WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing NURS 120 Course Name: Course Number: Campus: Limit 30 Characters Section A: Instructor’s Name Phone Number: E-mail: Office location: Office hours: Limit 60 Characters I. Instructor’s Contact Information, Course Pre and Co-Requisites Limit 30 Characters Limit 150 Characters Limit 60 Characters Limit 60 Characters Course Prerequisites Course Co-requisites NURS 100 and 101L NURS 121L University Mission: Program Mission: Program Learning Outcomes: II. Mission and Outcomes At West Coast University, we embrace a student-centric learning partnership that leads to professional success. We deliver transformational education within a culture of integrity and personal accountability. We design market-responsive programs through collaboration between faculty and industry professionals. We continuously pursue more effective and innovative ways through which students develop the competencies and confidence required in a complex and changing world. The mission of the College of Nursing is to provide evidence-based and innovative nursing education to culturally diverse learners; preparing nurses to provide quality and compassionate care that is responsive to the needs of the community and the global society. 1. Apply concepts or theories from biological, physical or natural sciences as basis for professional nursing practice. 2. Utilize nursing process in health promotion, restoration, and disease and illness prevention. 3. Apply evidence-based practice in providing therapeutic nursing interventions for patients and families in a wide variety of health care, and community setting. 4. Apply critical thinking skills in providing culturally sensitive and developmentally appropriate nursing care to patients who are experiencing simple and/or complex health problems in a variety of settings. 5. Provide health care education to individuals, families, and aggregates. 6. Develop measurable goals that demonstrate the willingness to become a life-long learner in building expertise as a member of the nursing profession. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 1 Page 1 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing 7. Utilize effective communication to interact with patients, families, and the interdisciplinary health team. 8. Assume responsibility for the delegation and supervision of the delivery of nursing care to subordinates based on the subordinate’s legal scope of practice and ability. 9. Demonstrate knowledge in applying client care technology skills such as computer and informatics skills when providing health care in a variety of settings. III. Course Information Term: Class Meeting Dates: Class Meeting Times: Class Meeting Location: Class Credit Hours: Class Credit Length: Class Required Texts, Learning Resources: 3 semester credits/5 contact hours per week/45 hours per term 9 weeks Adams, M. P., Holland, L. N., &Bostwick P. M. (2008). Pharmacology fornurses: A pathophysiologic approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2007). Nursing diagnosis: Application to clinical practice (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Fischbach, F. (2008). A manual of laboratory & diagnostic tests (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Gardner, P. E. (2003). Nursing process in action. Florence, KY: Delmar Learning.Houghton, P., & Houghton, T. (2007). APA: The easy way! Point Huron, MI: Baker College. Lewis, S. L., Dirksen, S. R., Heitkemper, M. M., & Bucher, L., & Camera, I. M. (2011). Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. (Includes study guide) Perry, G. A., & Potter, P. A. (2010). Clinical nursing skills & techniques (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Wilson, A. B., Shannon, M. T., Shields K. M., &Stang, C. L. (2009). Nurse’s drug guide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Wissmann, J. (Ed.). (2010). Adult medical-surgical nursing RN edition 8.0: Content mastery series review module. Stilwell, KS: Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 2 Page 2 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Class Recommended Texts, Learning Resources: D’Amico, D., &Barbarito, C. (2007). Health and physical assessment in nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Ignatavicius, D., & Workman, L. (2010). Medical-surgical nursing: Patientcentered collaborative care (6th.ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Moore D. S., & Kenneth, J. (2007). Nursing skills checklist. Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Porth, C. M., & Matfin, G. (2010). Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered states (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Swearinger, P. L. (2006). Manual of medical-surgical nursing care: Nursing interventions and collaborative management (6th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. Tabloski, P. A. (2009). Gerontological nursing (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Internet resources: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2008). AIDS info: A Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved June 13, 2006 from http://www.aidsinfo.nih.gov American Cancer Society (2006). Retrieved June 13, 2006 from http://www.cancer.org American Diabetes Association (2006). Retrieved June 13, 2006 from http://www.diabetes.org California Nursing Students Association (2006). Retrieved June 13, 2006 from http://www.cnsa.org National Kidney Foundation (2006). Retrieved June 13, 2006 from http://www.kidney.org Quality and Safety education for Nurses (QSEN) (2011). Retrieved October 12, 2011 from http://www.qsen.org Course Catalog Description: This is the first medical-surgical nursing course, in a series of three, devoted to learning the professional aspects of therapeutic nursing care. The focus will be on therapeutic care for patients with medical and surgical conditions utilizing the nursing process and Gordon’s conceptual framework. Included also will be role of patient advocate and manager of care utilizing principles of therapeutic communication, research and teaching learning concepts. