Evidence Scavenger Hunt

EBA Activity
Medieval Period Epic Hero Unit
Using Text as Evidence to Support an Argument
Evidence Scavenger Hunt
Claims and/or
You may use the following claims:
Follow Up
Beowulf is considered an epic hero because he is of noble birth or high position, and
often of great historical or legendary importance.
 Beowulf is considered an epic hero because he exhibits character traits, or qualities, that
reflect important ideals of society.
 Beowulf is considered an epic hero because he performs courageous, sometimes
superhuman, deeds that reflect the values of the era.
 Beowulf is considered an epic hero because he performs actions that often determine the
fate of a nation or group of people.
Standard Evidence Scavenger Hunt
1. Prior to this activity students received direct instruction on analyzing text. Teacher must
ensure that students analyze text by:
- Quoting text
- Interpreting quotes: provide context (describe the scene from which the quote
was taken: what was going on in the scene where the quote was taken from), and
interpret what the quote means. (This is to ensure comprehension of the evidence
before providing analysis that explains how the evidence supports the claim)
- Explain how the evidence (what you wrote in the first part of the analysis)
illustrates/supports/proves your claim.
2. This activity is approximately 25 minutes.
 If students struggle with formatting the paragraph to make it flow smoothly, they may use
the following template:
- Claim (written as it was given to them – followed by a colon):
- Then the specific quote (written as a block quote depending on the length)
- Followed by the two part analysis (which if it is written clearly should flow together
naturally – but that is why it must be approved by the teacher before moving to the
complete paragraph on chart paper.
 Teacher can chart paragraphs on chart paper which become anchor charts for analysis of
text in classroom for the duration of the year.
To include a written activity, follow up with a mini paragraph writing activity.
Beowulf: Chapters: Beowulf, Grendel, The Battle with Grendel
Boston Debate League © 2012
Name:_____________________________________ Class: ________________ Date:______________
Evidence Scavenger Hunt:
Students will race in pairs to both find textual evidence and to explain how the text SUPPORTS OR
DISPROVES the claim. Every team that correctly answers that statement will receive 1 point and the first
group to answer in each round will receive 2 points. The best analysis will receive 3 points.
“QUOTE”- page/line number
Boston Debate League © 2012
Analysis – How does the quote support
or disprove the claim
Facilitator Claims
Beowulf is considered an epic hero
because he is of noble birth or high
position, and often of great historical or
legendary importance.
Beowulf is considered an epic hero
because he exhibits character traits, or
qualities, that reflect important ideals of
Beowulf is considered an epic hero
because he performs courageous,
sometimes superhuman, deeds that
reflect the values of the era.
Beowulf is considered an epic hero
because he performs actions that often
determine the fate of a nation or group
of people.
Boston Debate League © 2012
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