Français II Plan of Attack for 2012

Français II
Plan of Attack for 2012-2013
First Quarter:
Unit 1: How do I describe myself and others using present tense verbs and adjectives?
Describe yourself and others using adjectives
- Make comparisons using adjectives and present tense verbs
- State what you and others do
- State how often and how well you and others do various activities
Assessment: adjective review, present tense review (-er, -ir, -re), comparisons (adj and verbs)
Unit 2: How do I describe myself using a variety of regular AND IRREGULAR verbs?
State needs and desires (vouloir, pouvoir, devoir)
- State what classes you take (prendre, comprendre, apprendre)
- Describe what you do during your spare time (lire, ecrire, dire)
- Use a variety of other irregular verbs (dormir, sortir, partir, venir…)
- Describe characteristics and hobbies using a variety of irregular expressions (avoir, faire)
Assessments – irregular verb test 1, irregular verb test 2 (avoir/faire/etre)
Unit 3: How do I ask for and give directions?
Ask for specific instructions
- Give directions/commands
- Interpret a map
Assessment – directions test
Second Quarter:
Unit 4: How do I describe past events using basic past tense?
Describe past events using regular verbs
- Describe past events using irregular verbs (DR MRS VANDERTRAMP)
Assessment – basic past tense review
Unit 5: How do I use a variety of past tenses to describe what I did, was doing, and used to do?
State what I and others used to do
- Describe what was happening when another actions occurred
- Interpret French fairy tales using past tenses
Assessment - Past tense test 2 (imperfect past tense)
Unit 6: How do I describe future events ?
State what I and others are going to do
- Describe what I and others will do
Assessment- future tense test
Final - describing events using a variety of verb tenses – we will review for 1-2 weeks and
then take the final.
Third Quarter:
Unit 7: How do I describe daily routines?
explain my daily routine
Describe the routine of others
- Use a variety of tenses to describe routines
Assessment: reflexive verb test (daily routine)
Unit 8: What do I and others eat?
State what foods I and others like
- Describe eating habits
- Order in French
- Compare and contrast eating habits
Assessment: food test (review)
Unit 9: What would I and others do in various hypothetical situations?
Use the conditional tense to state what I would do
- Use the condtional tense to state what others would do
- Describe relationships
- Use –ir verbs to describe events and actions
Assessment: conditional / -ir verb test
Fourth Quarter:
Unit 10: What do I and others do on vacation?
Describe vacation preferences
- State what I do on vacation
- Explain where you like to go for vacation
- Make reservations in French
Assessment: vacation test
Unit 11: How can I be less repetitive when I use French? (direct/indirect object pronouns)
Use direct object pronouns to avoid repetition
- Use indirect object pronouns to avoid repetition
- Desribe events using a variety of pronouns and verb tenses
Assessment: Pronoun test
Unit 12: How do I give advice to others?
- Give general advice
- Give advice to someone in particular using the subjunctive tense
- Go to the doctor and explain symptoms
Assessment: subjunctive test
Review for final exam: a final exam will be given employing concepts and ideas from throughout the
second semester. We will review for 1-2 weeks before taking the final.