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 3 Page 3 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Course Learning Outcomes: Course outcomes are comprised of the knowledge, skills, values and/or behaviors that students should be able to demonstrate upon completion of the course. Course outcomes map to the Program Learning Outcomes Must be assessed in the course to determine if learning outcomes are met Teaching and Learning Strategies Updated per course reflecting the instructional strategies appropriate to the subject area. 1. Demonstrates beginning role development as a manager of patient care utilizing the nursing process and Gordon’s eleven functional health patterns in the care of the client. 2. Discusses morbidity and mortality factors such of a person’s gender, age, culture, and lifestyle have on the incidence of selected complex acute and chronic health problems. 3. Differentiates various assessments and diagnostic tools used in identifying the presence of complex acute and chronic health problems and collaborates with the other members of the healthcare team and identifies the emotional and behavioral responses such as altered family processes, denial, body image disturbance, powerlessness, individual and family coping, and knowledge deficit. 4. Formulate nursing diagnoses, utilizing evidenced-based practice and critical thinking skills and demonstrate an understanding of evidenced-based patient care. 5. Utilizes teaching/learning principles in client instruction perioperative care. 6. Identify the different body systems and the effects of common medical surgical conditions and pharmacotherapeutics on the nursing care provided. Common conditions include: disorders of integumentary, musculoskeletal, neurosensory, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory and digestive, fluid and electrolyte, renal, and reproductive systems; pre, intra, and postoperative care. 7. Demonstrates awareness of complex organizational systems and application of quality and safety 8. Discuss principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy and cost-effectiveness in improving healthcare delivery 9. Demonstrates an understanding of the impacts of attitudes, values, and expectations on vulnerable population care while demonstrating clinical reasoning within the context of patient centered care to form the basis for nursing practice that reflects ethical values in rendering quality and safe care 10. Demonstrates effective communication with all of the healthcare team including the patient and the family. 11. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of creating a safe environment in order to deliver and obtain high quality patient care outcomes. Lecture, group analysis of selected case studies and research studies, internet search, Qwizdom, guest speaker, class presentations, clinical experience, simulation laboratory, videos/DVD, evaluation of evidencebased practice and independent study. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 4 Page 4 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing IV. Evaluation Methods, Grading Assignment/Assessments Formative Assessment of Student Learning: Will not count more than 80% of final grade Examples -- Evidencedbased Research, presentations, Case Studies, Specific class projects, Weekly quizzes, homework assignments, clinical or lab assignments/assessment, practice exams Summative Assessment of Student Learning: Will not count more than 30% of final grade Examples – Final Exam, Term Paper or Term Project Participation: Student Participation will not account for more than 10% of the final grade. West Coast University Grading Scale (reflective of final course grade. See associated policy in Catalog) Attendance Policy Due Date Points Formative Assessment: Class Participation (ATI Practice Test and Practice –Week 10 Proctored Computerized Exam) 2-8 ATI Proctored test – 8th week Pharmacology Group Project and Paper Week 2-8 10 Examinations Week 3, 4, and 6 60 Summative Assessment: Final Exam Week 9 20 Additional Information: Student must attain a score of at least 76% out of the 80% examination-oriented part of the total course grade. In other words, if the total number of points available in a given class is 100, then a minimum of 80 of those points are earned by taking examinations, and a student must earn at least 61 points of the 80 points (76%) out of those exam questions in order to pass the course. Assuming the student attains the minimum 76% (61 points), then the 20% non-examination activities (20 points) are added to calculate the final course grade. Note – A student can attain 76% of the combined examinations and still fail the course if not attaining enough points from non-examination assignments. V. Policies and Procedures WCU Numerical Scale Points for non-program specific courses 4 90-100 3 80-89 2 70-79 1 60-69 0 59 and below N/A Transfer Credit N/A Withdrawal N/A Incomplete Nursing and Dental Hygiene Specific Numerical Score A 91-100 B 84-90 C 76-83 D 64-75 F 63 and below TC Transfer Credit W Withdrawal I Incomplete Credit granted for 75% or higher on a challenge CR N/A Credit exam or Credit awarded for NURS 199 West Coast University has a clear requirement for students to attend courses. Students should review the Attendance Policy in the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the University Catalog. Grade West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 5 Page 5 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Academic Integrity Policy Students are expected to approach their academic endeavors with the highest academic integrity. They must cite sources, and submit original work. Academic honesty is central to the institution/student partnership towards student success. Any assignment submitted for credit in one course cannot be submitted for any other course. Academic Dishonesty Reasonable Accommodations West Coast University Make-up Work Policy Classroom Policies Students are accountable for adhering to the Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty policies in the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the University Catalog. Students should review the Academic Dishonesty Policy in the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the University Catalog. West Coast