from economic collapse during the First 100 Days and to what degree were those efforts
10. In what ways did the New Deal programs address the goals of relief, recovery, and reform and how did the Supreme Court respond to these
11. How did criticisms of the First New Deal reveal different views about government and in what ways did these views shape the Second New
12. What factors caused the New Deal to lose momentum in 1937-1938, how did FDR respond, and what impact did his actions have?
13. How did the Second New Deal impact labor, farmers, women, families, and minorities?
14. In what ways did the Great Depression and the New Deal combine to leave longstanding political, social, and economic legacies?
15. What qualities of leadership did FDR bring to the presidency, and how did he display them during the New Deal years?
16. What particular role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in FDR’s political success and what impact did she have on reforms for minorities?
“Essential Questions”
Hoover and the Great Depression
1. Hoover once made this statement in defense of his policies in coping with the Great Depression. “This is not the easy way, but it is the
American way. Do you agree that rugged individualism is the American way? Cite historical evidence and justify your answer.
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
2. Cite historical evidence to demonstrate that “the most damning indictment of the New Deal was that it failed to cure the Depression.”
Then cite achievements of value that the New Deal did in fact accomplish. To what extent was the New Deal the right response at the
right time?
Hoover and the Great Depression
Part I
Part II [work with a partner on both parts] DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK AT ALL! (40 answers)
___ 1. ________________________ – (1929-1940) period in time when the economy plummeted & unemployment
___ 2. ________________________ – October 29, 1929. The day the bottom fell out of the stock market & the nation’s
confidence. Investors lost more than $30 billion by mid-November
___ 3. ________________________ – an organized place where brokers meet to buy and sell stocks and shares of
publicly owned companies
___ 4. ________________________ - people bought stocks & bonds on the chance of a quick profit, while ignoring the
___ 5. ________________________ – paying a small percentage of a stock’s price as a down payment & borrowing the
___ 6. ________________________ – policy where the federal government would buy surplus crops at guaranteed prices
& sell them on the world market.
___ 7. ________________________ – printed paper currency that has no intrinsic value except when it is accepted as a
medium of exchange
___ 8. ________________________ – a uniquely American system in which citizens are given equal opportunities and a
free education that leads to a will to success. According to President Harding it
spurred progress & was the foundation of America’s “unparalleled greatness.”
___ 9. ________________________ – highest protective tax on imports in US history. It made unemployment worse in
industries that couldn’t export their goods to Europe when they retaliated by
raising their taxes on US imports
___ 10. ________________________ – little villages full of shacks that sprung up in cities with unemployed families
___ 11. ________________________ – lines of people waiting to receive food provided by charitable organizations or
public agencies that offered free or low-cost food
___ 12. ________________________ – cash payments or food provided by the government straight to the poor
___ 13. ________________________ – during the Great Depression 300,000 transients, or men, wondered the country
hitching rides on railroad boxcars and sleeping under bridges searching for food,
shelter and jobs
___ 14. ________________________ – huge dirt storms that occurred (in the 1930s) in the Great Plains because of
overproduction of the land and a drought
___ 15. ________________________ – novel by John Steinbeck depicting the plight of the Dust Bowl farmers in
Oklahoma, chronicling their escape to the farmlands of Southern California
___ 16. ________________________ – congressional law that lowered mortgage rates for home owners & allowed
farmers to refinance their farm loans & avoid foreclosure
___ 17. ________________________ – authorized up to $2 billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance
companies, railroads, & other large businesses
___ 18. ________________________ – WWI army veterans who marched on Washington D.C. (and set up a shanty town)
to demand their $500 bonus. They were run out of town by the military with one
infant death, and a few injuries
___ 19. ________________________ – renamed after President Hoover. It was a $700 million public works program that
provided electricity, flood control, & a regular water supply to Arizona, California,
Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, & Wyoming
___. 20 ________________________ – congressional law that forcibly sent more than 500,000 Mexican-American
immigrants back to Mexico to open up jobs for unemployed white American
Hoover and the Great Depression
Part III Organize the terms into 3-6 categories and give the categories a title (2 pts each = 40 pts)
Work with your partner
Part IV (use a minimum of two complete sentences per answer) [work by yourself!!] (60 pts)
1. How is the Great Depression related to Mexican Repatriation Act? (12pts)
2. What inference or conclusion can one make about what might happen to people who engage in
speculation? (12pts)
3. What was the significance of the Dust Bowl to Americans who lived on the East Coast? (12pts)
4. How would President Hoover justify to the American public of using tax payer money to build Boulder Dam
during the Great Depression? (12pts)
5. Describe what life would be like for you if your family had to live in a shantytown? (12pts)
America: The Story of Us, Episode 9, Bust
Discussion Questions:
What was the “bank run” of 1930 and what are some of the reasons it happened? What were the effects of the bank crisis
in the U.S. on international politics?
