Compare and Contrast Assignment 50 points Objective 2.1 Create concept maps which demonstrate assessment, nursing diagnosis, interventions, and evaluation of patient care. A. Teamwork Rubric 10 points: Review criteria BEFORE starting assignment. B. Compare and Contrast Table: 30 points C. Concept Map: 10 points Directions: The Compare and Contrast Assignment is completed on a day when the student is not assigned to patients. Three students work together to complete the Compare and Contrast Table and to present the information in Post clinical. The Concept Map is completed independently. Compare and Contrast Assignment 50 points INSTRUCTIONS: This clinical day is a “project” day and you will be assigned no patients. Three students will work together either in the hospital or the nursing home setting to find 3 patients with the same medical diagnosis (for example heart failure, pneumonia, etc). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Collect information on all 3 such as: history, other pre-existing conditions, diet, medications, treatments, limitations in function, etc. (see Compare and Contrast Table) Each student will visit one patient and perform an assessment using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns (see following pages). The three students then get back together and compare and contrast each patient noting what you learned in the textbook compared with what you are seeing, and identify what is different and why (SEE Compare and Contrast table). Discuss all the patient information and note reasons why diet, meds, treatments, etc. vary from patient to patient. Discuss the assessment findings and note when specific findings would be out of range, what those would be, and what action to take. Identify at least 1 priority nursing diagnosis for each of the 3 patients from the subjective data that you obtained during your interview. List 3 interventions for each nursing diagnosis. Discuss Erikson’s stages for each patient. Note possible complications for each patient and nursing interventions to prevent those complications. EACH of the students will then INDEPENDENTLY develop a concept map for one of the patients that the compare and contrast study was completed on. Do not select the same patient. The students will discuss their findings in the compare and contrast study at post clinicals. Each individual student will also discuss the concept map they created. You will be graded during your presentation off of the rubrics attached. 11. Grading: Review Rubrics BEFORE beginning your project. 10 points for teamwork 30 points for Compare and Contrast Table 10 points for Individual Concept Map 12. Submit written information in your portfolio under Objective 2.1 prior to your midterm evaluation. A. Teamwork Rubric B. Compare and Contrast Table C. Concept Map Assignment revised from Linda Caputi’s Workshop (2011) Rubric for Team Work Compare and Contrast Level of Achievement for your Team 10 points Criteria Exemplary (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Unacceptable (1 point) Participating There is a clear definition of tasks to be accomplished, anticipating future needs. All members take an active role. Tasks are defined by the group and assigned to all group members. The team engages in follow-up activities to monitor progress Tasks are defined informally, and most but not all members understand them. Most members contribute. Follow-up is sporadic. Tasks are not defined, and few members participate actively. There is no follow-up. Every member’s role on the team is defined and understood by all. Each team member can explain the role of others. Members' roles are defined informally and may not be completely understood by all. Some members may not be able to explain the role of others. There is little understanding of who does what. Every team member is treated with respect. All members listen to all ideas. The work of each person is acknowledged. Members feel free to seek assistance from others or to ask questions. There is a general atmosphere of respect for team members, but some members may not be heard as much as others. Acknowledging others' work is serendipitous rather than planned. Some members may not feel free to turn to others for help. The team atmosphere is competitive and individualistic rather than cooperative and supportive. 1 point All members take part in the presentation of information 0.5 points 0.5 points if there are members that do not present 0 points 0 points if everything is presented by one person Points (participating) Defining Members Roles Points (roles) Team Member Support Points (support) Presentation of Team Work Points (Work) Total Points: Retrieved from: Jiles, Huba, Others. Material Sciences and Engineering, CRCD Project (8/24/00) (Modifications made) Compare and Contrast Assignment Table Criteria to Compare and Contrast History Other Pre-existing conditions Diet Medications Treatments Student 1 assesses Patient 1 30 points Student 2 assesses Patient 2 Student 3 assesses Patient 3 Reason for Variations SUBJECTIVE FINDINGS from Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Criteria to Compare and Contrast Health Perception Nutritional – Metabolic Pattern Elimination Pattern Activity-Exercise Pattern Sleep-Rest Pattern Perceptual Pattern Self-Perception Pattern Role-Relationship Pattern Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Sexuality-Sexual Functioning Pattern Coping-Stress Management Pattern Value-Belief System Priority Nursing Diagnosis Identify at least 1 PRIORITY nursing diagnosis for each of the 3 patients from the subjective data that you obtained during your interview. Interventions List 3 interventions for each nursing diagnosis. Physical Assessment OBJECTIVE FINDINGS Criteria to Compare and Contrast General Appearance Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Cognitive-Emotional Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Respiratory Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Circulatory Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Integumentary Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Reason for Variations what action should be taken? Abdomen Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Neurosensory Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Muscular-Skeletal Are there specific findings that are abnormal, what are they and what action should be taken? Erikson’s Development Stage Criteria to Compare and Contrast Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 What stage should the patient be at using Erikson’s Stages (see following pages for stages)? Has the stage been resolved? If not, what stage do you think they are at and give a rationale for your answer? Potential Complications for EACH Patient Criteria to Compare and Contrast List Potential Complications for Each Patient. List reason for variations among the patients. List Interventions to Prevent Complications Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Reason for Variations RUBRIC FOR GRADING COMPARE AND CONTRAST 30 Possible Points 1. Medications 2. Treatments 3. Subjective Data Identify at least 1 PRIOIRTY nursing diagnosis for each of the 3 patients from the subjective data. 4. Subjective Data List 3 interventions for each nursing diagnosis 5. Objective Data Lists at least 3 specific findings that are out of range. Identifies the reason for variation among the patients. 