University strives to provide reasonable accommodations to students who have a defined need and who follow the appropriate steps towards seeking the accommodation. The Reasonable Accommodations Policy is found in the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the University Catalog. In order to meet course objectives, students may be required to make up all assignments and work missed as a result of absences. The faculty may assign additional make-up work to be completed for each absence. Students are required to be present when an examination is given. If unexpectedly absent for a documented emergency situation (i.e. death in the immediate family), it is the student’s responsibility to arrange for a make-up date by contacting the faculty member within 48 hours of the original assessment date. The make-up work must be completed within five (5) school days of the originally assigned date. Students who do not take the exam on the scheduled make-up date or who do not contact the instructor within 48 hours will receive a zero score for that assessment activity. The highest score possible on a nursing or dental hygiene make-up examination is passing grade (e.g., if a student obtained a perfect score (100%) in the makeup examination, the grade will still be recorded as a passing grade). Students are expected to dress professionally during class time. No children are allowed in classes or to be unattended on campus. Use of cell phones, Blackberries or any other electronic devises in the classroom during class time is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use may lead to faculty member confiscation of the device for the remainder of the class. Behavior that persistently or grossly interferes with classroom activities is considered disruptive behavior and may be subject to disciplinary action. A student responsible for disruptive behavior may be required to leave the class. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 6 Page 6 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Testing and Examination Policy The university testing policy stipulates that no phones or other electronic devices, food or drink, papers or backpacks can be taken into the examination area. In specific courses the faculty may have additional requirements. Talking during testing or sharing of information regarding the test questions is not allowed. Once the exam results are available, students may schedule reviews of their exams with their instructors. Once the exam results are available, the instructor may review the test with students. This review is intended to help students learn, and is not intended for further distribution to other students. Additional Program or Accreditation Requirements Course Completion Requirements: Students are expected to participate in class. Participation includes being present in the class, participation in discussions, and active engagement in the lecture/learning activities. Students must achieve a passing grade of C or better, submit all required assignments, complete all required quizzes and examinations, and meet the standards of the University attendance policy. Unscheduled quizzes may be given periodically throughout the term. The quizzes may include previously covered content and/or content to be covered during the current day’s class session. Unless designated as a group project by the instructor, all student papers and assignments must be completed by the individual student and represent the student’s own original work. Group projects are designated as such so that all other assignments are individual assignments and are to be completed by the student and NOT as a group assignment. Each student is responsible for his or her own learning which includes all aspects of the work required for a class. In order to maintain security and confidentiality, student assignments must be submitted directly to the instructor via the method(s) approved by the instructor. Do not fax papers to the campus. Do not e-mail papers to instructors without written permission from the instructor. AACN Essentials for Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice The purpose of this section of the syllabus is to guide the student in understanding how the AACN 9 Essentials are incorporated into their education and to provide guidance to them in developing their individual portfolios. The Essentials that are met in NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing include the following: Essential II: Basic Organizational and Systems Leadership for Quality Care and Patient Safety Demonstrates awareness of complex organizational systems and application of quality and safety West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 7 Page 7 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Discuss principles of quality improvement and healthcare policy and cost-effectiveness in improving the healthcare delivery Demonstrates beginning role development as a manager of patient care utilizing the nursing process Essential III: Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice Utilizes the nursing process and Gordon’ 11 Functional Health Pattern in the care of the client Class Presentation – uses Current Evidence Based Practice paper and presentation Essential IV: Information Management and Application of Patient Care Technology Discuss application of knowledge and skills in information technology and patient care technology which are essential to the delivery of quality patient care. Essential VI: Interprofessional Communication and Collaboration for Improving Patient Health Outcomes Differentiates various assessments and diagnostic tools used in identifying the presence of complex acute and chronic health problems and collaborates with the other members of the healthcare team Essential VIII: Professionalism and Professional Values Demonstrates an understanding of the impacts of attitudes, values, and expectations on vulnerable population care. Essential: IX: Baccalaureate Generalist Nursing Practice Demonstrates clinical reasoning within the context of patient centered care to form the basis for nursing practice that reflects ethical values in rendering quality and safe care. Demonstrates understanding of evidence based patient centered care Demonstrates effective communication with all of the healthcare team including the patient and the family. Demonstrates a strong understanding of creating a safe environment in order to deliver and obtain high quality patient care outcomes. