English 11 Vocabulary List #1

English 11 Vocabulary List #1
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abdicate: (v) to step down from a position of power or responsibility
2. Abject: (adj) hopeless; extremely sad and servile; defeated; utterly bummed out
3. Acquiesce: (v) (ak wee ES) to comply passively; to accept; to assent; to agree
4. Ambiance: (n) atmosphere [of a room or area]; mood; feeling
5. Curtail: (v) to shorten; to cut short
6. Enigma: (n) a mystery; a puzzle or riddle
7. Epitome: (n) a brief summary that captures the meaning of the whole; the perfect
example of something
8. Exonerate: (v) to free completely from blame; to exculpate
9. Expedite: (v) to speed up or ease the progress of [something]
10. Insidious: (adj) treacherous; sneaky
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, August 30
English 11 Vocabulary List #2
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abnegate: (v) to deny oneself things; to reject; to renounce
2. Acrimonious: (adj) full of spite; bitter; nasty
3. Alleviate: (v) to relieve, usually temporarily or incompletely; to make bearable; to
4. Callow: (adj) immature
5. Coalesce: (v) (koh uh LES) to come together as one; to fuse; to unite
6. Debauchery: (n) wild living; excessive intemperance
7. Decimate: (v) to kill or destroy a large part of
8. Eminent: (adj) well-known and respected; standing out from all others in quality
or accomplishment; outstanding
9. Intrinsic: (adj) part of the essential nature of something; inherent
10. Kinetic: (adj) having to do with motion; lively; active
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, September 6
Quiz 1: Encompasses Lists 1 & 2: Wednesday, September 11
English 11 Vocabulary List #3
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Insipid: (adj) dull; bland
2. Narcissism: (n) excessive love of one’s body or oneself
3. Panacea: (n) something that cures everything
4. Plebeian: (adj) common; vulgar; low class; bourgeois
5. Plethora: (n) an excess or overabundance [of something]
6. Laud: (v) to praise; to applaud; to extol; to celebrate
7. Pejorative: (adj) negative; disparaging
8. Tenuous: (adj) flimsy; extremely thin
9. Vapid: (adj) without liveliness; dull; spiritless
10. Vernacular: (n) everyday speech; slang; idiom
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, September 20
English 11 Vocabulary List #4
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Blasphemy: (n) irreverence; an insult to something held sacred; profanity
2. Clemency: (n) mercy; forgiveness; mildness in reaction to wrongdoing or
3. Covert: (adj) secret; hidden
4. Effusion: (n) a pouring forth [of something]
5. Emulate: (v) to strive to equal or excel, usually through imitation
6. Fecund: (adj) fertile; productive
7. Foible: (n) (FOY bul) a minor character flaw
8. Idyllic: (adj) charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful
9. Languish: (v) to become weak, listless, or depressed
10. Mollify: (v) (MAHL uh fye) to soften; to sooth; to pacify
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, September 27
Quiz 2: Encompasses Lists 3 & 4: Wednesday, October 2
English 11 Vocabulary List #5
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Ardent: (adj) passionate
2. Criterion: (n) standard; basis for judgement
3. Finesse: (n) skillful maneuvering; subtlety; craftiness
4. Hiatus: (n) (hye AY tus) a break or interruption, often from work
5. Legacy: (n) something handed down from the past; a bequest
6. Nostalgia: (n) sentimental longing for the past; homesickness
7. Relinquish: (v) to release or let go of; to surrender; to stop doing
8. Revere: (v) to respect highly; to honor
9. Staunch: (adj) firmly committed; firmly in favor of; steadfast
10. Tirade: (n) prolonged, bitter speech
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, October 11
English 11 Vocabulary List #6
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Morose: (adj) gloomy; sullen
2. Novel: (adj) new; original
3. Onerous: (adj) (OH nur us) burdensome; oppressive
4. Opulent: (adj) luxurious
5. Polarize: (v) to break up into opposing factions or groupings
6. Pristine: (adj) original; unspoiled; pure
7. Prudent: (adj) careful; having foresight
8. Serendipity: (n) accidental good fortune; discovering good things without
looking for them
9. Urbane: (adj) poised; sophisticated; refined
10. Vex: (v) to annoy; to pester; to confuse
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, October 18
