
Assignment # ____
1. All of the poetry, short stores, and the novel and the activities in this unit are focused on
“Creating the Self”. All of the literature in this unit depicts of refers to formative periods
in life, periods of life where the character’s persona was being developed through trials,
tribulations, victories and defeats. Your job is to come up with an artifact that you still
have that has special meaning from a formative period of your own life. If may be
something from your early childhood, your middle school years or your high school
years. If should be something that really brings back memories and something that is
special to you for one reason or another. Your assignment is to write a 1 page essay.
a. explain the artifact
b. what period of your life the artifact came from and why it is so important.
c. Give an explanation of what this period of your life did to help shape you into
what you are today.
Check you essay for errors before submitting it to your teacher.
2. Read the information about Tim O’Brien on pages 1-2. While reading, complete the
Graphic Organizer on page 3.
3. Journal Entry: On a separate piece of paper respond to the following: Read the
information about the Vietnam War on pages 4-6. Read The Things They Carried Plot
Summary on pages 7-8. Think about how you would have reacted if you had received a
draft notice to serve in the war. What would your reaction have been? What would you
have been feeling? Write a one page journal entry answering these questions.
4. Read the information on pages 9-10 about figurative language. On a piece of lined
paper, write in your own words the definition of the underlined terms. After each
definition, write an example.
5. Review the Language of War terms on pages 11-16. These terms will help you better
understand the story.
6. Read The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien on page 17-25
Assignment # ____ (p. 2)
7. Journal Entry: On a separate piece of paper respond to the following: In the story, you
see that the soldiers all carry many items with them. The “things they carry” are literal
and figurative, tangible and spiritual, real and imagined. If you were heading into battle
in a strange place what would you carry? Think of things not only from a tangible,
physical perspective but also from an emotional perspective. Write about what you
would carry.
8. Read The Things They Carried Summary and Analysis on pages 26-28. You will take a
quiz about this information when you meet with your teacher next.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 32-40:
a. Still I Rise by Maya Angelou
b. Man in the Arena by Theodore Roosevelt
c. Making a Fist by Naomi Shihab Nye
Choose one of the short author biographies and complete the graphic organizer on page
31 about that person. You may do additional research online to better complete graphic
organizer. Then choose 2 of the poems that you read and complete the Poetry Analysis
Worksheet on pages 29-30.
2. Review Unit 1 Poetry Notes on pages 41-48. You will take a quiz on this information
when you meet with your teacher.
3. Read the short biography of Langston Hughes on page 49. Read Life is Fine on page
50. Complete the Poetry Analysis Worksheet on pages 29-30.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the short biography on J.D. Salinger on pages 51-55. Complete the graphic
organizer on page 56.
2. While you read the novel, complete the character list on pages 57-58. Add details as
you read. You will submit your character list once you finish the novel.
3. Review the vocabulary words on from chapters 1-14 of The Cather in the Rye on page
59. On a separate piece of paper write the definition of each vocabulary term, then use
the word in a sentence.
4. Read chapters 1-14 of The Cather in the Rye. Answer the study guide questions for
those chapters. Questions are located on pages 61-64.
Assignment # ____
1. Review the vocabulary words on from chapters 15-26 of The Cather in the Rye on
pages 60. On a separate piece of paper write the definition of each vocabulary term,
then use the word in a sentence.
2. Read chapters 15-26 of The Cather in the Rye. Answer the study guide questions for
those chapters. Questions are located on pages 61-64.
3. Review The Cather in the Rye project ideas on pages 65-66. Choose one to complete.
You must receive permission from your teacher before you begin the project.
4. Complete the Important Quotes worksheet on pages 67-68 by writing under each quote
what you think that the quote means.
5. Answer the short answer questions on page 69.
6. Review The Cather in the Rye essays on page 70. Choose one and write a 1-2 page
essay answering the question. Your teacher will use the rubric on page 71 to grade
your work.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the poems on pages 72-74:
a. Armed Forces Recruitment Day
b. First Encounter
c. Natural History
d. Home Finally Going Home
e. Poem for Our Dog Afraid of Thunder on a Rainy Day
Choose 2 of the poems that you read and complete the Poetry Analysis Worksheet on pages
. 29-30.
2. Complete the Voices of the Vietnam Era” assignment on page 75. Talk with your
teacher about expectations for this project.
3. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 76-85:
a. A Poison Tree by William Blake
b. Never Give All the Heart by W.B. Yeats
c. Do not go gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas
d. Falling and Flying by Jack Gilbert
Choose one of the short author biographies and complete the graphic organizer on
page 31 about that person. You may do additional research online to better complete
graphic organizer. Then choose 2 of the poems that you read and complete the Poetry
Analysis Worksheet on pages 29-30.
4. Review Unit 2 Poetry Notes on pages 86-91. You will take a quiz on this information
when you meet with your teacher.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 92-101:
a. Alone by Edgar Allan Poe
b. The Stranger by Rudyard Kipling
c. Folsom Prison Blues (song) by Jonny Cash
Choose one of the short author biographies and complete the graphic organizer on
page 31 about that person. You may do additional research online to better complete
graphic organizer. Then choose 2 of the poems that you read and complete the Poetry
Analysis Worksheet on pages 29-30.
2. Review Poetry Notes on pages 102-108. You will take a quiz on this information when
you meet with your teacher.
3. Journal Entry: As a senior in high school and a young adult at the age of 17 or 18, you
are entering a phase of your life where some of the decisions that you make will have
lasting effects on your life. Choices like: Will you get a job or go to college? Will you go
to college or go to a vocational school? Will you go the education route or go into the
military? Will you stay at home or move out? Will you stay close to home or move far
away? These among other choices will present themselves to you in the next couple of
years. Take a few minutes to write about an important choice that you see facing you in
the coming year. You must write a minimum of 1 paragraph.
4. Journal Entry: Read the information on pages 110-135 about the draft. Once you have
a general understanding of how the draft worked, and different ways in which people
attempted to get out of the draft, think about how you would have handled it. Would you
have considered trying to evade the draft? If so, how would you have done it? Would
you have served proudly? Would you have served because you felt that you had to?
What would you have done? You must write a minimum of 1 paragraph.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 137-148:
a. An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay (song) by Sam Rogers
b. Drink Your Tea byThich Nhat Hahn
c. The Choice by Dorothy Parker
d. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
Choose one of the short author biographies and complete the graphic organizer on
page 31 about that person. You may do additional research online to better complete
graphic organizer. Then choose 1 of the poems that you read and complete the Poetry
Analysis Worksheet on pages 29-30. Respond to the questions after the poem The
Choice on page 146.
2. Review Poetry Notes on pages 149-154. You will take a quiz on this information when
you meet with your teacher.
3. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 155-168:
a. Poem With Two Endings by Jane Hirshfield
b. Because I could not stop for Death by Emily Dickenson
c. Nothing Twice by Wislawa Szymbroska
d. If by Rudyard Kipling
Choose one of the short author biographies and complete the graphic organizer on page
31 about that person. You may do additional research online to better complete graphic
organizer. Then choose 2 of the poems and complete the Poetry Analysis Worksheet
on pages 29-30.
4. Review the information about Because I could not stop for Death on pages 160-163.
You will take a quiz on this information when you meet with your teacher.
5. Review the information Poetry Notes on pages 169-174. You will take a quiz on this
information when you meet with your teacher.
Assignment # ____
6. Read the poems and author biographies on pages 175-179:
a. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
b. I Hope You Dance
c. Live Like You Were Dyin’
Think about the common thread that runs through all of these songs. Write a journal
entry describing what you think all three of these songs have in common. What can
you, personally, can take away from them? How should you approach life? How can
you get the most out of your life?
7. Read the directions on pages 180-182 and complete the Poetry Anthology project.
Assignment # ____
1. Read the background information about William Shakespeare and Hamlet on pages
2. Read Hamlet Act 1. Complete the activities on pages 187-190. Review the vocabulary
on page 187. Use each vocabulary in a sentence.
3. Read Hamlet Act 2. Complete the activities on pages 191-194. Review the vocabulary
on page 191. Use each vocabulary in a sentence.
4. Read Hamlet Act 3. Complete the activities on pages 195-198. Review the vocabulary
on page 195. Use each vocabulary in a sentence.
5. Read Hamlet Act 4. Complete the activities on pages 199-202. Review the vocabulary
on page 199. Use each vocabulary in a sentence.
6. Read Hamlet Act 5. Complete the activities on pages 203-206. Review the vocabulary
on page 203. Use each vocabulary in a sentence.
7. Complete the after reading activities on pages 207-212