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 8 Page 8 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Class Presentation Form into groups of no larger than 4-5 students. With approval from the instructor choose a disease, dysfunction, deficit category and the corresponding pharmacological treatment and present to the class the common drugs in that category, and what diseases they are used to treat. The presentation, in a visual, auditory and tactile format, to the class should assist them with understanding the most common drugs in that category, their use, dose, side effects, drug interactions, nutritional guidelines, visual presentation and any other factors important for the most therapeutic effect of the drug. The presentation should be 10-15 minutes in length with about 5 minutes for questions from the class or instructor. There is also a written paper associated with the project that must be done in APA format. Any handouts for the class must be approved by the instructor prior to distribution. The grade is a group grade so participation from all members is required. It must be identified in the course of the presentation and written paper which members of the group were responsible for each section. The goal of this assignment is to use Evidence Based Practice approach to common Medical Surgical Issues with current application to nursing practice. ATI Proctored Assessment and Practice Tests Students are required to complete proctored assessment as a course requirement. ATI Proctored Assessment is timed and requires password/user ID to take. Password and user ID are not to be shared for not only will affect your personal profile but it will impact the composite scores for the class. Since these proctored exams are timed, students who require testing accommodations must follow the policy as stated in the student handbook. Students can achieve a maximum of 10 points by preparing for the exam, achieving proficiency level 3, and completing the approved remediation for the topics missed. Below is the rubric for ATI combination total point awards. Late work will not be considered in total point calculation. Points awarded for evidence of preparing for Proctored Assessment Exam 2 2 2 2 Proficiency level on Proctored Assessment Exam WCU Score Equivalency Points awarded for achievement on ATI Proctored Exam Points awarded for evidence of remediation ** see examples 2 Total points awarded (10 points maximum) Proficiency level 3 Proficiency level 2 Proficiency level 1 Proficiency level <1 68.7 - 73 6 60- 68.3 5 2 9 54- 59 3 2 7 43- 53 2 2 6 10 *Approved preparation for Proctored Exams: West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 9 Page 9 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing 1. Attain a 90% on the practice test (Test may only be taken once a day). 2. Complete a focused review for the missed topics. ** Approved remediation after Proctored Examination: The remediation plan will include but not limited to the following: 1. Create and complete a Focused Review on topics missed using remediation template (see ATI website for sample). Students who have not reached Level 3 proficiency on the proctored exam by the end of the term are encouraged to develop and complete the remediation plan and take a second proctored assessment the following term. Approved remediation must be turned in to the student success coordinator at the beginning of the following semester. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 10 Page 10 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing PRESENTATION RUBRIC NAME:__________________________________________ PRESENTATION TOPIC:_____________________________ CRITERIA 4 (Exceeds Expectations) Content accuracy, utilization of current and pertinent information is used Information is complete, accurate, appropriate, and integrated effectively. Content has logical organization Content is organized logically with fluid transitions to capture and hold attention throughout entire presentation. Presentation completed in the allotted time. Content appropriate for time allowed Pertinent references and citations Source materials are incorporated logically, insightfully, and elegantly; sources are documented accurately Method of Delivery: Use of visual aids is appropriate Creative, original, reflects the purpose of the presentation. 3 (Meets Expectations) DATE: __________________ COURSE:________________ 2 (Approaching Expectations) 1 (Does Not Meet Expectations) Information is mostly inaccurate, not complete, and not integrated effectively. Information is somewhat complete, accurate, appropriate and integrated effectively. Organization of the content is congruent; transitions are evident. Information is scant, mostly accurate, and not integrated effectively. Organization of the content is somewhat congruent and transitions are not always evident. Organization of the content is not congruent and transitions are never evident. Presentation completed no more than 1 minute over allotted time. Source material is used logically and proficiently; sources are accurately documented Presentation completed no more than 2 minutes over allotted time. Sources are incorporated logically and adequately; sources are documented accurately for the most part Creativity and originality is somewhat evident. Presentation completed no more than 3 minutes over allotted time. Source material is inappropriatel y or unclearly incorporated; documentatio n is infrequent Creativity and originality is evident. (x2) Creativity and originality is slightly evident. West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) POINTS Page 11 Page 11 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing CRITERIA 4 (Exceeds Expectations) 3 (Meets Expectations) 2 (Approaching Expectations) Method of Delivery; Handout/ outline Well written with proper grammar, spelling, and medical terminology. Mostly well