Afifi, Faiss, Marguet

Brand Building
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brands provide the baisis upon which consumers can identify and bond with a
product or a service or a group of products or services. (Weilbacher,1995)
Successful brand:
A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person or place,
augmented in such a way that the buyer or user percieves relevant, unique
added values which match their needs most closely. (Cheernatony and
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Why is it important to have a successful brand
Customer loyalty
Competitive marketing actions
Customer’s response
Communication effectiveness
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Frais, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process
What makes a brand strong ? How can we build a strong brand ?
 Customer Based Brand Equity model
 Power of a brand resides in the minds of customers
 Linked mind’s customers to the brand
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
The Four Steps of Brand Building :
1) Brand identity
2) Brand meaning
3) Brand response
4) Brand relationship
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
Brand Building Blocks :
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
1) Brand identity
Brand salience
 Related to brand awareness
Influences brand associations
A brand must be top of mind at the right times and right places !
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
2) Brand meaning
Brand performance and Brand imagery
 Brand performance: intrinsinc properties (reliability, durability, effectiveness, efficiency, style
and design, price…)
Brand imagery: intangible aspects of the brand
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
3) Brand response
Consumer judgments and feelings
 Consumer judgments: based on brand quality, credibility, consideration and superiority
Consumer feelings: fun, excitment, security, social approval and self respect
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
4) Brand relationship
Consumer Brand resonance
Behavioural loyalty
Attitudinal attachment
Sense of community
Active engagment
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Building Process - CBBE model
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
1) Identity
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
2) Meaning
Identity: blue and white color combination
Blue = sympathy, harmony, friendship and
White = external cleanliness as well as inner
Blue and White = ideal for honest and appealing
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
3) Responses
Icon beauty classic used by millions of
women all over the world
Brand’s signature product (warmth, security
& self respect)
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
4) Relationships
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Equity
Goal of Brand Building
high Brand Equity
Key marketing asset
 create a unique relationship between the firm and its stakeholders
 leads to long term buying behavior
Brand Equity got more important since 15 years
 important to understand the objectives, the mechanisms, and net impact of the entire impact of
many studies
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Equity - Literature Review
Two different research perspectives:
 Firm Based Brand Equity
 Costumer Based Brand Equity
Brand Equity = what the brand is worth to a customer
Research results
Firm Value
Customer Value
Competetive advantage
Increase in customer demand
More effective communication campaigns
Better trade leverage
differential effect, Brand knowledge & costumer response
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Brand Equity - Literature Review
Customer-based Brand Equity
 Customers are the driving force
 Concept derived from cognitive psychology and information economics
 Product and category specific (Car performance)
 Essential for products and for services
 Research rarely based on services
Future Research
Brand Equity impact of services
Relative strength of brand equity by type of user
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet
Christodoulides, G., & De Chernatony, L. (2010). Consumer-based brand equity
conceptualization and measurement: A literature review. International journal of research in
marketing, 52(1), 43-66.
Keller, K. L. (2001). Building customer-based brand equity: A blueprint for creating strong
brands, 1-16.
Farida Afifi, Annabelle Faiss, Lise Marguet