Sociology 1004 Dr. Patti Adler

Sociology 1004
Deviance in US Society
Dr. Patti Adler
Fall, 2012
Aug 28
Framing Deviance
General Introduction
Aug 30
Defining Deviance
CofD: chs. 1, 2
Part Introduction to Part I
Sept 4
Eye of the Beholder
CofD: chs. 3, 4
Sept 6
Studying Deviance:
Official Statistics and
the Careers of Crimes;
The UCRs
CofD: ch. 12, Part
to Part III
Sept 11
Survey Research Methods
CofD: ch. 13
Sept 13
Field Research Methods
End of Add Period
CofD: ch. 14
Sept 14
Email quiz due
Sept 18
Constructing Deviance
CofD: chs. 15, 16, 17
Introduction to Part IV
Sept 20
Constructing Deviance
CofD: chs. 18, 19, 20
Blue Books due to ATAs
Sept 25
Peter Jennings: Ecstasy Rising
CofD: chs. 21, 22, 5
Sept 27
Social Constructionism Review
Sept 30
Q&A Exam Review Session
Oct 2
In-class exam review
Oct 2
First Exam
Math 100 & DUAN G1B30
6:30-9:30pm (no make-ups)
Oct 4
Theories of
CofD: Introduction to Part II
chs. 7, 8
Oct 9
Informal Identity Labeling
CofD: chs. 23, 24, 25
Introduction to Part V
DUAN G1B20 4:30-6:00pm
Oct 10
Deadline for students with 3 or more exams on the same day to make
arrangements to change your final exam schedule
Oct 11
Formal Identity Labeling
Oct 16
Excuses and
CofD: chs. 26, 27
Oct 18
Individual Stigma Management
CofD: chs. 29, 30
Oct 23
Little People Film
CofD: ch. 28
Norm Violation Contracts due
Oct 25
Collective Stigma Management
CofD: ch. 31
Oct 26
TAs will contact people with problematic norm violation projects; if
you have not heard from us by this time you are free to carry out
your project
Oct 28
Q&A Exam Review Session
Oct 30
In-class exam review
Oct 30
Second Exam
Math 100 & DUAN G1B30
6:30-9:30pm (no make-ups)
Nov 1
Deviant Associations;
Loners & White Collar Crime
CofD: chs. 32, 37
Introduction to Part VI
ATA sign-up begins
Nov 6
CofD: chs. 33, 34
Nov 8
Peers, Crews, & Formal
CofD: chs. 35, 36
Nov 13
Deviant Transactions;
Individual Deviance
CofD: 38
Introduction to Part VII
Final ATA sign-ups
Nov 15
Trades and Sales
CofD: chs. 39, 40
Norm Violation papers due
Nov 27
CofD: ch. 41
Nov 29
Silent No More (on web)
Dec 4
CofD: ch.42
DUAN G1B20 4:30-6:00pm
Dec 6
Deviant Careers:
Entering Deviance
CofD: chs. 43, 44
Introduction to Part VIII
Dec 11
Deviant vs. Legitimate Careers
Exiting Deviance
CofD: chs. 45, 46, 47
Introduction to Part IX
Dec 13
In-class exam review
Dec 15
Final Exam
Final opportunity to hand in Tender Cut extra credit paper