written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Adequately written with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. Maintains eye contact and keeps the audience interested; presents information without reading Eye contact is effectively established; audience is attentive; does not refer to written notes Eye contact is established; most of the audience is attentive; refers to written notes occasionally Eye contact is minimal; most of audience is not attentive; mainly refers to written notes Keeps audience interested and/or allows opportunity for interaction Language is memorable and usage is felicitous; tone is appropriate; interaction with audience takes place Most language is memorable and usage is accurate; tone is appropriate; some interaction with audience takes place Language is not very memorable; language usage is usually accurate; tone is often inappropriate; minimal interaction Keeps voice clear, audible and understandable. Voice clear, loud and articulate; gestures are paralinguistic cues are used to reinforce important ideas; no excessive of vocalized pauses (ah, um) Voice mostly clear and articulate, able to hear; gestures and paralinguistic cues are mostly used to reinforce important ideas; some vocalized pauses are used Voice is clear difficult to hear and understand; paralinguistic cues are sometimes used to reinforce ideas; several vocalized pauses are used Professional appearance Professionally dressed. Is not dressed provocatively. Dress is somewhat professional. Dressed unprofessionally, in jeans and tennis shoes. 1 (Does Not POINTS Meet Expectations) Not well written with many grammatical and spelling errors. Eye contact (x2) is hardly established; audience is not attentive; must refer to notes constantly Language is not memorable and inaccurate; tone is inappropriate; no interaction with the audience Voice (X2) unclear, garbled, and difficult to understand; gestures and cues seldom used; vocalized pauses are used frequently; student is not articulate Dressed unprofessional ly, shorts, sandals. TOTAL COMMENTS:________________________________________________________________________ West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 12 Page 12 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ DATE: INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: ________________________________ DATE: __________________________ West Coast University Course Syllabus Revision Date: Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Page 13 Page 13 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Section B: Course Outline Week/Date Week 1 Class Objectives CLO # 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 Week 2 CLO # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Content Outline Describe the core competencies for healthcare professionals: patientcentered care, interdisciplinary teams, evidence-based practice, quality improvement, culturally competent care, safety,and informatics. Apply the attitudes, mental habits, and skills necessary for critical thinking when using the nursing process in client care. Explain the importance of nursing codes and standards as guidelines for clinical nursing practice. Explain the activities and characteristics of the nurse as caregiver, educator, advocate, leader and manager, and researcher. Relate manifestations and diagnostic test results to the pathophysiologic processes involved in endocrine system disorder and upper and lower gastrointestinal disorders. Explain interdisciplinary care for clients with endocrine disorder, diabetes mellitus disorder type 1 and 2. Describe the role of the nurse in Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Introduction to the course and objectives Core competencies for safe and effective health care Guidelines for nursing practice Roles of the nurse in medical surgical nursing Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern The nursing process and critical thinking Cultural Competency Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Nursing diagnoses for patients with complex health disorders Specific Course Activity Lecture/Discussion Student Assignments Gardner, Ch 1-6 Lewis, Ch 1-7 Carpenito - Moyet, Ch 1-6 RN Student HandbookIntroduction, Philosophy Conceptual Framework, Responsibilities of the Student- Standards of Performance, Essential Job Function Read- California Nurse Practice Act Log into www.qsen.org Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical patient related to Diabetes Mellitus and Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Disorders. Lecture/Discussion/ Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r14s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Log into ATI (Nurse Logic) website for studying and test taking skills. ATI Content Mastery Series Pharmacology Ch 1, 4, 10, 11 ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 96 and 97 Page 14 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives interdisciplinary care of clients with endocrine disorder diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2 Describe the pathophysiology and manifestations of diabetes mellitus. Describe the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Explain the nursing management of client with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, in the ambulatory and home care settings, and client with acute and chronic complications. Explain interdisciplinary care for clients with upper and lower gastrointestinal disorders. Describe the role of the nurse in interdisciplinary care of clients with upper and lower gastrointestinal disorders. Explain changes in gastrointestinal system and assessment findings as one ages Explain common etiologies, collaborative care, and nursing management of constipation and diarrhea. Compare and contrast the causes, pathophysiology, manifestations, interdisciplinary care and nursing care of clients with diarrhea, constipation, and fecal incontinence. Explain the pathophysiology, Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Content Outline Specific Course Activity communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the management of the following conditions: Endocrine System Diabetes mellitus – introduction Type 1 and 