How would you describe Frank Crowe? What were some of the innovations that made the construction of the Hoover Dam
What was the significance of the construction of the Hoover Dam and Mount Rushmore? How did these projects affect the
U.S. economy?
Why did the Dust Bowl take place? Looking back now, do you think it could have been prevented?
Why were the boxing matches between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling such big stories internationally?
Simulation: The Great Depression
Following the simulation, answer the following questions.
Summarize what happened in this simulation.
How did businesses affect one another?
What have you noticed in the past few years that appears similar to this situation?
Causes of the Great Depression
Questions/Main Ideas:
Line graphs are great for showing change. See if you can figure this one out using what you already know about
What dates does the graph cover?
What is represented by the “Y” axis on the left side?
Now you are ready to use history to understand this graph. Use your textbook to explain the dramatic changes
in automobile. Concentrate on the big changes because they will be the ones that are important.
First, look at the 1920’s. What was the significant change in the level of auto production and what caused it?
Now check out the 1930’s. What were the dramatic changes in auto production and what caused them?
The New York Stock Market Crash – Textbook Questions
What happened on “Black Tuesday”? What is the date? Include the year. (p. 468)
What happened to people who bought stocks on credit? Why was this such a problem?
The stock market crash signaled the beginning of what? (p. 469)
What are the characteristics of this time period?
How were banks affected?
How were businesses affected?
How were workers affected? Include the unemployment rate increase.
How did the Great Depression affect the rest of the world?
Although many historians point to the 1929 New York Stock Market Crash as a major cause of the Great
Depression, not all experts share this view:
“Much mythology surrounds these dramatic events in
1929. Perhaps the most [enduring] misconception
portrays the Crash as the cause of the Great Depression.
The disagreeable truth is that [historians] have been
unable to demonstrate an appreciable cause-and-effect
link between the Crash and the Great Depression. So,
legend to the contrary, the average American – a
description that in this case encompasses at least 97.5
percent of the population – owned no stock in 1929.
Accordingly, the Crash had little direct economic effect
on the typical American. The Depression, however
would be another story.”
- David Kennedy, Freedom from Fear (1999)
“Most academic experts agree on one aspect of the
crash: It wiped out billions of dollars of wealth in one
day, and immediately depressed consumer buying. ‘If
you look at sales of consumer goods, particularly radios
or automobiles, you will see they fell dramatically,’ said
Economics Professor John Galbraith. ‘The crash had the
impact of glass shattering, and while other more
essential factors took over as the Depression wore on –
universal fear, the slump in agricultural production
because of drought, the decline in business investment –
it is hard to argue that the collapse of the market did not
start things in motion.’”
- Albert Scardino, Did the “29 Crash Spark the Great
Depression? (1987)
How do the views of these writers on the relationship of the Stock Market Crash to the Great Depression compare?
10. Which writer do you most agree with? Explain your answer.
From Wall Street to Main Street: Cause and Effect
The Human Impact of the Depression
Speculate what you think life was like for Americans during the Great Depression. Think about factors like self-worth and optimism.
Photographers like Dorothea Lange recorded the misery of the Great Depression. As a child, Lange had suffered from polio, and her
father left her family when she was only twelve. Her childhood difficulties seemed to give her a deep sense of other people’s
suffering. When she was hired by the government to photograph the effects of the Great Depression, her images revealed her
compassion for the poor and destitute she saw around her.
How do the two images by Lange on this page capture the
suffering experienced by many Americans during the Great
Factors Contributing to the Dust Bowl – p. 474
Directions: Read the paragraph about the Dust Bowl on textbook p. 474, and fill in the graphic organizer below with factors that contributed to the
Dust Bowl. Then answer the questions at the bottom.
The Dust
Which states were in the region that became known as the Dust Bowl?
Why did thousands of farmers and sharecroppers leave their land behind?
What route did these people follow?
What were some of these migrants called? What does this term refer to?
What would you have done if you had been faced with the same decision as these farmers?
