
All there is to know about Essays.
What is an essay?
O An essay is a composition with several
O Expository essays are written to explain,
express opinions, compare and contrast,
and to persuade.
O When you write an essay you follow a
structure similar to that of a paragraph.
Essay Vs. Paragraph
O Has an introductory
paragraph that will define
and limit the topics
O Supporting paragraphs
are related to the
introductory paragraph
O A concluding paragraphs
which signifies the
ending of the discussion
and wraps up the writing.
O A topic sentence
defines and limits the
O Supporting sentences
are related to the topic
O A concluding sentence
shows the discussion
of the topic is finished.
Be Specific
Narrow down to the
Body Paragraphs
should be specific
and stay on topic.
Conclusion its ok to be more general in order to
give a quick summary and concluding statement,
which sums up your essay.
The introductory Paragraph
O The introductory paragraph of an essay is very
important. Since an essay deals with much
broader topics, it important to narrow in an focus
on the specific topic you are going to discuss.
O It must introduce the entire essay!
O An essay without a introduction is like getting
thrown in to a cold lake with no warning.
Introduction Techniques
O Begin by directly speaking to the reader.
O Begin by referring or repeating your title.
O Begin with a strong/startling statement.
O Begin by correcting a misconceptions.
O Begin by asking a question.
A strong introduction is only as good as its thesis statement! All
introductions must have a clear thesis statement.
If you could sum up your essay in one sentence what would that
sentence be?
Thesis Statement
O A thesis should be
O Too broad:
“All stress research today owes its
broad enough to
existence to the work of Hans
include all subtopics,
information, or
It would be nearly impossible to
arguments in the
prove such a general statement.
O Too narrow:
“ Hans Selye was the first to coin
O However it should be
the term stress in relation to
narrow enough for you
human beings.”
to deal with the topic
This is an interesting fact but it
in the space available.
doesn’t leave room for the writer to
expand on it.
A good thesis statement!
“ Hans Selye identified a three stage human
response to stress, which he call the General
Adaptation Syndrome.”
This thesis sentence identifies the topic, and
suggests that the paragraphs that will follow
will look at each three stages of stress.
Thesis Challenge
Create a strong thesis statement that could be used for
an essay containing these topic sentences.
O Topic sentence 1: Many video games require strong
problem solving skills.
O Topic sentence 2: Manipulating a controller can
increase the users manual dexterity.
O Topic sentence 3: Often games can be played with a
partner and the numerous clubs for video gamers,
offer more opportunities for social interaction.
Thesis Challenge
O Topic sentence 1: The family is the first agent of
socialization that most of us encounter.
O Topic sentence 2: Schools have strong
socializing influences as well.
O Topic sentence 3: As we get older our peers
become more important as agents of
Strong vs. Weak
Under each topic there will be three separate thesis
statements. You must decide which is strong or weak!!
Stand if you
think it is
Sit if you
think it is
Topic is: Looking for work
The unemployment rate for
students is usually higher than
the national average.
Topic is: Looking for work
Looking for a job is hard work.
Topic is: Looking for work
Looking for a job requires both
perseverance and preparation.
The significance of appearance
in the hunger games.
In the Hunger Games there is
great importance placed on how
individuals appear to others.
The significance of appearance
in the hunger games.
The Hunger games has the theme
of beauty that runs through the
The significance of appearance
in the hunger games.
In the Hunger Games Suzanne Collins
addresses the importance of appearance
through character interactions, the tribute
parade, and the description of the
Body Paragraphs
O Just as a single paragraph requires
sentences to support it, an essay requires
supporting body paragraphs.
O To ensure unity these supporting
paragraphs must relate to the thesis
statement given by the introduction.
The trick of the Key word.
O One way to help with the unity of the essay is
to use the key word method.
O Choose the key word in your thesis and this
word should appear in the topic sentence of
each body paragraph.
Thesis statement
“In the Hunger Games Suzanne Collins
demonstrates the qualities of youth heroism
through the character of Katniss.”
The Importance of coherence!
O An essay also needs coherence.
O Paragraphs must move logically from one to the next.
O Use an outline to help you.
O Use transition words or phrases to help give your writing
As well
In addition
As a result
For this reason
The conclusion!
O Try to have the conclusion develop naturally,
it should not be an after thought.
Don’t add new ideas or details.
Avoid clichés like…”to sum up” or “in closing
let me state”
Don’t ramble or be wordy.
End with a strong statement.
Tips for conclusion
O Summarize the central idea.
O Refer to your title.
O End with a quotation.
O Offer a solution to a problem.
O Summarize your essay in one sentence.