2, collaborative care and nursing management: medications, diet, exercise, diabetic teaching, and Student Assignments Lewis, Ch- 48 - 50 Lewis, Ch- 39, 40, 42, 43 Pre-Knowledge Assessment Test (Class Participation). Gastrointestinal System Gastroesophageal reflux Gastroenteritis Colorectal Cancer Constipation Hemorroids Diarrhea Diets for diarrhea and constipation, low-residue, gluten-free, and highfiber. Surgical procedures of the bowel, including colectomy, colostomy, ileostomy, and perianal surgery. W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r15s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 15 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Week 3 CLO# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Content Outline manifestations, complications, interdisciplinary care, and nursing care of clients with colorectal cancer Discuss the purposes, nursing implications, and health education for the client and family for medications used to treat bowel disorders. Explain the rationale for using selected diets, including those for diarrhea and constipation, low-residue, gluten-free, and high-fiber. Describe the surgical procedures of the bowel, including colectomy, colostomy, ileostomy, and perianal surgery. Describe the anatomy, physiology, and functions of the skin, hair, and nails. Discuss factors that influence skin color. Identify specific topics for a health history interview of the client with problems involving the skin, hair, and nail. Explain techniques for assessing the skin, hair, and nails. Compare and contrast normal and abnormal findings when conducting an assessment of the integumentary system. Describe normal variations in assessment findings for the older client. Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical patient related to integumentary and musculoskeletal disorders to include pain management. Specific Course Activity Lecture/Discussion Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the management of the following conditions: Student Assignments Test -1 ATI Content Mastery Series Pharmacology Ch 4, 10, ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 102. Section 4. Lewis, Ch- 23, 24, 13, 61 Lewis, Ch- 62, 63, 64, 65 Integumentary System Skin assessment Immobility Issues W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r16s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 16 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Content Outline Identify abnormal findings that may indicate impairment of the integumentary system. Describe the manifestations and nursing care of common skin problems and lesions. Compare and contrast the etiology, pathophysiology, interdisciplinary care and nursing care of clients with infections and infestations, inflammatory disorders, and malignancies of the skin. Explain the risk factors for, pathophysiology of, and nursing interventions to prevent and care for pressure ulcers. Discuss surgical options for excision of neoplasms, reconstruction of facial or body structures, and cosmetic procedures. Explain the pathophysiology of selected disorders of the hair and nails. Discuss the effects and nursing implications of medications and treatments used to treat disorders of the integument. Explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, complications, interdisciplinary care and nursing care of metabolic, degenerative, autoimmune, inflammatory, Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Specific Course Activity Student Assignments Pressure ulcers Musculoskeletal System Joint replacement (hips, knees) Osteoporosis Contractures Mobility issues and aids Simple fractures (cast care) Splints, slings, crutches, and braces W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r17s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 17 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Week 4 ● CLO# 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Content Outline Specific Course Activity Student Assignments infectious, neoplastic, connective tissue, and structural musculoskeletal disorders. Compare and contrast the pathophysiology, manifestations, diagnosis and treatments for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, Paget’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. Discuss the purposes, nursing implications, and health education for the client and family for medications used to treat osteoporosis osteomyelitis, bone tumors, scleroderma, and low back pain. Describe the surgical procedures used to treat clients with arthritis Describe the pathophysiology of common upper respiratory tract disorders, relating their manifestations to the pathophysiologic process. Discuss nursing implications for medications and other interdisciplinary care measures to treat upper respiratory disorders. Describe surgical procedures used to treat upper respiratory disorders and their implications for client care and recovery. Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical patient related to urinary system disorder to include urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence, fluid volume overload and deficit as well as upper and lower respiratory disorders. Lecture/Discussion Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r18s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: ATI Content Mastery Series Phamacology Unit 2, 8, 9. ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section 18, 20,21, 22, 23, 24,48, 68, 69, and 71. Lewis – 17, 45, 46, 47 Lewis – 26 - 29 Page 18 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Content Outline Identify health promotion activities related to reducing the incidence of upper respiratory disorders, describing the appropriate population and setting for implementing identified measures Specific Course Activity Student Assignments management of the following conditions: Urinary System/Fluid and ElectrolyteFluid volume overload Fluid volume deficit Incontinence Urinary tract infection Respiratory SystemUpper respiratory disorders Lower respiratory disorders (pneumonia) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Reactive Airway Disease Week 5 CLO# 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Compare and contrast the etiology, pathophysiology, and manifestations of common cardiac disorders, including heart failure, and inflammatory disorders. Explain risk factors and preventive measures for cardiac disorders such as heart failure, and inflammatory disorders. Discuss indications for and management of clients with hemodynamic monitoring. Discuss the effects and nursing implications for medications commonly prescribed for clients with cardiac disorders. Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical client related to cardiovascular disorders. Lecture/Discussion Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the management of the following conditions: Midterm Exam ATI Content Mastery Series Phamacology Unit 2, 4, 6. ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 40. Lewis – 32, 33, 34, 35, 38 Cardiovascular SystemAtherosclerosis Coronary Heart Disease W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r19s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 19 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Week 6 CLO# 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Content Outline Discuss the coronary circulation and electrical properties of the heart pathophysiology and manifestations of coronary heart disease and common cardiac dysrhythmias. Describe interdisciplinary and nursing care for clients with coronary heart disease and or cardiac dysrhythmias. Relate the outcomes of diagnostic tests and procedures to the pathophysiology of cardiac disorders and implications for client responses to the disorder. Discuss nursing implications for medications and treatments used to prevent and treat coronary heart disease and dysrhythmias. Describe nursing care for the client undergoing diagnostic testing, an interventional procedure, or surgery for coronary heart disease or a dysrhythmia. Heart Failure Common cardiac dysrhythmias Hypertension Deep Vein Thrombosis Peripheral Vascular Insufficiency (PAD –Arterial) (PVD – Venous) Compare and contrast the etiology, pathophysiology, and manifestations of common hematologic disorders, including iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia. Explain risk factors and preventive measures for hematologic disorders such as iron deficiency anemia and Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical patientrelated to immunologic and hematologic disorders, and neurologic and sensory disorder. Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Specific Course Activity Lecture/Discussion Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r20s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Student Assignments ATI Content Mastery Series Pharmacology Unit 2, 3, 7. ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section43, 44, 45, 47, 100 Page 20 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Week 7 CLO# 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Content Outline pernicious anemia. Discuss indications for and management of clients with hematologic disorders. Discuss the effects and nursing implications for the treatment commonly prescribed for clients with hematologic disorders. Describe interdisciplinary and nursing care for clients with Iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia. Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, and manifestations of immunologic disorder HIV/AIDS. Explain risk factors and preventive measures for immunologic disorder HIV/AIDS. Describe interdisciplinary and nursing care for clients with immunologic disorder HIV/AIDS. nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the management of the following conditions: Identify prevalence, incidence, and risk factors for degenerative neurologic, peripheral nervous system, cranial nerve, infections and neurotoxic neurologic disorders. Explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, complications, interdisciplinary care, and nursing care of clients with neurologic disorders. Describe the procedures used to treat Review of pharmacological therapy used in the acutely ill medical surgical patient related to neurologic and sensory disorders. Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Specific Course Activity Student Assignments Lewis Ch. 58, 21, 22 Lewis – Ch.30, 31 Immune/Hematological System Iron deficiency anemia Pernicious anemia Thrombocytopenia HIV Infections/AIDS Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the Lecture/Discussion Test 3 Review of exam and preparation for ATI proctored examination. ATI Content Mastery Series Pharmacology Unit 4, 5,6, 7, 10. Instructor to review key concepts in class, W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r21s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Page 21 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Week 8 selected neurologic disorders (thymectomy, percutaneous rhizotomy, plasmapheresis). Relate knowledge of normal anatomy, physiology, and sensory functions of the eye and ear to the effects of disorders of these organs on the cognitive/ perceptual functional health pattern. Describe the pathophysiology of commonly occurring disorders of the eyes and ears, relating their manifestations to the pathophysiologic process. Explain the risk factors for selected disorders of the eyes and ears, identifying the nursing implications for these risk factors. Identify diagnostic tests used for specific eye and ear disorders. Discuss the effects of and nursing implications for medications prescribed to treat eye and ear disorders. Describe surgical and other invasive procedures used to treat eye and ear disorders, identifying their implications for nursing care. Discuss the nurse’s role in caring for clients with impaired vision or hearing loss. Describe the anatomy, physiology and Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Content Outline management of the following conditions: Specific Course Activity answer questions and help with test taking strategies. Student Assignments Section 6, 13, 14, 16, Lecture/Discussion ATI Content Mastery Lewis, Ch. 56, 58, 21, 23. Neurological NeurosensoryCerebrovascular accident (Stroke) (rehabilitation) Seizure Disorders Eye disorders (glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, eye trauma) Ear disorders (Hearing