Who was John Steinbeck? What book did he write and what was it about? (use the index)
“From a distance the squatter’s camp looks like a city dump. You can see dirty rags and houses built of weeds, of flattened cans or of paper. It is
only on close approach that it can be seen that these are homes. Here is a house built by a family. It is about 10 feet by 10 feet, and it is built of
corrugated paper. The walls are tacked to a wooden frame. The dirt floor is swept clean, and along the irrigation ditch or in the muddy river the
wife scrubs clothes without soap and tries to rinse out the mud in muddy water. The spirit of this family is not quite broken, for the children still
have clothes, and the family possesses three old quilts and a soggy, lumpy mattress. Money for food cannot be used for soap or clothes. With the
first rain the house [becomes] a brown, pulpy mush; in a few months the clothes will fray off the children’s bodies while the lack of nourishing food
will subject the family to pneumonia when the first cold comes.”
What surprises you most about this account of the condition of the migrants living in California during the Great Depression?
Explain your answer.
- 10 -
Economic and Social Effects of the Great Depression on American Society
• Urban Areas
Social Effects
• Rural Areas
Social Effects
• African Americans
Social Effects
• Mexican Americans
Social Effects
• Asian Americans
Social Effects
• Women
Social Effects
• Families
Social Effects
- 11 -
Mexican Repatriation – Prezi
Immigration Acts – What did they do?
What was the Mexican Repatriation Act? What did it do?
How was Mexican immigration during this time period?
Why did Mexicans want to come to the United States?
Why did white workers begin to resent Mexican –
American immigrants?
“Employers pushed repatriation efforts as private charities and government agencies provided railroad transportation for tens of
thousands of Mexicans to their ‘homeland.’ ‘[Immigration officials] put all the people in the boxcars instead of inside the trains,’ a
witness recalled. They were in here illegally but the moral part of it, the separation and putting them in boxcars, I’ll never forget it
as long as I live.’
Many of the ‘repatriates’ were children born in the United States. The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce estimated that 60
percent of the ‘repatriated’ children were American citizens without much hope of ever coming back to the United States.
Repatriation was an employment program for whites – a way to remove surplus Mexican laborers and preserve the few remaining
jobs for white workers. Even as they supported repatriation, however, employers viewed the action as temporary….The border
existed only when Mexican labor was not needed.”
- Professor Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America (1993)
What are this historian’s feelings about the Mexican Repatriation program? Explain your answer.
Suppose you were a lawyer who had to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court either for or against the Mexican
Repatriation Program. Write a brief (a short argument) for either side.
- 12 -
Figure it out with a partner:
Does high unemployment mean that many people don’t have jobs or that a small number of people don’t have
Was unemployment generally low or high during the decade of the 1920’s?
What happened to unemployment in the early 1930’s?
Does high unemployment tend to lead to even higher unemployment or to lower unemployment?
(Hint: Does an unemployed person purchase as many goods and services as an employed person?)
Explain your answer.
Does the information in the graph support your answer to the question above? Why or why not?
- 13 -
Hoover Fails to Halt the Depression
Hoover Tries to Reassure the Nation
1. What did Americans believe about depressions? (p. 478)
2. What did Hoover believe was one of the government’s chief functions? (p. 479)
3. Why did Hoover oppose any form of federal welfare?
Hoover Takes Cautious Steps
4. What did Hoover ask employers and labor leaders to do? (p. 479)
5. What is a “shantytown”? (p. 473) _________________________________________________________________________
6. What did farmers do to express their anger? (p. 480)
7. What things did people start naming after President Hoover?
Hoover Takes Action (p. 481)
8. What was the Federal Farm Board AND what was its purpose?
9. In 1932 Hoover signed the Federal Home Loan Bank Act. What did this act do?
10. What did the Reconstruction Finance Corporation do?
11. Did it benefit the people who needed the most help? _________________________________________________________
Gassing the Bonus Army
12. What happened in 1932 to further damage Hoover’s image? (p. 482)
13. Explain the Patman Bill.
14. Who were the Bonus Marchers? What did Hoover think about the marchers?
15. How did Hoover deal with the Bonus Army?
Imagine you are a young person from a middle-class family at the beginning of the Great Depression. Your family has lost its
investments in the stock market and its savings in the bank. Your father has also recently lost his job at a company that has gone out
of business. Your parents have no money to pay the mortgage or rent on your home.
Option 1 - Write a letter to your best friend explaining your worries and what you think might happen to your family. You must fill up all lines.
Option 2 – Research how the causes of the Great Depression compare to the causes of the recent financial downturn in the U.S. economy. What factors
were similar to the both? Which aspects were different? You must answer BOTH questions.
