TASK: Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture

Implement Mission-Oriented
Protective Posture
Task: 031-503-3008 Skill Level 2
Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
Skill Level 2
It is essential that you understand the threat that chemical and
biological warfare presents, as well as, the protection that is
offered by correctly wearing MOPP gear. As an NCO you will
receive orders to direct your unit to assume various levels of
MOPP. It is critical for their safety and the successful completion
of the mission that the correct clothing and equipment are worn
for the directed MOPP level. It is your responsibility to ensure
that each soldier has done so.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Implement Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP)
You are in a nuclear, biological or chemical
(NBC) environment or are warned of a threat of a NBC hazard. Given two
or more soldiers with MOPP gear, M8 and M9 paper, an M291 or M295
decontaminating kit, three nerve agent antidote auto-injectors, and a
requirement to assume the appropriate MOPP level and check soldiers
sleeping in MOPP 4.
Implemented MOPP and directed soldiers to
assume the appropriate MOPP level based on MOPP guidance from the
commander. Identified all deficiencies and took appropriate corrective
action for soldiers sleeping in MOPP 4.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps:
1. Determine proper MOPP level (if not directed by higher
Task Number: 031-503-3008
MOPP Level Review
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Factors to consider when determining MOPP level:
When expected warning time is low, then a higher level of MOPP is required; yet, a
lower MOPP level is required in order to complete a time-critical mission.
Nighttime is generally cooler and harder work can be accomplished in MOPP 4;
yet, pre-dawn is one of the most favorable times for chemical agent employment.
Lower temperatures, low humidity, wind, and clouds all reduce the heat load on the
body; yet, the same conditions extend the average duration time of chemical
At MOPP Level 1 through 4 soldiers can wear or not wear their BDUs under the
Battle Dress Over-garment (BDO)/Chemical Protective Over-garment (CPOG)
and can be dictated accordingly to weather conditions to prevent heat casualties.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Factors to consider when determining MOPP level (cont):
At MOPP Level 3 soldiers are protected from vapor hazards.
MOPP Level 4 is the highest degree of chemical protection available to the soldier
but also the most physically demanding.
By evaluating METT-T: risk of heat casualties can by reduced by implementing
controls such as having half the unit in MOPP 3 (soldiers in over-watch positions)
while the other half is in MOPP 2 (soldiers digging fighting positions) when the
situation allows.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps: (cont.)
2. Direct soldiers to put on MOPP gear and equipment for
MOPP 1 through MOPP 4.
See STP-21-1-SMCT, Task 031-503-1015, Protect Yourself from Chemical/Biological
Injury/Contamination with Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Gear.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps: (cont.)
3. Check yourself and soldiers for proper wear of protective
• Ensure all soldiers are wearing the appropriate
clothing and equipment for the directed MOPP
• Ensure protective masks are worn and sealed at
MOPP 3 and MOPP 4.
• Ensure protective clothing is worn properly
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps: (cont.)
4. Check each sleeping soldier:
• Observe soldier to ensure he/she is breathing
 Try to awaken soldier, if he does not appear to be
 If the soldier cannot be awakened evaluate the casualty
and treat accordingly.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps: (cont.)
4. Check each sleeping soldier: (cont.)
• Check soldier’s mask for indications of a broken
o Awaken the soldier and have them reseal their mask, if
the seal appears to be broken.
o Direct another soldier to observe him/her for nerve agent
o Treat casualty appropriately if nerve agent poisoning
symptoms are present.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Performance Steps: (cont.)
4. Check each sleeping soldier: (cont.)
• Check soldier’s protective clothing for problems.
o Fasten or adjust the protective clothing of the sleeping
soldier if his/her skin is exposed and no symptoms are
o Awaken soldier and have him/her decontaminate using
the M291, if skin is exposed and appears to be
contaminated with liquid. Have soldier adjust his/her
protective clothing and conduct MOPP gear exchange, as
o Treat casualty appropriately if skin is exposed and nerve
agent poisoning symptoms are observed.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Evaluation Preparation:
Evaluate this task during a normal training session. Gather all
necessary MOPP gear, and ensure that it is in good condition.
Be prepared to direct a series of specific MOPP levels for the
evaluated soldier to implement with the troop provided.
Have the soldier explain the deficiencies he should look for
and the corrective actions he should take for a soldier sleeping
in MOPP 4.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Evaluation Preparation:
Brief Soldier:
Tell the soldier that the test will consist of identifying all
deficiencies and taking appropriate corrective actions for a
soldier sleeping in MOPP 4 and directing soldiers to assume
the appropriate MOPP level based on the MOPP guidance
from the commander.
The soldier is scored on a GO/NO GO basis.
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Required References
FM 4-25.11
First Aid
FM 3-4
NBC Protection
TM 3-4240-279-10
Chemical-Biological Mask Operator’s Manual
TM 10-8415-209-10
Individual Chemical Protective Clothing
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Check On Learning
Define “readily available” as it pertains to MOPP gear?
Within arm’s reach
Task Number: 031-503-3008
Which MOPP level offers the highest degree of
chemical protection?
Task Number: 031-503-3008
In the picture above, what MOPP level is
Over-garment worn, Over-boots worn
Mask/Hood worn, Gloves carried
Task Number: 031-503-3008
In the picture above, what MOPP level is
Over-garment worn, Over-boots worn
Mask/Hood carried, Gloves carried
Task Number: 031-503-3008
In the picture above, what MOPP level is
Over-garment worn, Over-boots worn
Mask/Hood worn, Gloves worn