Disorders) Review of exam and preparation for ATI proctored examination Instructor to review key concepts in class, answer questions and help with test taking strategies. Review of pharmacological therapy W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r22s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 22 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date CLO# 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Class Objectives Content Outline functions of the male and female reproductive systems, including the breasts. Explain the functions of the male and female sex hormones. Identify specific topics for consideration during a health history interview of the client with health problems involving reproductive and breast structures and/or functions. Identify manifestations of impairment in male and female reproductive and breast structure or function. Explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, complications, interdisciplinary care, and nursing care of disorders of the male reproductive system, including disorders of sexual function, the penis, the testes and scrotum, the prostate gland, and the breast. Compare and contrast the risk factors for cancer of the penis, testes, and prostate gland. Discuss the purposes, nursing implications, and health education for medications and treatments used to treat disorders of sexual function, the penis, the testes and scrotum, the prostate gland and the breast. Describe the various surgical procedures used to treat disorders of Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) Specific Course Activity used in the acutely ill medical surgical patient related to male and female reproductive system disorders. Provides therapeutic care utilizing Gordon’s conceptual framework, nursing process, patient teaching, communication, evidenced based practice, and role development in the management of the following conditions: Student Assignments Series Pharmacology Unit 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12 ATI Content Mastery Series RN Adult MedicalSurgical Series 8.0 Section72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 107, 108, 109. Lewis, Chap. 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 Lewis, Chap. 18, 19, 20. Lewis, Ch. 53 Reproductive SystemCancer of the penis, testes, and prostate gland. Cancer of the cervix, endometrium, ovary, vulva, and breast. Pelvic relaxation disorders (cystocele, rectocele, uterine prolapsed) Sexually transmitted diseases – (Genital warts, genital herpes, vaginitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and pelvic inflammatory disease). ATI Proctored ONLINE Examination W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r23s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 23 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Content Outline Specific Course Activity Student Assignments the male reproductive system. Explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, complications, interdisciplinary care, and nursing care of disorders of female sexual function, PMS, menstrual disorders, structural disorders, reproductive tissue disorders, and breast disorders. Describe the physiologic process of menopause. Compare and contrast the incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and nursing care for cancer of the cervix, endometrium, ovary, vulva, and breast. Discuss the purposes, nursing implications and health education for clients and their families for cancer screening, medications, and treatments for women with disorders of the reproductive system and breast. Discuss alternative and complementary therapies used by women to relieve manifestations associated with menopause and menstrual disorders. Describe the surgical procedures used to treat female reproductive system and breast disorders. Explain the incidence, prevalence, characteristics, and Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r24s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 24 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Content Outline Specific Course Activity Student Assignments prevention/control of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Compare and contrast the pathophysiology, manifestations, interdisciplinary care, and nursing care of genital warts, genital herpes, vaginitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. Explain the risk factors for and complications of STIs. Discuss the effects and nursing implications of medications and treatments used to treat STIs. Differentiate the common purposes and setting of surgery. Describe components of preoperative nursing assessment, health status, and operative risk. Analyze the components and purpose of informed consent for surgery. Examine the nursing role in the physical, psychological, and educational preparation of the surgical client. Explain the priority nursing responsibilities in preparing client for surgery. Explain the purposes and types of common preoperative medications. Describe the special considerations of preoperative preparation for the older Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r25s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 25 November 2011 WCU NURS 120 Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Week/Date Class Objectives Content Outline Specific Course Activity Student Assignments adult surgical client. Explain the nursing responsibilities in the prevention of postoperative complications. Explain the etiology and nursing assessment and management of potential problems during the postoperative period. Week 8 Cont. CLO# 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Perioperative – Basic interventions Pre-op (NPO, informed consent) – time out Preoperative nursing Postoperative nursing Postoperative prevention of complications Pharmacologic interventions Non-pharmacologic interventions Patient-controlled analgesia Gerontologic considerations Week 9 FINAL EXAMINATION Final Exam and pharmacology Presentation Discussion and Continuation of Pharmacology Presentation Final Exam Final Examination Revision Date: Month, Year (i.e. February, 2010) W e s t C o a s t U n i v e r s i t y C Page o u r26s e S y l l a b u s Revision Date: Page 26 November 2011