Problem Solving and Teamwork: Engagement in Real World


Problem Solving and Teamwork:

Engagement in Real World

Mathematics Problems

Tamara J. Moore

Purdue University

February 8, 2006

Background and Research Interests

 High School Mathematics Teacher

 Mathematics in Context

 Problem Solving

 Engineering Classroom Research

What are Model-Eliciting Activities?

 MEAs are authentic assessment activities that are open-ended with a fictitious client

 Connect mathematical modeling to other fields

Elicit students thinking in the process of solving Product is process

Require teams of problem solvers

Characteristics of MEAs

Require the design of a “novel” procedure or model to solve a problem for a real world client

 Students adapt problem to their level

Incorporate self-assessment principle

– students should judge based on experience/knowledge whether procedure is right

What Makes MEAs Different?

 Iterative Design Process

 Students go through multiple modeling cycles

Reading, Writing, and Presentations

Teacher Development

Assess mathematical ideas and abilities that are missed by standardized tests alone

What Makes MEAs Different?

Connections with Other Fields

 Foundations for the Future – Lesh,

Hamilton, Kaput, eds. (in press)

 Multidisciplinary approaches to mathematics instruction

Each MEA addresses multiple mathematics principles and standards

SGMM Project

Small Group Mathematical Modeling for

Gender Equity in Engineering

Increase women’s perseverance and interest in engineering via curriculum reform initiatives

Examine experiences of women in engineering in general and within the firstyear specifically

Investigate engineering at first-year level

Lessons from SGMM

 How MEAs Have Helped

 Change the way faculty think about their teaching & learning environments

Increase student engagement: addressing diversity

Meaningful engineering contexts representing multiple engineering disciplines

Framework for constructing highly open-ended engineering problems

Require mathematical model development

Support development of teaming and communication skills

Research Questions

 What relationship exists between student team functioning and performance on Model-Eliciting


 What are the correlations between

Model-Eliciting Activity performance and student team functioning?


 ENGR 106: Engineering Problem

Solving and Computer Tools

 First-year introductory course in engineering

 Problem Solving – Mathematical Modeling


Engineering Fundamentals – statistics/economics/logic development

Computer Tools – Excel/MATLAB

Factory Layout MEA

The general manager of a metal fabrication company has asked your team to write a memo that:

 Provides results for 122,500 ft 2 square layout

Total distance and order of material travel for each product

Final department dimensions

 Proposes a reusable procedure to determine any square plant layout that takes spatial concerns and material travel into account


What are teams ?


Interdependent social entities

Individual accountability to team

Why encourage teaming?

Research indicates student participation in collaborative work increases learning and engagement

Accreditation Board for Engineering and

Technology (ABET)

Demand from industry

Purpose of the Study

 Investigate relationships between:

 student team functioning

 team performance on Model-

Eliciting Activities

Interventions and Relationships

Team Functioning MEA Performance


Team Effectiveness


MEA Reflection

Is there a connection?

MEA Team











Team Effectiveness Scale

 Student-reported questionnaire to measure team functionality

25-item Likert scale

Given immediately following MEA

Internal reliability measured

Cronbach’s Alpha > 0.95 (N ~ 1400)


 Interdependency, Potency, Goal Setting, and


Researcher Observations

Observation of one group per lab visited

Based on teaming literature

Interdependency – 3 items

Potency – 2 items

Goal Setting – 2 items

Teams received 1-5 score for 7 items

Detailed field notes also taken

Quality Assurance Guide

Does the product meet the client’s needs?

How useful is the product?



1 Requires redirection

2 Requires major extensions or revisions

3 Requires only minor editing

4 Useful for this specific data given

5 Sharable or reusable

The product is on the wrong track. Working longer or harder won’t work.

The product is a good start toward meeting the client’s needs, but a lot more work is needed to respond to all of the issues.

The product is nearly ready to be used. It still needs a few small modifications, additions or refinements.

No changes will be needed to meet the immediate needs of the client, but this is not generalizable to new but similar situations.

The tool not only works for the immediate situation, but it also would be easy for others to modify and use it in similar situations.

Preliminary Results

 11 student teams observed




Correlation of rankings of:

11 teams self-reporting ranking

11 observation score ranking

Aggregate score ranking

With the MEA Quality Score

Preliminary Results

 MEA Quality Score vs.11 teams self-reporting ranking

 Pearson – coefficient is -0.543

 Not statistically significant at a 0.05 level (2-tailed correlation)

 Moderate degree of correlation

Preliminary Results

MEA Score vs. Self-Reported Team Rank







= 0.29



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Self-Reported Team Rank

Preliminary Results

 MEA Quality Score vs.11 teams observed ranking

 Pearson – coefficient is -0.555

 Not statistically significant at a 0.05 level (2-tailed correlation)

 Moderate degree of correlation

Preliminary Results

MEA Score vs. Observed Team Rank







= 0.31



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Observed Team Rank

Preliminary Results

 MEA Quality Score vs. Aggregate

Team score ranking

 Pearson – coefficient is -0.792

 Statistically significant at a 0.01 level

(2-tailed correlation)

 Marked degree of correlation

Preliminary Results

MEA Score vs. Aggregate Teaming Rank






= 0.63

2 m



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Aggregate Team Effectiveness Rank

Preliminary Findings

 Preliminary data suggests that

More work is needed in having students understand how to self-assess their teaming abilities

Research is needed to understand which of the team functioning categories are most important – especially in the observer rankings

Next Steps

4 MEAs total – 100 teams per MEA

Use teaming instruments to assess team functioning – create an aggregate score

 TA Observations, Team Effectiveness Scale,

MEA Reflection

Look for correlation among team functionality and MEA Quality Score

4 case studies

Collective case study

Significance of the Study

Answers fundamental question:

 Does team functionality affect team performance?

Leads to other research questions

 Which characteristics of teaming are more likely to create better solutions?

 How are these team attributes best fostered in the classroom?

Contributes to the discussion on ABET and the role of teaming and problem solving in undergraduate engineering education and points to NCTM Standards

Possible Future Directions

STEM context MEAs in secondary classrooms

How do MEAs help students progress in the NCTM Standards?

To what extent does the use of MEAs encourage female students (all students) to pursue STEM fields?

What are the correlations between teaming and MEA solution quality at the secondary level?

Possible Future Directions

STEM context MEAs in secondary classrooms

How do secondary students’ abilities to model mathematically complex situations compare to freshman engineering students?

 What are the kinds of mathematics that each class of students use in order to solve complex modeling problems?

Possible Future Directions

Virtual Field Experiences

 Video conferencing between universities, professionals, and K-12 classrooms

Emphasis on technological tools that enhance small-group and problembased learning (MEAs)

“Client” – Team interactions


 To contact me:

Tamara Moore


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