6. Objective Data Identifies the action to take for each finding that is out of range. 7. Erikson’s Stage 3 Lists variations in medications. Identifies 3 or more reasons for variations in medications between the 3 patients 2 Lists variations in medications. Identifies 1 or 2 reasons for variations in medications between the 3 patients 1 Unable to identify reason for variation in medications between the 3 patients Identifies 3 or more reasons for variations in treatments between the 3 patients Identifies 3 PRIOIRTY nursing diagnosis (1 for each patient) from the subjective data obtained during interview Lists at least 3 interventions for each nursing diagnosis Identifies 1 or 2 reasons for variations in treatments between the 3 patients Identified 2 nursing diagnosis (1 for 2 of the patients) from the subjective data obtained during the interview Unable to identify reason for variation in treatments between the 3 patients Identified 1 nursing diagnosis from the subjective data obtained during the interview Lists 2 interventions for each nursing diagnosis Lists less than 2 interventions for each nursing diagnosis Lists at least 3 specific findings that are out of range. Identifies the reason for variation among the patients. Lists 2 specific findings that are out of range. Identifies the reason for the variation among the patients. Does not identify 2 or 3 specific findings out of range. Does not identify the reason for variations. Identifies the action to take to correct all 3 findings which are out of range. Identifies the action to take to correct 2 of the findings that are out of range. Identifies the action to take to correct 1 of the findings that are out of range. Able to identify correctly the Erikson’s stage for each patient. Able to correctly identify whether the stage has been resolved. Able to identify correctly the Erikson’s stage for 2 of the patients. Able to correctly identify whether the stage has been resolved for 2 of the patients. Able to identify correctly the Erikson’s stage for 1 of the patients. Able to correctly identify whether the stage has been resolved for 1 9. List Potential Complications for Each Patient. List reason for variations among the patients If not resolved able to identify rationale for the stage they are presently in. Able to identify potential complications for all 3 patients. Able to list reasons for variations among all 3 patients. If not resolved, able to identify the rationale for the stage they are in for 2 of the patients Able to identify potential complications for 2 patients. Able to list reasons for variations among 2 patients. of the patients. If not resolved, able to identify the rationale for the stage they are in for 1 of the patients Able to identify potential complications for 1 patient. Unable to list reasons for variations among patients. 10. List interventions to prevent complications for each patient. Able to identify 2 interventions to prevent complications for each patient. Able to identify 1-2 interventions to prevent complications for each patient. Unable to identify 2 interventions to prevent complications for each patient. 8. Erikson’s Stage Total Points Compare and Contrast Concept Map Assignment: 10 points Each student chooses a different (one out of the three) patient to complete a concept map. Signs and Symptoms Admitting Dx: Co-existing Dx & Chronic Problems Allergies Progress of Current Problem Complementary and Alternative Medications or Therapies and i.e. herbals, massage, etc Medical Dx: Age and Sex Labs: Date/Normal/Patient level/causative factors/complications of abnormals Meds/Dose/frequency route/classification/action/ nursing implications Assessment: Follow Gordon’s Health Assessment Concept Map Part I Priority Nursing Diagnosis List the Priority Nursing Diagnosis for this patient and 2 secondary Nursing Diagnosis. Secondary Nursing Diagnosis Secondary Nursing Diagnosis Concept Map Part II Concept Map Part III Problem #1: 5 Part Goal Statement: Nursing Interventions Rationales for Nursing Interventions 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Evaluation: Problem #2: 5 Part Goal Statement: Nursing Interventions Rationales for Nursing Interventions 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Evaluation: Adapted from Schuster, P. (2011). Concept mapping: A critical thinking approach to care planning. (3rd edition). Rubric for Concept Map Grading 10 points 1 points 1. Concept Map Complete and neat 0.5 points Messy Missing 1 or more areas. 0 points Unable to read Missing 2 or more areas. Points : 1 or 0 3 points EACH 2. Nursing Priority Problems 3. 5 part goals 4. Nursing Interventions 2 points EACH Identifies 1 Priority nursing diagnosis and 2 secondary nursing diagnosis Identifies accurately two 5-part goals Identifies 1 PRIORITY nursing diagnosis and only 1 secondary nursing diagnosis Identifies accurately one 5-part goal Lists 3 nursing interventions with rationales under each goal statement Lists 2 nursing interventions with rationales under each goal statement 1 point EACH Identifies no PRIORITY nursing problem and 1 or 2 secondary nursing diagnosis Identifies 5-part goals but they are inaccurately completed. Lists 1 nursing intervention with rationales under each goal statement Points for 1 + Points for 2, 3, 4 Total Points Assignment Revised by: Minnesota Northland Community and Technical College AD Nursing Faculty Field, S., Baxter, G., Carda, N., Koenig, K., Sather, M., Scott, D., Seyfried, D., Vobr, L. (2012).