Quiz 3: Encompasses Lists 5 & 6: Wednesday, October 23
English 11 Vocabulary List #7
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abridge: (v) to shorten; to condense
2. Affluent: (adj) rich; prosperous
3. Broach: (v) to open up a subject for discussion, often a delicate subject
4. Charisma: (n) (kuh RIZ muh) a magical-seeming ability to attract followers or
inspire loyalty
5. Faction: (n) a group—usually a small part of a larger group—united around
some cause; disagreement within an organization
6. Hackneyed: (adj) (HAK need) overused; trite; stale [usually applied to a saying
or idea]
7. Hapless: (adj) unlucky
8. Heyday: (n) golden age; prime; glory days
9. Nuance: (n) a subtle difference or distinction
10. Pivotal: (adj) crucial, fundamental or central [to something]
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, November 1
English 11 Vocabulary List #8
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Preclude: (v) to prevent something from ever happening
2. Querulous: (adj) complaining; grumbling; whining
3. Ramification: (n) a consequence; a branching out or effect [of something]
4. Reiterate: (v) to say again; to repeat
5. Wistful: (adj) yearning; sadly longing
6. Accost: (v) to approach and speak to someone
7. Brevity: (n) briefness
8. Cajole: (v) (kuh JOHL) to persuade someone to do something he or she doesn’t
want to do
9. Copious: (adj) abundant; plentiful
10. Denizen: (n) inhabitant; native [of a place]
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, November 8
Quiz 4: Encompasses Lists 7 & 8: Wednesday, November 13
English 11 Vocabulary List #9
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Depravity: (n) extreme wickedness or corruption
2. Elusive: (adj) hard to pin down; evasive
3. Flout: (v) to disregard something out of disrespect
4. Garrulous: (adj) (GAR uh lus) talkative; chatty
5. Inane: (adj) silly; senseless
6. Laconic: (adj) using few words, especially to the point of seeming rude
7. Pernicious: (adj) deadly; extremely evil
8. Reticent: (adj) (RET uh sunt) quiet; restrained; reluctant to speak, especially
about oneself
9. Temerity: (n) boldness; recklessness; audacity
10. Zealous: (adj) enthusiastically devoted to something; fervent
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, November 22
English 11 Vocabulary List #10
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Espouse: (v) to support; to advocate
2. Fabrication: (n) a lie; something made up
3. Hyperbole: (n) an exaggeration used as a figure of speech; exaggeration
4. Implement: (v) – to carry out
5. Incense: (v) to make very angry
6. Integral: (adj) essential
7. Maxim: (n) a fundamental principle; an old saying
8. Noxious: (adj) harmful; offensive
9. Pacify: (v) to calm someone down; to placate
10. Premise: (n) an assumption; the basis for a conclusion
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, December 6
Quiz 5: Encompasses Lists 9 & 10: Wednesday, December 11
English 11 Vocabulary List #11
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Renaissance: (n) a rebirth or revival
2. Rogue: (n) a criminally dishonest person; a scoundrel
3. Secular: (adj) having nothing to do with religion or spiritual concerns
4. Squander: (v) to waste
5. Viable: (adj) capable of living; workable
6. Avow: (v) to claim; to declare boldly; to admit
7. Awry: (adj) off course; twisted to one side
8. Belabor: (v) to go over repeatedly, usually to an absurd extent
9. Burgeon: (v) (BUR jun) to expand; to flourish
10. catholic: (adj) universal; embracing everything [Please note this word is not
capitalized. “Catholic” with a capital “C” refers to Catholicism the religion,
“catholic” with a lowercase “c” means “universal” and is not necessarily religious]
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Thursday, December 19
English 11 Vocabulary List #12
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Concise: (adj) brief and to the point; succinct
2. Daunt: (v) to make fearful; to intimidate
3. Edify: (v) to enlighten; to instruct [especially in moral or religious matters]
4. Nepotism: (n) (NEP uh tiz um) showing favoritism to friends or family in
business or politics
5. Nihilism: (n) (NYE uh liz um) the belief that there are no values or morals in the
6. Penitent: (adj) sorry; repentant; contrite
7. Static: (adj) stationary; not changing or moving
8. Temperate: (adj) mild; moderate; restrained
9. Tout: (v) to praise highly; to brag publicly about
10. Verisimilitude: (n) (ver uh si MIL uh tood) similarity to reality; the appearance of
