The Solar System By: Haesun Choi Mercury • Escape Velocity: 15,450 km/h • Distance from Sun: 57 million kilometers • Maximum Temperature: 465 degrees Celsius • Minimum Temperature: -184 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium • Diameter: 4876 kilometers Venus • Escape Velocity: 37,498 km/h • Distance from Sun: 107 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 449 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen • Diameter: 12,107 kilometers Earth • Escape Velocity: 67,578 km/h • Distance from Sun: 150 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 7.2 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon • Diameter: 12755 kilometers Mars • Escape Velocity: 18,024 km/h • Distance from Sun: 229 million kilometers • Maximum Temperature: 36 degrees Celsius • Minimum Temperature: 123 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon • Diameter: 6794 kilometers Jupiter • Escape Velocity: 214,203 km/h • Distance from Sun: 777 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 153 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane • Diameter: 142,983 kilometers Saturn • Escape Velocity: 127,782 km/h • Distance from Sun: 1,429 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 184 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane • Diameter: 120,536 kilometers Uranus • Escape Velocity: 76,605 km/h • Distance from Sun: 2,871 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 184 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane • Diameter: 51,117 kilometers Neptune • Escape Velocity: 84,651 km/h • Distance from Sun: 4,496 million kilometers • Average Temperature: 184 degrees Celsius • Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane • Diameter: 49,527 kilometers Citation • "Our Solar System." The Solar System. The KidsKnowIt Network, 1998. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. < m.htm>. Name of Lesson: Planets of Our Solar System Grade Level: 5 Subject: Earth Science Prepared by: Haesun Choi Overview and Purpose (include content): Students will be able to list the names of the planets in our solar system with at least one fact (size, shape, color, number of rings, number of moons, temperature, etc.). They will also be able to list them in order farthest from the Sun. Education Standards Addressed: (TEKS and 21st Century Skills) Lesson Objective (specify skills and information that will be learned): Students will be able to write the planets in order starting from the Sun from their image or facts. Materials Needed and Science, Mathematics, and Applied Learning Technology Resources Needed: Computer research (site: Information (give and demonstrate necessary information): There are 8 major planets in our solar system. Each of our planets has interesting facts that can help us tell them apart. m.htm) Using this site, students will research each planet in the solar system. Content: Include image, distance from sun, temperature, diameter, atmosphere, velocity Then they will make a creative power point Pedagogy: Instructional Strategies: Go to and look at each of using images and stating facts about each planet. (Search engines, pictures/images the planets by searching it. (clipart), citing) Trying to make own group, selecting the planet they want to do, problems with power point or researching, design and layout, misunderstanding instructions, asking for help, behavioral problems, rubrics, time frame, group work, individual work Technology: Internet safety, power point, research, copyright, keyboard, copy and paste, citation, saving, inserting image, clip art, or videos, fonts, colors/backgrounds, transition/slide, effects/animations Verification (Steps to check for student understanding): Label the planets in order and write at least one fact for each. Activity (List and describe the tasks (be very specific about pedagogy): Students will be put Notes: Students will have time to go through each of the planet from the site given to them.