- 14 -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal
Part I
Part II [work with a partner on both parts] DO NOT USE THE TEXTBOOK AT ALL! (40 answers)
___ 1. _______________________ – deemed that deficit spending (spending more money than one gets in tax revenues)
was acceptable in difficult times to initiate (start) economic growth. It would “prime
the pump.” By increasing investment, jobs would be created.
___ 2. ________________________ – FDR’s informal radio addresses to the nation that talked about issues of public
concern, explaining in clear, simple language his New Deal measures.
___ 3. ________________________ – an intense period of activity when Congress passed more than 15 major pieces of
FDR’s New Deal legislation significantly expanding the federal government’s role
in the nation’s economy
___ 4. ________________________ - FDR’s program to end the Great Depression. It had 3 goals: relief for the needy,
economic recovery, & financial reform
___ 5. ________________________ – when FDR ordered all banks closed. He promised that when the banks reopened
(within a week), they would be sound and safe for depositor’s money. Weak banks
were allowed to fail in order to keep the strong banks strong.
___ 6. ________________________ – addition to the Constitution that repealed Prohibition (18 Amendment). The sale of
beer and wine was legalized and now provided a new source of taxes.
___ 7. ________________________ – insures a bank deposit up to $5,000 ($250,000 today). It also monitors banking
practices by sending regulators to inspect its records
___ 8. ________________________ – harnessed water power to generate electricity & to help prevent disastrous floods in
the Tennessee Valley.
___ 9. ________________________ – Asked businesses to voluntarily follow codes which set standard prices, production
limits, allowed collective bargaining, outlawed child labor, and called for minimum
___ 10. ________________________ – Supreme Court case that found the NRA unconstitutional because the federal
government had no power to interfere with business activities within a state.
___ 11. ________________________ – monitors sale practices & watches for stock manipulation. It also registers
securities & supervises the securities market & stock holders
___ 12. ________________________ – New Deal jobs program that built roads, airports, libraries, schools, & hospitals
___ 13. ________________________ – federal program that provided aid to people with disabilities & created pensions
for retired workers and unemployment compensation
___ 14. ________________________ –protect workers’ rights such as: collective bargaining, banned unfair labor
practices, set maximum hours & minimum wage, banned child labor in factories
___ 15. ________________________ – critics (Father Coughlin, Dr. Townsend, and Huey Long) of FDR’s New Deal
programs who played upon Americans desperate need for immediate solutions to
their problems.
___ 16. ________________________ – congressional law that FDR supported where he hoped to remove the Supreme
Court as an obstacle to the New Deal by proposing a reorganization of the Court
and allowing him to add 6 new justices.
___ 17. ________________________ – group of Southern whites, city people, African Americans, & union workers who
supported FDR & his programs
___ 18. ________________________ – congressional law that returned lands to the control of tribes and supported the
preservation of Native American cultures.
___ 19. ________________________ – a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s. They played flowing
rhythms that were less complex than later styles of jazz
___ 20. ________________________ – Painting familiar subjects where one lives in realistic ways. “American Gothic” by
Grant Wood shows life in the Mid-west during the Great Depression.
- 15 -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal
Part III Organize the terms into 3-6 categories & give the categories a title (2 pts each = 40 pts)
Work with your partner
Part IV (use a minimum of two complete sentences per answer) [work by yourself!!] (60 pts)
1. What part of the New Deal is the Works Progress Administration (WPA) related to? (12pts)
2. What inference or conclusion can one draw about what happened to the banking system at the
beginning of the Great Depression that caused President Roosevelt to call a Bank Holiday?
3. After America gets out of the Great Depression, what is the significance of the Social Security
Administration? (12pts)
4. How could President Roosevelt justify supporting the Supreme Court Packing Bill to the American
people? (12pts)
5. What would happen today to checking and savings accounts if there were no Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation? (12pts)
- 16 -
Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
Why did Roosevelt easily win the 1932 election over Hoover? (p. 489)
2. What was the “Brain Trust”?
3. Why was Eleanor Roosevelt such an influential woman? What are some of the issues she fought for? (p. 489, text box)
4. What happened during Roosevelt’s first hundred days in office? Why were they important?
5. What happened on March 5, 1933? What was the purpose of this event? (p. 490)
6. What did the Emergency Banking Relief Act do?
7. What was a “fireside chat”?
8. What did Roosevelt explain in his first fireside chat?
9. What did the president say would happen if too many people demanded their savings in cash?
Fireside Chat Handout – use the class handout to answer the following questions.