truth; looking like the real thing
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, January 10
Quiz 6: Encompasses Lists 11 & 12: Wednesday, January 15
English 11 Vocabulary List #13
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Ameliorate: (v) to make better or more tolerable
2. Aphorism: (n) a brief, often witty saying; a proverb
3. Decorous: (adj) proper; in good taste; orderly
4. Ephemeral: (adj) lasting a very short time
5. Facetious: (adj) humorous; not serious; clumsily humorous
6. Fortuitous: (adj) accidental; occurring by chance
7. Furtive: (adj) secretive; sly
8. Impetuous: (adj) impulsive; extremely impatient
9. Mundane: (adj) ordinary; pretty boring; not heavenly or eternal
10. Nebulous: (adj) vague; hazy; indistinct
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, January 24
English 11 Vocabulary List #14
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Paltry: (adj) insignificant; worthless
2. Perturb: (v) to disturb greatly
3. Rebuke: (v) to criticize sharply
4. Relegate: (v) to banish; to send away
5. Sloth: (n) laziness; sluggishness
6. Benevolent: (adj) generous; kind; doing good deeds
7. Candor: (n) truthfulness; sincere honesty
8. Charlatan: (n) fraud; quack; con man
9. Conjure: (v) to summon or bring into being as if by magic
10. Definitive: (adj) conclusive; providing the last word
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, January 31
Quiz 7: Encompasses Lists 13 & 14: Wednesday, February 5
English 11 Vocabulary List #15
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Deleterious: (adj) harmful
2. Eccentric: (adj) not conventional; a little kooky; irregular
3. Foment: (v) to stir up; to instigate
4. Incisive: (adj) cutting right to the heart of the matter
5. Insinuate: (v) to hint; to creep in
6. Mortify: (v) to humiliate
7. Paternal: (adj) fatherly; father-like
8. Paucity: (n) scarcity
9. Profuse: (adj) flowing; extravagant
10. Tenacious: (adj) persistent; stubborn; not letting go
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Thursday, February 13
English 11 Vocabulary List #16
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abash: (v) to make ashamed; to embarrass
2. Abate: (v) to subside; to reduce
3. Banal: (adj) (buh NAL or BANE ul) unoriginal; ordinary
4. Cognizant: (adj) (KAHG nu zunt) aware; conscious
5. Connoisseur: (n) (kahn uh SUR) an expert, particularly in matter of art or taste
6. Delude: (v) (dih LOOD) to deceive
7. Dictum: (n) an authoritative saying; an adage; a maxim; a proverb
8. Elicit: (v) to bring out; to call forth
9. Farcical: (adj) absurd; ludicrous
10. Frugal: (adj) economical; penny-pinching
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, February 21
Quiz 8: Encompasses Lists 15 & 16: Wednesday, February 26
English 11 Vocabulary List #17
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Grandiose: (adj) absurdly exaggerated
2. Illicit: (adj) illegal; not permitted
3. Innate: (adj) existing since birth
4. Milieu: (n) (mil YOO) environment; surroundings
5. Sardonic: (adj) mocking; scornful
6. Aberration: (n) something not typical; a deviation from the standard
7. Abstinent: (adj) abstaining; voluntarily not doing something, especially
something pleasant that is bad for you or has a bad reputation
8. Aesthetic: (adj) sensitive to art and beauty; artistic; having to do with artistic
9. Benefactor: (n) one who provides help, especially in the form of a gift or
10. Cadence: (n) rhythm; the rise and fall of sounds
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, March 7
English 11 Vocabulary List #18
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Circumspect: (adj) cautious
2. Eclectic: (adj) choosing the best from many sources; drawing from many
3. Gregarious: (adj) sociable; enjoying the company of others
4. Homogenous: (adj) uniform in nature; made entirely of one thing
5. Indigenous: (adj) native; originating in that area
6. Inordinate: (adj) excessive; unreasonable
7. Matriculate: (v) to enroll, especially at a college
8. Parody: (n) a satirical imitation
9. Perennial: (adj) continual; happening again and again or year after year
10. Venerate: (v) to revere; to treat as something holy, especially because of great
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, March 14
Quiz 9: Encompasses Lists 17 & 18: Wednesday, March 19
English 11 Vocabulary List #19
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abortive: (adj) unsuccessful
