Guided Notes – Patterns, Disorders, and Dreams

AP Psychology
Guided Notes #4
Fall Semester 2014
Unit IV: Consciousness
Corresponding Modules: 22-25
Topic: Consciousness (2-4%)
Consciousness: Biological Rhythms & Sleep
Biological Rhythms
o Periodic ________________________________________________________________________________________________ that the body MUST go through
 Impact body temperature, blood pressure, production of certain hormones, effectiveness of certain medications, etc.
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
 ______________________________________
Annual Cycles
o On an annual cycle, geese migrate, grizzly bears hibernate & humans experience seasonal variations in appetite, sleep and mood…
 Example
 ___________________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________
28-Day Cycles
o _______________________________________
o ______________________________________________________________________________
24-Hour Cycles
o 24-hour cycles of varying alertness (sleep-wake cycle), ____________________________________ and _________________________________________
o Also known as _____________________________________________________; controlled by the brain
90-Minute Cycles
o Humans experience ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Hypothalamus’ Role
o The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________; sensitive to changes in light;
internal clock
 As daylight fades the SCN tells the _________________________________ to secrete ____________________________; SLEEPINESS!
o Melatonin
 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
o Others?
 Serotonin? Body temperature? (Both correlational…)
Sleep, the “Gentle Tyrant”
o Two Kinds of Sleep
 REM Sleep (Rapid Eye Movement)
 NREM Sleep (Non-REM)
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
 ______________________________
Why do we spend a third of our lives sleeping?
o Preservation & Protection Theory
 ___________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________
o Restoration Theory
 General wear & tear; ______________________________________________________________________________
o Memory
 Strengthens/rebuilds fading memories
Consciousness: The Sleep Stages
Sleep Stage
Brain Activity
What is you wake someone?
What is you wake someone?
Stage 1
Light Sleep
Stage 2
Sleep Spindles
Stages 3 & 4
Deep Sleep
Sleep Stage
 Brain wave (theta) cycle
 EEG sleep spindles develop;
last 1-2 seconds
 Delta waves increase
(larger & slower waves)
 Stage 3: 20-50% of
total brain activity
 Stage 4: 50%+ of
total brain activity;
deepest stage
Brain Activity
REM Sleep
Rapid Eye
Within any given night, humans generally pass through several 90-minute
sleep cycles
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
o _______________________________
NREM versus REM?
o NREM: ___________________________________________
o REM: _____________________________________________
 Potential function of REM dreams?
Age and time spent in REM sleep?
Age and differences in REM sleep?
Consciousness: Sleep Issues
Sleep Deprivation…
o Decreases the ____________________________________________________________________________
o Decreases productivity & the ___________________________________________________________
o Increases safety & accident issues
o Contributes to hypertension, impaired concentration, irritability, etc.
o Potential impact on weight?
o Chronic problems in getting _____________________________________________________________
o Three basic patterns
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________
o Causes?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
o 1 in 10 adults complain of insomnia
 Common (though unhelpful) “treatments”
 Effect of alcohol and sleeping pills?
o Anxiety-arousing dreams that lead to awakening, _______________________________________________________
 Difficulty in going back to sleep
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
Night Terrors
o Abrupt arousal from ___________________________________ (generally Stage 4) accompanied by ________________________________________________
(e.g. rapid heart rate, perspiration, etc.) and feelings of ______________________________________
 Victims may scream or bolt upright & then stare into space; do not recall a coherent dream
 _____________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________
 Night terrors are NOT nightmares!
Somnambulism (Sleep-Walking)
o Occurs when a person arises and wanders about while sleeping; __________________________________________________
 Generally occurs during _________________________________________________________________________________
 15% of children and 3% of adults exhibit persistent sleepwalking
 Generally goes away as one ages…
o _______________________________________________________________ sleepiness that leaves individuals falling asleep while talking or standing
 May collapse directly into _____________________________________; can last up to 5 minutes
Sleep Apnea
o _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Most prominent in overweight males
 ___________________________________________
o _____________________________________________________
o ____________________________________________________
Consciousness: Dreams
o Sequence of images, emotions & thoughts that pass through a sleeping person’s mind
o Lucid Dreams
 __________________________________________________________________________________________
 Typically happens when the dreamer experiences something strange
 _______________________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________________
Average number of dreams?
o ________________________________________________________________
o ______________________________________________________________________________
o First dream: 10 minutes
o Last dream: 30 minutes
Most researchers agree that dreams reflect our waking thoughts, fantasies and emotions
o Calvin Hall (dream researcher, 1966)
 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Almost ALWAYS from a first person perspective
 Self-centered; we dream about ourselves
o Link between dreams and waking life?
 Day Residue (Sigmund Freud)
 ____________________________________________ (William Dement & Water Study)
o Culture and dreams?
Consciousness: Dream Theories
Wish-Fulfillment (Sigmund Freud)
o The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
 An _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________; provide a safety valve
by which to dispose of unacceptable feelings
 Unconscious may try to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 Manifest Content v. Latent Content
 What is required to decipher the latent content of one’s dreams?
Cognitive Problem-Solving (Rosalind Cartwright)
o Dreams provide _____________________________________________________________________________________________ & emotional issues; continuity
between waking and sleeping thought
 Allows for _____________________________________________________ with regards to pressing personal issues because dreams are not
Activation-Synthesis (J. Allan Hobson)
o Dreams are the __________________________________________________________________________________________ that produces beta brain waves
during REM sleep
 Neurons that fire periodically in the pons inhibit voluntary movement & send random signals to the cortex
 The cortex synthesizes/constructs a dream from memories and other stored information in order to make sense of these
 The _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________; significance?
o Criticisms?
 __________________________________________________________________________ (AIM)
Other Dream Theories
o Information Processing
 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
o Physiological Functioning
 Dreams provide the sleeping brain with ___________________________________________________ to develop and preserve neural