10. What does President Roosevelt wish to discuss in his first fireside chat?
11. What type of Americans does he wish to discuss this with?
12. What do banks do with the money you deposit?
13. What happened during the last few days of February?
14. Would you have done what many other people did in February of 1929? Why?
15. Which banks were allowed to open first?
16. If your bank did not open on the first day, what does FDR wish for you to do?
17. The president assures people it is safer to have your money in a bank than under a mattress. What is he trying to motivate
people to do with this statement?
18. President Roosevelt states that the success of this national program depends on what?
19. FDR claims that there is an “element in the readjustment of our financial system more important than currency.” What is
that element?
- 17 -
Because of undermined confidence on the part of the
public, there was a general rush by a large portion of
our population to turn bank deposits into currency or
gold. -- A rush so great that the soundest banks could
not get enough currency to meet the demand… By the
afternoon of March 3 scarcely a bank in the country
was open to do business. Proclamations temporarily
closing them in whose or in part had been issued by the
Governors in almost all the states.
Franklin D. Roosevelt –Fireside Chat, March 12, 1933
Figure it out with a partner.
Graphs that show dramatic changes are interesting because they always raise the question, “Why?” What dramatic
changes are shown on the graph above?
Write a “why” question for the information on the graph from 1926 and 1931.
Now read the quote from FDR’s first fireside chat. Does it help to answer your question above? If so, how?
- 18 -
New Deal Legislation
The Three R’s: Relief, Recovery, Reform
Relief measures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Banking Crisis ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relief to Homeowners and Farmowners ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Relief for the Unemployed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Federal Emergency Relief Act (1933) p. 492
Civilian Conservation Corps (1933) p. 491
"Relief" Legislation during the
New Deal
Public Works Administration (1933) p. 491
Works Progress Administration (1935) p. 498
- 19 -
Recovery measures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
"Recovery" Measures during the New Deal
Priming the Pump
National Recovery Administration
(1933) p. 492
Agricultural Adjustment Acts p. 491
Reform measures ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (1933) p. 490
“Reform” Legislation during the New Deal
Tennessee Valley Authority (1933) p. 519
Securities and Exchange Commission (1934) p. 490
National Labor Relations Act (1935) p. 499
Social Security Act (1935) p. 501
- 20 -
Monetary Policy – Answer the following questions using the Monetary Policy hand out.
1. What is monetary policy?
2. What happens to the amount of money in circulation during an Economic Downturn? How does this affect spending?
3. What happens to the price of goods when the economy is prospering?
4. What does the Federal Reserve do with the money supply during times of Economic Prosperity? How does this affect the
5. Why did President Roosevelt take the United States off the gold standard in 1933? What did he want to do?
6. What is fiat money?
Fiat Money Simulation
7. Summarize what happened in the simulation.
8. How did a change in the money supply affect the price of goods? How did it affect the value of money?
The Impact of the New Deal on Labor – p. 499
9. Why did the Supreme Court declare the NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act) unconstitutional?
10. The National Labor Relations Act, one of the reforms of the Second New Deal, is more commonly known by what name?
11. What did this act accomplish?
12. In 1938, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. How did this act benefit the workforce?
13. Overall, do you think the New Deal benefited labor? Support your answer.
- 21 -
Reactions: The New Deal Comes Under Attack (p. 492)
1. What is deficit spending and why did Roosevelt agree to it?
2. What did Liberal critics of the New Deal argue? (p. 493)
3. What did Conservative critics of the New Deal argue?
The Supreme Court and the New Deal (p. 493)
4. Why did the Supreme Court declare the NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act) unconstitutional?
5. Why did the Supreme Court declare the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) unconstitutional?
Roosevelt’s Court-Packing Scheme (p. 493)
In 1937, President Roosevelt proposed a court-reform bill. What was the purpose of this bill?
7. What fear led Roosevelt to attempt this reform?
8. Why did this “Court-packing bill” cause such protest?
9. How was Roosevelt able to accomplish his goals without this court-reform bill?
Three Fiery Critics (p. 493)
1. What was the Liberty League? (p. 493)
2. Who was Francis Townsend? (p. 494)
3. What was Townsend’s plan?
4. Who was Charles Coughlin? (p. 494)
5. What did Coughlin favor?
6. What cost him support?
7. Who was Huey Long?
8. What was Long’s plan?
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The Impact of the New Deal on State and Federal Governments
Expanding Government’s Role in the Economy (p. 517)
1. How did the federal government help the American people during the Great Depression?
2. What happened to federal spending during this time period?
3. What really ended the Depression?
4. What two programs are still in effect in the areas of banking and finance? (p. 518)
5. How does Social Security still affect American’s today?
6. What is your overall opinion of the New Deal? Support your answer.
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