2. Altruism: (n) selflessness; generosity; devotion to the interests of others.
3. Bane: (n) poison; torment; cause of harm
4. Catharsis: (n) purification that brings emotional relief or renewal
5. Cynic: (n) one who deeply distrusts human nature; one who believes humans
are motivated only by selfishness
6. Dearth: (n) lack; scarcity
7. Erudite: (adj) scholarly; deeply learned.
8. Flagrant: (adj) glaringly bad; notorious; scandalous
9. Gesticulate: (v) to make gestures, especially when speaking or in place of
10. Incorrigible: (adj) incapable of being reformed
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins:
Due: Friday, March 18
English 11 Vocabulary List #20
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Loquacious: (adj) (loh KWAY shus) talking a lot or too much
2. Myriad: (n) a huge number
3. Obdurate: (adj) stubborn and insensitive
4. Palpable: (adj) capable of being touched; obvious; tangible
5. Respite: (n) (RES pit) a period of rest or relief
6. Absolve: (v) to forgive or free from blame; to free from sin; to free from
7. Amenity: (n) pleasantness; attractive or comfortable feature
8. Bastion: (n) stronghold; fortress; fortified place
9. Caustic: (adj) like acid; corrosive
10. Cryptic: (adj) mysterious; mystifying
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins
Due: Friday, April 4
Quiz 10: Encompasses Lists 19 & 20: Wednesday, April 9
English 11 Vocabulary List #21
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Dogmatic: (adj) arrogantly assertive of unproven ideas; stubbornly claiming that
something (often a system of beliefs) is beyond dispute
2. Equivocal: (adj) ambiguous; intentionally confusing; capable of being interpreted
in more than one way
3. Guile: (n) cunning; duplicity; artfulness
4. Insurgent: (n) rebel; someone who revolts against a government
5. Maudlin: (adj) silly and overly sentimental
6. Misanthropic: (adj) hating mankind
7. Nefarious: (adj) evil; flagrantly wicked
8. Opaque: (adj) impossible to see through; impossible to understand
9. Resolute: (adj) determined; firm; unwavering
10. Pensive: (adj) thoughtful or sad
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins
Due: Wednesday, April 16
English 11 Vocabulary List #22
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abstruse: (adj) hard to understand
2. Auspicious: (adj) favorable; promising; pointing to a good result
3. Castigate: (v) to criticize severely; to chastise
4. Consecrate: (v) to make or declare sacred
5. Deference: (n) submission to another’s will; respect; courtesy [To show
deference is to place that person’s wishes ahead of your own.]
6. Egocentric: (adj) selfish; believing that one is the center of everything
7. Fidelity: (n) faithfulness; loyalty
8. Hierarchy: (n) an organization based on rank or degree; pecking order
9. Indignant: (adj) angry, especially as a result of something unjust or unworthy;
10. Orthodox: (adj) conventional; adhering to established principles or doctrines,
especially in religion; by the book
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins
Due: Friday, April 25
Quiz 11: Encompasses Lists 21 & 22: Wednesday, April 30
English 11 Vocabulary List #23
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Abysmal: (adj) extremely hopeless or wretched; bottomless
2. Antithesis: (n) the direct opposite
3. Blithe: (adj) carefree; cheerful
4. Choleric: (adj) hot-tempered; quick to anger
5. Convivial: (adj) fond of partying; festive
6. Engender: (v) to bring into existence; to create; to cause
7. Fetter: (v) to restrain; to hamper
8. Idiosyncrasy: (n) a peculiarity; an eccentricity
9. Mendicant: (n) a beggar
10. Officious: (adj) annoyingly eager to help or advise
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins
Due: Friday, May 2
English 11 Vocabulary List #24
Complete the following for each word: write down the part of speech, definition,
and use the word in a sentence.
1. Paradox: (n) a true statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems to
contradict itself; an untrue statement or phenomenon that nonetheless seems
2. Patronize: (v) to treat as an inferior; to condescend to
3. Salutary: (adj) healthful; remedial; curative
4. Touchstone: (n) a standard; a test of authenticity or quality
5. Vilify: (v) to say vile things about; to defame
6. Paradigm: (n) model or example
7. Patent: (adj) obvious
8. Salient: (adj) (SAYL yunt) sticking out; conspicuous; leaping
9. Tenable: (adj) defensible, as in one’s position in an argument; capable of being
argued successfully; valid
10. Usurp: (v) to seize wrongfully [usually a position or title of authority]
Note the meaning of any prefixes, suffixes, root words, and root origins
Due: Friday, May 9
Quiz 12: Encompasses Lists 23 & 24: Wednesday, May 14