BestPrep’s Educational Forum Essay Competition The Value of Education: Student and Educator Packet For Minnesota High School Students Based on the book Spirit Rising: My Life, My Music, written by Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter and activist, Angélique Kidjo Sponsored by BestPrep | 7100 Northland Circle North , Suite 402, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | 763.233.6322 | The Value of Education Essay Competition Introduction BestPrep, a Minnesota based nonprofit, and essay sponsor Thomson Reuters are excited to again offer an essay competition for high school students in conjunction with the BestPrep Educational Forum. The Forum is a biennial event launched in 2008 to explore topics of current relevance for business and education. This year’s essay prompt focuses on the book Spirit Rising: My Life, My Music by Angélique Kidjo. Ms. Kidjo is a Grammy award-winning singer, activist, and humanitarian, and is a strong advocate for education as the key to global peace. Who is eligible? Who is BestPrep? BestPrep offers six innovative programs to Minnesota students and educators: Classroom Plus provides volunteer speakers, tours and mock interviews which enhance classroom curriculum for grades 4-12. Speakers focus on topics regarding business and career skills. Students can participate if they are in grades 9-11 in a Minnesota public, private, charter, or home school during the 2014-2015 school year. Students must have an educator review and submit their essay. eMentors matches a class with business professionals through weekly emails based on guiding questions. The students and mentors meet once during the program at the volunteer’s workplace. How will the essay be judged? Financial Matters provides classroom presentations given by professionals from the financial industry. Topics focus on financial literacy and provide students with real-life lessons in money management. Essays will be read and judged by a panel of business and education volunteers on the following criteria: comprehension/understanding of the subject matter, organization, mechanics and grammar, conclusions, and creativity. What are the prizes? BestPrep and sponsor Thomson Reuters will invite the top 20 Minnesota high school student essay winners and their respective teachers to attend the Educational Forum in late October/early November of 2015. Included is a private reception with Ms. Kidjo before the event begins. Minnesota Business Venture is a week long summer program held at St. Cloud State University and St. John’s University that provides students access to information on careers, money management, and business in a fun setting. The Stock Market Game™ is an online simulation in which students invest a virtual $100,000, competing against other students across Minnesota while enhancing math, reading, writing and team building skills. The students will also receive the following prizes: Technology Integration Workshop for -1st place winner: 13” MacBook Air teachers is a four-day professional nd -2 place: iPad Air development opportunity designed to help -3rd place: iPad Mini teachers enhance their technology skills. -4th place: Kindle Fire -5th place: Kindle Fire -The remaining 15 winners will each receive a $50 Target gift card *Educators representing the top 5 students will each receive a $100 VISA gift card BestPrep | 7100 Northland Circle North , Suite 402, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | 763.233.6322 | Essay Specifics: Essay must be typed, double-spaced, with left and right margins at 1 inch each. Font should be 12 point Times New Roman or similar. Essay must follow MLA or APA standards for references, quotations and works cited page. Essay must be between 600-750 words. The word count includes all words in the essay text. It does NOT include the cover page (student/educator information), the bibliography, endnotes or references. Essay must be submitted as a Word document. Deadline and submission: Entries must be submitted electronically by April 8, 2015 to Educators must submit essays and act as a key contact with BestPrep o Educator must review essays and make sure it addresses the topic and is free of grammatical errors Educators will be notified of the results on May 21, 2015 Essay Topic Education in the United States is often times taken for granted. What is the value of education locally, and around the world? Why should we care about the education of a student in Benin, Africa (Angélique’s home country), and why should Angélique Kidjo care about the education of a student in Minnesota? What challenges do you face in your own educational and career journey, and how do you plan to overcome these challenges? Below are quotes from Angélique Kidjo in Spirit Rising and an interview with PBS that may help formulate your opinion. You are encouraged to read, research, and respond to the essay topic using the book, media, personal examples, interviews, etc. Please keep in mind that the essay competition is not meant to be a book report, but should be your thoughts on the question prompt. “In Africa, primary education is free, though you have to pay for uniforms and books, but for high school you also have to pay tuition. For most families, the cost is prohibitive, so the possibility doesn’t really exist. If they can afford it, the priority is to educate boys.” (p. 191) “Secondary education {in Africa} happens at a crucial age at which girls are generally married, so going to school helps prevent early marriage. A higher level of education for girls will change Africa because it will allow more women to run businesses, and to understand good health practices for themselves and for their children.” (p. 191) “Our society is so developed, we have so much advanced technology. We are able to manage atoms, biology, communication, transportation, and construction, but we seem incapable of preserving the most basic human needs: the survival and education of our children.” (p. 206) “Both {learning subjects such as science and history, and learning confidence in school} are complimentary. {While school helps you learn} science, geography, world history, it also helps you to see the world differently, outside of your little box. You can then take what you learn and put it into your life.” (Angélique Kidjo, during interview with Aaron Brown on PBS. Can be found by searching “time for school series with Angélique Kidjo” or by going to: BestPrep | 7100 Northland Circle North , Suite 402, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | 763.233.6322 | This entire student and educator packet is available for download in Word format at: Essay Cover Page The below information should be typed on page 1 of the essay; start the essay text on page 2. This should be the only page with your personal information. Do NOT provide any personal information (such as your name in the header) in the remainder of your essay. This is for judging purposes. Student Information Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Address _____________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ Home/Cell Phone (____________) _____________________________________________ E-mail Address _____________________________________________________________________ Grade in School 9 10 11 Gender M F How many words are in your essay? ___________________________________________________ How did you hear about the competition? ______________________________________________ School Information Name of School ____________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________________ Educator Information Educator Name and Title ____________________________________________________________ Educator Email ____________________________________________________________________ Certification Information (By typing the below statement on page one of the essay, you are agreeing to the following statement.) I pledge that this essay is my own work. I have had an educator review the essay ensuring it meets the requirements of BestPrep’s Educational Essay Competition. I understand that my essay will not be returned and will become the property of BestPrep to use at its discretion. Signature of Student _______________________________________ Date _________________ BestPrep | 7100 Northland Circle North , Suite 402, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | 763.233.6322 |